Sloka & Translation

[Khara gets his brother Dusana and the army ready to fight Rama -- proceeds with fourteen thousand demons.]

एवमाधर्षितश्शूरश्शूर्पणख्या खरस्ततः।

उवाच रक्षसां मध्ये खरः खरतरं वचः।।3.22.1।।

ततः then, शूर्पणख्या by Surpanakha, एवम् in that way, रक्षसाम् of demons, मध्ये in the midst, आधर्षितः put to shame, शूरः hero, खरः Khara, खरतरम् harsher, वचः words, उवाच spoke.

Ashamed and accused thus in the presence of the demons, the valiant Khara spoke to Surpanakha in harsh words:
तवावमानप्रभवः क्रोधोऽयमतुलो मम।

न शक्यते धारयितुं लवणाम्भ इवोल्बणम्।।3.22.2।।

तव your, अवमानप्रभवः arising out of insult, मम mine, अतुलः incomparable, अयं क्रोधः this anger, उल्बणम् excessive, लवणाम्भः salt water, इव like, धारयितुम् to bear, न शक्यते is not possible for me.

Like the overslowing salt sea water, I am unable to contain this my excessive anger arising out of your insult.
न रामं गणये वीर्यान्मानुषं क्षीणजीवितम्।

आत्मदुश्चरितैः प्राणान्हतोयोऽद्य विमोक्ष्यते।।3.22.3।।

मानुषम् human being, क्षीणजीवितम् shortlived, रामम् Rama, वीर्यात् due to valour, न गणये I do not count, यः he who has, आत्मदुश्चरितैः by his own bad conduct, हतः be killed, अद्य now, प्राणान् life, विमोक्ष्यते will leave.

Rama is a shortlived human. I do not care for his valour. His life span will be shortened (he will be killed) now for his own misdeeds.
बाष्पस्संह्रियतामेष सम्भ्रमश्च विमुच्यताम्।

अहं रामं सह भ्रात्रा नयामि यमसादनम्।।3.22.4।।

एषः this, बाष्पः tears, संह्रियाताम् may be controlled, सम्भ्रमश्च anxiety also, विमुच्यताम् give up, अहम् I, रामम् Rama, भ्रात्रा सह along with his brother, यमसादनम् to the abode of Yama, नयामि l will send.

Restrain your tears and your anxieties I will send Rama along with his brother to the abode of Yama.
परश्वथहतस्याद्य मन्दप्राणस्य संयुगे।

रामस्य रुधिरं रक्तमुष्णं पास्यसि राक्षसि।।3.22.5।।

राक्षसि O demoness, अद्य now, संयुगे in the fight, परश्वथहतस्य of one killed by an axe, मन्दप्राणस्य whose life has gone slow, रामस्य Rama's, रक्तम् red, उष्णम् hot, रुधिरम् blood, पास्यसि you can drink.

With his life ebbing out, killed by my axe in the fight, you will drink today, O demoness, Rama's red, hot blood.
सा प्रहृष्टा वचश्श्रुत्वा खरस्य वदनाच्च्युतम्।

प्रशशंस पुनर्मौर्ख्याद्भ्रातरं रक्षसां वरम्।।3.22.6।।

सा she, खरस्य Khara's, वदनात् from the mouth, च्युतम् that came out, वचः the words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, प्रहृष्टा she was pleased, मौर्ख्यात् due to stupidity, भ्रातरम् to the brother, रक्षसाम् among demons, वरम् great, पुनः again, प्रशशंस she praised.

On hearing the words that came out of Khara's mouth, she was pleased. And in stupidity began praising her brother once again as the best of demons.
तया परुषितः पूर्वं पुनरेव प्रशंसितः।

अब्रवीद्दूषणं नाम खरस्सेनापतिं तदा।।3.22.7।।

तया by her, पूर्वम् earlier, परुषितः been acused, पुनरेव again, प्रशंसितः was praised, खरः Khara, तदा then, दूषणं नाम Dooshana by name, सेनापतिम् army chief, अब्रवीत् said.

Khara, accused by her earlier and admired again, said to Dusana, chief of army:
चतुर्दश सहस्राणि मम चित्तानुवर्तिनाम्।

रक्षसां भीमवेगानां समरेष्वनिवर्तिनाम्।।3.22.8।।

मम my, चित्तानुवर्तिनाम् acting according to will, भीमवेगानाम् of terrific speed, समरेषु in war, अनिवर्तिनाम् never turn back, रक्षसाम् of demons, चतुर्दश fourteen, सहस्राणि thousand.

There are fourteen thousand demons at my command ready to act according to my will. They are warriors of terrific speed and will not retreat from the fight.
नीलजीमूतवर्णानां घोराणां क्रूरकर्मणाम्।

लोकहिंसाविहाराणां बलिनामुग्रतेजसाम्।।3.22.9।।

नीलजीमूतवर्णानाम् of the colour of the dark blue cloud, घोराणां of dreadful, कृ़रकर्मणाम् those who commit cruel acts लोकहिंसाविहाराणां those who roam about torturing people, बलिनाम् of the strong, उग्रतेजसाम् very powerful people.

They are of the colour of the dark blue cloud, dreadful and merciless, strong and powerful fighters who roam about forturing people.
तेषां शार्दूलदर्पाणां महास्यानां महौजसाम्।

सर्वोद्योग मुदीर्णानां रक्षसां सौम्य कारय।।3.22.10।।

सौम्यः handsome, शार्दूलदर्पाणां powerful like tigers, महास्यानां having large countenances, महौजसाम् mighty, उदीर्णानाम् of the arrogant, तेषां of all such, रक्षसां demons, सर्वोद्योगं कारय get ready.

O handsome one, get them all, powerful like tigers, demons with large countenances, mighty and arragant, ready (for the fight).
उपस्थापय मे क्षिप्रं रथं सौम्य धनूंषि च।

शरांश्चित्रांश्च खङ्गांश्च शक्तीश्च विविधाश्शिताः।।3.22.11।।

सौम्य O good natured one, मे my, रथम् chariot, धनूंषि च bows too, शरान् arrows, चित्रान् wonderful, खङ्गांश्च swords, विविधाः of different kinds, शिताः sharp, शक्तीश्च missiles, क्षिप्रम् quickly, उपस्थापय get them ready.

O goodnatured one, get my chariot, bows and arrows, wonderful swords of different kinds and sharp missiles ready quickly.
अग्रे निर्यातुमिच्छामि पौलस्त्यानां महात्मनाम्।

वधार्थं दुर्विनीतस्य रामस्य रणकोविदः।।3.22.12।।

रणकोविदः expert in warfare, दुर्विनीतस्य of the immodest, रामस्य Rama's, वधार्थम् to kill, महात्मनाम् great self, पौलस्त्यानाम् those of Paulasthya family, अग्रे in front, निर्यातुम् to go, इच्छामि I desire.

O expert in warfare, I wish to lead those great warriors of Paulasthya family, to kill that immodest Rama.
इति तस्य ब्रुवाणस्य सूर्यवर्णं महारथम्।

सदश्वैश्शबलैर्युक्तमाचचक्षेऽथ दूषणः।।3.22.13।।

तस्य his (Khara's), इति this, ब्रुवाणस्य while (Khara was) telling, अथ at that time, दूषणः
Dusana, सूर्यवर्णम् colour of the Sun, महारथम् huge chariot, शबलैः variegated colours, सदश्वैः good horses, युक्तम् fit, आचचक्षे indicated.

While Khara was speaking thus, Dusana reported that a huge chariot of the colour of the Sun yoked with good horses of variegated hues stood ready.
तं मेरुशिखराकारं तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणम्।

हेमचक्रमसम्बाधं वैदूर्यमयकूबरम्।।3.22.14।।

मत्स्यैः पुष्पैर्द्रुमैश्शैलैश्चन्द्रसूर्यैश्च काञ्चनैः।

मङ्गलैः पक्षिसङ्घैश्च ताराभिरभिसंवृतम्।।3.22.15।।

ध्वजनिस्त्रिंशसम्पन्नं किङ्किणीकविराजितम्।

सदश्वयुक्तं सोऽमर्षादारुरोह खरो रथम्।।3.22.16।।

सः खरः that Khara, मेरुशिखराकारम् looking like the peak of the mount Meru, तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणम् decorated with best of gold, हेमचक्रम् having golden wheels, असम्बाधम् wellbuilt, वैदूर्यमयकूबरम् carriage pole studded with vaiduryas, काञ्चनैः gold, मत्स्यैः with fishes, पुष्पैः with flowers, द्रुमैः trees, शैलैः mountains, सूर्यैश्च Sun, मङ्गलैः with auspicious ones, पक्षिसङ्घैश्च flocks of birds, ताराभिः with stars, अभिसंवृतम् all surrounded by, ध्वजनिस्त्रिंशसम्पन्नम् equipped with flags and swords, किङ्किणीकविराजितम् with small bells, सदश्वयुक्तम् yoked to fine horses, रथम् chariot, अमर्षात् with impatience, अरुरोह mounted.

Then the impatient Khara mounted the chariot that looked like the peak of mount Meru. It was decorated with pure gold, had golden wheels, poles studded with vaidurya. The carriage of the chariot was engraved with golden figures of fishes, flowers, trees, the Sun, stars, flocks of auspicious birds, flags and swords. Shining with small bells, it was yoked to fine horses.
निशाम्य तु रथस्थं तं राक्षसा भीमविक्रमाः।

तस्थुस्संपरिवार्यैनं दूषणं च महाबलम्।।3.22.17।।

भीमविक्रमाः warriors of terrific prowess, राक्षसाः demons, रथस्थम् seated on the chariot, तम् him, निशाम्य seeing, एनम् him, महाबलम् very strong one, दूषणं च Dusana too, सम्परिवार्य after surrounding, तस्थुः stood by.

The demons of terrific prowess surounded Khara and Dusana and stood by, when they saw both of them mounting the chariot.
खरस्तु तान्महेष्वासान्घोरवर्मायुधध्वजान्।

निर्यातेत्यब्रवीद्दृष्ट्वा रथस्थस्सर्वराक्षसान्।।3.22.18।।

रथस्थः from the chariot, खरस्तु Khara on his part, महेष्वासान् those holding great weapons, घोरवर्मायुधध्वजान् those wearing dreadful shields, bearing weapons and holding flags, तान् सर्वराक्षसान् all the demons, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, निर्यात march on, इति thus, अब्रवीत् ordered.

Khara mounted the chariot, saw the demons holding great weapons, wearing dreadful shields and holding flags, and ordered them to march.
ततस्तद् राक्षसं सैन्यं घोरचर्मायुधध्वजम्।

निर्जगाम जनस्थानान्महानादं महाजवम्।।3.22.19।।

ततः then, घोरवर्मायुधध्वजम् wearing dreadful shields, holding weapons and banners, तत् that, राक्षसं सैन्यम् army of demons, महानादम् a loud noise, महाजवम् in great speed, जनस्थानात् from Janasthana, निर्जगाम started.

Then the army of the demons wearing dreadful shields, holding weapons and flags, and making a loud noise started in great speed from Janasthanam.
मुद्गरैः पट्टिसैश्शूलैस्सुतीक्ष्णैश्च परश्वधैः।

खङ्गैश्चक्रैश्च हस्तस्थैर्भ्राजमानैश्च तोमरैः।।3.22.20।।

शक्तिभिः परिघैर्घोरैरतिमात्रैश्च कार्मुकैः।


राक्षसानां सुघोराणां सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।

निर्यातानि जनस्थानात्खरचित्तानुवर्तिनाम्।।3.22.22।।

गृहीतैः took, हस्तस्थैः by those held in the hand, मुद्गरैः maces, पट्टिसैः piercing weapons, शूलैः spears, सुतीक्ष्णैः sharp, परश्वधैः axes used in battle, खङ्गै swords, चक्रैश्च wheels, भ्राजमानैः shining splinters, तोमरैः iron clubs, शक्तिभिः powerful missiles, घोरैः dreadful, परिघैः iron bars, अतिमात्रैः of giant size, कार्मुकैः bows made of bamboo, गदासिमुसलैः pounding pestles, भीमदर्शनैः frightening to look at, वज्रैः weapons like thunderbolt, खरचित्तानुवर्तिनाम् of those acting according to the wishes of Khara, सुघोराणाम् very fierce, राक्षसानाम् of demons, चतुर्दय सहस्राणि fourteen thousand, जनन्थानात् from Janasthana, निर्यातानि departed.

The fourteen thousand demons loyal to the wishes of Khara, took in their hands, maces, piercing weapons, spears, sharp axes used in battle, swords, wheels, splinters, iron clubs, powerful missiles, dreadful iron bars of giant size, bows made of bamboo, clubs and frightening weapons like thunderbolt (of Indra) and departed from Janasthana.
तांस्त्वभिद्रवतो दृष्ट्वा राक्षसान् भीमविक्रमान्।

खरस्यापि रथः किञ्चिज्जगाम तदनन्तरम्।।3.22.23।।

अभिद्रवतः going speedily to attack, भीमविक्रमान् of frightening prowess, तान् राक्षसान् those demons, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, किञ्चित् a little, तदनन्तरम् behind, खरस्य Khara's, रथः chariot, अपि too, जगाम went.

Khara's chariot moved a bit behind the army of demons of frightening prowess who rushed forward to attack (Rama).

खरस्य मतिमाज्ञाय सारथिस्समचोदयत्।।3.22.24।।

ततः thereafter, सारथिः charioteer, तप्तकाञ्चनभूषितान् decorated with pure gold, शबलान् colourful, तान् them, अश्वान् horses, खरस्य of Khara's, मतिम् mind, आज्ञाय knowing, समचोदयत् hastened.

Knowing the mind of Khara, the charioteer hastened the horses of the colourful chariot decorated with pure gold.
स चोदितो रथश्शीघ्रं खरस्य रिपुघातिनः।

शब्देनापूरयामास दिशश्च प्रदिशस्तदा।।3.22.25।।

तदा then, रिपुघातिनः killers of enemy, खरस्य Khara's, शीघ्रम् speedily, चोदितः spurred, सः रथः that chariot, दिशश्च the four directions, प्रदिशश्च intermediate directions, शब्देन by the sound, आपूरयामास filled.

Spurred by the charioteer, the chariot of Khara, the slayer of enemies, produced a rattle that filled all four quarters and the intermediate directions.
प्रवृद्धमन्युस्तु खरः खरस्वनो रिपोर्वधार्थं त्वरितो यथान्तकः।

अचूचुदत्सारथिमुन्नदन्घनं महाबलो मेघ इवाश्मवर्षवान्।।3.22.26।।

प्रवृद्धमन्युः whose anger increased, खरस्वनः with harsh tone, खरः Khara, रिपोः enemy's, वधार्थम् to kill, त्वरितः at quick pace, अन्तकः यथा like Yama, the god of death, अश्मवर्षवान् like hail stones, महाबलः powerful, मेघः इव like the cloud, घनम् heavy, उन्नदन् सारथिम् roaring charioteer, अचूचुदत् impelled him to drive.

Khara in extreme anger hastened, like Yama, to slay his enemy. He roared loudly like a cloud raining hail stones and impelled his charioteer to speed up.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वालल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्वाविंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the twentysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.