Sloka & Translation

[Sita relates the story of her marriage to Anasuya -- Anasuya bestows Sita with divine gifts.]

सात्वेवमुक्ता वैदेही अनसूयाऽनसूयया।

प्रतिपूज्य वचो मन्दं प्रवक्तुमुपचक्रमे।।2.118.1।।

अनसूया one who is free from malice, सा वैदेही that Vaidehi, अनसूयया by Anasuya, एवम् in this way, उक्ता when addressed, वचः those words, प्रतिपूज्य having worshipped, मन्दम् in
a gentle tone, प्रवक्तुम् to tell, उपचक्रमे commenced.

When Anasuya thus addressed Vaidehi who is free from any malice, she worshipped Anasuya and started speaking in a gentle tone.
नैतदाश्चर्यमार्याया यन्मां त्वमभिभाषसे।

विदितन्तु ममाप्येतद्यथा नार्याः पतिर्गुरुः।।2.118.2।।

त्वम् you, माम् to me, यत् अभिभाषसे you are instructing, एतत् all this, आर्यायाः for a noble lady like you, आश्चर्यम् wonder, न not, नार्या for a woman, पतिः husband, गुरुः the revered one, यथा as, एतत् all this, ममापि to me, विदितं तु also known.

It is no wonder that a noble lady like you should instruct me this way. It is known to me that a husband is a guru to his wife.
यद्यप्येष भवेद्भर्ता ममाऽर्ये वृत्तवर्जितः।

अद्वैधमुपचर्तव्यस्तथाप्येष मया भवेत्।।2.118.3।।

आर्ये O noble lady, एषः मम भर्ता my husband, वृत्तवर्जितः devoid of good conduct, यद्यपि भवेत् even if it happens, तथापि even then, एषः he, मया by me, अद्वैधम् without hesitation, उपचर्तव्यः should be obeyed.

O noble lady, even if my husband is devoid of good conduct, he should be obeyed without showing any hesitation.
किं पुनर्यो गुणश्लाघ्य स्सानुक्रोशो जितेन्द्रियः।

स्थिरानुरागो धर्मात्मा मातृवत्पितृवत्प्रियः।।2.118.4।।

यः such a man, गुणश्लाघ्यः is worthy of applause for his virtues, सानुक्रोश: compassionate, जितेन्द्रियः subdued his senses, स्थिरानुरागः ever affectionate, धर्मात्मा righteous man, मातृवत्
like a mother, पितृवत् like a father, प्रियः is dear, किं पुनः where is the need to say.

What to speak of a husband if he is worthy of applause for his virtues, is compassionate, a subduer of the senses, righteous and ever affectionate like a mother and a father?
यां वृत्तिं वर्तते रामः कौसल्यायां महाबलः।

तामेव नृपनारीणामन्यासामपि वर्तते।।2.118.5।।

महाबलः mighty, रामः Rama, कौसल्यायाम् in Kausalya, यां वृत्तिम् such treatment, वर्तते behaves, अन्यासाम् with others, नृपनारीणामपि consorts of the king, तामेव the same way, वर्तते behaves.

Mighty Rama shows the same behaviour and treatment towards the other consorts of the king as he does towards his own mother Kausalya.
सकृद्दृष्टास्वपि स्त्रिषु नृपेण नृपवत्सलः।

मातृवद्वर्तते वीरो मानमुत्सृज्य धर्मवित्।।2.118.6।।

नृपवत्सलः affectionate towards king Dasaratha, धर्मवित् one who is conversant with righteousness, वीरः heroic Rama, नृपेण by king, सकृत् only once, दृष्टासु seen, स्त्रिष्वपि in any woman, मानम् pride, उत्सृज्य setting aside, मातृवत् like a mother, वर्तते abides.

Heroic Rama is affectionate towards king Dasaratha and is conversant with righteousness. Renouncing the sense of selfrespect he honours all the women on whom his father had cast his glance even once just as his own mother.
आगच्छन्त्याश्च विजनं वनमेवं भयावहम्।

समाहितं मे श्वश्र्वा च हृदये तद्धृतं महत्।।2.118.7।।

एवम् in this way, भयावहम् frightful, विजनम् desolate, वनम् forest, आगच्छन्त्याः when I was coming, मे to me, श्वश्वा by motherinlaw, समाहितम् imparted, तत् that, महत् wise
instruction, हृदये in my heart, धृतम् is firmly grasped.

When departing for this frightful and desolate forest, the great (advice) imparted by my motherinlaw is firmly fixed in my mind.
पाणिप्रदानकाले च यत्पुरात्वग्नि सन्निधौ।

अनुशिष्टा जनन्याऽस्मि वाक्यं तदपि मे धृतम्।।2.118.8।।

पुरा formerly, पाणिप्रदानकाले च at the time of bestowal of my hand to Rama, अग्नि सन्निधौ in the presence of sacrificial marriage fire, जनन्या by my mother, यत् वाक्यम् that word, अनुशिष्टा आस्मि I have been taught, तदपि that also, मे to me, धृतम् hold

When I have been taught by my mother earlier, at the time of bestowal of my hand to Rama in the presence of the sacrificial fire (as witness) is etched in my mind.
नवीकृतं तु तत्सर्वं वाक्यैस्ते धर्मचारिणि।

पतिशुश्रूषणान्नार्यास्तपो नान्यद्विधीयते।।2.118.9।।

धर्मचारिणि O follower of righteous duty (Anasuya), ते वाक्यैः your words, तत् सर्वम् all that, नवीकृतम् renewed (reminded afresh), नार्याः for women, पतिशुश्रूषणात् more than obedience to her husband, अन्यत् other, तपः ascetic practice, न विधीयते is not laid down.

O righteous one (Anasuya), after listening to your words the instructions given by my
motherinlaw and my mother are renewed (remembered again). For a woman, no other penance is laid down (in scriptures) except service to her husband.
सावित्री पतिशुश्रूषां कृत्वा स्वर्गे महीयते।

तथावृत्तिश्च याता त्वं पतिशुश्रूषया दिवम्।।2.118.10।।

पतिशुश्रूषाम् service to her husband, कृत्वा having rendered, सावित्री Savitri, स्वर्गे in heaven, महीयते is honoured, तथावृत्ति: having followed the same path, त्वं च you also, पतिशुश्रूषया through serving your husband, दिवम् to heaven, याता shall go.

Having served her husband (faithfully), Savitri is honoured in heaven. You also, by
following the same path of serving your husband, shall reach the heaven.
वरिष्ठा सर्वनारीणामेषा च दिवि देवता।

रोहिणी न विनाचन्द्रं मुहूर्तमपि दृश्यते।।2.118.11।।

सर्वनारीणाम् among all women, वरिष्ठा the very best, देवता goddess, एषा रोहिणी this Rohini, दिवि in the sky, चन्द्रं विना without the Moon, मुहूर्तमपि even for a moment, न दृश्यते is not seen.

Rohini, the very best among all women and the goddess of heaven, is never seen in the sky separated from the moon even for a moment.
एवंविधाश्च प्रवराः स्त्रियो भर्तृदृढव्रताः।

देवलोके महीयन्ते पुण्येन स्वेन कर्मणा।।2.118.12।।

एवंविधाः such women, प्रवराः excellent, भर्तृदृढव्रताः firm in their vows to their husbands, स्त्रियः women, पुण्येन by merit, स्वेन by their own, कर्मणा deeds, देवलोके in the world of the gods, महीयन्ते are highly revered.

Execellent women such as these, firm in their vows to their husband are highly revered in the world of gods through their own meritorious deeds.
ततोऽनसूया संहृष्टा श्रुत्वोक्तं सीतया वचः।

शिरस्याघ्राय चोवाच मैथिलीं हर्षयन्त्युत।।2.118.13।।

ततः thereafter, सीतया by Sita, उक्तम् spoken, वचः words, श्रुत्वा having heard, अनसूया Anasuya, संहृष्टा highly rejoiced, मैथिलीम् to Sita, शिरसि on her forehead, अघ्राय having kissed, हर्षयन्ती in order to make her happy, उवाच said.

Thereafter hearing Sita's words, Anasuya affectionately kissed her forehead and said
this in order to make her happy:
नियमैर्विविधैराप्तं तपो हि महदस्ति मे।

तत्संश्रित्य बलं सीते छन्दये त्वां शुचिव्रते।।2.118.14।।

शुचिव्रते O woman of pure conduct, सीते O Sita, विविधैः by various, नियमैः by austerities, आप्तम् obtained, महत् great, तपः ascetic power, मे to me, अस्ति हि is there to my credit, तत् बलम् that ascetic power, संश्रित्य having resorted to, त्वाम् you, छन्दये I shall cause your enjoyment.

O Sita of pure conduct, I have great ascetic power obtained through practising various austerities. With its strength I shall give what you want for your enjoyment.
उपपन्नं मनोज्ञं च वचनं तव मैथिलि।

प्रीता चास्म्युचितं किं ते करवाणि ब्रवीहि मे।।2.118.15।।

मैथिलि O Sita, तव वचनम् your words, उपपन्नम् are befitting, मनोज्ञं च also pleasing, प्रीता आस्मि I am pleased, उचितम् appropriate thing, किं what, ते to you, करवाणि shall I do, मे to me, ब्रवीहि tell.

O Sita, I am glad to hear your befitting and pleasing words. Tell me what appropriate thing you desire and I shall give you.
तस्यास्तद्  वचनं श्रूत्वा विस्मिता मन्दविस्मया।

कृतमित्यब्रवीत् सीता तपोबलसमन्विताम्।।2.118.16।।

सीता Sita, तस्याः her, तद्वचनम् those words, शुत्वा having heard, विस्मिता was surprised, मन्दविस्मया with a gentle smile, तपोबलसमन्विताम् endowed with ascetic power, कृतमिति has been done, अब्रवीत् said.

On hearing her words Sita was surprised. With a gentle smile she said, to Anasuya who was endowed with ascetic power, 'I think you have already granted me the
सा त्वेवमुक्ता धर्मज्ञा तया प्रीततराऽभवत्।

सफलं च प्रहर्षं ते हन्त सीते करोम्यहम्।।2.118.17।।

धर्मज्ञा knower of righteous ways, सा she (Anasuya), तया by Sita, एवम् in this way, उक्ता having been addressed, प्रीततरा अभवत् she was immensely pleased, सीते O Sita, हन्त what a joy, प्रहर्षम् my delight, ते to you, सफलम् fruitful, अहम् I, करोमि shall do.

When Sita said so, Anasuya who knew her righteous duty was immensely pleased. and replied, 'What a joy I shall make the words you have spoken come true'.
इदं दिव्यं वरं माल्यं वस्त्रमाभरणानि च।

अङ्गरागं च वैदेहि महार्हं चानुलेपनम्।।2.118.18।।

मया दत्तमिदं सीते तव गात्राणि शोभयेत्।

अनुरूपमसंक्लिष्टं नित्यमेव भविष्यति।।2.118.19।।

वैदेहि O princess of Videha, सीते Sita, दिव्यम् divine, वरम् best, इदं माल्यम् this garland, वस्त्रम् raiment, आभरणानि च jewellery, अङ्गरागं च fragrant unguents, महार्हम् precious, अनुलेपनं च ointment for anointing the body, मया by me, दत्तम् is bestowed, इदम् all this, तव to your, गात्राणि limbs, शोभयेत् will beautify, नित्यम् always, अनुरूपम् convenient,
असंक्लिष्टम् भविष्यति will never impair.

O princess of Videha, O Sita, I bestow on you this best garland of the gods, raiment, jewellery, fragrant unguents, and precious ointment for anointing your body with. All this will beautify your limbs. It is convenient (to use) and will never fade.
अङ्गरागेण दिव्येन लिप्ताङ्गी जनकात्मजे।

शोभयिष्यसि भर्तारं यथा श्रीर्विष्णुमव्ययम्।।2.118.20।।

जनकात्मजे O daughter of Janaka, दिव्ये O divine lady, अङ्गरागेण with fragrant unguent, लिप्ताङ्गी anointing to your body, श्रीः Lakshmi, अव्ययम् imperishable, विष्णुम् Vishnu, यथा
how, भर्तारम् your husband, शोभयिष्यसि you will enhance the glory.

O daughter of Janaka, you will enhance the glory of your husband by anointing your body with this divine, fragrant unguent to your body like Lakshmi enhancing the glory of eternal Visnu.
सा वस्त्रमङ्गरागं च भूषणानि स्रजस्तथा।

मैथिली प्रतिजग्राह प्रीतिदानमनुत्तमम्।।2.118.21।।

सा मैथिली that princess from Mithila, वस्त्रम् raiment, अङ्गरागं च fragrant unguent, भूषणानि jewellery, तथा and, स्रजः garlands, अनुत्तमम् incomparable, प्रीतिदानम् gifts of love, प्रतिजग्राह accepted.

That princess from Mithila accepted the incomparable gifts of love, the raiment, fragrant unguents, jewellery and also the garland.
प्रतिगृह्य च तत्सीता प्रीतिदानं यशस्विनी।

श्लिष्टाञ्जलिपुटा तत्र समुपास्त तपोधनाम्।।2.118.22।।

यशस्विनी illustrious lady, सीता Sita, तत् that, प्रीतिदानम् gifts of love, प्रतिगृह्य having accepted, श्लिष्टाञ्जलिपुटा with hands folded like a dish in reverence, तत्र there, तपोधनाम्
ascetic, समुपास्त sat beside her.

Illustrious Sita accepted the gifts of love and with palms folded in reverence sat beside her, an ascetic.
तथा सीतामुपासीनामनसूया दृढव्रता।

वचनं प्रष्टुमारेभे काञ्चित्प्रियकथामनु।।2.118.23।।

दृढव्रता firm in her vows, अनसूया Anasuya, तथा in that way, उपासीनाम् sitting, सीताम् Sita,
कांचित् certain, प्रियकथामनु relating to a dear tale (that was close to her heart), प्रष्टुम् to ask, वचनम् these words, आरेभे commenced.

Anasuya who was firm in her vows commenced to ask Sita this way about a certain tale (that was close to her heart).
स्वयं वरे किल प्राप्ता त्वमनेन यशस्विना।

राघवेणेति मे सिते कथा श्रुतिमुपागता।।2.118.24।।

सीते O Sita, त्वम् you, यशस्विना by the illustrious one, राघवेण by Rama, स्वयंवरे in the swayamvara (the choice of the husband by a princess in the public), प्राप्ता किल are obtained, इति कथा so runs the story, मे my, श्रुतिम् my ear, उपागता reached.

O Sita, I have heard that you have been won by the illustrious Rama in the swayamvara. At least that is the story which reached my ears.
तां कथां श्रोतुमिच्छामि विस्तरेण च मैथिलि।

यथाऽनुभूतं कार्त्स्न्येन तन्मे त्वं वक्तुमर्हसि।।2.118.25।।

मैथिलि O daughter of the king of Mithila, ताम् that story, विस्तरेण in detail, श्रोतुम् to hear, इच्छामि I wish, तत् that one, त्वम् you, यथाऽनुभूतम् as you experienced, कात्स्न्येन entirely, वक्तुम् अर्हसि you should tell me.

O daughter of Mithila, I would like to hear the story in detail. You should tell me the whole story as you experienced it.
एवमुक्ता तु सा सीता तां ततो धर्मचारिणीम्।

श्रूयतामिति चोक्त्वा वै कथयामास तां कथाम्।।2.118.26।।

एवम् thus, उक्ता addressed, सा सीता that Sita, ततः then, श्रूयताम् इति listen, उक्त्वा having said, ताम् that, धर्मचारिणीम् to one who practiced righteousness, तां कथाम् that story, कथयामास related.

'Listen' said Sita, thus addressed, and began relating the story to Anasuya, a performer of austerities.
मिथिलाधिपतिर्वीरो जनको नाम धर्मवित्।

क्षत्रधर्मे ह्यभिरतो न्यायतश्शास्ति मेदिनीम्।।2.118.27।।

मिथिलाधिपतिः king of Mithila, वीरः a warrior, धर्मवित् one conversant wtih righteousness, जनको नाम by name Janaka, क्षत्रधर्मे in the duties of kshatriya, अभिरतः engaged, न्यायतः rightly, मेदिनीम् this earth, शास्ति was ruling.

There is a king in Mithila, Janaka by name. He is heroic and is conversant with righteousness. Engaged in the duties of a kshatriya, he is rules the earth with justice.
तस्य लाङ्गलहस्तन्य कर्षतः क्षेत्रमण्डलम्।

अहं किलोत्थिता भित्वा जगतीं नृपतेस्सुता।।2.118.28।।

तस्य his, लाङ्गलहस्तस्य of a man holding a plough in hand, क्षेत्रमण्डलम् the circular plot of land for performing sacrifice, कर्षतः while ploughing, अहम् I, नृपतेः king's, सुता as daughter, जगतीम् the earth, भित्वा breaking, उत्थिता किल arose, as they say.

When he was ploughing the circular plot of land for performing a sacrifice, it is said I emerged from the earth by breaking it and therefore I became his dauhghter.
स मां दृष्ट्वा नरपतिर्मुष्टिविक्षेपतत्परः।

पांसुकुण्ठितसर्वाङ्गीं जनको विस्मितोऽभवत्।।2.118.29।।

मुष्टिविक्षेपतत्परः eager to sow fistfuls of seeds, नरपतिः king, सः जनकः that Janaka, पांसुकुण्ठितसर्वाङ्गीं with my body covered with dust, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा having seen, विस्मितः अभवत् was astonished.

Engaged in sowing fistfuls of seeds, king Janaka found me covered with dust and
was astonished.
अनपत्येन च स्नेहादङ्कमारोप्य च स्वयम्।

ममेयं तनयेत्युक्त्वा स्नेहो मयि निपातितः।।2.118.30।।

अनपत्येन being childless, स्वयम् himself, स्नेहात् out of affection, अङ्कम् in his lap, आरोप्य placing, इयम् this one, मम तनया is my daughter, इति thus, उक्त्वा having said, मयि in me, स्नेहः affection, निपातितः showered

As he had no children, he, on his own accord, lifted me up and placing me on his lap, saying, This is my daughter, he began showering (lots of) love on me.
अन्तरिक्षे च वागुक्ताऽप्रतिमाऽमानुषी किल।

एवमेतन्नरपते धर्मेण तनया तव।।2.118.31।।

नरपते O king, एतत् this, एवम् in this way, अप्रतिमा incomparable, अमानुषी not a human being, तव to you, धर्मेण by right, तनया daughter, अन्तरिक्षे from out of the sky, वाक् word, उक्ता was uttered.

'O king, she is an incomparable divine being. By right she is your daughter'. These were the words (Janaka) heard from out of the sky.
ततः प्रहृष्टो धर्मात्मा पिता मे मिथिलाधिपः।

अवाप्तो विपुलां बुद्धिं मामवाप्य नराधिपः।।2.118.32।।

ततः thereafter, धर्मात्मा righteous, नराधिप: the king, मिथिलाधिपः the lord of Mithila, मे पिता my father, प्रहृष्टः was delighted, माम् me, अवाप्य having got, विपुलाम् noble, बुद्धिम् thought, अवाप्तः obtained.

Thereafter, my father and the righteous lord of Mithila was delighted in possessing me when a noble thought struck his mind.
दत्ता चास्मीष्टवद्देव्यै ज्येष्ठायै पुण्यकर्मणा।

तया सम्भाविता चास्मि स्निग्धया मातृसौहृदात्।।2.118.33।।

पुण्यकर्मणा by a man of meritorious acts, ज्येष्ठायै to the chief, देव्यैः queen, इष्टवत् as the choicest one, दत्ता अस्मि I was given, स्निग्धया by a lady endowed with affection, तया by her, मातृसौहृदात् with the love of a mother, सम्भाविता अस्मि I was nourished.

Bestowed as the choicest one of meritorious acts on the chief queen, I was brought up by her, by nature affectionate, with the love of a mother.
पतिसंयोगसुलभं वयो दृष्ट्वा तु मे पिता।

चिन्तामभ्यगमद्धीनो वित्तनाशादिवाधनः।।2.118.34।।

मे पिता my father, पतिसंयोगसुलभम् a proper time for uniting with a husband, वयः age, दृष्ट्वा having observed, दीनः desolate, वित्तनाशात् due to loss of wealth, अधनः इव like an poor man, चिन्ताम् sorrow, अभ्यगमत् obtained.

When my father saw I had attained the marriageable age, he was immersed in sorrow like an indigent man who had lost all his wealth.
सदृशाच्चापकृष्टाच्च लोके कन्यापिता जनात्।

प्रधर्षणामवाप्नोति शक्रेणापि समो भुवि।।2.118.35।।

भुवि on earth, शक्रेण with Indra, समोऽपि though equal, कन्यापिता the father of an unmarried girl, सदृशाः equal, अपकृष्टात् by an inferior, जनात् from men, लोके in this world, प्रधर्षणाम् humiliation, अवाप्नोति will receive.

Even though he was an Indra on earth, as a father of an unmarried girl he would be humiliated by men who are his equal or inferior in this world.
तां धर्षणामदूरस्थां दृष्ट्वा चात्मनि पार्थिवः।

चिन्तार्णवगतः पारं नाससादाप्लवो यथा।।2.118.36।।

पार्थिवः the king, तां धर्षणाम् that humiliation, आत्मनि in him, अदूरस्थाम् not very far, दृष्ट्वा having observed, चिन्तार्णवगतः submerged in a sea of sorrow, अप्लवो यथा like one without a float, पारम् the shore, नाससाद did not reach.

Having perceived that the humiliation is not very far, king Janaka was plunged in a sea of sorrow like one who cannot reach the shore without a float.
अयोनिजां हि मां ज्ञात्वा नाध्यगच्छद्विचिन्तयन्।

सदृशं चानुरूपं च महीपालः पतिं मम।।2.118.37।।

महीपालः the ruler of earth, माम् me, अयोनिजाम् not born from the womb, ज्ञात्वा having known, मम for me, सदृशम् equal, अनुरूपं च suitable, पतिम् husband, विचिन्तयन् thinking over, नाध्यगच्छत् did not find.

The ruler of the earth knew that I was not born from a woman's womb, and could not find a suitable husband for me after deep reflection.
तस्य बुद्धिरियं जाता चिन्तयानस्य सन्ततम्।

स्वयंवरं तनूजायाः करिष्यामीति धीमतः।।2.118.38।।

सन्ततम् constantly, चिन्तयानस्य pondering deeply, धीमतः wise, तस्य his, तनूजायाः for the daughter, स्वयंवरम् swayamvara, करिष्यामि I shall perform, इति thus, इयं बुद्धि: this thought, जाता was born.

After constantly pondering over the matter, the wise king arrived at the decision to perform a swayamvara for his daughter.
महायज्ञे तदा तस्य वरुणेन महात्मना।

दत्तं धनुर्वरं प्रीत्या तूणी चाक्षयसायकौ।।2.118.39।।

तदा then, महायज्ञे at a great sacrifice, तस्य to him, महात्मना by the magnanimous, वरुणेन
by Varuna, प्रीत्या with affection, धनुर्वरम् an excellent bow, दत्तम् was given, अक्षयसायकौ with two inexhaustible arrows, तूणी च and two quivers.

Magnanimous Varuna out of his affection had given him, on the occasion of a great sacrifice, an excellent bow with inexhaustible arrows and a pair of quivers.
असञ्चाल्यं मनुष्यैश्च यत्नेनापि च गौरवात्।

तन्न शक्ता नमयितुं स्वप्नेष्वपि नराधिपाः।।2.118.40।।

गौरवात् because of weight, मनुष्यैः by a human, यत्नेनापि even with great effort, असञ्चाल्यम् cannot be moved, तत् that bow, नराधिपाः lords of men, स्वप्नेष्वपि even in their dreams, नमयितुम् to bend, न शक्ताः were not capable.

Because of its weight, no human could move that bow despite great effort nor were the kings capable of bending it even in their dreams.
तद्धनुः प्राप्य मे पित्रा व्याहृतं सत्यवादिना।

समवाये नरेन्द्राणां पूर्वमामन्त्र्य पार्थिवान्।।2.118.41।।

सत्यवादिना by a truthful man, मे पित्रा by my father, पूर्वम् previously, पार्थिवान् kings, आमन्त्र्य having invited, नरेन्द्राणाम् of kings, समवाये in the assembly, तत् धनुः that bow, प्राप्य having
acquired, व्याहृतम् addressed them.

My truthful father, after having acquired the bow, invited all the princes and placed the great bow before them in the assembly where he declared:
इदं च धनुरुद्यम्य सज्यं यः कुरुते नरः।

तस्य मे दुहिता भार्या भविष्यति न संशयः।।2.118.42।।

यः नर: any man, इदं धनुः this bow, उद्यम्य having lifted, सज्यं च string the bow, कुरुते who
could do, तस्य to him, मे दुहिता my daughter, भार्या wife, भविष्यति shall become, संशयः न no doubt about it.

तच्च दृष्ट्वा धनुश्श्रेष्ठं गौरवाद्गिरिसन्निभम्।

अभिवाद्य नृपा जग्मुरशक्तास्तस्य तोलने।।2.118.43।।

नृपाः the kings, गौरवात् due to heavy weight, गिरिसन्निभम् resembling a mountain, तत् धनुः श्रेष्ठम् that mighty bow, दृष्ट्वा beholding, तस्य its, तोलने in lifting, अशक्ताः were unable, अभिवाद्य paying obeisance, जग्मुः went away.

Beholding the mighty bow resembling a mountain in weight, the kings, unable to lift it, paid their homage and left.
सुदीर्घस्य तु कालस्य राघवोऽयं महाद्युतिः।

विश्वामित्रेण सहितो यज्ञं द्रष्टुं समागतः।।2.118.44।।

लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा राम स्सत्यपराक्रमः।

सुदीर्घस्य कालस्य after a long time, राघवः Rama, महाद्युतिः resplendent, सत्यपराक्रमः whose prowess was truth, अयं रामः this Rama, भ्रात्रा with his brother, लक्ष्मणेन सह along with
Lakshmana, विश्वामित्रेण सहितः together with Viswamitra, यज्ञम् the sacrifice, द्रष्टुम् to observe, समागतः arrived.

After a long time, resplendent Rama whose prowess was truth, arrived along with his brother Lakshman and sage Viswamitra in order to witness the sacrifice.
विश्वामित्रस्तु धर्मात्मा मम पित्रा सुपूजितः।।2.118.45।।

प्रोवाच पितरं तत्र भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

धर्मात्मा the righteous man, विश्वामित्रस्तु as for Viswamitra, मम पित्रा by my father, सुपूजितः wellhonoured, तत्र there, भ्रातरौ brothers, रामलक्ष्मणौ to Rama and Lakshmana, पितरम् to
my father, प्रोवाच uttered.

Having accepted the honour extended by my father, righteous Viswamitra spoke to him about those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana.
सुतौ दशरथस्येमौ धनुर्दर्शकाङ्क्षिणौ।

धनुर्दर्शय रामाय राजपुत्राय दैविकम्।।2.118.46।।

दशरथस्य king Dasaratha's, सुतौ sons, इमौ both these, धनुर्दर्शकाङ्क्षिणौ are desirous of seeing the bow, राजपुत्राय to this king's son, रामाय to Rama, दैविकम् divine, धनुः bow, दर्शय show.

'Both these sons of king Dasaratha wish to see the bow. Show the divine bow to prince Rama'.
इत्युक्तस्तेन विप्रेण तद्धनुस्समुपानयत्।।2.118.47।।

निमेषान्तरमात्रेण तदाऽनम्य महाबलः।

ज्यां समारोप्य झडिति पूरयामास वीर्यवान्।।2.118.48।।

तेन विप्रेण by that ascetic, इति thus, उक्तः uttered, ततो then, धनुः bow, उपानयत् brought,
महाबलः mighty one, वीर्यवान् valiant man, निमेषान्तरमात्रेण in the twinkling of an eye, तत् that one, आनम्य having bent, झडिति instantly, ज्याम् the string, समारोप्य pulling it, पूरयामास drew it.

At the words of that ascetic, my father brought out the bow. Mighty and valiant Rama bent it and strung it and drew it in the twinkling of an eye.
तेन पूरयता वेगान्मध्ये भग्नं द्विधा धनुः।

तस्य शब्दो भवद्भीमः पतितस्याशनेरिव।।2.118.49।।

पूरयता while stringing, तेन by Rama, वेगात् with force, धनुः bow, मध्ये in the middle, द्विधा
into two, भग्नम् was broken, तस्य its, भीमः dreadful, शब्दः sound, पतितस्य fallen, अशनेरिव like that of a thunder, अभवत् arose.

When Rama was stringing the bow with force, it was broken into two in the middle and fell down with a dreadful sound like that of thunder.
ततोऽहं तत्र रामाय पित्रा सत्याभिसन्धिना।

निश्चिता दातुमुद्यम्य जलभाजनमुत्तमम्।।2.118.50।।

ततः then, तत्र there, सत्याभिसन्धिना by one steadfast in truth, पित्रा by my father, उत्तमम् pure, जलभाजनम् watervessel, उद्यम्य having raised, अहम् I, रामाय to Rama , दातुम् to give, निश्चिता decided.

Then, my father steadfast in truth, held a vessel of pure water and declared his decision to offer me to Rama.
दीयमानां न तु तदा प्रतिजग्राह राघवः।

अविज्ञाय पितुश्छन्दमयोध्याऽधिपतेः प्रभोः।।2.118.51।।

तदा then, राघवः Rama, अयोध्याऽधिपतेः of the king of Ayodhya, प्रभोः lord, पितुः his father's, छन्दम् opinion, अविज्ञाय without knowing, दीयमानाम् being offered by father, न तु प्रतिजग्राह
did not accept.

Then Rama did not accept the offer of my father straightaway before he knew the opinion of his father Dasaratha, king of Ayodhya.
तत श्श्वशुरमामन्त्र्य वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम्।

मम पित्रा त्वहं दत्ता रामाय विदितात्मने।।2.118.52।।

ततः then, मम पित्रा by my father, श्वशुरम् fatherinlaw, वृद्धम् aged, दशरथं नृपम् king
Dasaratha, आमन्त्र्य having invited, अहम् I, विदितात्मन: of a man who is known for his sagacity, रामाय to Rama, दत्ता I was given.

Thereafter, my fatherinlaw, the aged king Dasaratha was invited and my father offered me to Rama known for his sagacity.
मम चैवानुजा साध्वी ऊर्मिला प्रियदर्शना।

भार्यार्थे लक्ष्मणस्यापि दत्ता पित्रा मम स्वयम्।।2.118.53।।

मम my, अनुजा younger sister, साध्वी chaste, प्रियदर्शना pleasing appearance, ऊर्मिला Urmila, भार्यार्थे as wife, मम पित्रा by my father, स्वयम् of his own accord, लक्ष्मणस्यापि for Lakshman, दत्ता was given.

My father, on his own accord, bestowed Urmila, my younger sister of chaste and of pleasing appearance as wife to Lakshmana.
एवं दत्ताऽस्मि रामाय तदा तस्मिन्स्वयंवरे।

अनुरक्ताऽस्मि धर्मेण पतिं वीर्यवतां वरम्।।2.118.54।।

तदा then, तस्मिन् स्वयंवरे in that swayamvara, रामाय for Rama, एवम् in this way, दत्ता अस्मि was bestowed, वीर्यवताम् among valiant, वरम् foremost, पतिम् husband, धर्मेण in accordance with righteousness, अनुरक्ता अस्मि I remain devoted.

In this way my father bestowed me on Rama in that swayamvara and I remain devoted to my husband who is the foremost among the valiant in treading the path of righteousness.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे अष्टादशोत्तरशततमस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the one hundredeighteenth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.