Sloka & Translation

[Khara's death in the hands of Rama-- gods and charanas praise him offer prayers-- Lakshmana and Sita come out of the cave.]

भित्त्वा तु तां गदां बाणै राघवो धर्मवत्सलः।

स्मयमानः खरं वाक्यं संरब्धमिदमब्रवीत्।।3.30.1।।

धर्मवत्सलः fond of dharma, राघवः Rama, तां गदाम् that mace, बाणैः by arrows, भित्त्वा after breaking into pieces, स्मयमानः smiling, संरब्धम् confused, खरम् Khara, इदं वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Rama, fond of dharma, broke into pieces Khara's mace with his arrows, and smiling at bewildered Khara, said:
एतत्ते बलसर्वस्वं दर्शितं राक्षसाधम।

शक्तिहीनतरो मत्तो वृथा त्वमवगर्जसि।।3.30.2।।

राक्षसाधम O lowly demon, ते your, एतत् this, बलसर्वस्वम् all your strength, दर्शितम् is shown, मत्तः from me, शक्तिहीनतरः inferior in strength, त्वम् you, वृथा unnecssarily, अवगर्जसि roared against.

O lowly demon, you have already exhibited all your strength. Inferior to me in energy, you are needlessly roaring.
एषा बाणविनिर्भिन्ना गदा भूमितलं गता।

अभिधानप्रगल्भस्य तव प्रत्ययघातिनी।।3.30.3।।

एषा this, गदा mace, बाणविनिर्भिन्ना broken by arrows, अभिधानप्रगल्भस्य spoke arrogantly, तव you, प्रत्ययघातिनी that which destroyed all your confidence, भूमितलम् on the ground, गता lying.

The mace about which you boasted so much has betrayed your confidence. Shattered by my arrows it now lies on the ground.
यत्त्वयोक्तं विनष्टानामहमश्रुप्रमार्जनम्।

राक्षसानां करोमीति मिथ्या तदपि ते वचः।।3.30.4।।

अहम् I, विनष्टानाम् of the dead, राक्षसानाम् of the demons, अश्रुप्रमार्जनम् wiping tears, करोमीति I will do, त्वया by you, यत् whatever, उक्तम् uttered, ते by you, तत् that, वचः अपि word too, मिथ्या false.

You said you will wipe the tears of the dead demons. (Now) those words have proved false.
नीचस्य क्षुद्रशीलस्य मिथ्यावृत्तस्य रक्षसः।

प्राणानहं हरिष्यामि गरुत्मानमृतं यथा।।3.30.5।।

नीचस्य mean, क्षुद्रशीलस्य of low behaviour, मिथ्यावृत्तस्य of false pride, रक्षसः of the demon, प्राणान् life, अहम् I, गरुत्मान् Garuda, अमृतं यथा like nectar, हरिष्यामि will take away.

You are mean. You have false pride. You are of low behaviour. I shall take away your life, O demon,, Just as Garuda carried off the nectar.
अद्य ते छिन्नकण्ठस्य फेनबुद्बुदभूषितम्।

विदारितस्य मद्बाणैर्मही पास्यति शोणितम्।।3.30.6।।

अद्य now, मद्बाणैः with my darts, विदारितस्य split open, छिन्नकण्ठस्य (of a person) whose neck is cut, ते your, फेनबुद्बुदभूषितम् adorned with bubbles and foam, शोणितम् blood, मही ground, पास्यति will drink.

Now with your throat split open by my arrows , the earth will drink your foamy blood full of bubbles.
पांसुरूषितसर्वाङ्गस्स्रस्तन्यस्त भुजद्वयः।

स्वप्स्यसे गां समालिङ्ग्य दुर्लभां प्रमदामिव।।3.30.7।।

पांसुरूषितसर्वाङ्गः all your limbs covered with dust, स्रस्तन्यस्तभुजद्वयः with both the arms dropped and outstretched on the ground, दुर्लभाम् difficult, प्रमदामिव like a woman, गाम् the earth, समालिङ्ग्य after embracing, स्वप्स्यसे you will sleep.

With all your limbs covered with dust, both the arms dropped down and stretched out on the ground, you will sleep as though hugging the earth, like embracing a rare woman.
प्रबद्धनिद्रे शयिते त्वयि राक्षसपांसने।

भविष्यन्तिशरण्यानां शरण्या दण्डका इमे।।3.30.8।।

राक्षसपांसने lowly demon, त्वयि you, प्रबद्धनिद्रे when you attain eternal sleep, शयिते when sleeping so, इमे these, दण्डकाः Dandaka grounds, शरण्यानाम् for the sheltered, शरण्याः refuge, भविष्यन्ति will be.

When you, O vile demon, will go into eternal sleep the Dandaka grounds will provide shelter to those who deserve it here.
जनस्थाने हतस्थाने तव राक्षस मच्छरैः।

निर्भया विचरिष्यन्ति सर्वतो मुनयो वने।।3.30.9।।

राक्षस O demon , तव your, जनस्थाने when Janasthana, मच्छरैः by my darts, हतस्थाने when the hold is destroyed, मुनयः seers, निर्भयाः without fear, सर्वत्र all over, वने in the forest, विचरिष्यन्ति will wander.

O demon, when my arrows destroy your hold over Janasthana the sages will move freely without fear all over this forest.
अद्य विप्रसरिष्यन्ति राक्षस्यो हतबान्धवाः।

बाष्पार्द्रवदना दीना भयादन्यभयावहाः।।3.30.10।।

अन्यभयावहाः causing fear to others, राक्षस्यः the demonesses, हतबान्धवाः with slain relations, बाष्पार्द्रवदनाः faces drenched in tears, भयात् due to fear, दीनाः desperately, अद्य now, विप्रसरिष्यन्ति will move away.

Having lost all their relations, the demonesses, who were causing fear to others,will move away with faces full of tears.
अद्य शोकरसज्ञास्ता भविष्यन्ति निरर्थकाः।

अनुरूपकुलाः पत्न्यो यासां त्वं पतिरीदृशः।।3.30.11।।

यासाम् those women, ईदृशः ruined , त्वम् you, पतिः husband, अनुरूपकुलाः born of a befitting race, ताः them, पत्न्यः wives, अद्य now, निरर्थकाः meaninglessly, शोकरसज्ञाः taste the pangs of sorrow, भविष्यन्ति will remain

Your wives, who have got a husband like you, must have been born to a befitting race. They will taste the pangs of sorrow today, for no reasons whatsoever.
नृशंस नीच क्षुद्रात्मन्नित्यं ब्राह्मणकण्टक।

यत्कृते शङ्कितैरग्नौ मुनिभिः पात्यते हविः।।3.30.12।।

नृशंश cruel , नीच mean, क्षुद्रात्मन् a vile self, नित्यम् always, ब्राह्मणकण्टक opposing the brahmins, यत्कृते due to whom, शङ्कितैः by hesitant, मुनिभिः by seers, हविः an oblation, अग्नौ in fire, पात्यते is offered.

O cruel, mean, vile fellow, you had been always opposing the brahmins who pour oblations in fire under fear.
तमेवमभिसंरब्धं ब्रुवाणं राघवं रणे।

खरो निर्भर्त्सयामास रोषात्खरतरस्वरः।।3.30.13।।

एवम् thus, रणे in war, अभिसंरब्धम् in a state of excitement, ब्रुवाणाम् was speaking, तं राघवम् that Rama, रोषात् due to anger, खरतरस्वरः in a harsher tone, खरः Khara, निर्भर्त्सयामास abused.

When Rama was thus speaking in a state of excitement in the middle of war, the choleric Khara started abusing him in a harsher tone.
दृढं खल्ववलिप्तोऽसि भयेष्वपि च निर्भयः।

वाच्यावाच्यं ततो हि त्वं मृत्युवश्यो न बुध्यसे।।3.30.14।।

भयेष्वपि even in the midst of fear, निर्भयः fearless, त्वम् you, दृढम् certainly, अवलिप्तः असि you are haughty, ततः then, मृत्युवश्यः under the grip of death, वाच्यावाच्यम् what to speak and what not to speak, न बुध्यसे not knowing.

You are very haughty. When there is every cause of fear you pretend fearlessness. Being in the grip of death you do not know what to speak and what not to speak.
कालपाशपरिक्षिप्ता भवन्ति पुरुषा हि ये।

कार्याकार्यं न जानन्ति ते निरस्तषडिन्द्रियाः।।3.30.15।।

ये पुरुषाः those men, कालपाशपरिक्षिप्ताः bound by the noose of death, भवन्ति remain, ते you, निरस्तषडिन्द्रियाः whose six senses (five sense organs and mind) cease to function, कार्याकार्यम् (sense of discrimination) of what to and not to do, न जानन्ति do not know.

Those bound by the noose of death, do not know what to and what not to do, as their six senses cease to function.
एवमुक्त्वा ततो रामं संरुध्य भ्रुकुटीं ततः।

स ददर्श महासालमविदूरे निशाचरः।।3.30.16।।

रणे प्रहरणस्यार्थे सर्वतो ह्यवलोकयन्।

सः निशाचरः nightwalker, रामम् to Rama, एवम् in that way, उक्त्वा having spoken, ततः then, भ्रुकुटीम् eyebrows, संरुध्य drawing together in frown, रणे in war, प्रहरणस्य अर्थे for striking, सर्वतः all over, अवलोकयन् observing, अविदूरे close by, महासालम् huge sal tree, ददर्श saw.

Having said thus to Rama with a frown on his face, Khara, looking around for something to strike him with, saw a huge sal tree not very far.
स तमुत्पाटयामास संदश्य दशनच्छदम्।।3.30.17।।

तं समुत्क्षिप्य बाहुभ्यां विनद्य च महाबलः।

राममुद्दिश्य चिक्षेप हतस्त्वमिति चाब्रवीत्।।3.30.18।।

सः Khara, दशनच्छदम् lower lip, संदस्य biting, तम् that( tree), उत्पाटयामास uprooted, महाबलः mighty, तम् him, बाहुभ्याम् with arms, समुत्क्षिप्य lifted, विनद्य shouted, रामम् उद्दिश्य targetting Rama, चिक्षेप hurled, त्वम् you, हतः dead, इति thus, अब्रवीत् च said.

Khara, biting his lower lip, uprooted the tree , lifted it with his mighty arms, and shouting at Rama loudly hurled it at him, saying, 'You are dead'.
तमापतन्तं बाणौघैच्छित्वा रामः प्रतापवान्।

रोषमाहारयत्तीव्रं निहन्तुं समरे खरम्।।3.30.19।।

प्रतापवान् courageous, रामः Rama, आपतन्तम् falling, तम् that, बाणौघैः with a flood of arrows, छित्त्वा having shattered, समरे in war, खरम् Khara, निहन्तुम् to put an end, तीव्रम् intensely, रोषम् anger, आहारयत् gathered.

Brave Rama shattered with a flood of arrows the tree falling over him and summoned sharp anger to end Khara in war.
जातस्वेदस्ततो रामो रोषाद्रक्तान्तलोचनः।

निर्भिभेद सहस्रेण बाणानां समरे खरम्।।3.30.20।।

ततः then, जातस्वेदः sweating all over, रोषात् with anger, रक्तान्तलोचनः one whose eyes turned red in the corners, रामः Rama, बाणानाम् of the arrows, सहस्रेण a thousand, समरे in war, खरम् Khara, निर्भिभेद hit.

Full of sweat and with the corners of his eyes turned red, Rama hit Khara with a thousand arrows in the encounter.
तस्य बाणान्तराद्रक्तं बहु सुस्राव फेनिलम्।

गिरेः प्रस्रवणस्येव तोयधारापरिस्रवः।।3.30.21।।

तस्य his, फेनिलम् foamy, बहु a lot, रक्तम् blood, बाणान्तरात् by the arrows piercing, गिरेः of the mount, प्रस्रवणस्य Prasravana's, तोयधारपरिस्रवः इव like the waterfalls from the mountain, सुस्राव came out.

With his body pierced with arrows his blood started flowing like the waterfalls flow from mount Prasravana.
विह्वलस्सकृतो बाणैः खरो रामेण संयुगे।

मत्तो रुधिरगन्धेन तमेवाभ्यद्रवद्द्रुतम्।।3.30.22।।

संयुगे in the war, रामेण by Rama, बाणैः with arrows, विह्वलः completely struck, कृतः done, मत्तः an intoxicated one, सः खरः Khara's, रुधिरगन्धेन with the smell of blood, द्रुतम् quickly, तं राममेव on Rama also, अभ्यद्रवत् ran charging.

Completely struck by Rama's arrows, Khara, intoxicated with the smell of blood, ran speedily charging towards Rama.
तमापतन्तं संरब्धं कृतास्त्रो रुधिराप्लुतम्।

अपासर्पत्प्रतिपदं किञ्चित्वरितविक्रमः।।3.30.23।।

कृतास्त्रः trained in the science of arms, (रामः Rama), आपतन्तम् falling upon, रुधिराप्लुतम् drenched in blood, संरब्धम् highly agitated, तम् him, त्वरितविक्रमः picked up his valour quickly, प्रतिपदम् step, किञ्चित् a little, अपासर्पत् moved aside.

Rama who was an adept in the science of arms picked up his valour quickly and moved a step back (not to give him an opportunity to strike), looking at the highly agitated Khara falling upon him, with his body fully drenched in blood.
ततः पावकसङ्काशं वधाय समरे शरम्।

खरस्य रामो जग्राह ब्रह्मदण्डमिवापरम्।।3.30.24।।

ततः thereafter, रामः Rama, खरस्य Khara's, वधाय to kill, पावकसङ्काशम् glowing like fire, अपरम् इव like another, ब्रह्मदण्डमिव like Brahmadanda, शरम् dart, समरे in war, जग्राह took.

Rama took a dart glowing like fire which resembled another Brahmadanda to kill Khara in the war.
स तं दत्तं मघवता सुरराजेन धीमता।

संदधे चापि धर्मात्मा मुमोच च खरं प्रति।।3.30.25।।

धर्मात्मा righteous, सः Rama, धीमता by the wise, मघवता by Indra, सुरराजेन by the king of the gods, दत्तम् was given, तम् that weapon, संदधे placed, खरं प्रति on Khara, मुमोच च and shot.

Righteous Rama placed on his bow the dart given him by wise Indra, king of the gods, and shot it at Khara.
स विमुक्तो महाबाणो निर्घातसमनिस्वनः।

रामेण धनुरायम्य खरस्योरसिचापतत्।।3.30.26।।

रामेण by Rama, धनुः bow, आयम्य on bending, खरस्य Khara's, उरसि on the chest, विमुक्तः released, निर्घातसमनिस्वनः sounding like a violent gust of wind, सः बाणः that arrow, अपतत् fell.

Bending the bow fully, Rama released the arrow roaring like a violent gust of wind, which fell on Khara's chest.
स पपात खरो भूमौ दह्यमानश्शरानग्निना।

रुद्रेणेव विनिर्दग्धश्वेतारण्ये यथान्तकः।।3.30.27।।

शराग्निना by the fire of the arrow, दह्यमानः burned सः that, खरः Khara, श्वेतारण्ये in Swetaranya, रुद्रेण by Rudra, विनिर्दग्धः burnt totally, अन्तकः यथा like Yama, भूमौ on the ground, पपात collapsed.

Just as Yama was burnt by Rudra's fire(from his eyes) in Swetaranya, Khara collapsed on the ground consumed by the fire of Rama's arrow.
स वृत्र इव वज्रेण फेनेन नमुचिर्यथा।

बलो वेन्द्राशनिहतो निपपात हतः खरः।।3.30.28।।

सः खरः that Khara, हतः killed, स वज्रेण by the thunderbolt, वृत्र इव like Vrutra, फेनेन by froth from, नमुचिः Namuchi, यथा like that, इन्द्राशनिहतः struck by Indra's thunderbolt, बलो वा like Bala, निपपात fell down.

Khara fell down just like Vrutra or Bala killed by Indra's thunderbolt or like Numuchi by the froth of the sea.
ततो राजर्षयस्सर्वे सङ्गताः परमर्षयः।

सभाज्य मुदिता राममिदं वचनमब्रुवन्।।3.30.29।।

ततः then, सर्वे all, राजर्षयः rajarsis, परमर्षयः great seers, सङ्गताः together, मुदिताः joyfully, रामम् Rama, सभाज्य worshipped, इदम् this, वचनम् words, अब्रुवन् said.

Then the rajarsis, great seers gathered together, offered their worship to Rama and said these words joyfully :
एतदर्थं महातेजा महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः।

शरभङ्गाश्रमं पुण्यमाजगाम पुरन्दरः।।3.30.30।।

पाकशासनः killer of Paka (Indra), महातेजाः glorious, पुरन्दरः one who can break a fortress, (Indra), महेन्द्रः Mahendra, एतदर्थम् for that purpose only, पुण्यम् holy, शरभङ्गाश्रमम् hermitage of Sarabhanga, आजगाम came.

For this purpose, killer of Paka, the gIorious Indra (who can break a fortress), came to the hermitage of Sarabhanga.
आनीतस्त्वमिमं देशमुपायेन महर्षिभिः।

एषां वधार्थं क्रूराणां रक्षसां पापकर्मणाम्।।3.30.31।।

क्रूराणाम् cruel, पापकर्मणाम् sinners, एषाम् of these, रक्षसाम् of demons, वधार्थम् to kill, त्वम् you, महर्षिभिः by great sages, उपायेन cleverly planned, इमम् this, देशम् place, आनीतः you are brought.

You are brought to this place by the great sages who had cleverly devised a plan to kill the cruel sinners, these demons৷৷
तदिदं नः कृतं कार्यं त्वया दशरथात्मज।

सुखं धर्मं चरिष्यन्ति दण्डकेषु महर्षयः।।3.30.32।।

दशरथात्मज O son of Dasaratha, नः our, तत् such, इदम् this, कार्यम् a task, कृतम् accomplished, महर्षयः sages, दण्डकेषु in Dandaka, सुखम् happily, धर्मम् rightful duty, चरिष्यन्ति discharge.

O son of Dasaratha, you have accomplished such a task that hereafter the sages in
Dandaka will discharge their rightful duties happily.
एतस्मिन्तरे देवाश्चारणैस्सह सङ्गताः।

दुन्दुभींश्चाभिनिघ्नन्तः पुष्पवर्षं समन्ततः।।3.30.33।।

रामस्योपरि संह्रुष्टा ववृषुर्विस्मितास्तदा।

एतस्मिन् in the, अन्तरे meanwhile, देवाः gods, चारणैः सह and charanas (celestial bards), सङ्गताः got together, संह्रुष्टा joyfully, दुन्दुभीन् drums, अभिनिघ्नन्तः beating, तदा then, विस्मिताः wonderstruck, रामस्य at Rama, उपरि on, समन्ततः from all sides, पुष्पवर्षम् shower of flowers, ववृषुः rained.

Meanwhile the wonderstruck gods along with the charanas (celestial bards) got together and began beating the drums and raining showers of flowers on Rama from all sides.
अर्धाधिकमुहूर्तेन रामेण निशितैश्शरैः।।3.30.34।।

चतुर्दशसहस्राणि रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम्।

खरदूषणमुख्यानां निहतानि महाहवे।।3.30.35।।

रामेण by Rama, अर्धाधिकमुहूर्तेन little more than half a moment (a moment i.e. मुहूर्त is 48 seconds) निशितैः sharp, शरैः darts, महाहवे in the great war, भीमकर्मणाम् of terrific tasks, खरदूषणमुख्यानाम् led by Khara and Dusana, रक्षसाम् demons, चतुर्दश fourteen, सहस्राणि thousand, निहतानि were killed.

'In a little more than half a moment of this great war Rama had accomplished the terrific task of killing with sharp darts fourteen thousand demons, led by Khara and Dusana.
अहो बत महत्कर्म रामस्य विदितात्मनः।

अहो वीर्यमहो दाक्ष्यं विष्णोरिव हि दृश्यते।।3.30.36।।

इत्येवमुक्त्वा ते सर्वे ययुर्देवा यथागतम्।

विदितात्मनः who knows the self, रामस्य Rama's, महत् great, कर्म performance, अहो बत what a great thing, वीर्यम् prowess, अहो Oh, दाक्ष्यम् efficiency, अहो Oh, विष्णोरिव like Visnu, दृश्यते appears, इत्येवम् like that, उक्त्वा saying, सर्वे all, ते देवाः the gods, यथागतम् to their destinations, ययुः went back.

'Rama who knows the self has performed a great work. Oh what prowess what efficiency only lord Visnu could do this'. So saying all the gods went back to their respective destinations.
तस्मिन्नन्तरे वीरो लक्ष्मणस्सह सीतया।

गिरिदुर्गाद्विनिष्क्रम्य संविवेशाश्रमं सुखी।।3.30.37।।

तस्मिन् अन्तरे in the mean time, वीरः heroic, (सः) लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, सीतया सह accompanied by Sita, गिरिदुर्गात् from the mountain cave, विनिष्क्रम्य came out, सुखी happily, आश्रमम् hermitage, (सं)विवेश entered.

In the mean time, heroic Lakshmana accompanied by Sita came out of the mountain cave happily and entered the hermitage.
ततो रामस्तु विजयी पूज्यमानो महर्षिभिः।

प्रविवेशाश्रमं वीरो लक्ष्मणेनाभिपूजितः।।3.30.38।।

ततः then, विजयी victorious man, वीरः hero, रामस्तु Rama too, महर्षिभिः by the seers, पूज्यमानः worshipped by, लक्ष्मणेन by Lakshmana, अभिपूजितः worshipped, आश्रमम् hermitage, प्रविवेश entered.

Then victorious Rama having been worshipped by the seers and also by Lakshmana entered the hermitage.
तं दृष्ट्वा शत्रुहन्तारं महर्षीणां सुखावहम्।

बभूव हृष्टा वैदेही भर्तारं परिषस्वजे।।3.30.39।।

वैदेही Vaidehi, शत्रुहन्तारम् one who has killed the enemies, महर्षीणाम् of the great sages, सुखावहम् for their happiness, तम् him, भर्तारम् husband, दृष्ट्वा seeing, हृष्टा glad, बभूव became, परिषस्वजे embraced.

On seeing Rama killing the enemies of the great sages for their happiness Sita felt glad and embraced her husband.
मुदा परमया युक्ता दृष्ट्वा रक्षोगणान्हतान्।

रामं चैवाव्यथं दृष्ट्वा तुतोष जनकात्मजा।।3.30.40।।

जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, हतान् dead, रक्षोगणान् the demons, दृष्ट्वा seeing, परमया very much, मुदा happy, युक्ता became, रामं चैव by Rama, अव्यथम् unhurt, दृष्ट्वा seeing, तुतोष became glad.

Sita, daughter of Janaka, was happy to see the demons killed by Rama who himself was unhurt.
ततस्तु तं राक्षससङ्घमर्दनं सभाज्यमानं मुदितैर्महर्षिभिः।

पुनः परिष्वज्य शशिप्रभानना बभूव हृष्टा जनकात्मजा तदा।।3.30.41।।

ततः then, शशिप्रभानना face bright like the Moon, जनकात्मजा Sita, daughter of Janaka, राक्षससङ्घमर्दनम् one who destroyed the demons, मुदितैः joyful, महर्षिभिः by the great sages too, सभाज्यमानम् worshipped, तम् him, पुनः again, परिष्वज्य embraced, तदा then, हृष्टा happy, बभूव was.

Then the daughter of Janaka, cheerful Sita, who had a face bright like the moon, embraced Rama, destroyer of demons who was worshipped by the delighted sages.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे त्रिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the thirtieth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.