
जानासि हि यथा सौम्य न मातृषु ममान्तरम्।

भूतपूर्वं विशेषो वा तस्या मयि सुतेऽपि वा।।2.22.17।।


सौम्य O gentle (Lakshmana), मातृषु amongst my mothers, मम to me, यथा how, अन्तरम् feeling of distinction, न भूतपूर्वम् was never in the past, तस्याः for her, मयि in me, सुते पि वा or in her son Bharata, विशेषः difference, जानासि you know.

You know, O gentle Lakshmana that never in the past had I any feeling of distinction amongst my mothers. And Kaikeyi never differentiated between me and her son.