
ततो गृहीते दुष्प्रेक्षे त्वशोभेतां तदायुधे।

मालादामभिराबद्धे सीतया समलङ्कृते।।2.33.2।।


ततः then, दुष्प्रेक्षे dazzling, गृहीते held, सीतया by Sita, मालादामभिः with garlands, अबद्धे bound, समलङ्कृते decorated, तदायुथे pair of weapons of Rama and Lakshmana, अशोभेताम् shone.

The pair of dazzling weapons held (by Rama and Lakshmana) looked splendid decorated with flower garlands by Sita.