
जराजर्जरितैः पद्मैशशीर्णकेसरकर्णिकैः।

नालषेर्हिमध्वस्सैर्न भन्ति कमलाकराः।।3.16.26।।


कमलाकराः lotustanks, जराजर्जरितैः grey with age, शीर्णकेसरकर्णिकैः with filament and pericarp withered, नालशेषैः only stalks remaining, हिमध्वस्तैः destroyed by snow, पद्मैः by lotuses, न भान्ति are not shining.

The lotuses in the tank no more shine (bright) as they are decayed by age, their filaments and pericarps withered with only stalks remaining.