Sloka & Translation

[Description of Rama's virtues Dasaratha contemplates to install Rama as heirapparent Invites kings and elders from towns and villages to seek their opinion.]

गच्छता मातुलकुलं भरतेन तदाऽनघ।

शत्रुघ्नो नित्यशत्रुघ्नो नीतः प्रीतिपुरस्कृतः।।2.1.1।।

मातुलकुलम् maternal uncle's house, गच्छता set out, भरतेन by Bharata, तदा then, अनघ: sinless one, नित्यशत्रुघ्न: one who is always successful in destroying foes, शत्रुघ्न: Satrughna, प्रीतिपुरस्कृत: endowed with affection, नीत: taken.

Bharata set out for his maternal uncle's house. He took with him the sinless Satrughna who is always successful in destroying foes and on whom he had bestowed his love and affection.
तत्र न्यवसद्भ्रात्रा सह सत्कारसत्कृतः।

मातुलेनाश्वपतिना पुत्रस्नेहेन लालितः।।2.1.2।।

स: he (Bharata), अश्वपतिना by the lord of horses (here, by Aswapati), मातुलेन by his maternal uncle, सत्कारसत्कृत: treated with warm hospitality, पुत्रस्नेहेन with filial affection, लालित: was treated, भ्रात्रा सह along with his brother, तत्र there, न्यवसत् stayed on.

Treated with warm hospitality and fatherly affection by his maternal uncle Aswapati, Bharata stayed on there along with his brother.
तत्रापि निवसन्तौ तौ तर्प्यमाणौ च कामतः।

भ्रातरौ स्मरतां वीरौ वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम्।।2.1.3।।

वीरौ heroes, भ्रातरौ both brothers, तत्र there, निवसन्तौ while living, कामत: of their own accord, तर्प्यमाणौ चापि even though satisfied, वृद्धम् aged, दशरथं नृपम् king Dasaratha, स्मरताम् (constanly) remembered.

Though both the heroic brothers stayed there satisfied on their own they constantly remembered their aged father.
राजाऽपि तौ महातेजा स्सस्मार प्रोषितौ सुतौ।

उभौ भरतशत्रुघ्नौ महेन्द्रवरुणोपमौ।।2.1.4।।

महातेजा: brilliant, राजापि the king also, महेन्द्रवरुणोपमौ equal to great Indra and Varuna, प्रोषितौ who were away from home, सुतौ sons, भरतशत्रुघ्नौ उभौ both Bharata and Satrughna, सस्मार remembered.

The glorious king Dasaratha also remembered his sons, Bharata and Satrughna, who were like the great Indra and Varuna, (now) away from home.
सर्व एव तु तस्येष्टा श्चत्वारः पुरुषर्षभाः।

स्वशरीराद्विनिर्वृत्ताश्चत्वार इव बाहवः।।2.1.5।।

चत्वार: four, पुरुषर्षभा: bull among men, सर्वे एव तु all of them, तस्य his, स्वशरीरात् from his body, निर्वृत्ता: originated, चत्वार: four, बाहव: इव just as arms, इष्टा: dear

Dasaratha, a bull among men, loved all his four sons equally just as the arms of his own body.
तेषामपि महातेजा रामो रतिकरःपितुः।

स्वयम्भूरिव भूतानां बभूव गुणवत्तरः।।2.1.6।।

भूतानाम् to all living beings, स्वयम्भूरिव like the Selfborn (Brahma), तेषामपि among them also, गुणवत्तरः virtuous, महातेजा: effulgent, राम: Rama, पितु: to the father, रतिकर: was a source of delight, बभूव became.

Even among them the brilliant Rama was a source of delight to his father like the Selfborn (Brahma) to all living beings.
स हि देवैरुदीर्णस्य रावणस्य वधार्थिभिः।

अर्थितो मानुषे लोके जज्ञे विष्णुस्सनातनः।।2.1.7।।

सनातन: the eternal, विष्णु: Visnu, उदीर्णस्य रावणस्य arrogant Ravana's, वधार्थिभि: by those desirous of slaying, देवै: by devatas, अर्थित: entreated, मानुषे लोके in the mortal world, स: he (Rama), जज्ञे हि was born indeed.

Entreated by the devatas desirous of slaying arrogant Ravana, the eternal Visnu was indeed born in the mortal world as Rama.
कौशल्या शुशुभे तेन पुत्रेणामिततेजसा।

यथा वरेण देवानामदितिर्वज्रपाणिना।।2.1.8।।

अमिततेजसा of boundless energy, पुत्रेण with son, तेन by him, कौशल्या Kausalya, देवानां वरेण with the excellent among the devatas, वज्रपाणिना with the wielder of the thunderbolt (Indra), अदितिर्यथा like Aditi, शुशुभे looked splendid.

Kausalya looked splendid with her son, Rama of boundless energy, as did Aditi with the chief of the gods Indra, wielder of thunder.
स हि रूपोपपन्नश्च वीर्यवाननसूयकः।


स: he (Rama), रूपोपपन्न: च handsome too, वीर्यवान् energetic, अनसूयक: free from envy, गुणै: by virtues, दशरथोपम: equal to Dasaratha, भूमौ on this earth, अनुपम: incomparable, सूनु: हि
son he was.

Endowed with beauty and strengh, free from envy, and in virtues equal to Dasaratha, Rama was verily an incomparable son on earth.
स तु नित्यं प्रशान्तात्मा मृदुपूर्वं च भाषते।

उच्यमानोऽपि परुषं नोत्तरं प्रतिपद्यते।।2.1.10।।

नित्यम् always, प्रशान्तात्मा one with a calm and serene mind, स: he (Rama), मृदुपूर्वम् gently, भाषते speaks, परुषम् harsh words, उच्यमान: अपि though addressed, उत्तरम् reply, न प्रतिपद्यते does not speak.

With an unfailing serenity of mind, Rama never paid back harshness with harshness.
कथञ्चिदुपकारेण कृतेनैकेन तुष्यति।

न स्मरत्यपकाराणां शतमप्यात्मवत्तया।।2.1.11।।

आत्मवत्तया with selfrestraint, स: he (Rama), कथञ्चित् somehow, कृतेन done (by some one), एकेन single, उपकारेण benefit rendered, तुष्यति is pleased, अपकाराणाम् offences, शतमपि even a hundred, न स्मरति does not remember.

Gifted with selfrestraint, Rama was pleased even with a single benefit done somehow to him, yet did not remember even a hundred offences committed by others.
शीलवृद्धैर्ज्ञानवृद्धैर्वयोवृद्धैश्च सज्जनैः।

कथयन्नास्त वै नित्यमस्त्रयोग्यान्तरेष्वपि।।2.1.12।।

अस्त्रयोग्यान्तरेष्वपि even at intervals during the practice of weapons, शीलवृद्धै: rich in virtues, ज्ञानवृद्धै: mature in wisdom, वयोवृद्धैश्च aged, सज्जनै: saintly persons, नित्यम् always, कथयन् आस्ते interacts.

Even during intervals of his practice of weapons he never failed to interact with saintly persons and with people advanced in age, virtue and wisdom.
बुद्धिमान्मधुराभाषी पूर्वभाषी प्रियंवदः।

वीर्यवान्न च वीर्येण महता स्वेन विस्मितः।।2.1.13।।

बुद्धिमान् wise, मधुराभाषी softspoken, पूर्वभाषी first to address, प्रियंवद: speaks pleasing words, वीर्यवान् valiant, महता overwhelming, स्वेन relating to his own, वीर्येण at his strength, न च विस्मित: surprised (here, proud).

Wise and softspoken, he was the first to speak to others words pleasing to hear. Though mighty, he was never proud of his overwhelming strength.
नचानृतकथो विद्वान् वृद्धानां प्रतिपूजकः।

अनुरक्तः प्रजाभिश्च प्रजाश्चाप्यनुरञ्जते।।2.1.14।।

अनृतकथ: न च never indulged in falsehood, विद्वान् learned, वृद्धानाम् of elders, प्रतिपूजक: honours them by going forward, प्रजाभि: by his subjects, अनुरक्त: was loved, प्रजाश्चापि also his subjects, अनुरञ्जते loves.

Rama never told lies. He was a learned man. He honoured elders by going forward to them. He loved his subjects as much as his subjects loved him.
सानुक्रोशो जितक्रोधो ब्राह्मणप्रतिपूजकः।

दीनानुकम्पी धर्मज्ञो नित्यं प्रग्रहवांश्चुचिः।।2.1.15।।

सानुक्रोश: compassionate जितक्रोध: one who has conquered anger, ब्राह्मणप्रतिपूजक: worshipper of brahmins, दीनानुकम्पी compassionate to the distressed, धर्मज्ञ: one who knows (follows) righteousness, नित्यम् always, प्रग्रहवान् selfrestrained, शुचि: pure in spirit.

He was kindhearted and compassionate to the distressed, coolheaded and righteous. A worshipper of brahmins he was always selfrestrained and pure in spirit.
कुलोचितमतिः क्षात्रं धर्मं स्वं बहुमन्यते।

मन्यते परया कीर्त्या महत्स्वर्गफलं ततः।।2.1.16।।

कुलोचितमतिः having thoughts befitting his dynasty, स्वम् his own, क्षात्रं धर्मम् code of conduct relating to kshatriyas, बहुमन्यते honours, ततः from that, कीर्त्या with glory, महत् great, स्वर्गफलम् fruits of heaven, मन्यते considers.

He entertained thoughts befitting his (great) dynasty and honoured the code of conduct of a kshatriya. He believed one could attain heavenly abode through his great achievements.
नाऽऽश्रेयसि रतो विद्वान्नविरुद्धकथारुचिः।

उत्तरोत्तरयुक्तौ च वक्ता वाचस्पतिर्यथा।।2.1.17।।

अश्रेयसि pursuits not conducive to one's welfare, रतः न not interested, विद्वान् learned, विरुद्धकथारुचिः न not interested in speaking against others, उत्तरोत्तरयुक्तौ in debates, वाचस्पति: यथा like Brihaspati, वक्ता an orator

A learned man, he evinced no interest in pursuits that did not contribute to one's welfare or had he any liking for speaking against others. But in debates his oratorical flourish was comparable to Brihaspati's.
अरोगस्तरुणो वाग्मी वपुष्मान्देशकालवित्।

लोके पुरुषसारज्ञ स्साधुरेको विनिर्मितः।।2.1.18।।

अरोगः free from disease, तरुणः young, वाग्मी eloquent, वपुष्मान् healthy, देशकालवित् aware of time and place, पुरुषसारज्ञः a judge of men's worth, लोके in this world, विनिर्मितः created, एकः one, साधुः a sage.

He was young, eloquent, healthy and free from disease. He was conscious of (right) time and place (for his pursuits). He was capable of ascertaining the potentiality of men. He was born a sage in this world.
स तु श्रेष्ठैर्गुणैर्युक्तः प्रजानां पार्थिवात्मजः।

बहिश्चर इव प्राणो बभूव गुणतः प्रियः।।2.1.19।।

श्रेष्ठै: excellent, गुणैः with qualities, युक्तः bestowed with, सः he, पार्थिवात्मजः king's son, प्रजानाम् for his subjects, गुणतः by his virtues, प्रियः favourite one, बहिश्चरः exterior, प्राणः इव like vital life, बभूव became.

Bestowed with such excellent qualities, the prince (Rama) became a favourite of his subjects. He was like their vital life outside their bodies.
सम्यग्विद्याव्रतस्नातो यथावत्साङ्गवेदवित्।

इष्वस्त्रे च पितु श्श्रेष्ठो बभूव भरताग्रजः।।2.1.20।।

सम्यक् thoroughly, विद्याव्रतस्नातः had the sacred ablution marking the completion of the vow relating to the respective branches of learning, यथावत् in accordance with tradition, साङ्गवेदवित् knew Vedas along with its auxiliary sciences, भरताग्रजः elder brother of Bharata, इष्वस्त्रे in the science of archery, पितुः for father, श्रेष्ठ: best, बभूव became.

With the appropriate sacred ablution marking the completion of the vow relating to the respective branches of learning in accordance with tradition, this elder brother of Bharata achieved proficiency in the Vedas and its auxiliary sciences. He surpassed his father in archery.
कल्याणाभिजन स्साधुरदीन स्सत्यवागृजुः।

वृद्धैरभिविनीतश्च द्विजैर्धर्मार्थदर्शिभिः।।2.1.21।।

कल्याणाभिजनः born in a family of noble descent, साधुः saintly person, अदीनः one without meanness, सत्यवाक् one truthful in his words, ऋजुः man of rectitude, धर्मार्थदर्शिभिः by those who are conversant in dharma and artha, वृद्धैः by the aged, द्विजैः by brahmins, अभिविनीतः welldisciplined.

Born in a family of noble descent, he was saintly. A man without meanness.He was truthful and a man of rectitude. The training he received under aged brahmins conversant with dharma and artha made him welldisciplined.
धर्मकामार्थतत्त्वज्ञः स्मृतिमान्प्रतिभानवान्।

लौकिके समयाचारे कृतकल्पो विशारदः।।2.1.22।।

धर्मकामार्थतत्त्वज्ञः knower of true nature of dharma, artha and kama, स्मृतिमान् of (sharp) memory, प्रतिभानवान् of great genius, लौकिके समयाचारे in social practices and customs, कृतकल्पः accomplished in Kalpa (vedic rituals), विशारदः highly skilled.

He knew the true nature of dharma, artha and kama. With a sharp memory, he was a genius. He was highly skilled in accomplishing tasks related to social practices and customs.
निभृत स्संवृताकारो गुप्तमन्त्र स्सहायवान्।

अमोघक्रोधहर्षश्च त्यागसंयमकालवित्।।2.1.23।।

निभृतः modest, संवृताकारः one who concealed his feelings without any outward manifestation, गुप्तमन्त्र: one who counselled in secrecy, सहायवान् having good friends, अमोघक्रोधहर्षश्च his anger or pleasure did not go vain, त्यागसंयमकालवित् knows the occasion when to sacrifice and when to excercise restraint.

He (Rama) was modest and did not reveal his inner feelings. He counselled in secrecy and had good friends. Never was his anger or pleasure in vain. He knew the occasion when to sacrifce and when to exercise restraint.
दृढभक्ति स्स्थिरप्रज्ञो नासद्ग्राही न दुर्वचाः।

निस्तन्द्रिरप्रमत्तश्च स्वदोषपरदोषवित्।।2.1.24।।

दृढभक्तिः was firm in his devotion, स्थिरप्रज्ञः possessed a steady intellect, असद्ग्राही न not one to accept anything ignoble, दुर्वचाः न no bad words, निस्तन्द्रि: devoid of idleness, अप्रमत्तः not swayed by emotions, स्वदोषपरदोषवित् knew his faults as well as of others.

He was firm in his devotion and steady in intellect. He accepted nothing ignoble nor used bad words. He was not swayed by emotions or prone to idleness. He knew his faults as well as of others.
शास्त्रज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च पुरुषान्तरकोविदः।

यः प्रग्रहानुग्रहयोर्यथान्यायं विचक्षणः।।2.1.25।।

यः who (he), शास्त्रज्ञः च wellversed in scriptures, कृतज्ञः च was grateful, पुरुषान्तरकोविद: skilled in differentiating the comparative merits of men, यथान्यायम् in accordance with justice, प्रग्रहानुग्रहयोः in reprimanding and favouring, विचक्षणः was a skilled one.

He was versed in scriptures. He was grateful (to those who did him some good) and skilled in differentiating the comparative merits of men. Fair in his judgement he dispensed justice in accordance with law by reprimanding (the delinquent) and favouring (the honest).
सत्सङ्ग्रहप्रग्रहणे स्थानविन्निग्रहस्य च।

आयकर्मण्युपायज्ञ स्सन्दृष्टव्ययकर्मवित्।।2.1.26।।

सत्सङ्ग्रहप्रग्रहणे in receiving and encouraging the righteous, निग्रहस्य च in restraining also, स्थानवित् knower of right means, आयकर्मणि in acts of raising revenue, उपायज्ञः knower of means, सन् by being so, दृष्टव्ययकर्मवित् expending money in the prescribed manner.

He was skilled in receiving and encouraging the righteous and in punishing (the wicked). He knew whom to punish. He knew the right means of raising revenue and also expending money in the prescribed manner.
श्रैष्ठ्यं शास्त्रसमूहेषु प्राप्तो व्यामिश्रकेषु च।

अर्थधमौ च सङ्गृह्य सुखतन्त्रो न चालसः।।2.1.27।।

शास्त्रसमूहेषु in scriptures, व्यामिश्रकेषु च also in the mutually interconnected (and which are mutually contradictory) branches of learning, श्रैष्ठ्यम् proficiency, प्राप्तः obtained, अर्थधर्मौ in artha and dharma, सङ्गृह्य having grasped, सुखतन्त्रः sought pleasure, अलसः न not indolent.

He obtained proficiency in scriptures and interconnected (mutually contradictory) branches of learning. Only after having grasped the (philosophy of) artha (statecraft) and dharma (righteousness), he sought pleasure. He was never indolent.
वैहारिकाणां शिल्पानां विज्ञाताऽऽर्थविभागवित्।

आरोहे विनये चैव युक्तो वारणवाजिनाम्।।2.1.28।।

वैहारिकाणाम् meant for entertainment, शिल्पानाम् of art and craft, विज्ञाता one who understood, अर्थविभागवित् one who knows how to dispense wealth, वारणवाजिनाम् on elephants and horses, आरोहे in mounting, विनये चैव in humbling, युक्तः was experienced.

He had understanding of art and craft useful for entertainment. He knew proper ways of dispensing wealth. He was experienced in riding elephants and horses and in humbling them.
धनुर्वेदविदां श्रेष्ठो लोकेऽतिरथसम्मतः।

अभियाता प्रहर्ता च सेनानयविशारदः।।2.1.29।।

लोके in this world, धनुर्वेदविदाम् among those skilled in archery, श्रेष्ठः excellent, अतिरथसम्मत: reckoned as a great wielder of warchariots by his equals, अभियाता advanced towards his enemies, प्रहर्ता च striking at them, सेनानयविशारदः expert in commanding troops.

He was the best among those skilled in archery in this world. He was reckoned as a great wielder of warchariots and one who strikes at the enemies by advancing towards them. He was an expert in commanding troops. (Atiratha is an excellent warrior who can manage his chariot, horses and the charioteer.)
अप्रधृष्यश्च सङ्ग्रामे क्रुध्दैरपि सुरासुरैः।

अनसूयो जितक्रोधो न दृप्तो न च मत्सरी।

न चावमन्ता भूतानां न च कालवशानुगः।।।2.1.30।।

क्रुद्धैः by the enraged, सुरासुरैरपि even by devatas or rakshasas, सङ्ग्रामे in the battle, अप्रधृष्यः was incapable of being repressed, अनसूयः free from envy, जितक्रोधः subdued his anger, न दृप्तः was not proud of, मत्सरी च न was not malicious, भूतानाम् among living beings, नच अवमन्ता never slighted, कालवशानुगः च न did not bow to the pressure of time

He was incapable of being repressed even by the enraged devatas or rakshasas in the battle. He was free from envy and had subdued his anger and pride. He was never malicious and he never slighted any living being nor did he bow to the pressure of time.
एवं श्रेष्ठगुणैर्युक्तः प्रजानां पार्थिवात्मजः।

सम्मतस्त्रिषु लोकेषु वसुधायाः क्षमागुणैः।।2.1.31।।

बुद्ध्या बृहस्पतेस्तुल्यो वीर्येणापि शचीपतेः।

एवम् in this way, श्रेष्ठगुणैः with excellent qualities, युक्तः endowed, पार्थिवात्मजः son of the king, प्रजानाम् for his subjects, त्रिषु लोकेषु in the three worlds, सम्मतः was held in high esteem, क्षमागुणैः by the quality of forbearance, वसुधायाः by earth, बुद्ध्या by his intelligence, बृहस्पतेः with Brihaspati's, वीर्येण by prowess, शचीपतेः consort of Sachi (Indra), तुल्यः equal.

Thus endowed with such excellent qualities, the subjects in the three worlds held him in high esteem. In forbearance he was like the earth, in wisdom like Brihaspati and in prowess like the consort of Sachi (Indra).
तथा सर्वप्रजाकान्तैः प्रीतिसंजननैः पितुः।।2.1.32।।

गुणैर्विरुरुचे रामो दीप्तस्सूर्य इवांशुभिः।

तथा thus, सर्वप्रजाकान्तै: cherished by all his subjects, पितुः for his father, प्रीतिसंजननैः a source of delight, गुणैः by virtues, रामः Rama, अंशुभिः with rays, दीप्तः resplendent, सूर्यः इव like the Sun, विरुरुचे shone.

Rama whose virtues were cherished by all his subjects was a source of delight to his father and he shone like the rays of the resplendent Sun.
तमेवं व्रतसम्पन्नमप्रधृष्यपराक्रमम्।।2.1.33।।

लोक पालोपमं नाथमकामयत मेदिनी।

एवं व्रतसम्पन्नम् enriched with such avowed virtues, अप्रधृष्यपराक्रमम् a man with indomitable prowess, लोकपालोपमम् equal to guardians of the quarters, तम् him, मेदिनी the earth, नाथम् as lord, अकामयत desired.

The earth desired him as her lord, for he was bestowed with such avowed virtues and with indomitable prowess equal to all the guardians of the quarters.
एतैस्तु बहुभिर्युक्तं गुणैरनुपमैस्सुतम्।।2.1.34।।

दृष्ट्वा दशरथो राजा चक्रे चिन्तां परन्तपः।

परन्तपः subduer of enemies, दशरथः राजा king Dasaratha, अनुपमैः with incomparable, बहुभिः innumerable, एतैः these, गुणैः qualities, युक्तम् endowed with, सुतम् his son, दृष्ट्वा having seen, चिन्ताम् चक्रे contemplated.

Observing his son endowed with such innumerable and incomparable virtues, king Dasaratha, subduer of enemies started thinking.
अथ राज्ञो बभूवैवं वृद्धस्य चिरजीविनः।।2.1.35।।

प्रीतिरेषा कथं रामो राजा स्यान्मयि जीवति।

अथ thereafter, चिरजीविनः a man of long life, वृद्धस्य of the aged, राज्ञः king, मयि me, जीवति while living, रामः Rama, राजा king, कथं स्यात् how will he become?, एषा प्रीतिः this pleasure, एवम् in this way, बभूव a (thought) flashed

Thereafter, flashed in the mind of that aged king who had (already) lived long this pleasant thought as to how Rama will become king while he was alive.
एषा ह्यस्य परा प्रीतिर्हृदि संपरिवर्तते।।2.1.36।।

कदा नाम सुतं द्रक्ष्याम्यभिषिक्तमहं प्रियम्।

अहम् I, अभिषिक्तम् coronate, प्रियं सुतम् dear son, कदा नाम oh when, द्रक्ष्यामि can I see, एषा this, परा great, प्रीतिः pleasure, अस्य his, हृदि in heart, संपरिवर्तते हि repeatedly surfaced.

The thought of seeing his dear son coronated repeatedly surfaced his mind so great was his affection (for Rama).
वृद्धिकामो हि लोकस्य सर्वभूतानुकम्पनः।।2.1.37।।

मत्तः प्रियतरो लोके पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान्।

लोकस्य for this world, वृद्धिकामः desires to promote prosperity, सर्वभूतानुकम्पन: that (Rama) one who showed kindness to all living beings, वृष्टिमान् possessing rain, पर्जन्य: इव like Parjanya, the raingod, लोके in this world, मत्तः than me, प्रियतरः हि is dearer to all people.

(He said to himself) 'his (Rama's) only desire is to promote the prosperity of this world. He is one who shows compassion to all beings and is like the raingod dearer than me to the people of the world'.
यमशक्रसमो वीर्ये बृहस्पतिसमो मतौ।।2.1.38।।

महीधरसमो धृत्यां मत्तश्च गुणवत्तरः।

वीर्ये in prowess, यमशक्रसमः equal to Yama and Indra, मतौ in wisdom, बृहस्पति समः equal to Brihaspati, धृत्याम् in firmness, महीधरसमः equal to a mountain, मत्तः च than me also, गुणवत्तरः a man of greater virtues.

'In prowess he is equal to Yama and Indra,in wisdom to Brihaspati and in firmness to a mountain and in virtues greater than me'.
महीमहमिमां कृत्स्नामधितिष्ठन्तमात्मजम्।।2.1.39।।

अनेन वयसा दृष्ट्वा यथास्वर्गमवाप्नुयाम्।

कृत्स्नाम् entire dominion, इमाम् this, महीम् earth, अधितिष्ठन्तम् established, आत्मजम् son, अनेन in this, वयसा age, दृष्ट्वा having seen, अहम् I, यथा as if, स्वर्गम् heaven, अवाप्नुयाम् will attain.

'Seeing my son ruling this entire dominion of the earth, I will experience the bliss of attaining heaven at this age.'

शिष्टैरपरिमेयैश्च लोके लोकोत्तरैर्गुणैः।

तं समीक्ष्य महाराजो युक्तं समुदितैश्शुभैः।।2.1.41।।

निश्चित्य सचिवैस्सार्धं युवराजममन्यत।

इति in this manner, विविधैः various, अन्यपार्थिवदुर्लभैः not found in other kings, तै: तै: by respective, एतैः with these virtues, लोके in this world, अपरिमेयैः immeasurable, लोकोत्तरैः distinguished in this world, समुदितैः all converged at one place, शुभैः auspicious, शिष्टैः praiseworthy, गुणैः virtues, युक्तम् endowed with, तम् him, समीक्ष्य having observed, महाराजः king (Dasaratha), सचिवैः सार्धम् with his ministers, निश्चित्य having decided, युवराजम् as princeregent, अमन्यत thought.

King Dasaratha in consultation with his ministers observed that Rama is endowed with various virtues not found in other kings, immeasurable virtues which are praiseworthy, and exemplary. He is distinguished in this world as all qualities seem to have merged in him. The king then made up his mind to make him princeregent.
दिव्यन्तरिक्षे भूमौ च घोरमुत्पातजं भयम्।।2.1.42।।

स़ञ्चचक्षेऽथ मेधावी शरीरे चात्मनो जराम्।

अथ thereafter, मेधावी sagacious (Dasaratha), दिवि in heaven, अन्तरिक्षे in the sky, भूमौ च on earth, उत्पातजम् portentous omens, घोरम् dreadful, भयम् fear, आत्मनः his, शरीरे in the body, जरां च old age also, सञ्चचक्षे perceived.

The sagacious king, too perceived his body ageing and the portentous omens in the heaven, in the sky and on the earth causing dreadful concern.
पूर्णचन्द्राननस्याथ शोकापनुदमात्मनः।।2.1.43।।

लोके रामस्य बुबुधे सम्प्रियत्वं महात्मनः।

अथ afterwards, पूर्णचन्द्राननस्य having countenance resembling the full Moon, महात्मनः of the noble, रामस्य Rama's, आत्मनः his, शोकापनुदम् dispeller of grief, लोके सम्प्रियत्वम् he being a favourite of the people, बुबुधे realised.

The king realised afterwards that his grief would be dispelled if noble Rama whose countenance resembled the full moon and who was a favourite of the people is crowned.
आत्मनश्च प्रजानां च श्रेयसे च प्रियेण च।।2.1.44।।

प्राप्तकालेन धर्मात्मा भक्त्या त्वरितवान् नृपः।

धर्मात्मा righteous नृपः king, आत्मनश्च of his own, प्रजानां च of his subjects, श्रेयसे च for the welfare, प्रियेण च with much love, प्राप्तकालेन proper time having come, भक्त्या with longing, त्वरितवान् hastened.

Longing for it, the noble king realized that the time was ripe for the acceleration of the process of safeguarding his own and his subjects' welfare.

समानिनाय मेदिन्याः प्रधानान्पृथिवीपतीन्।

नानानगरवास्तव्यान् residents of various cities, जानपदानपि villagers also, मेदिन्याः of this earth, प्रधानान् important persons exercising authority, पृथिवीपतीन् kings, पृथक् separately, समानिनाय summoned.

He summoned individually kings and all important citizens residing in various cities and villages of this earth.
न तु केकयराजानं जनकं वा नराधिपः।।2.1.46।।

त्वरया चानयामास पश्चात्तौ श्रोष्यतः प्रियम्।

नराधिपः the king (Dasaratha), त्वरया in haste, केकयराजानम् king of Kekaya country, जनकं वा or Janaka, तौ both of them, प्रियम् glad news, पश्चात् afterwards, श्रोष्यतः would hear, न आनयामास did not summon.

The king did not invite both the kings of Kekaya and Janaka in haste with an intention that they would hear the glad news at a later date.
तान्वेश्मनानाभरणैर्यथाऽर्हं प्रतिपूजितान्।।2.1.47।।

ददर्शालङ्कृतो राजा प्रजापतिरिव प्रजाः।

वेश्मनानाभरणैः houses and ornaments, यथार्हम् in a befitting manner, प्रतिपूजितान् having been received respectfully, तान् all of them, राजा king (Dasaratha), अलङ्कृतः adorned, प्रजापतिः lord Brahma, प्रजाः इव like people, ददर्श beheld.

The king who received them in a befitting manner and provided them with residence and ornaments looked like lord Brahma adorned by the people.
अथोपविष्टे नृपतौ तस्मिन्परबलार्दने।।2.1.48।।

ततः प्रविविशु श्शेषा राजानो लोकसम्मताः।

अथ then, परबलार्दने tormenter of the enemy forces, तस्मिन् that, नृपतौ king, उपविष्टे when he was seated, ततः thereafter, लोकसम्मताः beloved of their subjects, शेषाः remaining, राजानः kings, प्रविविशुः entered.

After the king (Dasaratha) who was a tormenter of enemy forces was seated, the rest of the kings beloved of their subjects entered (the assembly hall).
अथ राजवितीर्णेषु विविधेष्वासनेषु च।।2.1.49।।

राजानमेवाभिमुखाः निषेदुर्नियता नृपाः।

अथ then, नृपाः (those) kings, राजवितीर्णेषु given by king, विविधेषु different, आसनेषु in the seats, राजानमेव the king alone, अभिमुखाः facing, नियताः following the royal tradition, निषेदु: were seated.

Then the kings (who entered the assembly) took the seats assigned to them facing the king (Dasaratha), following the royal tradition.

पुरालयैर्जानपदैश्च मानदैः।

उपोपविष्टैर्नृपतिर्वृतो बभौ


लब्धमानैः by those who received honour, विनयान्वितैः by those endowed with modesty, उपोपविष्टैः by those seated nearby, नृपैः by the kings, पुरालयैः by those residing in towns, जानपदैः च also in villages, मानदै: by the respectful, वृतः surrounded by, सः नृपतिः that king, अमरैः by devatas, भगवान् lord, सहस्रचक्षुरिव like the thousandeyed (Indra), बभौ shone.

Surrounded by those feudatory kings endowed with modesty, and received with due honour and by the respectful residents of cities and villages, the king (Dasaratha), resembled lord Indra, the thousand eyed encircled by the gods.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे प्रथमस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the first sarga of Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.