

अन्त:पुरं प्रवेश्यैनं पूजां कृत्वा च शास्त्रत:।

कृतकृत्यं तदात्मानं मेने तस्योपवाहनात्।।1.11.28।।


एनम् Rsyasringa, अन्त:पुरं प्रवेश्य having taken him to the inner apartment, शास्त्रत: traditionally as enjoined by the scriptures, पूजां welcome, कृत्वा having made, तदा then, तस्य उपवाहनात् for bringing him here, आत्मानम् himself, कृतकृत्यम् has accomplished his object, मेने thought.

He (king Dasaratha) took him in to the inner apartment and extended welcome. He thought that he has as enjoined by the sastras accomplished his objective by bringing him (Rsyasringa).