
शामित्रे तु हयस्तत्र तथा जलचराश्च ये।

ऋत्विग्भिस्सर्वमेवैतन्नियुक्तं शास्त्रतस्तदा।।1.14.29।।


तदा then, शामित्रे तु in the act of killing animals, तत्र there, हय: horse, तथा and, ये other, जलचरा: aquatic animals, एतत्सर्वम् all these, ऋत्विग्भि: by chief priests, शास्त्रत: in accordance with tradition, नियुक्तम् tied up.

When the time came to sacrifice the animals, the chief priests, in accordance with tradition, tied up the horse and all the aquatic animals to the sacrificial posts.