
त्वं हि पाणिप्रदानेन वयस्यो मेऽग्निसाक्षिकम्।

कृतः प्राणैर्बहुमतस्सत्येनापि शपामि ते4.8.27।।


त्वम् you, पाणिप्रदानेन by offering your hand in friendship, अग्निसाक्षिकम् with fire as witness, कृतः did, प्राणैः more than life, बहुमतः very great, मे वयस्यः हि being my friend, अहम् I am, सत्येन truly, शपामि vow, ते to you.

'I value your hand of friendship extended to me, with fire as witness more than my very life. I, on my own, offer my pledge of friendship.