

[ Anshuman brings back the horse.]

पुत्रांश्चिरगतान् ज्ञात्वा सगरो रघुनन्दन।

नप्तारमब्रवीद्राजा दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा।।1.41.1।।


रघुनन्दन O Rama, सगरो राजा king Sagara, पुत्रान् sons, चिरगतान् having gone for a long time, ज्ञात्वा realising, स्वतेजसा by his own lusture, दीप्यमानम् resplendent, नप्तारम् addressing grand son, अब्रवीत् said:

"O Delight of the Raghus, king Sagara, realising that his sons had left long ago said to his grandson Anshuman resplendent with his own lustre: