Sloka & Translation

[Guha relates to Bharata about Rama's life in the forest contrary to the life in Ayodhya.]

तच्छ्रुत्वा निपुणं सर्वं भरत स्सह मन्त्रिभिः।

इङ्गुदीमूलमागम्य रामशय्यामवेक्ष्य ताम्।।2.88.1।।

अब्रवीज्जननी स्सर्वा इह तेन महात्मना।

शर्वरी शयिता भूमाविदमस्य विमर्दितम्।।2.88.2।।

भरतः Bharata, तत् सर्वम् all that, निपुणम् attentively, श्रुत्वा having listened, मन्त्रिभिस्सह along with ministers, इङ्गुदीमूलम् to the foot of the ingudi tree, आगम्य having reached, ताम् रामशय्याम् that Rama's bed, अवेक्ष gazing, सर्वाः all, जननीः mothers, अब्रवीत् said, तेन महात्मना by that magnanimous, Rama, इह here, भूमौ on the ground, शर्वरी night, शयिता has been slept, अस्य his, विमर्दितम् crushed bed, इदम् this one.

After listening to all that Guha had said, Bharatha reached the foot of the ingudi tree accompanied by his ministers and gazing at Rama's bed, said to all his mothers the magnanimous Rama rested that night here on this ground in that crushed bed.

तच्छ्रुत्वा निपुणं सर्वं भरत स्सह मन्त्रिभिः।

इङ्गुदीमूलमागम्य रामशय्यामवेक्ष्य ताम्।।2.88.1।।

अब्रवीज्जननी स्सर्वा इह तेन महात्मना।

शर्वरी शयिता भूमाविदमस्य विमर्दितम्।।2.88.2।।

भरतः Bharata, तत् सर्वम् all that, निपुणम् attentively, श्रुत्वा having listened, मन्त्रिभिस्सह along with ministers, इङ्गुदीमूलम् to the foot of the ingudi tree, आगम्य having reached, ताम् रामशय्याम् that Rama's bed, अवेक्ष gazing, सर्वाः all, जननीः mothers, अब्रवीत् said, तेन महात्मना by that magnanimous, Rama, इह here, भूमौ on the ground, शर्वरी night, शयिता has been slept, अस्य his, विमर्दितम् crushed bed, इदम् this one.

After listening to all that Guha had said, Bharatha reached the foot of the ingudi tree accompanied by his ministers and gazing at Rama's bed, said to all his mothers the magnanimous Rama rested that night here on this ground in that crushed bed.
महाभागकुलीनेन महाभागेन धीमता।

जातो दशरथेनोर्व्यां न रामस्स्वप्तु मर्हति।।2.88.3।।

महाभागकुलीनेन by the highborn, महाभागेन by a highly fortunate man, धीमता by the sagacious, दशरथेन by Dasaratha, जातः born, रामः Rama, उर्व्याम् on the naked earth, स्वप्तुम् to sleep, न अर्हति does not deserve.

Rama, son of highly fortunate and sagacious Dasaratha, born of a noble lineage does not deserve to rest on this naked earth.
अजिनोत्तरसंस्तीर्णे वरास्तरणसंचये।

शयित्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रः कथं शेते महीतले।।2.88.4।।

पुरुषव्याघ्रः best among men, Rama, अजिनोत्तरसंस्तीर्णे on over spreads of deer skin, वरास्तरणसंचये on bed made of a pile of excellent spreads, शयित्वा used to sleep, महीतले on the ground, कथम् how, शेते can sleep?

How could Rama, the best among men used to a bed made of a pile of excellent spreads and overspread with deer skin, sleep on the bare ground?
प्रासादाग्रविमानेषु वलभीषु च सर्वदा।

हैमराजतभौमेषु वरास्तरणशालिषु।।2.88.5।।

पुष्पसञ्चयचित्रेषु चन्दनागरुगन्धिषु।

पाण्डुराभ्रप्रकाशेषु शुकसङ्घरूतेषुच।।2.88.6।।

प्रासादवरवर्येषु शीतवत्सु सुगन्धिषु।

उषित्वामेरुकल्पेषु कृतकाञ्चन भित्तिषु।।2.88.7।।


मृदङ्गवरशब्दैश्च सततं प्रतिबोधितः।।2.88.8।।

वन्दिभिर्वन्दितः काले बहुभि स्सूतमागधैः।

गाथाभिरनुरूपाभि स्स्तुतिभिश्च परन्तपः।।2.88.9।।

परन्तपः scorcher of enemies, (सः that Rama), सर्वदा always, प्रासादाग्रविमानेषु वलभीषु च in the attic of the sevenstoreyed mansion, हैमराजतभौमेषु the floors paved with gold and silver, वरास्तरणशालिषु spread with excellent carpets, पुष्पसंचयचित्रेषु decked with bouquets of flowers, चन्दनागरुगन्धिषु perfumed with sandal and agaru, पाण्डुराभ्रप्रकाशेषु brightness like white clouds, शुकसङ्घरुतेषु च echoed with cries of flocks of parrots, शीतवत्सु cool,
सुगन्धिषु in places fragrant with perfumes, कृतकाञ्चनभित्तिषु surrounded by goldplated walls, मेरुकल्पेषु like mount Meru, प्रासादवरवर्येषु in the best of mansions, उषित्वा having dwelt, गीतवादित्रनिर्घोषैः with the sounds of songs and musical instruments, वराभरणनिस्वनैः with the tinkling of ornaments, मृदङ्गवरशब्दैश्च and with excellent sounds of drums, (तत्र there), प्रतिबोधितः awakened, बहुभिः by many, सूतमागधैः bards and genealogists, वन्दिभिः by the panegyrists गाथाभिः with ballads, अनुरूपाभिः by worthy, स्तुतिभिश्च by songs of praise, काले at appointed time, वन्दितः saluted in reverence.

Rama, scorcher of enemies, one who was accostomed to dwell in the attic of sevenstoreyed mansions with floors paved with gold, and silver, spread with excellent carpets, decked with bouquets of flowers and perfumed with sandal and agaru. The peaks of those palaces were bright like towering white clouds and echoed with cries of parrots. They were cool and fragrant with perfumes. The marvellous palaces made of golden walls are comparable to mount Meru. He used to wake up to the sounds of songs and musical instruments, the tinkling of finest ornaments and the splendid sounds of the drums. Many bards, genealogists and panegyrists singing befitting ballads and extolling his virtues at appropriate time used to salute him in reverence (Bharata lamented).
अश्रद्धेयमिदं लोके न सत्यं प्रतिभाति मा।

मुह्यते खलु मे भाव स्स्वप्नोऽयमिति मे मतिः।।2.88.10।।

लोके in the world, इदम् this, अश्रद्धेयम् can not be believed, सत्यम् truly, मा to me, न प्रतिभाति does not appear, मे my, भावः thought (mind), मुह्यते खलु is bewildered, अयम् this, स्वप्नः इति like a dream, मे my, मतिः thinking.

It is unbelievable that such a thing has happened to Rama in this world. It does not seem real to me and looks appears like a dream and my mind is bewildered.
न नूनं दैवतं किंचित्कालेन बलवत्तरम्।

यत्र दाशरथी रामो भूमावेव शयीत सः।।2.88.11।।

दैवतम् divine power, कालेन in course of time, किंचित् even a little, बलवत्तरम् more strong, न not, नूनम् surely, यत्र where, सः दाशरथि: that Dasaratha's son, रामः Rama, भूमावेव on the ground itself, शयीत had to sleep.

Dasaratha's son, Rama had to rest on the ground would admittedly mean that no divine power is mightier than Time (Destiny).
विदेहराजस्य सुता सीता च प्रियदर्शना।

दयिता शयिता भूमौ स्नुषा दशरथस्य च।।2.88.12।।

विदेहराजस्य king of Videha, सुता daughter, प्रियदर्शना one who causes delight to the beholder, दशरथस्य Dasaratha's, दयिता beloved, स्नुषा च daughterinlaw also, सीता च Sita too, भूमौ on the ground, शयिता rested.

Sita, daughter of Janaka, king of Videha, and beloved daughterinlaw of Dasaratha who caused delight to the beholder, too had to rest on the bare ground.
इयं शय्या मम भ्रातुरिदं हि परिवर्तितम्।

स्थण्डिले कठिने सर्वं गात्रै र्विमृदितं तृणम्।।2.88.13।।

इयम् this, मम भ्रातुः my brother's, शय्या couch, इदम् here, परिवर्तितं हि tossed about, कठिने on a hard, स्थण्डिले earth, सर्वम् entire, तृणम् grass, गात्रैः by his limbs, विमृदितम् is crushed.

This is my brother's couch and it is here where he had tossed about. The grass spread on this hard surface is crushed by his limbs.
मन्ये साभरणा सुप्ता सीताऽस्मिञ्छयनोत्तमे।

तत्र तत्र हि दृश्यन्ते सक्ताः कनकबिन्दवः।।2.88.14।।

सीता Sita, अस्मिन् this, शयनोत्तमे on excellent bed, साभरणा with her jewellery, सुप्ता must have slept, मन्ये I think, तत्र तत्र here and there, सक्ताः stuck to, कनकबिन्दवः particles of gold dust, दृश्यन्ते are seen.

Some particles of gold dust are seen stuck to this bed here and there. I think Sita might have rested on this excellent bed with all her jewellery.
उत्तरीयमिहाऽसक्तं सुव्यक्तं सीतया तदा।

तथा ह्येते प्रकाशन्ते सक्ताः कौशेयतन्तवः।।2.88.15।।

तदा then, सीतया by Sita, उत्तरीयम् upper garment, इह here, आसक्तम् had been, सुव्यक्तम् is is well evident, तथाहि as for instance, सक्ताः stuck, एते कौशेयतन्तवः these silken threads, प्रकाशन्ते are shining.

That the upper garment of Sita might have been caught here is well evident from the shining silken threads stuck.
मन्ये भर्तु स्सुखा शय्या येन बाला तपस्विनी।

सुकुमारी सती दुःखं न हि विजानाति मैथिली।।2.88.16।।

येन for what reason, बाला the young lady, तपस्विनी unfortunate, सुकुमारी delicate lady, सती chaste lady, मैथिली Sita, दुःखम् suffering, न हि (वि)जानाति does not know, for that reason,
भर्तुः husband's, शय्या bed, सुखा comfortable, मन्ये I think.

Hapless Sita is young and delicate. Being a chaste lady, she, even in these (adverse) circumstances, does not feel the brunt. Hence, maybe she thinks her husbands' (hard) bed comfortable to her.
हा हन्ताऽस्मि नृशंसोऽहं यत्सभार्यः कृते मम।

ईदृशीं राघवश्शय्यामधिशेते ह्यनाथवत्।।2.88.17।।

हा हन्त Alas, what a difficulty, अहम् I, नृशंसः अस्मि I have been cruel, यत् since, मम कृते because of me, राघवः Rama, सभार्यः with his spouse, अनाथवत् like an orphan, ईदृशीम् such, शय्याम् bed, अधिशेते is reclining upon.

Alas, what suffering Because of a cruel man like me Rama along with his spouse was condemned to recline upon such bed like an orphan.
सार्वभौमकुले जात स्सर्वलोकस्य सम्मतः।

सर्वलोकप्रियस्त्यक्त्वा राज्यं सुखमनुत्तम्।।2.88.18।।

कथमिन्दीवरश्यामो रक्ताक्षः प्रियदर्शनः।

सुखभागी न दुःखार्ह श्शयितो भुवि राघवः।।2.88.19।।

सार्वभौमकुले in the house of emperors, जातः was born, सर्वलोकस्य of the entire world, सम्मतः worthy of reverence, सर्वलोकप्रियः beloved of all the worlds, इन्दीवरश्यामः with the complexion of a blue lotus, रक्ताक्षः of reddened eyes, प्रियदर्शनः pleasing to look, सुखभागी worthy of happiness, न दुःखार्हः does not deserve suffering, राघवः Rama, राज्यम् kingdom, अनुत्तमम् excellent, सुखम् comforts, त्यक्त्वा having given up, भुवि on this ground, कथम् how, शयितः did he sleep?

How could such Rama sleep on the ground? He was born in the house of emperors, worthy of reverence by the entire world and beloved of all the worlds, with the complexion of a blue lotus, with red eyes, and pleasing looks, one who deserves to be happy and not to suffer by renouncing the kingdom and excellent comforts.
धन्यः खलु महाभागो लक्ष्मण श्शुभलक्षणः।

भ्रातरं विषमे काले यो राममनुवर्तते।।2.88.20।।

यः that, विषमे in adverse, काले times, भ्रातरम् brother, रामम् Rama, अनुवर्तते is accompanying, शुभलक्षणः a man of auspicious virtues, महाभागः a great man, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, धन्यः खलु is indeed fortunate.

Surely Lakshmana of great merit and auspicious virtues is fortunate since he is accompanying his brother Rama in times of adversity.
सिद्धार्था खलु वैदेही पतिं याऽनुगता वनम्।

वयं संशयिता स्सर्वे हीनास्तेन महात्मना।।2.88.21।।

या that Sita, वनम् to the forest, पतिम् husband, अनुगता had followed, वैदेही Sita, सिद्धार्था खलु has surely acomplished her object, महात्मना by the magnanimous, तेन by that Rama, हीनाः bereft of, वयम् we, सर्वे all, संशयिताः are full of doubts.

Sita has, indeed, accomplished her object by accompanying her husband (to the forest). Bereft of that magnanimous Rama, all of us are in doubt (if he will accept our services).
आकर्णधारा पृथिवी नौः इव प्रतिभाति मा।

गते दशरथे स्वर्गं रामे चारण्यमाश्रिते।।2.88.22।।

दशरथे Dasaratha, स्वर्गम् to heaven, गते having ascended, रामे च when Rama too, अरण्यम् forest, आश्रिते having taken shelter, पृथिवी earth, आकर्णधारा without helmsman, नौः इव like a ship, मा to me, प्रतिभाति appears.

King Dasaratha having ascended to heaven and Rama taken shelter in the forest, this kingdom appears to me like a ship without a helmsman.
न च प्रार्थयते कच्चिन्मनसापि वसुन्धराम्।

वनेऽपि वसतस्तस्य बाहुवीर्याभिरक्षिताम्।।2.88.23।।

वने in the forest, वसतः अपि though residing, तस्य his, बाहुवीर्याभिरक्षिताम् protected by the might of his arms, वसुन्धराम् this earth, कश्चित् none, मनसापि even in thought, न च प्रार्थयते does not desire.

No one, even in thought, would ever desire this kingdom, protected by the strength of his arms even while residing in the forest.

अपावृतपुरद्वारां राजधानीमरक्षिताम्।।2.88.24।।

अप्रहृष्टबलां शून्यां विषमस्थामनावृताम्।

शत्रवो नाभिमन्यन्ते भक्षान्विषकृतानिव।।2.88.25।।

शून्यसंवरणारक्षां without guards to keep vigil over the ramparts, अयन्त्रितहयद्विपाम् with horses and elephants are not in control, अपावृतपुरद्वाराम् with the city gates kept wide open, अरक्षिताम् unprotected, अप्रहृष्टबलाम् unhappy army, शून्याम् empty (demoralised), विषमस्थाम् in dire difficulties, अनावृताम् wide open, राजधानीम् the capital city (Ayodhya), शत्रवः enemies, विषकृतान् mixed with poison, भक्षानिव like food, नाभिमन्यन्ते will not think of.

Now the gates of our capital city (Ayodhya) are wide open. The city is unprotected and endangered. There are no guards to keep vigil over the ramparts. The horses and elephants are not in control (hence unprepared for battle). The army is unhappy and demoralised. At this state even the enemies will not like to seize the city, they will shun it like food mixed with poison.
अद्यप्रभृति भूमौ तु शयिष्येऽहं तृणेषु वा।

फलमूलाशनो नित्यं जटाचीराणि धारयन्।।2.88.26।।

अद्य प्रभृति from today, अहम् I, जटाचीराणि matted hair and robes made of bark, धारयन् wearing, नित्यम् always, फलमूलाशनः eating fruits and roots, भूमौ तु on the ground itself, तृणेषु वा or on the grass, शयिष्ये I will sleep.

From today onwards, wearing matted hair and clad in robes made of bark and living on fruits and roots, I too shall sleep on the naked ground or on grass.
तस्यार्थमुत्तरं कालं निवत्स्यामि सुखं वने।

तं प्रतिश्रवमामुच्य नास्य मिथ्या भविष्यति।।2.88.27।।

तम् Rama's, प्रतिश्रवम् vow, आमुच्य casting on me, उत्तरं कालम् the rest of his term (of exile), तस्य अर्थम् on account of him, वने in the forest, सुखम् cheerfully, निवत्स्यामि shall dwell, अस्य his vow, मिथ्या untrue, न भविष्यति shall not become.

Taking upon myself the vow of Rama, I too shall live in the forest cheerfully for the rest of the term on behalf of him so that his vow shall not prove untrue.
वसन्तं भ्रातुरर्थाय शत्रुघ्नो माऽनुवत्स्यति।

लक्ष्मणेन सहत्वार्यो ह्ययोध्यां पालयिष्यति।।2.88.28।।

शत्रुघ्नः Satrughna, भ्रातुः अर्थाय on behalf of my brother Rama, वसन्तम् living (in the forest), मा me, अनुवत्स्यति will live by following me, आर्यः esteemed brother, लक्ष्मणेन सह along with Lakshmana, अयोध्याम् Ayodhya, पालयिष्यति हि will rule.

As I live in the forest on behalf of my brother Rama, Satrughna will live with me. My esteemed brother Rama will rule Ayodhya along with Lakshmana.
अभिषेक्ष्यन्ति काकुत्स्थमयोध्यायां द्विजातयः।

अपि मे देवताः कुर्युरिमं सत्यं मनोरथम्।।2.88.29।।

द्विजातयः brahmins, काकुत्स्थम् to Rama, अयोध्यायाम् in Ayodhya, अभिषेक्ष्यन्ति will crown him, देवताः gods, इमम् this, मे my, मनोरथम् desire, सत्यम् as true, अपि कुर्युः will they make it?

In Ayodhya the brahmins shall coronate Rama. Will the gods make this desire of mine true?
प्रसाद्यमान श्शिरसा मया स्वयं बहुप्रकारं यदि नाभिपत्स्यते।

ततोऽनुवत्स्यामि चिराय राघवम् वनेचरन्नार्हति मामुपेक्षितुम्।।2.88.30।।

मया by me, स्वयम् personally, बहुप्रकारम् in many ways, शिरसा bowing down my head, प्रसाद्यमानः seeking his grace, न प्रपत्स्यते यदि if it is not granted, ततः then, वने चरन् living in the forest, राघवम् Rama, चिराय for a long time, अनुवत्स्यामि will live along him, माम् me, उपेक्षितुम् to ignore, नार्हति he cannot.

I will seek his grace in many ways by bowing down my head. Even then if Rama does not grant my wish, I shall also live with him as long as it takes. He will not be able to ignore a forester like me.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे अष्टाशीतितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eightyeigth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.