Sloka & Translation

[Guha's reminiseesces.]

आचचक्षेऽथ सद्भावं लक्ष्मणस्य महात्मनः।

भरतायाप्रमेयाय गुहो गहनगोचरः।।2.86.1।।

अथ then, गहनगोचरः forest ranger, गुहः Guha, अप्रमेयाय to a man of immeasurable (virtues), भरताय to Bharata, महात्मनः of the magnanimous, लक्ष्मणस्य Lakshmana's, सद्भावम् good nature, आचचक्षे explained.

Then Guha, the forest ranger, described to Bharata the countless qualities of the goodnatured, magnanimous Lakshmana:
तं जाग्रतं गुणैर्युक्तं शरचापासिधारिणम्।

भ्रातृगुप्त्यर्थमत्यन्तमहं लक्ष्मणमबृवम्।।2.86.2।।

अहम् I, भ्रातृगुप्त्यर्थम् for the sake of protecting his brother, अत्यन्तम् completely, जाग्रतम् keeping awake, शरचापासिधारिणम् holding arrows, bow and sword, गुणैः with virtues, युक्तम् endowed with, तं लक्ष्मणम् that Lakshmana, अबृवम् I said.

I spoke to the virtuous Lakshmana, who was holding arrows, bow and sword in his hand and keeping awake completely for the protection of his brother.
इयं तात सुखा शय्या त्वदर्थमुपकल्पिता।

प्रत्याश्वसिहि शेष्वास्यां सुखं राघवनन्दन।।2.86.3।।

राघवनन्दन delight of the race of Raghu, तात my friend, (लक्ष्मण Lakshmana), सुखा comfortable, इयम् this, शय्या couch, त्वदर्थम् for your sake, उपकल्पिता has been arranged, प्रत्याश्वसिहि be assured, अस्याम् upon it, सुखम् peacefully, शेष्व lie down.

My friend, Lakshmana, the delight of the Raghavas this comfortable couch has been arranged for you. Lie down peacefully without any anxiety.
उचितोऽयं जनस्सर्वो दुःखानां त्वं सुखोचितः।

धर्मात्मंस्तस्य गुप्त्यर्थं जागरिष्यामहे वयम्।।2.86.4।।

धर्मात्मन् O righteous one, अयम् this, सर्वः all, जनः people, दुःखानाम् for hardships, उचितः are accustomed, त्वम् you, सुखोचितः are used to comfort, तस्य for Rama's, गुप्त्यर्थम् for the sake of protection, वयम् we, जागरिष्यामहे will stay awake.

O righteous one you are used to conforts where as all of our people are accustomed to hardships. So we will stay awake and protect Rama.
नहि रामात्प्रियतरो ममास्ति भुवि कश्चन।

मोत्सुकोऽभूर्ब्रवीम्येतदप्यसत्यं तवाग्रतः।।2.86.5।।

मम for me, भुवि on earth, रामात् more than Rama, प्रियतरः dearer, कश्चन none, नास्ति हि does not exist, अथ and, उत्सुकः anxious, मा भूः do not have, तव your, अग्रतः in presence, एतत् this, सत्यम् truthful, वाक्यम् words, ब्रवीमि I am telling.

To me, there is none on earth dearer than Rama. Do not have any anxiety. I am telling you the truth.
अस्य प्रसादादाशंसे लोकेऽस्मिन् सुमहद्यशः।

धर्मावाप्तिं च विपुलामर्थकामौ च केवलम्।।2.86.6।।

अस्य this Rama's, प्रसादात् grace, अस्मिन् in this लोके world, सुमहत् great, यशः renown, विपुलाम् abundance of, धर्मावाप्तिं च advantage of righteousness, केवलम् solely, अर्थकामौ च artha (prosperity) and kama (pleasure), आशंसे I desire.

By the grace of Rama, I want to acquire in this world great renown, abundance of righteousness, absolute artha (prosperity) and kama (pleasure).
सोऽहं प्रियसखं रामं शयानं सह सीतया।

रक्षिष्यामि धनुष्पाणि स्सर्वै स्स्वैर्ज्ञातिभिस्सह।।2.86.7।।

सः अहं as for me, सर्वैः with all, स्वैः own, ज्ञातिभिः सह with relatives, सीतया सह along with Sita, शयानम् asleep, प्रियसखम् dear friend, रामम् to Rama, धनुष्पाणिः bow in hand, रक्षिष्यामि I will protect.

As for me, bow in hand and all my kinsmen with me, I shall protect my dear friend Rama who is resting with Sita.
न हि मेऽविदितं किञ्चिद्वनेऽस्मिंश्चरत स्सदा।

चतुरङ्गं ह्यपि बलं प्रसहेम वयं युधि।।2.86.8।।

अस्मिन् वने in this forest, सदा always, चरतः ranging, मे to me, अविदितम् unknown, किञ्चित् nothing, न हि not, वयम् we, युधि in the battle, चतुरङ्गं बलम् अपि four divisions of the army also, प्रसहेम हि will withstand.

Nothing is unknown to me in this forest in which I range about continually. We can withstand an army of four divisions in a battle.
एवमस्माभिरुक्तेन लक्ष्मणेन महात्मना।

अनुनीता वयं सर्वे धर्ममेवानुपश्यता।। 2.86.9।।

एवं thus, अस्माभिः by us, उक्तेन having been uttered, महात्मना by the magnanimous, धर्ममेव virtuousness alone, अनुपश्यता seeing, लक्ष्मणेन by Lakshmana, वयम् we, सर्वे all, अनुनीताः have been entreated.

The magnanimous Lakshmana, established in dharma, replied:
कथं दाशरथौ भूमौ शयाने सह सीतया।

शक्या निद्रा मया लब्धुं जीवितं वा सुखानि वा।।2.86.10।।

दाशरथौ Rama, सीतया सह with Sita, भूमौ on the ground, शयाने while sleeping, मया by me, निद्रा sleep, लब्धुम् to obtain, कथम् how, शक्या is it possible, जीवितं वा either life, सुखानि वा or comforts.

While Rama sleep on the ground with Sita, how can I find sleep or joy or comfort?
यो न देवासुरैस्सर्वैश्शक्यः प्रसहितुं युधि।

तं पश्य गुह संविष्टं तृणेषु सह सीतया।।2.86.11।।

गुह O Guha, यः that Rama, सर्वैः by all, देवासुरैः by gods and demons, युधि in battle, प्रसहितुं to withstand, न शक्यः not possible, तम् him, सीतया सह with Sita, तृणेषु on the grass, संविष्टम् lying down, पश्य behold.

O Guha behold Rama, whom gods and demons combined cannot withstand in a battle now lying on a bed of grass with Sita.
महता तपसा लब्धो विविधैश्च परिश्रमैः।

एको दशरथस्यैष पुत्रस्सदृशलक्षणः।।2.86.12।।

एषः this Rama, महता by great, तपसा with austerities, विविधैः by various, परिश्रमैश्च with efforts as well, लब्धः was obtained, दशरथस्य Dasaratha's, एकः one, सदृशलक्षणः one with very similar virtues, पुत्रः is the son.

Rama is the only one among the sons who resembles his father in various virtues. Dasaratha obtained him after a great deal of austerities and efforts as well.
अस्मिन्प्रव्राजिते राजा न चिरं वर्तयिष्यति।

विधवा मेदिनी नूनं क्षिप्रमेव भविष्यति।।2.86.13।।

अस्मिन् when he, प्रव्राजिते is exiled, राजा king Dasaratha, चिरम् for a long time, न वर्तयिष्यति will not survive, नूनम् surely, मेदिनी earth, क्षिप्रमेव soon, विधवा widow, भविष्यति will become.

After Rama is exiled, king Dasaratha will not survive for long and surely the earth will soon be widowed.
विनद्य सुमहानादं श्रमेणोपरताः स्त्रियः।

निर्घोषो विरतो नूनमध्य राजनिवेशने।।2.86.14।।

स्त्रियः women, सुमहानादम् loud sounds, विनद्य having cried, श्रमेण with exhaustion, उपरताः have ceased, अद्य now, राजनिवेशने in the king's palace, निर्घोषः clamour, नूनम् surely, विरतः has subsided.

The women of the inner apartment who lamented loudly, must have stopped weeping out of weariness. By now, the clamour in the king's palace would have surely subsided.
कौसल्या चैव राजा च तथैव जननी मम।

नाशंसे यदि जीवेयुस्सर्वे ते शर्वरीमिमाम्।।2.86.15।।

कौसल्या चैव even Kausalya, राजा च king also, तथैव in the same way, मम जननी my mother, ते सर्वे all of them, इमाम् this, रजनीम् night, यदि जीवेयुः if they are alive, नाशंसे I do not think.

I doubt whether the king, Kausalya and my mother Sumitra and the rest of them will outlive this night.
जीवेदपि च मे माता शत्रुघ्नस्यान्ववेक्षया।

दुःखिता या तु कौसल्या वीरसूर्विनशिष्यति।।2.86.16।।

मे माता my mother, शत्रुघ्नस्य Satrughna's, अन्ववेक्षया looking at, जीवेदपि च might be alive, वीरसूः mother of a warrior, या कौसल्या that Kausalya, सा तु as for her, दुःखिता with extreme grief, विनशिष्यति will die.

My mother might live, looking at Satrughna. But Kausalya, who is the mother of a hero, will die from extreme grief.
अतिक्रान्तमतिक्रान्तमनवाप्य मनोरथम्।

राज्ये राममनिक्षिप्य पिता मे विनशिष्यति।।2.86.17।।

मे पिता my father, अतिक्रान्तम् अतिक्रान्तम् gone by one after another, मनोरथम् cherished desire, अनवाप्य without fulfilling, राज्ये in the kingdom, रामम् Rama, अनिक्षिप्य without placing, विनशिष्यति will pass away.

My father, king Dasaratha, failing to fulfil his cherished desires one after another and unable to place Rama on the throne, will pass away.
सिद्धार्थाः पितरं वृत्तं तस्मिन्काले ह्युपस्थिते।

प्रेतकार्येषु सर्वेषु संस्करिष्यन्ति भूमिपम्।।2.86.18।।

तस्मिन्काले when that moment, उपस्थिते had arrived, वृत्तम् being in that state, पितरम् my father, भूमिपम् for the lord of the earth, सर्वेषु all, प्रेतकार्येषु in funeral rites, संस्करिष्यन्ति will perform, सिद्धार्थाः men who attained their purpose.

When the moment of death arrives for my father, those who perform the funeral rites for him would have fulfilled their desire.
रम्यचत्वरसंस्थानां सुविभक्तमहापथाम्।

हर्म्यप्रासादम्पन्नां सर्वरत्नविभूषिताम्।।2.86.19।।

गजाश्वरथसंबाधां तूर्यनादविनादिताम्।

सर्वकल्याणसंपूर्णां हृष्टपुष्टजनाकुलाम्।।2.86.20।।

आरामोद्यानसंपूर्णां समाजोत्सवशालिनीम्।

सुखिता विचरिष्यन्ति राजधानीं पितुर्मम।।2.86.21।।

रम्यचत्वरसस्थानाम् with lovely crossroads and squares, सुविभक्तमहापथाम् welllaid highways, हर्म्यप्रासादसंपन्नाम् full of mansions and palaces, सर्वरत्नविभूषिताम् encrusted with every kind of precious stone, गजाश्वरथसंबाधाम् full of elephants, horses and chariots, तूर्यनादविनादिताम् resounding with trumpets, सर्वकल्याणसंपूर्णाम् with universal wellbeing, हृष्टपुष्टजनाकुलाम् crowded with healthy people, आरामोद्यानसंपूर्णाम् with plenty of pleasuregardens and parks, समाजोत्सवशालिनीम् shining with community festivities, मम पितुः my father's, राजधानीम् capital (Ayodhya), सुखिताः with all comforts, विचरिष्यन्ति will move about.

There in the capital of my father with its lovely crossroads and squares, welllaid highways, full of mansions and palaces encrusted with all kinds of precious stones, teeming with elephants, horses and chariots, resounding with trumpets, and with wellbeing everywhere, and plenty of pleasuregardens, and parks and community festivals, people sound in health would be moving about in great comfort.
अपिसत्यप्रतिज्ञेन सार्धं कुशलिना वयं।

निवृत्ते समये ह्यस्मिन् सुखिताः प्रविशेमहि।।2.86.22।।

वयं we, आस्मिन् in this, समये the time, निवृत्ते returning, सत्यप्रतिज्ञेन who fulfilled his vow, कुशलिना सार्धं along with him in safe condition, सुखिताः with happiness, अपि प्रविशेमहि will we enter Ayodhya?

Can we ever reenter Ayodhya happily after safely fulfilling the vow and completing the term of exile?
परिदेवयमानस्य तस्यैवं सुमहात्मनः।

तिष्ठतो राजपुत्रस्य शर्वरी साऽत्यवर्तत।।2.86.23।।

सुमहात्मनः of the highminded, एवं in this way, परिदेवयमानस्य lamenting so, तस्य राजपुत्रस्य that prince, तिष्ठतः while waiting, सा शर्वरी that night, अत्यवर्तत elapsed.

While the highminded prince was lamenting this way and was waiting, the night passed off.
प्रभाते विमले सूर्ये कारयित्वा जटा उभौ।

अस्मिन् भागीरथीतीरे सुखं सन्तारितौ मया।।2.86.24।।

विमले when bright, सूर्ये Sun, प्रभाते at dawn, उभौ both, आस्मिन् in this, भागीरथीतीरे on the bank of Bhagirathi, जटाः matting their hair, कारयित्वा made, मया by me, सुखम् comfortably, सन्तारितौ were ferried.

The next morning when the Sun shone bright, both of them matted their hair on the bank of the river Bhagirathi (Ganga) and I ferried them across comfortably.
जटाधरौ तौ द्रुमचीरवाससौ महाबलौ कुञ्जरयूथपोपमौ।

वरेषुचापासिधरौ परन्तपौ व्यपेक्षमाणौ सह सीतया गतौ।।2.86.25।।

जटाधरौ wearing matted hair, द्रुमचीरवाससौ those two dressed in bark robes, महाबलौ of great strength, कुञ्जरयूथपोपमौ comparable to elephants, वरेषुचापासिधरौ armed with excellent bows, arrows and swords, तौ both, परन्तपौ slayers of enemies, व्यपेक्षमाणौ looking back alertly, सीतया सह along with Sita, गतौ went.

Rama and Lakshmana, slayers of enemies, who are as strong as bull elephants, with their hair matted, wearing robes made of bark, armed with excellent bows, arrows and swords went along with Sita looking around (vigilantly).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे षडशीतितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eightysixth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.