
एवमुक्तो नृपतिना रामो धर्मभृतां वरः।

प्रत्युवाचाञ्जलिं कृत्वा पितरं वाक्यकोविदः।।2.34.27।।


धर्मभृताम् among upholders of righteousness, वरः best, वाक्यकोविदः skilled in speech, रामः Rama, नृपतिना by the king, एवम् in this way, उक्तः spoken, अञ्जलिं कृत्वा with folded palms, पितरम् to his father, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Thus spoken to by the king, Rama, skilled in speech and upholder of righteousness, replied to his father with folded palms: