
वाली दंष्ट्राकरालस्तु क्रोधाद्दीप्ताग्निसन्निभः।

भात्युत्पतितपद्मस्तु समृणाळ इव ह्रदः4.15.4।।


दंष्ट्राकरालः of fierce teeth, क्रोधात् in anger, दीप्ताग्निसन्निभः like the flaming fire, वाली Vali, उत्पतितपद्मस्तु a pond with uprooted lotuses, समृणालः with the stalks, ह्रदः इव like a pond

Vali, who looked fierce with his teeth and whose eyes shone like a flaming fire through anger looked like a pond with the lotuses and their stalks uprooted.