

अकर्दममिदं तीर्थं भरद्वाज निशामय ।

रमणीयं प्रसन्नाम्बु सन्मनुष्यमनो यथा ।।1.2.5।।


भरद्वाज: O Bharadwaja, सन्मनुष्यमन: यथा like the mind of a virtuous man, अकर्दमम् clear and pure (without sin), प्रसन्नाम्बु pleasing waters, रमणीयम् beautiful, इदम् this, तीर्थम् holy spot, निशामय behold.

"O Bharadwaja, behold the beautiful and pleasant waters of this river. This holy spot is as clear and pure as the mind of a virtuous man.