Sloka & Translation

[Rama hears the sounds of the army approaching the hermitage -- alerts Lakshmana to make sure -- recognition of the army as that of Bharata's -- Lakshmana mistakes Bharata's intentions.]

तां तथा दर्शयित्वा तु मैथिलीं गिरिनिम्नगाम्।

निषसाद गिरिप्रस्थे सीतां मांसेन छन्दयन्।।2.96.1।।

मैथिलीम् princess of Mithila, तां सीताम् to Sita, तथा in that way, गिरिनिम्नगाम् mountainriver, दर्शयित्वा having shown, मांसेन with meat, छन्दयन् gratifying, गिरिप्रस्थे on the mountainslope, निषसाद sat.

Rama showed Sita, the princess of Mithila the river Mandakini flowing in the mountain, gratified her by offering meat (to eat) and sat on the mountain slope.
इदं मेध्यमिदं स्वादु निष्टप्तमिदमग्निना।

एवमास्ते स धर्मात्मा सीतया सह राघवः।।2.96.2।।

धर्मात्मा righteous, स राघवः that Rama, इदम् this, मेध्यम् sacred meat, इदम् this, स्वादु is savoury, इदम् this one, अग्निना with fire, निष्टप्तम् roasted, एवम् uttering this way, सीतया सह in the company of Sita, आस्ते was seated.

Offering Sita several kinds of preparations to eat, righteous Rama, seated in her company remarked, This meat is savoury, this meat roasted on fire is sacred.
तथा तत्राऽसतस्तस्य भरतस्यौपयायिनः।

सैन्यरेणुश्च शब्दश्च प्रादुरास्तां नभस्पृशौ।।2.96.3।।

तथा thus, तस्य that Rama, तत्र there, आसतः while sitting, उपयायिनः approaching, भरतस्य Bharata's, सैन्यरेणुश्च dust raised by the army, शब्दश्च and tumult, नभस्पृशौ both reaching
the sky, प्रादुरास्ताम् was generated.

Now as Rama was sitting there, the tumult and the dust raised by the approaching army of Bharata reached the sky.
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे त्रस्ता श्शब्देन महता ततः।

अर्दिता यूथपा मत्ता स्सयूथा दुद्रुवुर्दिशः।।2.96.4।।

एकस्मिन् अन्तरे meanwhile, मत्ताः mighty, यूथपाः leaders of elephantherds, महता with a loud, शब्देन noise, त्रस्ताः were frightened, अर्दिताः agitated सयूथाः with herds, ततः from there, दिशः in different directions, दुद्रुवुः fled away.

Meanwhile, the mighty leaders of the elephantherds were agitated, and frightened by the loud noise, fled away from there in different directions.
स तं सैन्यसमुद्धूतं शब्दं शुश्राव राघवः।

तां श्च विप्रद्रुतान्सर्वान्यूथपानन्ववैक्षत।।2.96.5।।

सः राघवः that Rama, सैन्यसमुद्बूतम् generated by the army, तं शब्दम् that sound, शुश्राव heard, विप्रद्रुतान् fleeing, तान् those, सर्वान् all, यूथपान् च leaders of herds, अन्ववैक्षत saw.

Rama heard the sound generated by the army and saw those leaders of herds fleeing away.
तांश्च विद्रुवतो दृष्ट्वा तं च श्रुत्वा च निस्वनम्।

उवाच राम स्सौमित्रिं लक्ष्मणं दीप्ततेजसम्।।2.96.6।।

रामः Rama, विद्रुवतः running, तान् them, दृष्ट्वा having seen, तम् them, निस्वनं also sound, श्रुत्वा having heard, दीप्ततेजसम् blazing with energy, सौमित्रिम् son of Sumitra, लक्ष्मणम् addressing Lakshmana, उवाच said.

Seeing those animals fleeing and hearing the clamour, Rama addressed Lakshmana,
son of Sumitra, who was blazing with energy.
हन्त लक्ष्मण पश्येह सुमित्रासुप्रजास्त्वया।

भीमस्तनितगम्भीरस्तुमुलः श्रूयते स्वनः।।2.96.7।।

हन्त Oh what a wonder, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, सुमित्रा Sumitra, त्वया by you, सुप्रजाः has a worthy son, इह here, भीमस्तनितगम्भीरः fearful rumbling of clouds, तुमुलः tumultous, स्वनः sound, इह here, श्रूयते is being heard, पश्य see.

O Lakshmana, the worthy son of Sumitra, fearful and tumultuous clamour like rumbling sound of clouds is heard. What a wonder Go and see.
गजयूथानि वाऽरण्ये महिषा वा महावने।

वित्रासिता मृगा स्सिंहै स्सहसा प्रद्रुता दिशः।।2.96.8।।

अरण्ये in the forest, गजयूथानि herds of elephants, महावने in the great woods, महिषाः वा buffaloes, मृगाः wild beasts, वित्रासिताः frightened, सिंहैः by lions, सहसा quickly, दिशः in directions, प्रद्रुताः running.

Herds of elephants and buffaloes in the great woods and wild beasts frightened by lions are running in different directions.
राजा वा राजपुत्रो वा मृगयामटते वने।

अन्यद्वा श्वापदं किञ्चित्सौमित्रे ज्ञातुमर्हसि।।2.96.9।।

सौमित्रे O Lakshmana, राजा वा king or, राजपुत्रो वा or prince, वने in the forest, मृगयाम् अटते is hunting, वा or, किञ्चित् any, अन्यत् other, श्वापदम् ferocious animal, ज्ञातुम् to know, अर्हसि ought to

O Lakshmana, do ascertain if any king or prince has come for hunting or whether any ferocious animal has entered this forest, shouldn't you?
सुदुश्चरो गिरिश्चायं पक्षिणामपि लक्ष्मण।

सर्वमेतद्यथातत्त्वमचिरात् ज्ञातुमर्हसि।।2.96.10।।

लक्ष्मण O Lakshmana, अयम् this, गिरिः mountain, पक्षिणामपि even to birds, सुदुश्चरः is highly inaccessible, एतत् सर्वम् all this, यथातत्त्वम् exactly, अचिरात् quickly, ज्ञातुम् to know, अर्हसि ought to.

O Lakshmana, this mountain is highly inaccessible even to birds. Find out exactly and quickly what this is all about.
स लक्ष्मण स्सन्त्वरित स्सालमारुह्य पुष्पितम्।

प्रेक्षमाणो दिश स्सर्वाः पूर्वां दिशमुदैक्षत।।2.96.11।।

सः लक्ष्मणः that Lakshmana, सन्त्वरितः hurriedly, पुष्पितम् flowering, सालम् Sala tree, आरुह्य
climbing, सर्वाः all, दिशः directions, प्रेक्षमाणः seeing, पूर्वं दिशम् the eastern direction, उदैक्षत looked.

Lakshmana hurriedly climbed a flowering sala tree, surveyed in all directions and fixed his gaze on the east.
उदङ्मुखः प्रेक्षमाणो ददर्श महतीं चमूम्।

रथाश्वगजसम्बाधां यत्तैर्युक्तां पदातिभिः।।2.96.12।।

उदङ्मुखः facing the north, प्रेक्षमाणः seeing, रथाश्वगजसम्बाधाम् with chariots, elephants and horses, यत्तै: wellequipped, पदातिभिः with infantry, युक्ताम् consisting of, महतीम् vast, चमूम् army, ददर्श beheld.

Turning his face to the north, he beheld a vast army consisting of chariots, elephants and horses and a wellequipped infantry.
तामश्वगजसम्पूर्णां रथध्वजविभूषिताम्।

शशंस सेनां रामाय वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्।।2.96.13।।

अश्वगजसम्पूर्णाम् full of horses and elephants, रथध्वजविभूषिताम् decorated with chariotbannars, तां सेनाम् of the army, रामाय to Rama, शशंस informed, इदम् these, वचनं च words also, अब्रवीत् said.

He (Lakshmana) informed Rama about the army full of horses and elephants and decorated with chariotbanners and said these words:
अग्निं संशमयत्वार्य स्सीता च भजतां गुहाम्।

सज्यं कुरुष्व चापं च शरांश्च कवचं तथा।।2.96.14।।

आर्यः O noble one, अग्निम् sacredfires (Agnihotra), संशमयतु put off, सीता च Sita also, गुहाम् cave, भजताम् let take refuge, चापम् bow, सज्यम् with string, कुरुष्व make ready, तथा so also, शरांश्च arrows also, कवचम् armour (put on).

O noble one, put out the sacred fire (Agnihotra) and let Sita take refuge in the cave. String your bow and keep the arrows ready. Put on your armour.
तं रामः पुरुषव्याघ्रो लक्ष्मणं प्रत्युवाच ह।

अङ्गावेक्षस्व सौमित्रे कस्येमां मन्यसे चमूम्।।2.96.15।।

पुरुषव्याघ्रः best among men, रामः Rama, तं लक्ष्मणम् to Lakshmana, प्रत्युवाच ह replied so, अङ्ग Oh, सौमित्रे Lakshmana, अवेक्षस्व look, इमाम् this, चमूम् army, कस्य of whom, मन्यसे do you think.

Rama the best among men replied to Lakshamana, Oh, Lakshmana, look properly and tell me to whom do you think this army might belong
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

दिधक्षन्निव तां सेनां रुषितः पावको यथा।।2.96.16।।

रामेण by Rama, एवं in that manner, उक्तः having been said, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, पावको यथा like a fire, रुषितः was wrathful, तां सेनाम् that army, दिधक्षन्निव as if he wanted to burn down, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

Hearing the words of Rama, enraged Lakshmana, like a flaming fire as if he would reduce the army to ashes, replied:
सम्पन्नं राज्यमिच्छंस्तु व्यक्तं प्राप्याभिषेचनम्।

आवां हन्तुं समभ्येति कैकेय्या भरतस्सुतः।।2.96.17।।

कैकेय्याः Kaikeyi's, सुतः son, भरतः Bharata, अभिषेचनम् प्राप्य having been consecrated, राज्यम् kingdom, सम्पन्नम् endowed with prosperity (without obstacles), इच्छन् desiring, आवाम् both of us, हन्तुम् to slay, समभ्येति is coming, व्यक्तम् this is evident.

It is evident that Kaikeyi's son Bharata, who has been consecrated, is coming to slay
both of us desiring the prosperous kingdom (to be without obstacles).
एष वै सुमहाञ्छ्रीमान्विटपी सम्प्रकाशते।

विराजत्युद्गतस्कन्धं कोविदारध्वजो रथे।।2.96.18।।

एषः this, सुमहान् lofty, श्रीमान् majestic, उद्गतस्कन्धः atop with large trunk, विटपी tree, सम्प्रकाशते रथे on chariot, कोविदारध्वजः with his standard bearing the emblem of Kovidara tree, विराजति shining brilliantly.

There on that chariot, is a banner shining brilliantly with the emblem of a lofty majestic Kovidara tree with a large trunk.
असौ हि सुमहास्कन्धो विटपी च महाद्रुमः।

विराजते महासैन्ये कोविदारध्वजो रथे।।2.96.19।।

सुमहास्कन्धः of very large trunk, विटपी च spread with many branches, असौ this, महाद्रुमः
large tree, कोविदारध्वजः standard of Kovidara, रथे on chariot, महासैन्ये in large army, विराजते is shining brilliantly.

There the emblem of the great Kovidara tree of very large trunk spread with many branches shines brilliantly atop the chariot.
भजन्त्येते यथाकाममश्वानारुह्य शीघ्रगान्।

एते भ्राजन्ति संहृष्टा गजानारुह्य सादिनः।।2.96.20।।

एते these, यथाकामम् at their will, शीघ्रगान् swiftlymoving, अश्वान् horses, आरुह्य having mounted, भजन्ति are following, एते these, सादिनः riders of elephants, गजान् elephants, आरुह्य having mounted, संहृष्टाः cheerfully, भ्राजन्ति are shining.

These men mounted on swiftlymoving horses are following the post. The riders of elephants mounted on the elephants look cheerful.
गृहीतधनुषौ चावां गिरिं वीर श्रयावहै।

अथवेहैव तिष्ठाव स्सन्नद्धावुद्यतायुधौ।।2.96.21।।

वीर O mighty warrior, आवाम् both of us, गृहीतधनुषौ by taking up the bows, गिरिम् on this mountain, श्रयावहै take refuge, अथवा or, सन्नद्धौ fully prepared (for battle), उद्यतायुधौ with weapons in readiness, इहैव here itself, तिष्ठावः stay here.

O mighty warrior, let both of us take up the bows and station ourselves on this mountain or we shall stay here itself armed with weapons fully prepared for the battle.
अपि नौ वशमागच्छेत्कोविदारध्वजो रणे।

अपि द्रक्ष्यामि भरतं यत्कृते व्यसनं महत्।।2.96.22।।

त्वया राघव सम्प्राप्तं सीतया च मया तथा।

राघव O Rama, रणे in battle, कोविदारध्वजः Kovidara banner, नौ our, वशम् possession,
अप्यागच्छेत् will it come, यत्कृते on whose account, त्वया by you, सीतया by Sita, तथा also, मया च by me, महत् great, व्यसनम् calamity, सम्प्राप्तम् has befallen, such, भरतम् Bharata, अपि द्रक्ष्यामि can I see.

O Rama, will this Kovidara emblem come into our possession in the battle? Can I see Bharata, the cause of the calamity that has befallen you, Sita and me?
यन्निमित्तं भवान्राज्याच्छ्युतो राघव शाश्वतात्।।2.96.23।।

सम्प्राप्तोऽयमरिर्वीर भरतो वध्य एव मे।

हे वीर O mighty warrior, राघव Rama, भवान् you, यन्निमित्तम् on whose account, शाश्वतात् from the perpetual, राज्यात् from kingdom, च्युतः deprived, अयम् such, सम्प्राप्तः has come here, अरिः foe, भरतः Bharata, मे to me, वध्य एव deserves to be slain.

O that mighty warrior Bharata, on whose account you have been banished from the perpetual kingdom, comes here as a foe and as for me, he deserves to be slain.
भरतस्य वधे दोषं नाहं पश्यामि राघव।

पूर्वापकारिणं हत्वा न ह्यधर्मेण युज्यते।।2.96.24।।

राघव O Rama, भरतस्य Bharta's, वधे in slaying, अहम् I, दोषम् wrong, न पश्यामि do not see, पूर्वापकारिणम् one who has done harmful act earlier, हत्वा in slaying, अधर्मेण with unrighteousness, न युज्यते is not attached.

O Rama, I do not see anything wrong in slaying Bharata. In killing one who had done harm is not an act of unrighteousness.
पूर्वापकारी भरतस्त्यक्तधर्मश्च राघव।

एतस्मिन्निहते कृत्स्नामनुशाधि वसुन्धराम्।।2.96.25।।

राघव O Rama, भरतः Bharata, पूर्वापकारी had done harm earlier, त्यक्तधर्मश्च abandoned righteousness, एतस्मिन् when such a person, निहते after having been slain कृत्स्नाम् the
whole, वसुन्धराम् earth, अनुशाधि you shall rule.

O Rama, Bharata has abandoned righteousness and has harmed you. When he is slain, you shall rule over the whole earth.
अद्य पुत्रं हतं संख्ये कैकेयी राज्यकामुका।

मया पश्येत्सुदुःखार्ता हस्तिभग्नमिव द्रुमम्।।2.96.26।।

राज्यकामुका greedy for the kingdom, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, अद्य today, संख्ये in a battle, मया by me, हतम् slain, पुत्रम् son, हस्तिभग्नम् felled by an elephant, द्रुमम् इव like a tree, सुदुःखार्ता extremely afflicted, पश्येत् let her see.

Let that Kaikeyi, greedy for the kingdom, see in great anguish her son who shall be slain by me today in a battle like a tree felled by an elephant.
कैकेयीं च वधिष्यामि सानुबन्धां सबान्धवाम्।

कलुषेणाद्य महता मेदिनी परिमुच्यताम्।।2.96.27।।

सानुबन्धाम् with her attendants, सबान्धवाम् with her relations, कैकेयीं च also Kaikeyi, वधिष्यामि will slay, अद्य today, मेदिनी the earth, महता by a great, कलुषेण of the sin, परिमुच्यताम् let it be cleansed.

I shall also slay Kaikeyi with her attendants and relations. Let the earth be cleansed of the great sin today.
अद्येमं संयतं क्रोधमसत्कारं च मानद।

मोक्ष्यामि शत्रुसैन्येषु कक्षेष्विव हुताशनम्।।2.96.28।।

मानद O protector of honour (Rama), संयतम् suppressed, इमम् this, क्रोधम् anger, असत्कारं च dishonour, हुताशनम् fire, कक्षेष्विव like a thicket, अद्य today, शत्रुसैन्येषु in the army of enemies, मोक्ष्यामि I shall release.

O protector of honour, today I shall vent my suppressed anger and dishonour on the enemy's army like a fire on the thicket.
अद्यैतच्छित्रकूटस्य काननं निशितै श्शरैः।

छिन्दञ्चत्रुशरीराणि करिष्ये शोणितोक्षितम्।।2.96.29।।

अद्य today, निशितैः by the sharpened, शरैः with arrows, शत्रुशरीराणि bodies of enemies, छिन्दन् rending, चित्रकूटस्य Chitrakuta's, एतत् काननम् this forest, शोणितोक्षितम् spattered with blood, करिष्ये I shall do.

Today I shall rend the bodies of enemies with my sharpened arrows and spatter the forest of Chitrakuta mountain with their blood.

श्वापदाः परिकर्षन्तु नरांश्च निहतान्मया।।2.96.30।।

शरैः with arrows, निर्भिन्नहृदयान् with hearts transfixed, कुञ्जरान् elephants, तथा and, तुरगान् horses, मया by me, निहतान् killed, नरांश्च also men, श्वापदाः also wild beasts, परिकर्षन्तु let them drag off.

Let the wild beasts drag away the elephants, horses and men to be killed by me with their hearts transfixed with my arrows.
शराणां धनुषश्चाहमनृणोऽस्मिन्महावने।

ससैन्यं भरतं हत्वा भविष्यामि न संशयः।।2.96.31।।

अस्मिन् in this, महावने great forest, अहम् I, ससैन्यम् with army, भरतम् Bharata, हत्वा having slain, शराणाम् of the arrows, धनुषश्च of the bow, अनृणः discharging my debt, भविष्यामि shall become, संशंयः doubt, न not.

Having slain Bharata and his army in this great forest, I shall doubtless discharge my debt to my arrows and bow.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे षण्णवतितमस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the ninetysixth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.