
[Tara's lamentation over her misfortune.]

रामचापविसृष्टेन शरेणान्तकरेण तम्।

दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं भूमौ तारा ताराधिपानना4.20.1।।

सा समासाद्य भर्तारं पर्यष्वजत भामिनी।


ताराधिपानना moonfaced, भामिनी lovely woman, सा तारा that Tara, रामचापविसृष्टेन by the release of an arrow from Rama's bow, अन्तकरेण by a deathdealing one, शरेण arrow, (वि)निहतम् killed, तम् him, भूमौ on the ground, दृष्ट्वा beholding, समासाद्य went near, पर्यष्वजत embraced.

Beholding her husband lying on the ground pierced by a deathdealing arrow released by Rama, the lovely moonfaced Tara went and embraced him.