
शासनात्कपिराजस्य वयं सर्वे विनिर्गताः।

मासः पूर्णो बिलस्थानां हरयः किं न बुद्ध्यते।।4.53.21।।


हरयः O monkeys, वयं सर्वे all of us, कपिराजस्य monkey king's, शासनात् by his command, विनिर्गताः came here, बिलस्थानाम् for us staying in the cave, मासः a month, पूर्णः is completed, किम् what, न बुद्ध्यते do you not know?

'O monkeys don't you realize that all of us have come here at the command of the monkey king, and while we were in the cave a whole month has gone by?