Sloka & Translation


[Dasaratha requests Vasishta to commence the sacrifice-- orders various people skilled in their profession to attend to the preparations--Vasishta asks Sumantra to invite kings from various countries--extends hospitality-- Dasaratha commences the sacrificial ceremony with his wives]

पुन: प्राप्ते वसन्ते तु पूर्णस्संवत्सरोऽभवत्।

प्रसवार्थं गतो यष्टुं हयमेधेन वीर्यवान्।।1.13.1।।

पुन: again, वसन्ते in spring, प्राप्ते सति having returned, संवत्सर: one year, पूर्ण: अभवत् completed, वीर्यवान् valiant, प्रसवार्थम् for begetting sons, हयमेधेन by Horsesacrifice, यष्टुम् to worship celestial beings, गत: entered sacrificial pavilion.

After completion of one year when spring returned, the valiant king (Dasaratha) entered the sacrificial pavilion to worship celestial beings for begetting sons.
अभिवाद्य वसिष्ठं च न्यायत: परिपूज्य च।

अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं प्रसवार्थं द्विजोत्तमम्।।1.13.2।।

द्विजोत्तमम् best among brahmins, वसिष्ठम् sage Vasishta, अभिवाद्य offering salutations, न्यायत: in accordance with prescribed ordinance, परिपूज्य च having worshipped, प्रसवार्थम् for begetting children, प्रश्रितम् with obedience, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

After offering humble salutations and worshipping sage Vasishta in accordance with prescribed ordinance for begetting children, he obediently said:
यज्ञो मे क्रियतां ब्रह्मन्यथोक्तं मुनिपुङ्गव।

यथा न विघ्न: क्रियते यज्ञाङ्गेषु विधीयताम्।।1.13.3।।

मुनिपुङ्गव O Foremost among ascetics, ब्रह्मन् O Brahman, मे my, यज्ञ: sacrifice, यथोक्तम् according to the tradition, क्रियताम् let it be performed, यज्ञाङ्गेषु essential requisites, विघ्न: obstruction, यथा in such manner, न क्रियते will not take place, विधीयताम् let it be performed.

"O foremost among ascetics O brahman, may the sacrifice be performed according to tradition in such a manner that the sacrifice is performed unhindered.
भवान् स्निग्धस्सुहृन्मह्यं गुरुश्च परमो महान्।

ओढव्यो भवता चैव भारो यज्ञस्य चोद्यत:।।1.13.4।।

भवान् you, मह्यम् to me, स्निग्ध: affectionate one, सुहृत् friend, परम: great, महान् reverential, गुरु: spiritual guide, यज्ञस्य sacrifice, उद्यत: has commenced, भार: burden of performing the sacrifice, भवता चैव by you alone, ओढव्य: shall be borne.

You are an affectionate friend and most reverential spiritual guide to me. The burden of performing the sacrifice which has since commenced shall be borne by you".
तथेति च स राजानमब्रवीद्द्विजसत्तमः।

करिष्ये सर्वमेवैतद्भवता यत्समर्थितम्।।1.13.5।।

द्विजसत्तम: foremost among brahmins, स: sage Vasishta, भवता by you, यत् which ever, समर्थितम् as decided by you, एतत् that, सर्वम् all, तथा in that manner, करिष्ये will be performed, इति thus, राजानम् to the king, अब्रवीत् said.

The great among brahmins answered him saying "I shall do everything as proposed by you".
ततोऽब्रवीद्विजान्वृद्धान्यज्ञकर्मसु निष्ठितान्।

स्थापत्ये निष्ठितांश्चैव वृद्धान्परमधार्मिकान्।।1.13.6।।

कर्मान्तिकान् शिल्पकरान्वर्धकीन् खनकानपि।

गणकान्शिल्पिनश्चैव तथैव नटनर्तकान्।।1.13.7।।

तथा शुचीन्शास्त्रविद: पुरुषान् सुबहुश्रुतान्।

यज्ञकर्म समीहन्तां भवन्तो राजशासनात्।।1.13.8।।

इष्टका बहु साहस्राश्शीघ्रमानीयतामिति। 0

उपकार्या: क्रियन्तां च राज्ञां बहुगुणान्विता:।।1.13.9।।

तत: after that, यज्ञकर्मसु in the sacrificerelated activities, निष्ठितान् experienced, वृद्धान् venerable, द्विजान् brahmins, वृद्धान् venerable, परमधार्मिकान् most righteous people, स्थापत्ये in the science of architecture, निष्ठितांश्चैव skilled, कर्मान्तिकान् workers, शिल्पकरान् makers of bricks, वर्धकीन् carpenters, खनकानपि diggers, गणकान् men adept in calculations, शिल्पिनश्चैव artisans, तथैव and, नटनर्तकान् dancers and actors, तथा and, शुचीन् men having clean back ground, शास्त्रविद: wellversed in the scriptures, सुबहुश्रुतान् wellinformed and knowledgeable, पुरुषान् people, भवन्त: all of you, राजशासनात् by king's command, यज्ञकर्म sacrificial work, समीहन्ताम् be planned, बहुसाहस्रा in thousands, इष्टका: bricks, शीघ्रम् immediately, आनीयताम् let them be brought, राज्ञाम् kings', बहुगुणान्विता: commanding all comforts, उपकार्या: temporary residential buildings, क्रियन्ताम् be erected.

Thereafter Vasishta summoned those brahmins who are experienced in the sacrificerelated activities venerable and righteous architects skilled workers brick makers, carpenters, diggers, artisans, account keepers, dancers and actors, men versed in scriptures and honest, wellinformed people and addressed them saying, "In accordance with the king's command let the work of the sacrificial ceremony be inauguarated. Let thousands of bricks be brought. Let temporary residential buildings be erected with all the comforts to accommodate royal guests."
ब्राह्मणावसथाश्चैव कर्तव्याश्शतशश्शुभा:।


शुभा: auspicious, बहुभि: by many, भक्ष्यान्नपानै: with eatables and drinks, समुपेता: furnished with, सुनिष्ठिता: well arranged, ब्राह्मणावसथा: चैव residences for brahmins, शतश: in hundreds, कर्तव्या: be prepared.

तथा पौरजनस्यापि कर्तव्या बहुविस्तरा:।

आवासा बहुभक्ष्या वै सर्वकामैरुपस्थिता:।।1.13.11।।

तथा in the same manner, पौरजनस्यापि people from other towns, बहु विस्तरा: widely spread, बहुभक्ष्या: many items of food, सर्वकामै: by all kinds of entertainment, उपस्थिता: provided with, आवासा: residential accommodation, कर्तव्या: should be done.

In the same manner let widely spread residential accommodation be furnished with many items of food and all kinds of entertainment be provided for people from other lands.
तथा जानपदस्यापि जनस्य बहुशोभनम्।

दातव्यमन्नं विधिवत्सत्कृत्य न तु लीलया।।1.13.12।।

तथा in the sameway, जानपदस्य for the rural, जनस्यापि people also, बहुशोभनम् extremely good, अन्नम् food, विधिवत् according to tradition, सत्कृत्य treated with good respect, दातव्यम् given, लीलयातु न not casually in a careless way.

In the same way people coming from rural areas also should be duly, not casualy treated with respect.
सर्वे वर्णा यथा पूजां प्राप्नुवन्ति सुसत्कृता:।

न चावज्ञा प्रयोक्तव्या कामक्रोधवशादपि।।1.13.13।।

सर्वे all, वर्णा: castes, सुसत्कृता: well treated, यथा in whatever manner, पूजाम् homage, प्राप्नुवन्ति will receive, कामक्रोधवशादपि through greed, anger or lust, अवज्ञा insult, न प्रयोक्तव्या not to be meted out.

People from all castes should be welltreated with respect. There should be no insult
to any one through lust on greed on anger.
यज्ञकर्मसु ये व्यग्रा: पुरुषाश्शिल्पिनस्तथा।

तेषामपि विशेषेण पूजा कार्या यथाक्रमम्।।1.13.14।।

ते च स्युस्सम्भृतास्सर्वे वसुभिर्भोजनेन च।

ये पुरुषा: those people, तथा and, शिल्पिन: sculptors, यज्ञकर्मसु in sacrificerelated activities, व्यग्रा: deeply immersed, तेषामपि for them also, विशेषेण specially, पूजा honour, कार्या should be given, ते सर्वे all of them, वसुभि: with money, भोजनेन च with food, सम्भृता: स्यु: made contended.

The people deeply immersed in performing sacrificerelated activities and sculptors be specially honoured according to their nature of work. All of them should be satisfied with money and food.
यथा सर्वं सुविहितं न किञ्चित्परिहीयते।।1.13.15।।

तथा भवन्त: कुर्वन्तु प्रीतिस्निग्धेन चेतसा।

सर्वम् all, यथा in whatever manner, सुविहितम् well managed, किञ्चित् even little, न परिहीयते not left out, तथा in that manner, भवन्त: you, प्रीतिस्निग्धेन with love and affection, चेतसा with mind, कुर्वन्तु let it be done.

Every thing should be wellmanaged. In whatever manner you do, not even the smallest things be left out. Carry out the work with love and affection in your hearts".
ततस्सर्वे समागम्य वसिष्ठमिदमब्रुवन्।।1.13.16।।

यथोक्तं तत्सुविहितं न किञ्चित्परिहीयते।

यथोक्तं तत्करिष्यामो न किञ्चित्परिहास्यते।।1.13.17।।

तत: then, सर्वे all, समागम्य approached, वसिष्ठम् Vasistha, इदम् this statement, अब्रुवन् said, यथा in the manner, उक्तम् has been told, तत् that, सुविहितम् well arranged, किञ्चित् even little, न परिहीयते will not be left out, यथोक्तम् in the manner it has been told, तत् that, करिष्याम: we will do, किञ्चित् even a little, न परिहास्यते will not be left out.

Then all of them approached Vasishta and said, "everything has been wellarranged in accordance with your instruction. There is no deficiency. Everything will be done as instructed by you without leaving out anything."
ततस्सुमन्त्रमानीय वसिष्ठो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

निमन्त्रयस्व नृपतीन्पृथिव्यां ये च धार्मिका:।।1.13.18।।

तत: then, वसिष्ठ: Vasishhta, सुमन्त्रम् Sumantra, आनीय having summoned, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said, पृथिव्याम् on this earth, धार्मिका: righteous ones, ये those, नृपतीन् kings, निमन्त्रयस्व you may invite.

Then Vasishta, having summoned Sumantra said to him "Invite all the righteous kings on earth".
ब्राह्मणान्क्षत्रियान्वैश्याञ्छूद्रांश्चैव सहस्रश:।

समानयस्व सत्कृत्य सर्वदेशेषु मानवान्।।1.13.19।।

सर्वदेशेषु residing in all countries, मानवान् people, ब्राह्मणान् brahmins, क्षत्रियान् kshatriyas, वैश्यान् merchants, शूद्रांश्चैव sudras also, सहस्रश: in thousands, सत्कृत्य with due honours, समानयस्व convene them.

"Extend an honourable invitation to brahmins, kshatriyas, merchants and sudras in their thousands residing in all countries.
मिथिलाधिपतिं शूरं जनकं सत्यविक्रमम्।

निष्ठितं सर्वशास्त्रेषु तथा वेदेषु निष्ठितम्।।1.13.20।।

तमानय महाभागं स्वयमेव सुसत्कृतम्।

पूर्वसम्बन्धिनं ज्ञात्वा तत: पूर्वं ब्रवीमि ते।।1.13.21।।

मिथिलाधिपतिम् king of Mithila, शूरम् greatest of warriors, सत्यविक्रमम् a man with real heroic valour, सर्वशास्त्रेषु in all scriptures, निष्ठितम् proficient, तथा and, वेदेषु in vedas, निष्ठितम् proficient, महाभागम् distinguished, तं जनकम् that Janaka, पूर्वसम्बन्धिनम् an ancient allay, ज्ञात्वा knowing, सुसत्कृतम् with due honours, स्वयमेव personally, आनय bring him, तत: for that reason, पूर्वम् well before, ते to you, ब्रवीमि telling.

You may personally go and bring with due honour king Janaka who is the distinguished king of Mithila, a warrior whose truth is his strength proficient in all scriptures and the Vedas. Since he is an old ally, I am telling you in advance.
तथा काशीपतिं स्निग्धं सततं प्रियवादिनम्।

वयस्यं राजसिंहस्य स्वयमेवानयस्व ह।।1.13.22।।

तथा thereafter, स्निग्धम् affectionate, सततम् ever, प्रियवादिनम् speaking pleasantly, राजसिंहस्य lion among kings, वयस्यम् friend, काशीपतिम् king of Kasi, स्वयमेव personally, आनयस्व ह bring him.

Similarly, you may personally escort king of Kasi who is always affectionate and sweettongued. He is a friend to our king who is a lion among rulers.
तथा केकयराजानं वृद्धं परमधार्मिकम्।

श्वशुरं राजसिंहस्य सपुत्रं त्वमिहानय।।1.13.23।।

तथा then, परमधार्मिकम् very righteous, राजसिंहस्य our king Dasaratha's, श्वशुरम् fatherinlaw, वृद्धम् aged, केकयराजानम् king of Kekaya, सपुत्रम् along with his sons, त्वम् you, इह here, आनय bring.

Likewise bring here the aged and very righteous king of Kekaya along with his sons. He is fatherinlaw to this lion among kings (Dasaratha).
अङ्गेश्वरम् महाभागं रोमपादं सुसत्कृतम्।

वयस्यं राजसिंहस्य समानय यशस्विनम्।।1.13.24।।

अङ्गेश्वरम् king of Anga, महाभागम् prosperous, राजसिंहस्य lion among kings, Dasaratha's, वयस्यम् friend, यशस्विनम् famous, रोमपादम् Romapada, सुसत्कृतम् well honoured, समानय bring.

Bring with honour king of Anga, Romapada, famous and prosperous. He is an intimate friend of the king (Dasaratha).
प्राचीनान्सिन्धु सौवीरान्सौराष्ट्रेयांश्च पार्थिवान्।

दाक्षिणात्यान्नरेन्द्रांश्च समस्तानानयस्व ह।।1.13.25।।

प्राचीनान् kings from the countries on the eastern side, सिन्धुसौवीरान् kings from Sindhu and Sauvera countries, सैराष्ट्रेयान् पार्थिवान् kings from Saurashtra, दाक्षिणात्यान् नरेन्द्रांश्च kings from south, समस्तान् all, आनयस्व ह bring (invite) them.

Bring kings from the countries of the eastern and southern regions, from Sindhu, Sauvera and Saurashtra৷৷
सन्ति स्निग्धाश्च ये चान्ये राजान: पृथिवीतले।

तानानय यथाक्षिप्रं सानुगान्सह बान्धवान्।।1.13.26।।

पृथिवीतले on this earth, स्निग्धा: friendly, अन्ये other, राजान: kings, तान् all of them, सानुगान् along with their retinues and families, सह बान्धवान् along with their relatives, यथाक्षिप्रम् as quickly as possible, आनय bring (invite)them.

Bring all other kings of this earth, who are friendly with us. Along with their retinues, families and relatives".
वसिष्ठवाक्यं तच्छ्रुत्वा सुमन्त्रस्त्वरितस्तदा।

व्यादिशत्पुरुषांस्तत्र राज्ञामानयने शुभान्।।1.13.27।।

तत् that, वसिष्ठवाक्यम् words of Vasishta, श्रुत्वा having heard, सुमन्त्र: Sumantra, तदा then, त्वरित: speedily, तत्र there, राज्ञाम् kings, आनयने in bringing, शुभान् virtuous, पुरुषान् emissaries, व्यादिशत् ordered.

Having heard the words of Vasishta, Sumantra speedily despatched virtuous and auspicious emissaries to bring the kings.
स्वयमेव हि धर्मात्मा प्रययौ मुनिशासनात्।

सुमन्त्रस्त्वरितो भूत्वा समानेतुं महीक्षित:।।1.13.28।।

धर्मात्मा righteous, सुमन्त्र: Sumantra, मुनिशासनात् in accordance with ascetic's order, त्वरितो भूत्वा become quick, महीक्षित: kings, समानेतुम् to escort, स्वयमेव himself, प्रययौ set out.

In accordance with the ascetic's order, righteous Sumantra himself quickly set out to escort Janaka and other kings.
ते च कर्मान्तिकास्सर्वे वसिष्ठाय च धीमते।

सर्वं निवेदयन्ति स्म यज्ञे यदुपकल्पितम्।।1.13.29।।

ते those, कर्मान्तिका: workers, सर्वे all, यज्ञे in the sacrifice, यत् which, उपकल्पितम् was well arranged, सर्वम् all that, धीमते to the wise, वसिष्ठाय Vasishta, निवेदयन्ति स्म informed.

All the workers reported to the wise sage, Vasishta about the tasks completed for the sacrifice.
तत:प्रीतो द्विजश्रेष्ठस्तान् सर्वानिदमब्रवीत् ।

अवज्ञया न दातव्यं कस्यचिल्लीलयाऽपि वा।।1.13.30।।

अवज्ञया कृतं हन्याद्दातारं नात्र संशय:। 28

तत: then, प्रीत: pleased, द्विजश्रेष्ठः best among brahmins, तान् सर्वान् addressing all of them, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, कस्य चित् to any one, अवज्ञया with insult, लीलयापि वा or casually, न दातव्यम् should not be gifted, अवज्ञया with contempt, कृतम् done, दातारम् donor, हन्यात् destroys, अत्र in this aspect, संशय: न no doubt.

Then, well pleased, the best among brahmins (Vasishta) said to them all "Nobody should be offered any thing with disregard. Anything given with contempt undoubtedly results in the destruction of the donor."
तत: कैश्चिदहोरात्रैरुपयाता महीक्षित:।।1.13.31।।

बहूनि रत्नान्यादाय राज्ञो दशरथस्य वै।

तत: after that, महीक्षित: kings, राज्ञ: दशरथस्य for king Dasaratha, बहूनि several, रत्नानि gifts, आदाय having brought, कैश्चित् by some, अहोरात्रै: days, उपयाता: arrived.

Meanwhile kings from several countries to travelling nights and days arrived bringing with them various kinds of (precious) gifts.
ततो वसिष्ठस्सुप्रीतो राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.13.32।।

उपयाता नरव्याघ्र राजानस्तव शासनात्।

मयापि सत्कृता: सर्वे यथार्हं राजसत्तमा:।।1.13.33।।

तत: there upon, सुप्रीत: wellpleased, वसिष्ठ: Vasishta, राजानम् addressing Dasaratha, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, नरव्याघ्र O Best among men, तव your, शासनात् by the command, राजान: kings from various countries, उपयाता: have arrived, राजसत्तमा: noble kings, सर्वे all, यथार्हम् according to their merit, मया by me, सत्कृता: अपि were honoured also.

Thereupon, wellpleased, Vasishta addressing Dasaratha said "O best among men, beacuse of your command, kings from various countries have arrived. I have extended due hospitality to those noble kings according to their station."
यज्ञीयं च कृतं राजन् पुरुषैस्सुसमाहितै:।

निर्यातु च भवान्यष्टुं यज्ञायतनमन्तिकात्।।1.13.34।।

राजन् O King, सुसमाहितै: with composed minds, पुरुषै: by persons, यज्ञीयम् pertaining to the sacrifice, कृतम् made, भवान् you, यष्टुम् to perform sacrifice, अन्तिकात् nearby, यज्ञायतनम् sacrificial ground, निर्यातु be pleased to leave for.

"O king, persons with composed minds have made preparations for the yaga. Now be pleased to leave for sacrificial altar nearby to perform yaga.
सर्वकामैरुपहृतैरुपेतं च समन्तत:।

द्रष्टुमर्हसि राजेन्द्र मनसेव विनिर्मितम्।।1.13.35।।

राजेन्द्र O Foremost of kings, उपहृतै: well arranged, सर्वकामै: articles of entertainment, समन्तत: every where, उपेतम् endowed with, मनसा by mind (imagination), विनिर्मितम् इव as though constructed, द्रष्टुम् अर्हसि you deserve (should) to see.

O foremost of kings, you ought to see the sacrificial ground full of sources of entertainment arranged everywhere, as though improvised by imagination".
तथा वसिष्ठवचनादृश्यशृङ्गस्य चोभयो:।

शुभे दिवसनक्षत्रे निर्यातो जगतीपति:।।1.13.36।।

तदा then, तथा वशिष्ठवचनात् following the words of Vasishta, ऋश्यशृङ्गस्य च also of Rsyasringa, उभयो: of both of them, जगतीपति: lord of the world, शुभे on an auspicious occasion, दिवसनक्षत्रे day and star, निर्यात: had set out to the sacrificial pavillion.

In response to the words of Vasishta and Rsyasringa, the Lord of the earth (Dasaratha) entered the sacrificial pavilion on a favourable day presided over by an auspicious star.
ततो वसिष्ठप्रमुखास्सर्व एव द्विजोत्तमा:।

ऋश्यशृङ्गं पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञकर्मारभन् तदा।।1.13.37।।

यज्ञवाटगतास्सर्वे यथाशास्त्रं यथाविधि। 3

तत: then, वसिष्ठप्रमुखा: Vasishta, being foremost in the group, सर्व एव all, द्विजोत्तमा: brahmins, यज्ञवाटगता: entered the sacred sacrificial enclosure, यथाशास्त्रम् in accordance with scriptural laws, यथाविधि in accordance with the tradition, तदा then, ऋश्यशृङ्गम् Rsyasringa, पुरस्कृत्य headed by, यज्ञकर्म sacrificial rites, आरभन् began.

At that moment the best of brahmins led by Vasishta and headed by Rsyasringa, entered the sacrificial enclosure and began the sacrifice in accordance with traditions and scriptural stipulations.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रयोदशस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the thirteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.