
देवकार्यं स्वयं कृत्वा कृतज्ञा हृष्टचेतना।

अभिज्ञा राजधर्माणां राजपुत्रं प्रतीक्षते।।2.26.4।।


कृतज्ञा grateful (to god), राजधर्माणाम् duties of a king (palace rituals), अभिज्ञा experienced in, हृष्टचेतना with pleased mind, स्वयम् herself, देवकार्यम् worship of gods, कृत्वा having made, राजपुत्रम् prince, प्रतीक्षते was awaiting.

Experienced in palace rituals, Sita, grateful (to God) after performing worship of the deities was awaiting in a happy mood the arrival of the prince.