
amī mayūrāśśōbhantē pranṛtyantastatastataḥ.

svaiḥ pakṣaiḥ pavanōddhūtairgavākṣaiḥ sphāṭikairiva৷৷4.1.36৷৷


tatastataḥ here and there, pranṛtyantaḥ dancing, amī these, mayūrāḥ peacocks, pavanōddhūtaiḥ shaken by the wind, sphāṭikaiḥ crystals, gavākṣairiva like windows, svaiḥ by their own, pakṣaiḥ with feathers, śōbhantē are delighting

'Delightful are the peacocks dancing here and there, their feathers looking like crystal windows flung open by the wind.