
कच्चिदत्र सुखा रात्रिस्तवास्मद्विषये गता।

समग्रस्ते जनः कच्चिदातिथ्ये शंस मेऽनघ।।2.92.3।।


अत्र here, अस्मद्विषये at our place, तव to you, रात्रिः night, सुखम् happily, गता कच्चित् hope you spent, हे अनघ O sinless one, आतिथ्ये in the matter of hospitality, ते जनः your people, समग्रः कच्चित् all well, मे शंस tell me.

O sinless one hope, you spent the night at our hermitage well? Tell me whether all your people enjoyed the hospitality?