
ऋणानि त्रीण्यपाकुर्वन्दुर्हृदस्साधु निर्दहन्।

सुहृदस्तर्पयन्कामैस्त्वमेवात्रानुशाधि माम्।।2.106.28।।


त्रीणि three, ऋणानि debts, अपाकुर्वन् discharging, दुर्हृदः enemies, साधु completely, निर्धहन् subduing, सुहृदः friends, कामैः with desires, तर्पयन् gratifying, अत्र in Ayodhya, त्वमेव you alone, माम् me, अनुशाधि rule.

Discharging completely the three debts, to gods, to ancestors and to sages, subduing your enemies and gratifying your friends, you alone (have the right) to dictate me.