
अभिवाद्य वसिष्ठं च न्यायत: परिपूज्य च।

अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं प्रसवार्थं द्विजोत्तमम्।।1.13.2।।


द्विजोत्तमम् best among brahmins, वसिष्ठम् sage Vasishta, अभिवाद्य offering salutations, न्यायत: in accordance with prescribed ordinance, परिपूज्य च having worshipped, प्रसवार्थम् for begetting children, प्रश्रितम् with obedience, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

After offering humble salutations and worshipping sage Vasishta in accordance with prescribed ordinance for begetting children, he obediently said: