
न हि तेन समं बन्धुं भुवि पश्यामि कञ्चन4.15.26।।

दानमानादिसत्कारैः कुरुष्व प्रत्यनन्तरम्।

वैरमेतत्समुत्सृज्य तव पार्श्वे स तिष्ठतु4.15.27।।


तेन with him, समम् equal, बन्धुम् relation, कञ्चन whoever, भुवि on this earth, न पश्यामि हि I do not see, एतत् this, वैरम् enmity, समुत्सृज्य give up, दानमानादिसत्कारैः by honouring him, by giving wealth and respect, प्रत्यनन्तरम् after that, कुरुष्व you may do, सः he, तव your, पार्श्वे by the side, तिष्ठतु remain.

'Indeed I do not see any of your relatives comparable to him on earth. Give up enmity with him. Give him wealth. Give him respect. Keep him by your side.