Sloka & Translation

[Bharata's Journey to Chitrakuta --- Bharata observes signs of smoke and presumes it to be the hermitage of Rama --- Bharata, Vasistha and Satrughna move forward towards the hermitage.]

tayā mahatyā yāyinyā dhvajinyā vanavāsinaḥ.

arditā yūthapā mattāḥ sayūthāssampradudruvuḥ৷৷2.93.1৷৷

yāyinyā while on the march, mahatyā by the great, tayā that, dhvajinyā by the army, vanavāsinaḥ foresters, mattāḥ exited, yūthapāḥ the leaders of herds, arditāḥ were frightened, sayūthāḥ with
herds, sampradudruvuḥ ran off.

On seeing the great army marching, the exited leaders of herds of elephants inhabiting the forest were frightened and ran off with their herds.
ṛkṣāḥ pṛṣatasaṅghāśca ruravaśca samantataḥ.

dṛśyantē vanarājīṣu giriṣvapi nadīṣu ca৷৷2.93.2৷৷

vanarājīṣu in the stretches of the forest, giriṣvapi also on the mountains, nadīṣu ca at the river banks, samantataḥ on all sides, ṛkṣāḥ bears, pṛṣatasaṅghāśca herds of dappled gazelle, ruravaśca antelopes, dṛśyantē could be seen

Bears, herds of dappled gazelle and antelopes could be seen everywhere in the stretches of the forest, also on the mountains and on the river banks.
sa sampratasthē dharmātmā prītō daśarathātmajaḥ.

vṛtō mahatyā nādinyā sēnayā caturaṅgayā৷৷2.93.3৷৷

dharmatmā the righteous, saḥ daśarathātmajaḥ that son of Dasaratha (Bharata), prītaḥ was delighted, nādinyā clamouring, mahatyā great, caturaṅgayā of four divisions, sēnayā with army, vṛtaḥ
surrounded by, sampratasthē proceeded.

Bharata the righteous son of Dasaratha, proceeded with great delight in the company of the clamouring army of four divisions.
sāgaraughanibhā sēnā bharatasya mahātmanaḥ.

mahīṅ sañchādayāmāsa prāvṛṣi dyāmivāmbudaḥ৷৷2.93.4৷৷

mahātmanaḥ of the magnanimous one, bharatasya Bharata's, sāgaraughanibhā resembling the waves of ocean, sēnā the army, prāvṛṣi during the rainy season, ambudaḥ cloud, dyāmiva like the sky, mahīm the earth, sañchādayāmāsa covered.

The army of the magnanimous Bharata, resembling the waves of the ocean, covered the earth as the clouds cover the sky during the rainy season.
turaṅgaughairavatatā vāraṇaiśca mahājavaiḥ.

anālakṣyā ciraṅ kālaṅ tasminkālē babhūva bhūḥ৷৷2.93.5৷৷

tasminkālē at that moment, mahājavaiḥ with great speed, turaṅgaughaiḥ with multitude of horses, vāraṇaiśca with elephants, avatatā overspread, bhūḥ the earth, cirakālam for a long time, anālakṣyā babhūva became invisible.

At that moment, a multiutde of swift horses and elephants spread out with great speed and the surface of the earth became invisible for a long time.
sa yātvā dūramadhvānaṅ supariśrāntavāhanaḥ.

uvāca bharata śśrīmān vasiṣṭhaṅ mantriṇāṅ varam৷৷2.93.6৷৷

śrīmān the majestic one, saḥ bharataḥ that Bharata, dūram great, adhvānam distance, yātvā having travelled, supariśrāntavāhanaḥ with draught animals extremely wearied, mantriṇām among counsellors, varam the best, vasiṣṭham addressing Vasistha, uvāca said.

With his draught animals extremely wearied by covering a great distance, the majestic Bharata said to Vasistha, the best of counsellors:
yādṛśaṅ lakṣyatē rūpaṅ yathā caiva śrutaṅ mayā.

vyaktaṅ prāptāḥ sma taṅ dēśaṅ bharadvājō yamabravīt৷৷2.93.7৷৷

yādṛśam whichever, rūpam the appearance, lakṣyatē is being observed, mayā by me, yathā as, śrutaṅ caiva has been heard, yam about which region, bharadvājaḥ Bharadwaja, abravīt spoke, taṅ dēśam that region, prāptāḥ sma we have reached, vyaktam this is clear.

Looking at these surroundings and from what I had heard, it is clear that we have reached the region indicated by Bharadwaja.
ayaṅ giriścitrakūṭa iyaṅ mandākinī nadī.

ētatprakāśatē dūrānnīlamēghanibhaṅ vanam৷৷2.93.8৷৷

ayam giriḥ this is the mountain, citrakūṭaḥ is Chitrakuta, iyaṅ nadī this is the river, mandākinī Mandakini, dūrāt from a distance, ētat this, nīlamēghanibham like a blue cloud, vanam forest, prakāśatē is shining.

This mountain is Chitrakuta and this river, Mandakini. The forest shines from a distance like a blue cloud.
girē ssānūni ramyāṇi citrakūṭasya samprati.

vāraṇairavamṛdyantē māmakai parvatōpamaiḥ৷৷2.93.9৷৷

samprati now, māmakaiḥ relating to me, parvatōpamaiḥ resembling mountains, vāraṇaiḥ with elephants, citrakūṭasya girēḥ Chitrkuta mountain's, ramyāṇi enchanting, sānūni ridges, avamṛdyantē are being trampled.

The enchanting ridges of mount Chitrakuta are now trampled by my mountain-like elephants.
muñcanti kusumānyētē nagāḥ parvatasānuṣu.

nīlā ivātapāpāyē tōyaṅ tōyadharā ghanāḥ৷৷2.93.10৷৷

parvatasānuṣu on the mountain ridges, ētē nagāḥ these trees, ātapāpāyē at the end of summer, nīlāḥ blue, ghanāḥ dense, tōyadharāḥ rain-clouds, tōyam iva like showers, kusumāni flowers, muñcanti are shedding.

The trees on the mountain ridges are shedding flowers, like dense blue rain-clouds showering water at the end of summer.
kinnarācaritaṅ dēśaṅ paśya śatrughna! parvatam.

mṛgaissamantādākīrṇaṅ makarairiva sāgaram৷৷2.93.11৷৷

śatrughna! O Satrughna, makaraiḥ with great crocodiles, sāgaram iva like ocean, samantāt everywhere, mṛgaiḥ with animals, ākīrṇam abounding, kinnarācaritam frequented by kinneras, dēśam region, parvatam mountain, paśya behold.

O Satrughna, behold this mountain frequented by kinneras and abounding in animals like great crocodiles in the ocean.
ētē mṛgagaṇā bhānti śīghravēgāḥ pracōditāḥ.

vāyupraviddhā śśaradi mēgharājirivāmbarē৷৷2.93.12৷৷

pracōditāḥ incited, śīghravēgāḥ swift-footed, ētē these, mṛgagaṇāḥ herds of deer, śaradi autumnal, ambarē sky, vāyupraviddhā expelled, mēgharājiriva like mass of clouds, bhānti are appearing.

Incited by the clamour of the army, these swift-running herds of deer expelled from their retreats resemble mass of clouds in the autumnal sky shattered by the wind.
kurvanti kusumāpīḍān śirassu surabhīnamī.

mēghaprakāśaiḥ phalakairdākṣiṇātyā yathā narāḥ৷৷2.93.13৷৷

amī these mountain ridges, mēghaprakāśaiḥ looking brilliant like clouds, phalakaiḥ shields, dākṣiṇātyāḥ belonging to southern region, narāḥ yathā like people, śirassu on their heads, surabhīn fragrant, kusumāpīḍān flower adornments, kurvanti are making.

Like the people of the south, the trees on the mountain ridges with branches, brilliant like clouds, are crowned with fragrant flowers as adornments.
niṣkūjamiva bhūtvēdaṅ vanaṅ ghōrapradarśanam.

ayōdhyēva janākīrṇā samprati pratibhāti mā৷৷2.93.14৷৷

ghōrapradarśanam dreadful in appearance, idaṅ vanam this forest, niṣkūjamiva bhūtvā devoid of any twittering of birds, samprati now, janākīrṇā thronged with people, ayōdhyēva like Ayodhya, mā to me, pratibhāti it appears.

This forest, dreadful in appearance was devoid of twittering of birds. But now it appears to me like Ayodhya thronged with people.
khurairudīritō rēṇurdāvaṅ pracchādya tiṣṭhati.

taṅ vahatyanila śśrīghraṅ kurvanniva mama priyam৷৷2.93.15৷৷

khuraiḥ by the hooves, udīritaḥ kicked, rēṇuḥ dust, dāvam the forest, pracchādya having enveloped, tiṣṭhati is set, anilaḥ wind, mama to me, priyam pleasure, kurvan iva as if to give, śīghram quickly, tam that dust, vahati transporting it.

While the dust kicked by the hooves of the horses enveloped the forest, the wind, as if to please me, is quickly blowing them away.
syandanāṅsturagōpētānsūtamukhyai radhiṣṭhitān.

ētānsampatataśśrīghraṅ paśya śatrughna kānanē৷৷2.93.16৷৷

śatrughna O Satrughna, kānanē in the forest, śīghram quickly, sampatataḥ flying, sūtamukhyaiḥ by excellent charioteers, adhiṣṭhitān commanded by, turagōpētān drawn by horses, ētān these, syandanān chariots, paśya behold.

Behold, O Satrughna, these chariots, commanded by excellent charioteers, harnessed with horses are flying through the forest.
ētānvitrāsitānpaśyabarhiṇaḥ priyadarśanān.

ētamāviśata śśrīghramadhivāsaṅ patatriṇaḥ৷৷2.93.17৷৷

priyadarśanān pleasant to look, vitrāsitān frightened, ētam adhivāsam their nests, śīghram
hurriedly, āviśataḥ entering, ētān these, barhiṇaḥ peacocks, patatriṇaḥ birds, paśya behold.

Behold, these lovely frightened peacocks and other birds hurriedly entering their nests.
atimātramayaṅ dēśō manōjñaḥ pratibhāti mē.

tāpasānāṅ nivāsō.yaṅ vyaktaṅ svargapathō yathā৷৷2.93.18৷৷

ayaṅ dēśaḥ this region, atimātram very, manōjñaḥ charming, mē to me, pratibhāti appears, svargapathō yathā like pathway to heaven, ayam this one, vyaktam clearly, tāpasānām ascetics', nivāsaḥ abode.

Being the abode of ascetics, this region looks very charming like the pathway to heaven.
mṛgā mṛgībhiḥ sahitā bahavaḥ pṛṣatā vanē.

manōjñarūpā dṛśyantē kusumairiva citritāḥ৷৷2.93.19৷৷

vanē in this forest, bahavaḥ many, pṛṣatāḥ mṛgāḥ spotted deer, kusumaiḥ with flowers, citritā iva as if painted, manōjñarūpāḥ of charming appearance, mṛgībhiḥ does, sahitāḥ in the company of,
dṛśyantē are seen.

In this forest many a dappled deer with their mates looking as if painted with flowers are seen wandering about with a charming appearance.
sādhu sainyāḥ pratiṣṭhantāṅ vicinvantu ca kānanē.

yathā tau puruṣavyāghrau dṛśyētē rāmalakṣmaṇau৷৷2.93.20৷৷

puruṣavyāghrau best of men, tau rāmalakṣmaṇau those Rama and Lakshmana, yathā how, dṛśyētē they could be seen, sainyāḥ soldiers, sādhu properly, pratiṣṭhantām let them proceed, kānanē in the forest, vicinvantu ca be searched.

Let the soldiers set out and properly search the forest till such time the best of men, Rama and Lakshmana, are found.
bharatasya vacaśśrutvā puruṣāśśastrapāṇayaḥ.

viviśu stadvanaṅ śūrā dhūmaṅ ca dadṛśu stataḥ৷৷2.93.21৷৷

bharatasya Bharata's, vacaḥ words, śrutvā having heard, śastrapāṇayaḥ with weapons in their hands, śūrāḥ valiant, puruṣāḥ men, tat that, vanam forest, viviśuḥ entered, tataḥ then, dhūmam smoke, dadṛśuśca observed.

Hearing the words of Bharata, those valiant warriors with weapons in their hands entered the forest. Therafter, they observed a spiral of smoke rising.
tē samālōkya dhūmāgramūcurbharatamāgatāḥ.

nāmanuṣyē bhavatyagni rvyaktamatraiva rāghavau৷৷2.93.22৷৷

tē they, dhūmāgram column of smoke, samālōkya having seen, bharatam to Bharata, āgatāḥ returned, ūcuḥ communicated, amanuṣyē in a place bereft of men, agni: fire, na bhavati cannot exist, vyaktam clearly, rāghavau Rama and Lakshmana, atraiva are here only.

Having seen the column of smoke, they returned and informed Bharata, saying, 'In a place bereft of men, fire cannot exist. Clearly Rama and Lakshmana must be here only.'
atha nā.tra naravyāghrau rājaputrau parantapau.

anyē rāmōpamā ssanti vyaktamatra tapasvinaḥ৷৷2.93.23৷৷

atha otherwise, naravyāghrau tigers among men, parantapau subduers of enemies, rājaputrau princes, atra na if they are not here, atra here, rāmōpamāḥ resembling Rama, anyē other, tapasvinaḥ santi ascetics are there, vyaktam evident.

In case the two princes, Rama and Lakshmana, the best of men, and subduers of
enemies are not residing here then evidently it must be some other ascetics like Rama.
tacchrutvā bharatastēṣāṅ vacanaṅ sādhusammatam.

sainyānuvāca sarvāṅstānamitrabalamardanaḥ৷৷2.93.24৷৷

amitrabalamardanaḥ who crushes the hostile armies, bharataḥ Bharata, tēṣām their, sādhusammatam acceptable to the pious, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, sarvān entire, tān sainyān to that entire army, uvāca said.

Having heard these words acceptable to the pious, Bharata, the crusher of enemy forces, addressed the entire army:
yattā bhavantastiṣṭhantu nētō gantavyamagrataḥ.

ahamēva gamiṣyāmi sumantrō gururēva ca৷৷2.93.25৷৷

bhavantaḥ all of you, yattāḥ alertly, tiṣṭhantu stay, itaḥ from here, agrataḥ forward, na gantavyam you should not proceed, ahamēva myself alone, gamiṣyāmi I shall go, sumantraḥ Sumantra, gururēva ca preceptor Vasistha also.

All of you carefully watch here. Do not proceed any further. Sumantra, the preceptor and myself shall go forward.
ēvamuktā statassarvē tatra tasthuḥ samantaḥ.

bharatō yatra dhūmāgraṅ tatra dṛṣṭiṅ samādadhāt৷৷2.93.26৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, ēvam thus, uktāḥ spoken, sarvē all of them, samantataḥ everyside, tatra there, tasthuḥ halted, bharataḥ Bharata, dhūmāgram column of smoke, yatra where it is seen, tatra there, dṛṣṭim gaze, samādadhāt fixed.

At this command, all of them halted. Then Bharata fixed his gaze on the source of the smoke.
vyavasthitā yā bharatēna sā camūrnirīkṣamāṇā.pi ca bhūmimagrataḥ.

babhūva hṛṣṭā na cirēṇa jānatī priyasya rāmasya samāgamaṅ tadā৷৷2.93.27৷৷

yā the army, bharatēna by Bharata, vyavasthitā has been halted, camūḥ army, agrataḥ in the forefront, bhūmim the space, nirīkṣamāṇā.pi ca even though gazing at, na cirēṇa not long before, tadā then, priyasya of the beloved, rāmasya Rama's, samāgamam union, jānatī knowing, hṛṣṭā babhūva rejoiced.

The army thus halted by Bharata, gazing at the space before them rejoiced at the thought that not long before they would rejoin their beloved Rama.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē trinavatitamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the ninetythird sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.