
युष्माकं च बलज्ञोऽहं बहुशो रणमूर्धनि।

अतश्चास्मिन् जनस्थाने मया यूयं नियोजिताः।।3.54.28।।


अहम् I, रणमूर्धनि on war front, बहुशः many times, युष्माकम् your, बलज्ञः knower of strength, अतश्च therefore, यूयम् you, अस्मिन् in this, जनस्थाने at Janasthana, मया by me, नियोजिताः are engaged.

I have seen your strength on many war fronts. That is why you have been assigned this duty at Janasthana.