
न तेऽहमभिजानामि क्रोधमात्मनि संश्रितम्।

देवि केनाभिशप्ताऽसि केन वाऽसि विमानिता।।2.10.28।।

यदिदं मम दुःखाय शेषे कल्याणि पांसुषु।


देवि O queen आत्मनि in me, संश्रितम् taken refuge in (you), ते your, क्रोधम् about anger, अहम् I, न अभिजानामि am not able to know, केन by whom, अभिशप्ता असि are you cursed, केन वा or by whom, विमानिता असि are you disrespected, कल्याणि O auspicious one, पांसुषु in the dust, यत् शेषे since you lie, इदम् this, मम my, दु:खाय is the source of my sorrow.

O auspicious queen, I do not know whether your anger is directed at me. I do not know the cause of your anger. By whom have you been offended or disrespected? Why are you lying in the dust? This is causing me great sorrow.