Sloka & Translation

[Rama enquires Kaikeyi the reasons for his father's grief-- she informs him about the two boons bestowed by the king -- urges him to uphold the promise given by his father and live in the forest for fourteen years.]

स ददर्शासने रामो निषण्णं पितरं शुभे।

कैकेयीसहितं दीनं मुखेन परिशुष्यता।।2.18.1।।

सः रामः that Rama, शुभे on an auspicious, आसने in the couch, निषण्णम् reclined, कैकेयी सहितम् with kaikeyi, परिशुष्यता मुखेन with a pale face, दीनम् looking wretched, पितरम् father, ददर्श saw.

Rama beheld his father reclined on an auspicious couch and by his side was seated Kaikeyi. He looked wretched with a pale face.
स पितुश्चरणौ पूर्वमभिवाद्य विनीतवत्।

ततो ववन्दे चरणौ कैकेय्या स्सुसमाहितः।।2.18.2।।

सः he, विनीतवत् with all humility, सुसमाहितः with a wellcomposed mind, पूर्वम् first, पितुः his father's, चरणौ feet, अभिवाद्य having made reverential salutation, ततः thereafter, कैकेय्याः Kaikeyi's, चरणौ feet, ववन्दे saluted.

With all humility and wellcomposed mind, he made reverential salutation first at his father's feet and thereafter at Kaikeyi's.
रामेत्युक्त्वा तु वचनं बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणः।

शशाक नृपतिर्दीनो नेक्षितुं नाभिभाषितुम्।।2.18.3।।

नृपतिः king, राम इति saying 'Rama', वचनम् word, उक्त्वा having uttered, बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणः eyes full of tears, दीनः wretched, ईक्षितुम् to look at, न शशाक was not able, अभिभाषितुम् to speak,
न not possible.

Dasaratha uttered the word 'Rama', but thereafter could neither say any more in distress nor look at him becuase his eyes were brimming with tears.
तदपूर्वं नरपतेर्दृष्ट्वा रूपं भयावहम्।

रामोऽपि भयमापन्नः पदा स्पृष्ट्वेव पन्नगम्।।2.18.4।।

अपूर्वम् unprecedented, भयावहम् frightful, नरपतेः king's, तत् रूपम् that appearance, दृष्ट्वा having seen, रामोऽपि Rama also, पन्नगम् serpent, पदा with foot, स्पृष्ट्वेव touched, भयम् आपन्नः experienced fear.

Never before did Rama see such frightful appearance of his father. He was seized with fear as if he trampled a serpent.
इन्द्रियैरप्रहृष्टैस्तं शोकसन्तापकर्शितम्।

निश्श्वसन्तं महाराजं व्यथिताकुलचेतसम्।।2.18.5।।

ऊर्मिमालिनमक्षोभ्यं क्षुभ्यन्तमिव सागरम्।

उपप्लुतमिवादित्यमुक्तानृतमृषिं यथा।।2.18.6।।

अप्रहृष्टैः without delight, इन्द्रियैः with senses, शोकसन्तापकर्शितम् emaciated with sorrow and suffering, व्यथिताकुलचेतसम् with an agitated and troubled mind, निश्श्वसन्तम् breathing heavily, ऊर्मिमालिनम् crowned with a row of waves, अक्षोभ्यम् unshakable, क्षुभ्यन्तम् shaking, सागरम् इव like a sea, उपप्लुतम् covered (eclipsed), आदित्यम् इव like the Sun, उक्तानृतम् uttering falsehood, ऋषिं यथा like an ascetic, तं महाराजम् to that maharaja (Dasaratha).

Maharaja (Dasaratha) with his senses dulled had become emaciated due to sorrow and suffering. With an agitated and troubled mind, he was breathing heavily. Although unshakable, he looked agitated like an ocean with successive rows of waves, like the Sun in eclipse, like an ascetic who has uttered falsehood.
अचिन्त्यकल्पं हि पितुस्तं शोकमुपधारयन्।

बभूव संरब्धतर स्समुद्र इव पर्वणि।।2.18.7।।

अचिन्त्यकल्पम् beyond imagination, नृपतेः king's,तं शोकम् such sorrow, उपधारयन् reflecting, पर्वणि on fullmoon day, समुद्र इव like an ocean, संरब्धतरः highly perturbed बभूव became.

The more Rama reflected on the incomprehensible sorrow of the king, the more he became perturbed like an ocean on the new Moon day.
चिन्तयामास च तदा रामः पितृहिते रतः।

किं स्विदद्यैव नृपतिर्न मां प्रत्यभिनन्दति।।2.18.8।।

पितृहिते रतः devoted to the wellbeing of his father, रामः Rama, चिन्तयामास reflected, अद्यैव today only, नृपतिः the king, किं स्वित् why is it, माम् me, न प्रत्यभिनन्दति not reciprocating my

Devoted to his father's wellbeing, Rama reflected, Why does not father reciprocate my greeting (like on other days)?
अन्यदा मां पिता दृष्ट्वा कुपितोऽपि प्रसीदति।

तस्य मामद्य संप्रेक्ष्य किमायासः प्रवर्तते।।2.18.9।।

अन्यदा in other times, पिता father, कुपितोऽपि even though angry (displeased), माम् me, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, प्रसीदति feels pleased, तस्य for him, अद्य today, माम् me, संप्रेक्ष्य having seen, किं why आयासः sorrow, प्रवर्तते caused.

On other occasions even though angry he would feel pleased. But today why does he feel sad even after seeing me?
स दीन इव शोकार्तो विषण्णवदनद्युतिः।

कैकेयीमभिवाद्यैव रामो वचनमब्रवीत्।।2.18.10।।

सः रामः that Rama, दीन इव like a wretch, शोकार्तः tormented with grief, विषण्णवदनद्युतिः with a sorrowful countenance, कैकेयीम् Kaikeyi, अभिवाद्यैव having made salutations, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

With a sorrowful countenance Rama made salutation to Kaikeyi and said like a wretch tormented with grief:
कच्चिन्मया नापराद्धमज्ञानाद्येन मे पिता।

कुपितस्तन्ममाचक्ष्व त्वं चैवैनं प्रसादय।।2.18.11।।

मया by me, अज्ञानात् unknowingly, नापराद्धम् कञ्चित् have I committed any offence, येन why, पिता father, मे with me, कुपितः angry, तत् that, मम to me, आचक्ष्व tell, त्वमेव you alone, एनम् him, प्रसादय propitiate.

Have I committed any offence unknowingly? Please tell me why my father is angry with me. You alone can pacify him.
अप्रसन्नमनाः किन्नु सदा मां प्रति वत्सलः।

विवर्णवदनो दीनो न हि मामभिभाषते।।2.18.12।।

सदा always, मां प्रति to me, वत्सलः affectionate, अप्रसन्नमनाः किं नु why does he look displeased?, विवर्णवदनः of pale countenance, दीनः wretched, माम् to me, नाभिभाषते हि does not speak?

Father has always been affectionate to me but today why is he in a dejected mood? Why does his countenance look pale and wretched? Why does he not speak to me?
शरीरो मानसो वापि कच्चिदेनं न बाधते।

सन्तापोवाऽभितापो वा दुर्लभं हि सदा सुखम्।।2.18.13।।

शारीरः relating to the body, संतापो वाऽपि some ailment, मानसः (relating to) mind, अभितापो वा
great distress, एनम् him, न बाधते कच्चित् does not trouble him, सदा always, सुखम् happiness, दुर्लभं हि rare indeed.

Is he suffering from any physical ailment or mental agony? It is affliction of either the body or the mind. (For) perpetual happiness is indeed rare.
कच्चिन्न किञ्चिद्भरते कुमारे प्रियदर्शने।

शत्रुघ्ने वा महासत्त्वे मात्रूणां वा ममाशुभम्।।2.18.14।।

प्रियदर्शिने with a pleasing appearance, भरते for Bharata, महासत्त्वे possessing great strength, शत्रुघ्ने with regard to Satrughna, मम my, मात्रूणां वा relating to mothers, किंचित् any, अशुभम् misfortune, न कच्चित् did not happen, (I hope)

Has any misfortune befallen the handsome Bharata or the mighty Satrughna or any of my mothers?
अतोषयन्महाराजमकुर्वन्वा पितुर्वचः।

मुहूर्तमपि नेच्छेयं जीवितुं कुपिते नृपे।।2.18.15।।

महाराजम् to the maharaja (Dasaratha), अतोषयन् displeased, पितुः father's, वचः words, अकुर्वन् disobeying, नृपे कुपिते when the king has become angry, मुहूर्तमपि even for a moment, जीवितुम् to live, नेच्छेयम् do not wish.

If I have (ever) displeased the maharaja, my father or disobeyed his command which has angered him, I do not wish to live for a moment৷৷
यतोमूलं नरः पश्येत्प्रादुर्भावमिहात्मनः।

कथं तस्मिन्नवर्तेत प्रत्यक्षे सति दैवते।।2.18.16।।

नरः a man, इह in this world, आत्मनः his own, प्रादुर्भावम् coming into existence, यतो मूलम् source of his origin (birth), पश्येत् sees, प्रत्यक्षे in a visible, दैवते god, तस्मिन् in him (father), सति exists, कथम् how, न वर्तेत does not conduct.

How can a man who owes his origin (birth) in this world to him (father) who still exists as a visible god not conduct himself (as per his wish)?
कच्चित्ते परुषं किञ्चिदभिमानात्पतिता मम।

उक्तो भवत्या कोपेन यत्रास्य लुलितं मनः।।2.18.17।।

मम पिता my father, ते your, अभिमानात् because of selfrespect, भवत्या by you, कोपेन out of anger, परुषम् harsh, किञ्चित् anything, कच्चित् उक्तः has said?, यत्र (येन) due to which, अस्य his, मनः mind, लुलितम् has been shaken.

Have you said anything harsh to my father out of anger or (injured) selfrespect for which his mind has been shaken?
एतदाचक्ष्व मे देवि तत्त्वेन परिपृच्छतः।

किं निमित्तमपूर्वोयं विकारो मनुजाधिपे।।2.18.18।।

देवि O queen, परिपृच्छत: am repeatedly asking, मे to me, एतत् this matter, तत्त्वेन truly, आचक्ष्व tell, मनुजाधिपे in the king, अयम् this, अपूर्व: विकार: unprecedented change, किं निमित्तम् for what reason.

O Devi I am repeatedly asking you the cause of this unprecedented change in the king please tell me the truth.
एवमुक्ता तु कैकेयी राघवेण महात्मना।

उवाचेदं सुनिर्लज्जा धृष्टमात्महितं वचः।।2.18.19।।

महात्मना magnanimous, राघवेण by the scion of the Raghus (Rama), एवम् thus, उक्ता spoken, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, सुनिर्लज्जा without any sense of shame, धृष्टम् impudent, आत्महितम् in her own interest, इदं वच: these words, उवाच said.

When Kaikeyi was thus asked by the magnanimous scion of the Raghus (Rama) she
uttered unashamed these impudent words in her own interest.
न राजा कुपितो राम व्यसनं नास्य किञ्चन।

किञ्चिन्मनोगतंत्वस्य त्वद्भयान्नाभिभाषते।।2.18.20।।

राम Rama, राजा king, न कुपित: is not angry, अस्य for him, किञ्चन not even a little, व्यसनम् misfortune, न did not befall, तु but, अस्य for him, किञ्चित् some issue, मनोगतम् in mind, त्वद्भयात् afraid of you, नाभिभाषते does not speak.

O Rama, the king is neither angry, nor has any misforturne befallen him. But out of fear for you he is not able to speak out what he has in mind.
प्रियं त्वामप्रियं वक्तुं वाणी नास्योपवर्तते।

तदवश्यं त्वया कार्यं यदनेनाश्रुतं मम।।2.18.21।।

प्रियम् beloved, त्वाम् to you, अप्रियम् unpleasant, वक्तुम् to say, अस्य for him, वाणी goddess of speech, नोपवर्तते does not permit, अनेन by him, यत् which, मम to me, आश्रुतम् has been promised, तत् that, त्वया by you, अवश्यम् definitely, कार्यम् fit to be done.

The goddess of speech does not permit him to say an unpleasant thing to you for you are his beloved son. So you must fulfil the promise he has made to me.
एष मह्यं वरं दत्त्वा पुरा मामभिपूज्य च।

स पश्चात्तप्यते राजा यथाऽन्यः प्राकृतस्तथा।।2.18.22।।

स: he, एष: राजा this king, पुरा earlier, माम् me, अभिपूज्य च having honoured, (मह्यं to me) वरम् boons, दत्त्वा having bestowed, अन्य: other, प्राकृत: common man, यथा as, तथा like that, पश्चात्तप्यते repenting.

In the past the king had honoured me with (two) boons. Now like any other common man he is repenting (for the same).
अतिसृज्य ददानीति वरं मम विशांपतिः।

स निरर्थं गतजले सेतुं बन्धितुमिच्छति।।2.18.23।।

स: विशांपति that king, ददानि इति saying 'I shall give you', मम to me, वरम् two boons, अतिसृज्य having bestowed, गतजले at a place where the water has drained, सेतुम् dam, निरर्थम् in vain, बन्धितुम् to construct, इच्छति wishes.

The king bestowed on me boons saying, 'I shall grant you two boons'. But now he wishes in vain to build a dam when the water has run down.
धर्ममूलमिदं राम विदितं च सतामपि।

तत्सत्यं न त्यजेद्राजा कुपितस्त्वत्कृते यथा।।2.18.24।।

राम O Rama, इदम् this (truth), धर्ममूलम् is the basis of righteousness, सतामपि to the virtuous also, विदितम् is made known thus, कुपित: being angry, राजा king, तत् सत्यम् that truth, यथा as to how, त्वत्कृते on your account, न त्यजेत् may not abandon.

O Rama, this (truth) is the basis of righteousness. The virtuous also know this. The king being angry (with me), should not abandon the truth for your sake.
यदि तद्वक्ष्यते राजा शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम्।

करिष्यसि ततस्सर्वमाख्यास्यामि पुनस्त्वहम्।।2.18.25।।

शुभं वा be it auspicious, अशुभं यदि वा or inauspicious, तत् that truth, राजा king, वक्ष्यते यदि if shall tell (you), करिष्यसि (यदा) you will fulfil, अहं पुनस्तु I again, तत: after that, सर्वम् all, आख्यास्यामि shall relate.

If you fulfil whatever the king says, pleasant or unpleasant, I shall relate to you everything.
यदि त्वभिहितं राज्ञा त्वयि तन्न विपत्स्यते।

ततोऽहमभिधास्यामि न ह्येष त्वयि वक्ष्यति।।2.18.26।।

राज्ञा by the king, अभिहितम् told, तत् that, त्वयि in you, न विपत्स्यते will not go in vain, तत: then, अहम् I, अभिधास्यामि I shall speak, एष: the king, त्वयि in you, न वक्ष्यति हि will not tell.

If you do not transgress the word given by the king I shall tell you everything. The king on his own will not tell you.
एतत्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा कैकेय्या समुदाहृतम्।

उवाच व्यथितो रामस्तां देवीं नृपसन्निधौ।।2.18.27।।

कैकेय्या by Kaikeyi, समुदाहृतम् uttered, एतत् this, वचनम् word, श्रुत्वा having heard, राम: Rama, व्यथित: depressed, नृपसन्निधौ in the presence of the king, तां देवीं to that lady, उवाच said.

Very much depressed on hearing the words of Kaikeyi, Rama thus said to her in the presence of the king:
अहो धिङ्नार्हसे देवि वक्तुं मामीदृशं वचः।

अहं हि वचनाद्राज्ञः पतेयमपि पावके।।2.18.28।।

भक्षयेयं विषं तीक्ष्णं मज्जेयमपि चार्णवे।

नियुक्तो गुरुणा पित्रा नृपेण च हितेन च।।2.18.29।।

देवी O devi, अहो alas, धिक् what a pity, माम् to me, ईदृशम् such, वच: words, वक्तुम् to speak, नार्हसे it does not behove you, हि because, अहम् I, राज्ञ: king's, वचनात् on the word, पावकेऽपि even in fire, पतेयम् will jump, नृपेण by the king, हितेन च who desires my welfare, गुरुणा by the gurus, पित्रा by father, नियुक्त: ordered, तीक्ष्णं विषम् deadly poison, भक्षयेयम् will drink, अपि च and also, अर्णवे in the ocean, मज्जेयम् shall get drowned.

Alas, what a pity, O queen, it does not behove you to speak to me such words. I can jump into fire. Since he is my father, preceptor and wellwisher, I shall consume
deadly poison or even get drowned in the sea if he so commands.
तद्ब्रूहि वचनं देवि राज्ञो यदभिकाङ्क्षितम्।

करिष्ये प्रतिजाने च रामो द्विर्नाभिभाषते।।2.18.30।।

तत् hence, देवि O Devi राज्ञः for the king, यत् whatever, अभिकांक्षितम् is his desire, वचनम् in words, ब्रूहि tell, करिष्ये I shall carry out, प्रतिजाने च I promise, रामा Rama, द्वि two times, नाभिभाषते will not utter.

Hence tell me, O Devi Whatever be the desire of the king: I promise I shall carry out, Rama does not say two things (does not go back on his word).
तमार्जवसमायुक्तमनार्या सत्यवादिनम्।

उवाच रामं कैकेयी वचनं भृशदारुणम्।।2.18.31।।

अनार्या ignoble, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, आर्जवसमायुक्तं devoted to rectitude of conduct, सत्यवादिनम् truthful, तं रामम् addressing that Rama, भृशदारुणम् extremely cruel, वचनम् words, उवाच said.

To Rama who was devoted to truth and to rectitude of conduct the ignobale Kaikeyi said:
पुरा दैवासुरे युद्धे पित्रा ते मम राघव।

रक्षितेन वरौ दत्तौ सशल्येन महारणे।।2.18.32।।

राघव O (Rama) descendant of Raghu, पुरा in the past, दैवासुरे युद्धे in the war between gods and demons, महारणे great war, सशल्येन wounded by shafts, रक्षितेन protected (by me), ते पित्रा by your father, मम to me, वरौ two boons, दत्तौ granted.

O descendant of Raghu in the great war between gods and demons in the past your father had granted me two boons for protecting him when he was wounded by a shaft.
तत्र मे याचितो राजा भरतस्याभिषेचनम्।

गमनं दण्डकारण्ये तव चाद्यैव राघव।।2.18.33।।

राघव (Rama) scion of the Raghus, तत्र there (so), राजा the king, भरतस्य Bharata's, अभिषेचनम् consecration, अद्यैव today itself, दण्डकारण्ये to Dandaka forest, तव your, गमनम् departure, याचितः has been asked.

O scion of the Raghus, hence I have asked the king for consecration of Bharata and your departure to Dandaka forest today itself.
यदि सत्यप्रतिज्ञं त्वं पितरं कर्तुमिच्छसि।

आत्मानं च नरश्रेष्ठ मम वाक्यमिदं शृणु।।2.18.34।।

नरश्रेष्ठ O best among men, त्वम् you, पितरम् your father, आत्मानं च yourself as well, सत्यप्रतिज्ञम् truthful to promise, कर्तुम् to make, इच्छसि यदि if you want, मम my, इदं वाक्यम् these words, शृणु listen.

O the best of men if you want to be true to the word given by you and your father, listen to what I say.
सन्निदेशे पितुस्तिष्ठ यथा तेन प्रतिश्रुतम्।

त्वयाऽरण्यं प्रवेष्टव्यं नव वर्षाणि पञ्च च।।2.18.35।।

पितु: father's, सन्निदेशे by the command, तिष्ठ abide by, तेन by him, यथा in this way, प्रतिश्रुतम् promised, त्वया by you, नव पंच च nine and five (fourteen), वर्षाणि years, अरण्यम् forest, प्रवेष्टव्यम् enter (and stay).

Abide by your father's command. As promised by him go to the forest for fourteen years.
भरतस्त्वभिषिच्येत यदेतदभिषेचनम्।

त्वदर्थे विहितं राज्ञा तेन सर्वेण राघव।।2.18.36।।

राघव O son of the Raghu dynasty (Rama), राज्ञा by the king, त्वदर्थे for your sake, यत् which, एतत् this, अभिषेचनम् installation, विहितम् has been arranged, तेन सर्वेण with all these (preparations), भरतः Bharata, अभिषिच्येत shall be consecrated.

Bharata shall be consecrated, O descendant of the Raghu dynasty with all these preparations made by the king to install you.
सप्त सप्त च वर्षाणि दण्डकारण्यमाश्रितः।

अभिषेकमिमं त्यक्त्वा जटाजिनधरो वस।।2.18.37।।

इमम् अभिषेकम् this consecration, त्यक्त्वा having forsaken, जटाजिनधर: with matted hair and
deerskin, दण्डकारण्यम् आश्रितः taking refuge in Dandaka forest, सप्त सप्त च वर्षाणि seven and seven (fourteen) years, वस live.

Forsake this consecration, wear matted locks and deerskin and take refuge in Dandaka forest for fourteen years.
भरतः कोसलपुरे प्रशास्तु वसुधामिमाम्।

नानारत्न समाकीर्णां सवाजिरथकुञ्जराम्।।2.18.38।।

भरतः Bharata, कोशलपुरे in Ayodhya, the capital of Kosala country, नानारत्न समाकीर्णाम् abounding in different kinds of gems, सवाजिरथकुञ्जराम् with horses, chariots and elephants, इमां वसुधाम् this earth, प्रशास्तु let (him) rule.

Let Bharata live in Ayodhya, the capital of Kosala and rule this kingdom rich in gems of different kinds in horses, chariots and elephants.
एतेन त्वां नरेन्द्रोऽयं कारुण्येन समाप्लुतः।

शोकसंक्लिष्ट वदनो न शक्नोति निरीक्षितुम्।।2.18.39।।

एतेन therefore, अयं नरेन्द्रः this king, कारुण्येन on account of compassion, समाप्लुतः was overwhelmed, शोकसंक्लिष्ट वदनः with a face fortured by tears, त्वाम् you, निरीक्षितुम् to see, न शक्नोति not able.

This is why the king with his face tortured by tears and (his heart) overwhelmed with compassion for you, is unable to look at you.
एतत्कुरु नरेन्द्रस्य वचनं रघुनन्दन।

सत्येन महता राम तारयस्व नरेश्वरम्।।2.18.40।।

रघुनन्दन O Joy of the Raghus, O son of the Raghu race, नरेन्द्रस्य king's, एतत् वचनम् this word of promise, कुरु carry out, राम Rama, महता सत्येन with your great truthfulness, नरेश्वरम् the king, तारयस्व save.

O Joy of the Raghus, O son of the Raghu race, carry out the word of promise given by the king and save him by helping him keep the truth which is great.
इतीव तस्यां परुषं वदन्त्यां

न चैव रामः प्रविवेश शोकम्।

प्रविव्यथे चापि महानुभावो

राजा तु पुत्रव्यसनाभितप्तः।।2.18.41।।

इतीव in this way, तस्याम् she (Kaikeyi), परुषम् harsh words, वदन्त्याम् was speaking, रामः Rama, शोकम् sorrow, नचैव प्रविदेश did not enter, महानुभावः dignified, राजा तु king, पुत्रव्यसनाभितप्तः afflicted with the son's calamity, प्रविव्यथे was greatly pained.

Even though she was speaking harsh words, Rama did not come to grief. But the magnanimous king was greatly afflicted to see the calamity on his son.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे अष्टादशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eighteenth sarga of Ayodhyakanda of the oly Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.