
[Rama crosses the frontiers of the kingdom of Kosala -- crosses rivers Vedasruti and Gomatispeaks to Sumantra.]

रामोऽपि रात्रिशेषेण तेनैव महदन्तरम्।

जगाम पुरुषव्याघ्रः पितुराज्ञामनुस्मरन्।।2.49.1।।


पुरुषव्याघ्रः foremost among men, रामोऽपि Rama also, पितुः father's, आज्ञाम् command, अनुस्मरन् recollecting, तेन by that, रात्रिशेषेणैव in the remaining part of the night, महत् vast, अन्तरम् distance, जगाम covered.

Recollecting his father's command, Rama, the foremost among men, covered a long distance during the remaining part of the night.