Sloka & Translation

[Bharadwaja extends elaborate hospitality to Bharata and his entourage --- Invokes Visvakarma to make necessary arrangements.]

kṛtabuddhiṅ nivāsāya tatraiva sa munistadā.

bharataṅ kaikayīputramātithyēnanyamantrayat৷৷2.91.1৷৷

saḥ that, muniḥ sage (Bharadwaja), tadā then, tatraiva there itself, nivāsāya to stay, kṛtabuddhim having resolved, kaikayīputram Kaikeyi's son, bharatam Bharata, ātithyēna with hospitality, nyamantrayat invited.

With the decision of Bharata, son of Kaikeyi, to stay there for the night, sage Bharadwaja extended to him all hospitality.
abravīdbharatastvēnaṅ nanvidaṅ bhavatā kṛtam.

pādyamarghyaṅ tathā.tithyaṅ vanē yadupapadyatē৷৷2.91.2৷৷

bharatastu as for Bharata, ēnam to him, abravīt said, bhavatā by you, pādyam water for washing the feet with, arghyam welcome offering, tathā also, vanē in the forest, yat whichever, upapadyatē is available, idam this, ātithyam hospitality, kṛtaṅ nanu has been made.

Bharata said to Bharadwaja, You have already extended the hospitality in offering water for washing the feet with and of arghya befitting a guest as available in the forest.
athōvāca bharadvājō bharataṅ prahasanniva.

jānē tvāṅ prītisaṅyuktaṅ tuṣyēstvaṅ yēna kēnacit৷৷2.91.3৷৷

atha then, bharadvājaḥ Bharadwaja, prahasanniva with a gentle smile, bharatam to Bharata, uvāca said, tvām you, prītisaṅyuktam are full of love, jānē I know, tvām you, yēna kēna cit with whatever
offered, tuṣyēḥ are contented.

Bharadwaja then said to Bharata with a gentle smile, I know you are full of love and content with whatever is offered you.
sēnāyāstu tavaitasyāḥ kartumicchāmi bhōjanam.

mama prītiryathārūpā tathārhō manujarṣabha৷৷2.91.4৷৷

manujarṣabha best among mortals, tava your, ētasyāḥ for all the, sēnāyāḥ the army men, bhōjanam food, kartum I am to offer, icchāmi wish, mama my, prītiḥ pleasure, yathā rūpā in whatever way, tathā accordingly, arhaḥ worthy of.

O Bharata, the best of men, I want to treat your army with food. This will please me and I hope you will act accordingly.
kimarthaṅ cāpi nikṣipya dūrē balamihāgataḥ.

kasmānnēhōpayātō.si sabalaḥ puruṣarṣabhaḥ৷৷2.91.5৷৷

puruṣarṣabhaḥ best of men, kimartham for what reason, balam army, dūrē at a distance, nikṣipya having stationed, iha here, āgataḥ you have come, iha here, sabalaḥ with your army, kasmāt why, na upayātaḥ asi not come with.

Why did you, O Bharata, the best of men, station your army at a distance before coming here? Could you not approach me along with your army?
bharataḥ pratyuvācēdaṅ prāñjalistaṅ tapōdhanam.

sasainyō nōpayātō.smi bhagavanbhagavadbhayāt৷৷2.91.6৷৷

bharataḥ Bharata, prāñjaliḥ with folded palms (in reverence), tapōdhanam who has benance as his wealth (sage), tam him, idam this, pratyuvāca replied, bhagavan O venerable one, bhagavadbhayāt for fear of you, sasainyaḥ with army, nōpayātō.smi did not approach.

With folded palms (in reverence), Bharata said to sage Bharadwaja whose penance was his wealth: I did not approach you with the army for fear of you, O venerable one.
rājñā ca bhagavannityaṅ rājaputrēṇa vā sadā.

yatnataḥ parihartavyā viṣayēṣu tapasvinaḥ৷৷2.91.7৷৷

bhagavan O venerable one, rājñā by the king, rājaputrēṇa vā or by a king's son, viṣayēṣu in places, sadā always, tapasvinaḥ of ascetics, yatnataḥ intentionally, parihartavyāḥ should be avoided.

O venerable one! a king or a prince ought to intentionally avoid those places occupied by ascetics.
vājimukhyā manuṣyāśca mattāśca varavāraṇāḥ.

pracchādya bhagavanbhūmiṅ mahatīmanuyānti mām৷৷2.91.8৷৷

bhagavan O Lord, vājimukhyāḥ spirited horses, manuṣyāśca men also, mattāḥ rutting, varavāraṇāśca mighty elephants, mahatīm wide, bhūmim earth, pracchādya spread over, mām me, anuyānti are following.

O venerable sage! spirited horses, men and mighty rutting elephants follow me covering a wide expanse of land.
tē vṛkṣānudakaṅ bhūmimāśramēṣūṭajāṅ stathā.

na hiṅsyuriti tēnā.hamēka ēva samāgataḥ৷৷2.91.9৷৷

tē they, āśramēṣu in ashrams, vṛkṣān trees, udakam water, bhūmim land, tathā also, uṭajān huts, na hiṅsyuḥ shall not damage, iti so, tēna therefore, aham I, ēka ēva alone, samāgataḥ came here.

Lest the army should damage the huts, trees, land, and defile the water in the ashram, I came here alone.
ānīyatāmitassēnētyājñaptaḥ paramarṣiṇā.

tatastu cakrē bharatassēnāyāssamupāgamam৷৷2.91.10৷৷

tatastu all, sēnā army, itaḥ here, anīyatām be brought, iti thus, paramarṣiṇā great sage, ājñaptaḥ having been commanded, bharataḥ Bharata, sēnāyāḥ the army's, samupāgamam to get, cakrē made.

Thus commanded the great ascetic, 'Let the army be brought here'. Accordingly, Bharata ordered the army to come.
agniśālāṅ praviśyātha pītvā.paḥ parimṛjya ca.

ātithyasya kriyāhētōrviśvakarmāṇamāhvayat৷৷2.91.11৷৷

atha then, agniśālām fire sanctuary, praviśya entered, āpaḥ water, pītvā sipped, parimṛjya ca washing his hands, ātithyasya for the hospitality, kriyāhētōḥ to provide, viśvakarmāṇam to Visvakarma, āhvayat invoked.

Then Bharadwaja entered the fire sanctuary, sipped water and washed his hands with water and invoked Visvakarma to provide hospitality.
āhvayē viśvakarmāṇamahaṅ tvaṣṭāramēva ca.

ātithyaṅ kartumicchāmi tatra mē saṅvidhīyatām৷৷2.91.12৷৷

aham I, ātithyam hospitality, kartum to perform, icchāmi am intending, tvaṣṭāram ēva ca even Tvastara who builds homes, viśvakarmāṇam Visvakarma, āhvayē I am invoking, tatra in this matter, mē to me, saṅvidhīyatām things may be arranged.

I intend to provide hospitality for which I am invoking Visvakarma and Tvastara who builds houses. Let adequate arrangements be made.
āhvayē lōkapālāṅstrīn dēvān śakramukhāṅstathā.

ātithyaṅ kartumicchāmi tatra mē saṅvidhīyatām৷৷2.91.13৷৷

tathā like that, śakramukhān Indra in the forefront, lōkapālān guardians of the (four) quarters, trīn dēvān three deities, āhvayē I am invoking, ātithyam hospitality, kartum to provide, icchāmi desiring tatra in this matter, mē to me, saṅvidhīyatām arrangements be made.

I invoke the three deities, guardians of the four quarters headed by Indra to extend hospitality (to Bharata). Let them make adequate arrangements in this regard.
prāksrōtasaśca yā nadyaḥ pratyaksrōtasa ēva ca.

pṛthivyāmantarikṣē ca samāyāntvadya sarvaśaḥ৷৷2.91.14৷৷

yā nadyaḥ those revers, pṛthivyām on the earth, antarikṣē in the sky, prāksrōtasaḥ flowing towards the east, pratyaksrōtasaḥ towards the west, sarvaśaḥ from everywhere, adya now, samāyāntu may come.

Let the rivers flowing towards the east, and the west, flowing on the earth and in the sky, flowing everywhere reach here and now.
anyā sravantu mairēyaṅ surāmanyāssuviṣṭhitām.

aparā ścōdakaṅ śītamikṣukāṇḍarasōpamam৷৷2.91.15৷৷

anyāḥ other rivers, mairēyam intoxicating liquour (made of date-palms), sravantu let them flow, anyāḥ other rivers, suviṣṭhitām well-prepared, surām wine, aparāśca still others, ikṣukāṇḍarasōpamam tasting like sugar cane juice, śītam cool, udakam water, sravantu let them flow.

Let some rivers flow with liquor made of date-palms, some with well-prepared wine and some with cool water which tastes like sugarcane juice.
āhvayē dēvagandharvānviśvāvasuhahāhuhūn.

tathaivāpsarasō dēvīrgandharvīścāpi sarvaśaḥ৷৷2.91.16৷৷

dēvagandharvān the gandharvas of deities, viśvāvasu Visvavasu, hahāhuhūn Ha Ha and Hu Hu, tathaiva also, dēvīḥ goddesses, gandharvīścāpi female gandharvas (heavenly musicians), apsarasaḥ apsaras (nymphs), sarvaśaḥ from all regions, āhvayē invoke.

I invoke the gandharvas, Visvavasu, Ha Ha and Hu Hu, and also goddesses like gandharvas (heavenly musicians) and apsaras (nymphs) from all regions.
ghṛtācīmatha viśvācīṅ miśrakēśīmalaṅbusām.

nāgadantāṅ ca hēmāṅ ca himāmadrikṛtasthalām৷৷2.91.17৷৷

atha also, ghṛtācīm Grutachi, viśvācīm Visvachi, miśrakēśīm Misrakesi, alaṅbusām Alambusa, nāgadantāṅ ca Nagadanta, hēmāṅ ca Hema, adrikṛtasthalām whose abode is on the mountain, himām Hima I am summoning.

I summon also Grutachi, Visvachi, Misrakesi, Alambusa, Nagadantha, Hema and Hima whose abode is on the mountain.
śakraṅ yāścōpatiṣṭhanti brahmāṇaṅ yāśca yōṣitaḥ.

sarvāstumburuṇā sārdhamāhvayē saparicchadāḥ৷৷2.91.18৷৷

yāśca those, yōṣitaḥ women, śakram Indra, upatiṣṭhanti are serving, yāśca those, brahmāṇam attending on Bramha, saparicchadāḥ with all their musical instruments, sarvāḥ all, tumburuṇā sārdham with their tumbur, āhvayē I am invoking.

I invoke all the women who attend on Indra and Bramha along with tumbur with all their (musical) instruments.
vanaṅ kuruṣu yaddivyaṅ vāsōbhūṣaṇapatravat.

divyanārīphalaṅ śaśvattatkaubēramihaitu ca৷৷2.91.19৷৷

kuruṣu in the land of Kurus, śaśvat always, vāsōbhūṣaṇapatravat leaves serving as raiment and
ornaments, divyanārīphalam celestial women as fruits, kaubēram relating to Kubera, yat which, divyaṅ vanam divine forest, tat that, iha here, ētu let it come over.

Let Kubera's divine forest situated in the land of Kurus, where leaves serve as raiment and ornaments and celestial women as its fruits come here.
iha mē bhagavān sōmō vidhattāmannamuttamam.

bhakṣyaṅbhōjyaṅ ca cōṣyaṅ ca lēhyaṅ ca vividhaṅ bahu৷৷2.91.20৷৷

bhagavān the lord, sōmaḥ Moon, mē for me, iha here, uttamam excellent, annam food, vividham many kinds, bahu many varieties, bhakṣyam eatables, bhōjyam chewable food, cōṣyam food eaten by sucking, lēhyaṅ ca that which is licked, vidhattām be provided.

Let the blessed Moon furnish me with excellent food of every kind -- solid, liquid, soft and those which are to be sucked and licked in great variety and quantity.
vicitrāṇi ca mālyāni pādapapracyutāni ca.

surādīni ca pēyāni māṅsāni vividhāni ca৷৷2.91.21৷৷

pādapapracyutāni those dropped from trees, vicitrāṇi many-coloured, mālyāni ca flower garlands, surādīni wines and others, pēyāni drinks, vividhāni of different kinds, māṅsāni ca meat be furnished.

Let her furnish me with many-coloured garlands of fresh flowers from trees, wines and other drinks and meat of different kinds.
ēvaṅ samādhinā yuktastējasā.pratimēna ca.

śīkṣāsvarasamāyuktaṅ tapasā cābravīnmuniḥ৷৷2.91.22৷৷

samādhinā in profound meditation, apratimēna incomparable, tējasā ca with radiance, tapasā ca with the power of penance, yuktaṅ filled with, muniḥ ascetic, śīkṣāsvarasamāyuktam with accent in conformity with Vedic instruction, ēvam in this way, abravīt said.

The valiant ascetic of incomparable lustre and power of penance in profound meditation said this in an accent in conformity with Vedic instruction.
manasā dhyāyatastasya prāṅmukhasya kṛtāñjalēḥ.

ājagmustāni sarvāṇi daivatāni pṛthakpṛthak৷৷2.91.23৷৷

tasya his, prāṅmukhasya facing east, kṛtāñjalēḥ with folded palms, manasā in mind, dhyāyataḥ while meditating, sarvāṇi all, tāni daivatāni those deities, pṛthakpṛthak one by one, ājagmuḥ arrived.

As Bharadwaja with folded palms was thus meditating with his face turned eastward, all the deities appeared there one by one.
malayaṅ darduraṅ caiva tatassvēdanudō.nilaḥ.

upaspṛśya vavau yuktyā supriyātmā sukhaśśivaḥ৷৷2.91.24৷৷

tataḥ then, anilaḥ wind, malayam Malaya hill, darduraṅ caiva mount Dardura, upaspṛśya having touched, yuktyā by virtue of contact, supriyātmā most pleasant, sukhaḥ comforting, śivaḥ auspicious, svēdanudaḥ cooling the sweat, vavau blew.

Meanwhile, soft auspicious and pleasant breeze passing over Malaya and Dardura mountains, comforting and cooling the sweat, began to blow.
tatō.bhyavarṣanta ghanā divyāḥ kusumavṛṣṭayaḥ.

divyadundubhighōṣaśca dikṣu sarvāsu śuśruvē৷৷2.91.25৷৷

tataḥ then, divyāḥ celestial, kusumavṛṣṭayaḥ rain of flowers, ghanāḥ clouds, abhyavarṣanta showered, sarvāsu in all, dikṣu directions, divyadundubhighōṣaśca sounds of divine musical gongs, śuśruvē could be heard.

Then divine clouds rolled in and showered celestial flowers. The sounds of heavenly gongs could be heard in every direction.
pravavuścōttamā vātā nanṛtuścāpsarōgaṇāḥ.

jaguśca dēvagandharvā vīṇāḥ pramumucussvarān৷৷2.91.26৷৷

uttamāḥ gentle, vātāśca winds, pravavu blew, apsarōgaṇāḥ troops of apsaras, nanṛtuśca also danced, dēvagandharvāḥ divine gandharvas, jaguśca sang, vīṇāḥ lyres, svarān notes, pramumucuḥ issued forth.

Gentle breeze began to blow. Troops of apsaras danced. Gandharvas and gods sang and the lyres rang.
sa śabdō dyāṅ ca bhūmiṅ ca prāṇināṅ śravaṇāni ca.

vivēśōccaritaśślakṣṇassamō layasamanvitaḥ৷৷2.91.27৷৷

uccaritaḥ uttered, ślakṣaṇaḥ soft melody, layasamanvitaḥ rhythmic, samaḥ modulation, saḥ śabdaḥ those sounds, dyāṅ ca the sky, bhūmiṅ ca the earth, prāṇinām of all living beings, śravaṇāni ca in the ears, vivēśa entered.

That soft, melodious, rhythmic and well-modulated sound entered the heaven and earth as well as the ears of all living beings.
tasminnuparatē śabdē divyē śrōtra sukhē nṛṇām.

dadarśa bhārataṅ sainyaṅ vidhānaṅ viśvakarmaṇaḥ৷৷2.91.28৷৷

nṛṇām for men, śōtrasukhē pleasing to the ears, tasmin when that, divyē celestial, śabdē sound, uparatē had subsided, bhāratam relating to Bharata, sainyam army, viśvakarmaṇaḥ Visvakarma's, vidhānam the creations, dadarśa he beheld.

When the celestial sounds pleasing to the ears of men had subsided, the army of Bharata beheld the wonderful creations of Visvakarma.
babhūva hi samā bhūmissamantātpañcayōjanā.

śādvalairbhahubhiścannā nīlavaiḍhūryasannibhaiḥ৷৷2.91.29৷৷

samantāt on every side, pañcayōjanā five yojanas (forty miles), bhūmiḥ the ground, samā has been levelled, nīlavaiḍhūryasannibhaiḥ with sapphires or gems called cat's-eye (beryl) spread,
bahubhiḥ by many, śādvalaiḥ grass lawns, channā covered with, babhūva hi became৷৷

The ground was levelled on every side for five yojanas and covered with several grass lawns resembling lapis lazuli (blue sapphire) and cat's eye.
tasminbilvāḥ kapitthāśca panasā bījapūrakāḥ.

āmalakyō babhūvuśca cūtāśca phalabhūṣaṇāḥ৷৷2.91.30৷৷

tasmin there, phalabhūṣaṇāḥ fruits as adorenments, bilvāḥ Bilva, kapitthāśca wood-apple trees, panasāḥ jack-fruit trees, bījapūrakāḥ citron trees, āmalakyaḥ emblic myrobalan trees, cūtāśca mango-trees, babhūvuḥ sprang up.

There the best of fruit-bearing trees like bilva trees, woodapple trees, citrons, emblic myrobalan trees and mango trees laden with fruits sprang up.
uttarēbhyaḥ kurubhyaśca vanaṅ divyōpabhōgavat.

ājagāma nadī divyā tīrajairbhahubhirvṛtā৷৷2.91.31৷৷

uttarēbhyaḥ kurubhyaḥ from the kingdom of northern Kurus, divyōpabhōgavat with all heavenly delights, vanam forest, bahubhiḥ by innumerable, tīrajaiḥ trees growing on the banks, kṛtā surrounded, divyā divine, nadī river, ājagāma came into existence.

From the forests of the northern Kuru kingdom, with all delights of heaven, a divine river with innumerable trees that grow on river banks came into existence.
catuśśālāni śubhrāṇi śālāśca gajavājinām.

harmyaprāsādasambādhāstōraṇāni śubhāni ca৷৷2.91.32৷৷

śubhrāṇi bright, catuśśālāni quadrangles, gajavājinām for horses and elephants, śālāśca stables, śubhāni auspicious, harmyaprāsādasambādhāstōraṇāni consisting of archways for palaces and mansions sprang up.

Bright quadrangles, stables for elephants and horses, auspicious arch ways for palaces and mansions sprang up.
sitamēghanibhaṅ cāpi rājavēśma sutōraṇam.

divyamālyakṛtākāraṅ divyagandhasamukṣitam৷৷2.91.33৷৷

caturaśramasaṅbādhaṅ śayanāsanayānavat.

divyaissarvarasairyuktaṅ divyabhōjanavastravat৷৷2.91.34৷৷

upakalpitasarvānnaṅ dhautanirmalabhājanam.

kluptasarvāsanaṅ śrīmatsvāstīrṇaśayanōttamam৷৷2.91.35৷৷

sitamēghanibham like white clouds, sutōraṇam with beautiful archs, divyamālyakṛtākāram adorned with fine garlands, divyagandhasamukṣitaṅ sprinkled with celestial perfumes, caturaśram forming a quadrangle, asaṅbādham very spacious, śayanāsanayānavat furnished with couches, seats and carriages, divyaiḥ by the celestial, sarvarasaiḥ with all kinds of drinks, yuktam arranged with, divyabhōjanavastravat with heavenly food and dress, upakalpitasarvānnaṅ stocked with food of every variety, dhautanirmalabhājanam clean washed pots, kluptasarvāsanam with seats arranged for every one, svāstīrṇaśayanōttamam with magnificent couches covered with excellent bedstead, śrīmat auspicious, rājavēśmacāpi a royal palace also sprang up.

An auspicious royal palace with splendid archs resembling white clouds sprang up. It was sprinkled with celestial perfumes and adorned with beautiful garlands. That royal palace forming a quadrangle was furnished with couches, seats and carriages and furnished with celestial drinks of every kind, delicious food and splendid garments. It was stocked with food of every variety in clean and spotless vessels. Seats for every one and magnificent couches covered with excellent bedstead were arranged.
pravivēśa mahābāhuranujñātō maharṣiṇā.

vēśma tadratnasampūrṇaṅ bharataḥ kaikayīsutaḥ৷৷2.91.36৷৷

mahābāhuḥ long-armed, kaikayīsutaḥ son of Kaikeyi, bharataḥ Bharata, maharṣiṇā by the great sage,
anujñātaḥ having been permitted, ratnasampūrṇam full of jewels, tat that, vēśma house, pravivēśa entered.

Long-armed Bharata, son of Kaikeyi entered that palace full of jewels with the permission of the great sage.
anujagmuśca taṅ sarvē mantriṇassapurōhitāḥ.

babhūvuśca mudā yuktā dṛṣṭvā taṅ vēśmasaṅvidhim৷৷2.91.37৷৷

sapurōhitāḥ along with priests, sarvē all, mantriṇaḥ ministers, tam that Bharata, anujagmuśca followed, tam saṅvidhim that arrangement, dṛṣṭvā having seen all over, mudā full of joy, yuktāḥ filled with babhūvuśca became.

All the ministers, priests followed him and were glad to see the arrangement in that mansion.
tatra rājāsanaṅ divyaṅ vyajanaṅ chatramēva ca.

bharatō mantribhissārdhamabhyavartata rājavat৷৷2.91.38৷৷

bharataḥ Bharata, mantribhiḥ sārdhaṅ in the company of ministers, tatra there, divyam exquisite, rājāsanam throne, vyajanam a fan (of yak's tail), chatramēva ca parasol, rājavat like a king, abhyavartata stayed.

There where stood an exquisite throne, a fan and a parasol Bharata stayed in the company of ministers.
āsanaṅ pūjayāmāsa rāmāyābhipraṇamya ca.

vālavyajanamādāya nyaṣīdatsacivāsanē৷৷2.91.39৷৷

rāmāya to Rama, abhipraṇamya ca having bowed in reverence, āsanam that throne, pūjayāmāsa worshipped, vālavyajanam fan made of yak's tail, ādāya taking hold of, sacivāsanē in a minister's seat, nyaṣīdat sat down

He bowed in reverence and worshipped the throne (as though Rama were seated there). Taking hold of a fan made of yak's tail he sat in a minister's seat.
ānupūrvyānniṣēduśca sarvē mantripurōhitāḥ.

tatassēnāpatiḥ paścātpraśāstāca niṣēdatuḥ৷৷2.91.40৷৷

sarvē all, mantripurōhitāḥ ministers and priests, ānupūrvyāt in order, niṣēduḥ sat, tataḥ sēnāpati after that the army chief, paścāt later, praśāstā ca and the supervisor of the camp, niṣēdatuḥ sat.

First the ministers and priests took their respective seats in accordance with their rank, and then the army chief and finally the supervisor of the camp.
tata statra muhūrtēna nadyaḥ pāyasakardamāḥ.

upātiṣṭhanta bharataṅ bharadvājasya śāsanāt৷৷2.91.41৷৷

tataḥ then, bharadvājasya by Bharadwaja, śāsanāt order, muhūrtēna instantly, tatra there, pāyasakardamāḥ payasam (rice cooked in milk with sugar) as mud, nadyaḥ rivers, bharatam Bharata, upātiṣṭhanta approached.

Rivers filled with payasam (rice cooked in milk and sugar) in the shape of mud flowed towards Bharata at the command of Bharadwaja.
tāsāmubhayataḥ kūlaṅ pāṇḍumṛttikalēpanāḥ.

ramyāścāvasadhā divyā brahmaṇastu prasādajā:৷৷2.91.42৷৷

tāsām those rivers, ubhayataḥ kūlam on both the banks, pāṇḍumṛttilēpanāḥ plastered with white
clay, brahmaṇaḥ Brahma, prasādajāḥ produced by the grace, divyāḥ celestial, ramyāḥ charming, āvasadhāśca houses appeared.

On both the banks of those rivers, charming, celestial houses plastered with white clay appeared by the grace of Brahma.
tēnaiva ca mūhūrtēna divyā.bharaṇabhūṣitāḥ.

āgurviṅśatisāhasrāḥ brahmaṇā prahitāḥ striyaḥ৷৷2.91.43৷৷

tēna at that, muhūrtēna ca moment, divyābharaṇabhūṣitāḥ adorned with beautiful ornaments, brahmaṇā by Brahma, prahitāḥ sent, viṅśatisāhasrāḥ twenty thousand, striyaḥ women, āguḥ came.

At that very moment twenty thousand women adorned with beautiful ornaments sent by Brahma presented themselves.
suvarṇamaṇimuktēna pravālēna ca śōbhitāḥ.

āgurviṅśatisāhāsrāḥ kubēraprahitāḥ striyaḥ৷৷2.91.44৷৷

suvarṇamaṇimuktēna wearing golden ornaments and gems, pravālēna with corals, śōbhitā shining, kubēraprahitāḥ sent by Kubera, viṅśatisāhasrāḥ twenty thousand, striyaḥ āguḥ women came.

Twenty thousand women adorned with gold, gems and corals sent by Kubera came.
yābhirgṛhītaḥ puruṣassōnmāda iva lakṣyatē.

āgurviṅśatisāhasrā nandanādapsarōgaṇāḥ৷৷2.91.45৷৷

yābhiḥ by whom, gṛhītaḥ when taken hold of (in their arms), puruṣaḥ man, sōnmāda iva filled with intense passion, lakṣyatē is observed, such, viṅśatisāhasrāḥ twenty thousand, apsarōgaṇāḥ troops of apsaras, nandanāt from Nandana, āguḥ came.

Troops of twenty thousand apsaras by whom any man when taken hold of in their arms could be intoxicated with intense passion, came from Nandana gardens.
nāradastumbhururgōpaḥ pravarāssūryavarcasaḥ.

ētē gandharvarājānō bharatasyāgratō jaguḥ৷৷2.91.46৷৷

nāradaḥ Narada, tumbhuruḥ Tumburu, gōpaḥ Gopa, pravarāḥ distinguished ones, sūryavarcasaḥ resembling the brightness of the Sun, ētē these, gandharvarājānaḥ kings among gandharvas, bharatasya Bharata's, agrataḥ presence, jaguḥ began to sing.

There along with Narada, Tumburu and Gopa, distinguished kings of the gandharvas, looking bright like the Sun, began to sing in the presence of Bharata.
alambusā miśrakēśī puṇḍarīkā.tha vāmanā.

upānṛtyaṅstu bharataṅ bharadvājasya śāsanāt৷৷2.91.47৷৷

atha thereafter, bharadvājasya Bharadwaja's, śāsanāt command, alambusā Alambusa, miśrakēśī Misrakese, puṇḍarīkā Pundarika, vāmanā Vamana, bharatam Bharata, upānṛtyan tu danced near.

Thereafter, the apsaras, Alambusa, Misrakesi, Pundarika and Vamana danced near Bharata at the command of Bharadwaja.
yāni mālyāni dēvēṣu yāni caitrarathē vanē.

prayāgē tānyadṛśyanta bharadvājasya śāsanāt৷৷2.91.48৷৷

yāni those, mālyāni garlands, dēvēṣu among the gods, yāni those garlands, caitrarathē of Chaitraratha, vanē in the garden, tāni all those, bharadvājasya Bharadwaja's, śāsanāt at the command, prayāgē Prayaga, adṛśyanta were found.

The garlands of the gods available in Chitraratha's (Kubera's) garden could not match those obtained under the orders of Bharadwaja.
bilvā mārdaṅgikā āsan śamyāgrāhā vibhītakāḥ.

aśvatthā nartakāścāsanbharadvājasya śāsanāt৷৷2.91.49৷৷

bharadvājasya at Bharadwaja's, śāsanāt command, bilvāḥ bilva trees, mārdaṅgikāḥ as drummers, āsan became, vibhītakāḥ vibhitaka (palm) trees, śamyāgrāhā as cymbalists, aśvatthā pipal
trees, nartakāśca as dancers, āsan became.

At the command of Bharadwaja, bilva trees acted as drummers, vibhitaka trees as cymbalists and the pipal trees as dancers.
tatassaralatālāśca tilakā naktamālakāḥ.

prahṛṣṭāstatra sampētuḥ kubjā bhūtvā.tha vāmanāḥ৷৷2.91.50৷৷

tataḥ then, saralatālāśca pine and palmyra trees, tilakāḥ tilaka trees, naktamālakāḥ naktamala (that bear flowers at night), prahṛṣṭāḥ out of great joy, kubjāḥ hunch-backed, atha also, vāmanāḥ dwarfs, bhūtvā tatra sampētuḥ taking the form moved about there.

Thereafter pine, palmyra, tilaka, and naktamala trees were transformed into hunch-backs and dwarfs and moved about in great delight.
śiṅśupāmalakījambvō yāścānyāḥ kānanēṣu tāḥ

mālatī mallikā jātiryāścānyāḥ kānanē latāḥ.

pramadāvigrahaṅ kṛtvā bharadvājāśramē.vadan৷৷2.91.51৷৷

śiṅśupāmalakījambvaḥ ashoka and emblic myrobalan trees, kānanēṣu in the forest, anyāḥ and other, yāḥ those, tāḥ they, mālatī jasmine creeper, mallikā mallika creeper, jātiḥ jati creeper, kānanē in the forest, anyāḥ other, yāḥ latāḥ all those creepers, pramadāvigraham taking the form of women, kṛtvā having made, bharadvājāśramē in the hermitage of Bharadwaja, avadan said.

Asohka, emblic myrobalan and all other trees found in the forest malati, mallika and jati creepers assumed the form of women, came over to the hermitage of Bharadwaja and said:
surāssurāpāḥ pibata pāyasaṅ ca bubhukṣitāḥ৷৷2.91.52৷৷

māṅsāni ca sumēdhyāni bhakṣyantāṅ yāvadicchatha৷৷2.91.53৷৷

surāpāḥ O those of you who drink liquor, yāvat until, icchatha you desire, surāḥ liquor, pibata drink, bubhukṣitāḥ those who are hungry to eat, pāyasaṅ ca payasam (made of milk and rice), sumēdhyāni sacred, māṅsāni ca meat, bhakṣyantām let them eat.

'O wine drinkers, drink as much as you can those who are hungry partake payasam and sacred meat'.
ucchādya snāpayanti sma nadītīrēṣa valguṣu.

apyēkamēkaṅ puraṣaṅ pramadāssapta cāṣṭa ca৷৷2.91.54৷৷

sapta ca seven or, aṣṭa ca eight, pramadāḥ women, ēkam one by one, puruṣam man, ucchādya applied oil and massaged the body, valguṣu in the lovely, nadītīrēṣu on the banks of the river, snāpayanti bathed them, sma api also.

Every single warrior was attended by seven or eight women who applied oil and massaged his body and bathed him on the lovely banks of the river.
saṅvāhantyassamāpēturnāryō ruciralōcanāḥ.

parimṛjya tathā.nyōnyaṅ pāyayanti varāṅganāḥ৷৷2.91.55৷৷

ruciralōcanāḥ with beautiful eyes, nāryaḥ women, saṅvāhantyaḥ massaging, samāpētuḥ quickly approached, varāṅganāḥ best of ladies, tathā like that, parimṛjya wiped the water, anyōnyam to each other, pāyayanti made them drink.

Some women with beautiful eyes quickly approached them for massaging. The best of ladies wiped their bodies dry and gave each other wine to drink.
hayān gajān khārānuṣṭrāntathaiva surabhēssutān.

abhōjayanvāhanapāstēṣāṅ bhōjyaṅ yathāvidhi৷৷2.91.56৷৷

vāhanapāḥ attendants of draught-animals, hayān horses, gajān elephants, kharān donkeys,
uṣṭrān camels, tathaiva similarly, surabhēḥ the Surabhi's, sutāna offsprings, yathāvidhi duly, tēṣām for them, bhōjyam food, abhōjayan fed.

The attendants of draught-animals fed the horses, elephants, donkeys, camels and oxen their appropriate food.
ikṣūṅśca madhulājāṅśca bhōjayanti sma vāhanān.

ikṣvākuvarayōdhānāṅ cōdayantō mahābalā:৷৷2.91.57৷৷

mahābalāḥ of highly energetic attendants, ikṣvākuvarayōdhānām of the illustrious warriors of Ikshvaku race, vāhanān the draught-animals, cōdayantaḥ provoking them to eat, ikṣūṅśca sugarcane, madhulājāṅśca honey and parched grain, bhōjayanti sma were fed.

The draught-aimals of the illustrious warriors of Ikshvaku kings were urged by the highly energetic attendants to eat more and more of parched grain mixed with sugarcane and honey.
nāśvabandhō.śvamājānānnagajaṅ kuñjaragrahaḥ.

mattapramattamuditā camūḥ sā tatra saṅbabhau৷৷2.91.58৷৷

aśvabandhaḥ horse-rider, aśvam horse, na ajānāt no longer recognised, kuñjaragrahaḥ mahout, gajam elephant, na not recognised, tatra there, sā that, camūḥ whole army, mattapramattamuditā fully drunk had forgotten in their joy, sambabhau shone.

The horse-rider no longer recognised the horse or the mahout the elephant and the whole army was inebriated with drinking and pleasure.
tarpitāssarvakāmaistē raktacandanarūṣitāḥ.

apsarōgaṇasaṅyuktāssainyā vācamudairayan৷৷2.91.59৷৷

sarvakāmaiḥ by all horse-riders, tarpitāḥ gratified, raktacandanarūṣitāḥ smeared with red sandal paste, apsarōgaṇasamyuktāḥ surrounded by apsaras, tē sainyāḥ those soldiers, vācam these
words, udairayan exclaimed.

All the armymen with their desires gratified and anointing their bodies with red sandal paste surrounded by apsaras exclaimed.
naivāyōdhyāṅ gamiṣyāmō nagamiṣyāma daṇḍakān.

kuśalaṅ bharatasyāstu rāmasyāstu tathā sukham৷৷2.91.60৷৷

ayōdhyām to Ayodhya, na gamiṣyāmaḥ will not return, daṇḍakān to Danadaka forest, na gamiṣyāmaḥ will not go, bharatasya to Bharata, kuśalam welfare, astu tathā be like this, rāmasya Rama, sukham happy, astu will be.

We will neither return to Ayodhya, nor enter Dandaka (forest). May Bharata and Rama be happy.
iti pādātayōdhāśca hastyaśvārōhabandhakāḥ.

anāthāstaṅ vidhiṅ labdhvā vācamētāmudīrayan৷৷2.91.61৷৷

pādātayōdhāśca foot soldiers, hastyaśvarōhabandhakāḥ horse and elephant riders, tam vidhim that hospitality, labdhavā having received, anāthāḥ iti no longer recognising their leaders, ētām such, vācam utterances, udīrayan made.

Having enjoyed the hospitality of Bharadwaja the foot soldiers, horse and elephant riders made utterances ignoring their leaders.
saṅmprahṛṣṭā vinēdustē narāstatra sahasraśaḥ.

bharatasyānuyātārassvargō.yamiti cābruvan৷৷2.91.62৷৷

bharatasya Bharata's, anuyātāraḥ followers, tē narāḥ those men, tatra there, sahasraśaḥ in their thousands, samprahṛṣṭāḥ highly exited with delight, vinēduḥ shouted, ayam this is, svargaḥ heaven, iti thus, abruvan ca started uttering.

The exceedingly delighted soldiers of Bharata's retinue in their thousands cried out with excitement This is the very heaven.
nṛtyanti sma hasanti sma gāyanti sma ca sainikāḥ

samantātparidhāvanti mālyōpētāssahasraśaḥ৷৷2.91.63৷৷

sahasraśaḥ in thousands, sainikāḥ soldiers, mālyōpētāḥ wearing flower garlands, nṛtyanti sma danced, hasanti sma laughed, gāyanti sma sang, samantāt all over, paridhāvanti ran about.

Those thousands of soldiers wearing flower garlands ran about dancing, singing, and laughing.
tatō bhuktavatāṅ tēṣāṅ tadannamamṛtōpamam.

divyānudvīkṣya bhakṣyāṅ stānabhavadbhakṣaṇē matiḥ৷৷2.91.64৷৷

tataḥ then, amṛtōpamam like nectar, tat annam that food, bhuktavatām of those who had partaken, tēṣām for them, divyān heavenly, tān bhakṣyān those eatables, udvīkṣaya glancing, bhakṣaṇē to partake, matiḥ in their minds, abhavat desire arose.

Glancing at the ambrosial food, a desire arose in the minds of those soldiers to eat once again although they had already partaken it.
prēṣyāścēṭyaśca vadhvaśca balasthāśca sahasraśaḥ.

babhūvustē bhṛśaṅ dṛptāssarvē cāhatavāsasaḥ৷৷2.91.65৷৷

sahaśrasaḥ in their thousands, prēṣyāḥ messengers, cēṭyaśca maidservants, vadhvaśca female attendants, balasthāḥ army attendants, tē they, sarvē ca all of them, ahatavāsasaḥ dressed in
unworn (new) garments, bhṛśam exceedingly, dṛptāḥ babhūvuḥ felt proud of themselves.

Messengers, maidservants, female attendants, and soldiers -- all of them in their thousands dressed in fresh garments felt exceedingly proud of themselves.
kuñjarāśca kharōṣṭrāśca gō.śvāśca mṛgapakṣiṇaḥ.

babhūvussubhṛtāstatra nānyō hyanyamakalpayat৷৷2.91.66৷৷

tatra there, kuñjarāśca elephants, kharōṣṭrāśca donkeys and camels, gō.śvāśca cows and horses, mṛgapakṣiṇaḥ beasts and birds, subhṛtāḥ babhūvu were well-nourished, anyaḥ anyam one to the other, na akalpayat hi did not trouble.

There the elephants, donkeys and camels, cows and horses and also beasts and birds were well-nourished. No one troubled the other.
nā.śuklavāsā statrā.sītkṣudhitō malinō.pi vā.

rajasā dhvastakēśō vā naraḥ kaścidadṛśyata৷৷2.91.67৷৷

tatra there, aśuklavāsāḥ wearing non-white (dirty) dress, kṣudhitaḥ hungry, malinō.pi dirty, na āsīt none was there, kaścit naraḥ anybody, rajasā with dust, dhvastakēśō vā with decayed hair, nādṛśyata could not be seen.

In that army there was none who could be seen without wearing garments of sparkling white, who was hungry or dirty or with decayed hair.
ājaiścāpi ca vārāhairniṣṭhānavarasañcayaiḥ.

phalaniryūha saṅsiddaissūpairgandha rasānvitaiḥ৷৷2.91.68৷৷

puṣpadhvajavatīḥ pūrṇāśśuklasyānnasya cābhitaḥ.

dadṛśurvismitāstatranarā lauhīssahasraśaḥ৷৷2.91.69৷৷

tatra there, narāḥ men, ājaiścāpi with mutton, vārāhaiśca pork, niṣṭhānavarasañcayaiḥ with choicest condiments, phalaniryūha saṅsiddaiḥ with various fruit juices, gandharasānvitaiḥ with fragrant and tasteful, sūpaiḥ with soups, pūrṇāḥ filled with, śuklasya white, annasya rice, lauhīḥ best of iron containers, abhitaḥ on all sides, vismitāḥ were amazed, dadṛśuḥ beheld.

There the soldiers beheld in amazement thousands of iron containers decked with flags and flowers and filled with white rice, mutton, pork, choicest condiments, fruit juice, fragrant and tasty soup.
babhūvurvanapārśvēṣu kūpāḥ pāyasakardamāḥ.

tāścakāmadughā gāvō drumāścāsanmadhuścyutaḥ৷৷2.91.70৷৷

vanapārśvēṣu along the edge of the forest, pāyasakardamāḥ drink of milk and rice, kūpāḥ wells, babhūvuḥ were formed, gāva: cows, tāḥ those, kāmadughāḥ wishfulfilling, drumāśca trees, madhuścyutaḥ dripping honey, āsan became.

Along the edge of the forest, wells were filled with thick payasam. There were wishfulfilling cows and honey-dripping trees.
vāpyō mairēyapūrṇāśca mṛṣṭamāṅsacayairvṛtāḥ.

prataptapiṭharaiścāpi mārgamāyūrakaukkuṭaiḥ৷৷2.91.71৷৷

vāpyaḥ wells, mairēyapūrṇāśca filled with date-palm liquor, prataptapiṭharaiḥ with hot pots (filled with cooked meat), mārgamāyūrakaukkuṭaiḥ meat of peacock, chicken and deer, mṛṣṇamāṅsacayaiḥ meat of other animals, vṛtāḥ surrounded by.

The wells were found filled with date-palm liquor and surrounded by pots of well cooked meat of peacocks, chicken and other animals.
pātrīṇāṅ ca sahasrāṇi sthālīnāṅ niyutāni ca.

nyarbudhāni ca pātrāṇi śātakumbhamayāni ca৷৷2.91.72৷৷

sthālyaḥ kumbhya karambhya śca dadhipūrṇāssusaṅskṛtāḥ.

yauvanasthasya gaurasya kapitthasya sugandhinaḥ৷৷2.91.73৷৷

hradāḥ pūrṇā rasālasya dadhnaśśvētasya cāparē.

babhūvuḥ pāyasasyānyē śarkarāyāvasañcayāḥ৷৷2.91.74৷৷

pātrīṇām vessels, sahasrāṇi in thousands, sthālīnām plates, niyutāni in lakhs, śātakumbhamayāni made of gold, pātrāṇi pots (cups), susaṅskṛtāḥ well-cleansed, sthālyaḥ earthern jugs, kumbhyaḥ jars, karambhyaśca pots with a wide mouth, yauvanasthasya not very ripe, gaurasya white, sugandhinaḥ of good flavour, kapitthasya curds of the colour of wood apple, pūrṇāḥ filled with, hradāḥ tanks, rasālasya blended with spices, śvētasya white, dadhnaḥ curds, aparē ca some more tanks, pāyasasya sweets made from milk and rice cooked together (payasam), anyē some other tanks, śarkarāyāvasañcayāḥ food prepared from barley mixed with sugar, babhūvuḥ were formed.

There were thousands of pots, lakhs of plates, crores of vessels -- all made of gold and filled with well-garnished food. Curd was kept in earthern pots like jugs and jars and pots with a wide mouth. Tanks were formed, some filled with white curd of good flavour and of the colour of woodapple, some with white curd blended with spices and some with payasam and heaps of barely powder mixed with sugar.
kalkāncūrṇakaṣāyāṅśca snānāni vividhāni ca.

dadṛśurbhājanasthāni tīrthēṣu saratāṅ narāḥ৷৷2.91.75৷৷

narāḥ men (soldiers), saritām rivers, tīrthēṣu landing places, kalkān levigated powder, cūrṇakaṣāyāṅśca powder and extract, bhājanasthāni in receptacles, vividhāni of different kinds, snānāni ca bathing requisites, dadṛśuḥ were seen.

The soldiers saw on the river banks at landing places levigated powder, fragrant powder and extracts and other bathing requisites of different kinds stored in receptacles.
śuklānaṅśumataścāpi dantadhāvanasañcayān.

śuklāṅścandanakalkāṅśca samudgēṣvavatiṣṭhataḥ৷৷2.91.76৷৷

darpaṇāparimṛṣṭāṅśca vāsasāṅ cāpi sañcayān.

pādukōpānahāṅ caiva yugmānica sahasraśaḥ৷৷2.91.77৷৷

āñjanīḥ kaṅkatānkūrcān śastrāṇi ca dhanūṅṣi ca.

marmatrāṇāni citrāṇi śayanānyāsanāni ca৷৷2.91.78৷৷


avagāhyasutīrthāṅścahradān sōtpalapuṣkarān.2.91.79৷৷

ākāśa varṇapratimān svacchatōyānsukhaplavān.

nīpavaiḍūryavarṇāṅśca mṛdūnyavasasañcayān.

nirvāpārthān paśūnāṅ tē dadṛśustatra sarvaśaḥ৷৷2.91.80৷৷

tē they (soldiers), tatra there, sarvaśaḥ on every side, śuklān pure white, aṅśumataścāpi bristled, dantadhāvanasañcayān stacks of tooth-brushing sticks, samudgēṣu in dishes made of leaves, atiṣṭhataḥ placed, śuklān pure white, candanakalkāṅśca lumps of sandal paste, parimṛṣṭān very well-cleaned, darpaṇān ca mirrors, vāsasām clothes, sañcayān cāpi collection, pādukōpānahām foot wear for the feet, sahasraśaḥ in thousands, yugmāni ca of pairs, āñjanīḥ collyrium boxes, kaṅkatān combs, kūrcān brushes for cleaning moustaches, śastrāṇi ca weapons, dhanūṅṣi ca bows, marmatrāṇāni shields, citrāṇi armours for protecting vital parts, śayanāni couches, āsanāni ca seats, kharōṣṭragajavājinām for donkeys, camels, elephants and horses, pratipānahradān pools of drinking water, avagāhyasutīrthān excellent bathing places, sōtapalapuṣkarān filled with flowering lotuses and lilies, ākāśavarṇapratimān resembling the hue of the sky (blue), svacchatōyān pure and tranparent waters, sukhaplavān good and comfortable tanks for swimming in, hradān lakes, paśūnām for animals, nirvāpārthān for refreshing, nīpavaiḍūryavarṇāṅśca like kadamva trees as green as the sapphire, mṛdūn soft, yavasañcayān heaps of grass collected together, dadṛśuḥ beheld.

There the soldiers beheld on every side stacks of tooth-brushing sticks, white and bristled, white lumps of sandal paste placed in dishes made of leaves, well cleaned mirrors, collection of clothes, several pairs of footwear, collyrium boxes, combs,
brushes for cleaning moustaches, weapons, parasoles, bows and shining armour, different kinds of couches, and seats. There were pools of drinking water for donkeys, camels, elephants and horses and excellent landing places filled with flowering lotuses and water lilies. The lakes were of transparent waters resembling the hue of the sky easy and comfortable for swimming. There they saw heaps of soft grass as green as
sapphire and kadamva trees for animals to refresh themselves under.
vyasmayanta manuṣyāstē svapnakalpaṅ tadadbhutam.

dṛṣṭvā.tithyaṅ kṛtaṅ tādṛgbharatasya maharṣiṇā৷৷2.91.81৷৷

tē manuṣyāḥ those men, maharṣiṇā by the sage, bharatasya to Bharata, kṛtam provided, tādṛk such, svapnakalpam like a dream, adbhutam wonderful, tat that, ātithyam hospitality, dṛṣṭvā beholding, vyasmayanta were amazed.

The men were amazed when they beheld the wonderful hospitality extended by maharshi Bharadwaja to Bharata, as if all this happened in a dream world.
ityēvaṅ ramamāṇānāṅ dēvānāmiva nandanē.

bharadvājāśramē ramyē sā rātrirvyatyavartata৷৷2.91.82৷৷

ityēvam like this, nandanē in the garden of Indra, dēvānāmiva as for gods, ramyē in the lovely, bharadvājāśramē in Bharadwaja's hermitage, ramamāṇānām enjoying so, sā rātriḥ that night, vyatyavartata passed off.

As they were enjoying themselves in Bharadwaja's hermitage like the gods in the garden of Indra the night wore off.
pratijagmuśca tā nadyō gandharvāśca yathāgatam.

bharadvājamanujñāpya tāśca sarvā varāṅganāḥ৷৷2.91.83৷৷

tāḥ nadyaḥ those rivers, gandharvāśca and the gandharvas, sarvāḥ all, tāḥ of them, varāṅganāśca lovely women too, bharadvājam Bharadwaja's, anujñāpya obtaining permission, yathāgatam from
whereever they had come, pratijagmuśca returned.

Those rivers, the gandharvas and all those lovely women took leave of sage Bharadwaja and returned to where they had come from.
tathaiva mattā madirōtkaṭā narāstathaiva divyāgarucandanōkṣitāḥ.

tathaiva divyā vividhāssraguttamāḥ pṛthakprakīrṇā manujaiḥ pramarditāḥ৷৷2.91.84৷৷

narāḥ men, madirōtkaṭāḥ having consumed limitless drink, tathaiva still, mattāḥ inebriated, tathaiva still, divyāgaru smeared with divine agaru, caṅdanōkṣitāḥ sandal fragrance, manujaiḥ by people, pramarditāḥ well-crushed, pṛthak helter skelter, prakīrṇāḥ strewn, divyāḥ divine, vividhāḥ several, sraguttamāḥ splendid garlands, tathaiva remained so.

Even after the departure of the gandharvas the soldiers who had consumed limitless liquor were still inebriated. The divine agaru and sandalwood smeared on their bodies still remained. Several splendid garlands crushed by them were strewn all over.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvya ayōdhyākāṇḍē ēkanavatitamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the ninetyfirst sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.