

यज्ञो मे क्रियतां ब्रह्मन्यथोक्तं मुनिपुङ्गव।

यथा न विघ्न: क्रियते यज्ञाङ्गेषु विधीयताम्।।1.13.3।।


मुनिपुङ्गव O Foremost among ascetics, ब्रह्मन् O Brahman, मे my, यज्ञ: sacrifice, यथोक्तम् according to the tradition, क्रियताम् let it be performed, यज्ञाङ्गेषु essential requisites, विघ्न: obstruction, यथा in such manner, न क्रियते will not take place, विधीयताम् let it be performed.

"O foremost among ascetics O brahman, may the sacrifice be performed according to tradition in such a manner that the sacrifice is performed unhindered.