
ततो निर्धूय सहसा शिरो निश्श्वस्य चासकृत्।

पाणौ पाणिं विनिष्पिष्य दन्तान् कटकटाप्य च ।।2.35.1।।

लोचने कोपसंरक्ते वर्णं पूर्वोचितं जहत्।

कोपाभिभूतस्सहसा सन्तापमशुभं गतः।।2.35.2।।

मनः समीक्षमाणश्च सूतो दशरथस्य सः।

कम्पयन्निव कैकेय्या हृदयं वाक्छरैश्शितैः ।।2.35.3।।

वाक्यवज्रैरनुपमैर्निर्भिन्दन्निव चाशुभैः।

कैकेय्या स्सर्वमर्माणि सुमन्त्रः प्रत्यभाषत।।2.35.4।।


ततः thereafter, सूतः charioteer, सुमन्त्रः Sumantra, सहसा suddenly, शिरः head, निर्धूय shaking, असकृत् frequently, निःश्वस्य sighing, पाणौ in the palm, पाणिम् the other palm, विनिष्पिष्य crushing, दन्तान् teeth, कटकटाप्यच grinding, कोपसंरक्ते both turned red due to anger, लोचने both eyes, पूर्वोचितम् previous (natural), वर्णम् complexion, जहत् while abandoning, कोपाभिभूतः overcome with anger, सहसा suddenly, अशुभम् inauspicious, सन्तापम् grief, गतः turned, दशरथस्य Dasaratha's, मनः mind, समीक्षमाणश्च while observing, शितैः with sharp, वाक्छरैः arrows of words, कैकेय्याः Kaikeyi's, हृदयम् heart, कम्पयन्निव as if piercing, अनुपमैः incomparable, अशुभैः inauspicious, वाक्यवज्रैः with thunderlike words, कैकेय्याः Kaikeyi's, सर्वमर्माणि vital parts, भिन्दन्निव as if piercing, प्रत्यभाषत replied.

Overcome with anger, charioteer Sumantra started shaking his head and sighing off and on, crushing his palms and grinding his teeth. His eyes turned red due to anger. Overcome with a sudden, ominous grief, the complexion of his face turned red. Sumantra understood the mind of Dasaratha. With sharp arrows of words as if piercing the heart of Kaikeyi, he denounced her in exceptionally harsh words which, like thunderbolt, cut her to the quick: