
[Sages praise Rama and Bharata for their virtues -- Bharata proclaims to stay outside Ayodhya and rule under the security of Rama's sandals.]

तमप्रतिमतेजोभ्यां भ्रातृभ्यां रोमहर्षणम्।

विस्मिता: स‌ङ्गमं प्रेक्ष्य समवेता महर्षयः।।2.112.1।।

समवेताः those who had assembled, महर्षयः the great sages, अप्रतिमतेजोभ्यां of both men of unparalleled brilliance, भ्रातृभ्याम् of brothers (Rama and Bharata), तम् that, रोमहर्षणम् thrilled, सङ्गमम् their meeting, प्रेक्ष्य witnessing, विस्मिताः were amazed.

The great sages assembled there were amazed at witnessing the meeting of the two brothers (Rama and Bharata) of umparalleled briliance.