Sloka & Translation

[Combat between Rama and Khara---- wounded Khara gets down the chariot to fight-- deities assemble-- worship great Rama.]

निहतं दूषणं दृष्ट्वा रणे त्रिशिरसा सह।

खरस्याप्यभवत्त्रासो दृष्ट्वा रामस्य विक्रमम्।।3.28.1।।

रणे in combat, त्रिशिरसा सह with Trisira, निहतम् killed, दूषणम् Dusana, दृष्ट्वा seeing, रामस्य Rama's, विक्रमम् prowess, दृष्ट्वा seeing, खरस्यापि to Khara also, त्रासः fear, अभवत् overcame.

Khara was overtaken by fear at the prowess of Rama, when he saw Dusana and Trisira killed.
स दृष्ट्वा राक्षसं सैन्यमविसह्यं महाबलः।

हतमेकेन रामेण त्रिशिरोदूषणावपि।।3.28.2।।

तद्बलं हतभूयिष्ठं विमनाः प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसः।

आससाद खरो रामं नमुचिर्वासवं यथा।।3.28.3।।

महाबलः extremely strong, राक्षसः demon, खरः Khara, अविसह्यम् irrepressible, राक्षसम् demon, सैन्यम् army, एकेन alone, रामेण by Rama, हतम् killed, त्रिशिरोदूषणावपि Trisira and Dusana also, दृष्ट्वा seeing, हतभूयिष्टम् very many killed, तत् बलम् the strength, विमनाः nervous प्रेक्ष्य witnessing, नमुचिः Namuchi, वासवं यथा similar to Indra, रामम् Rama, आससाद went towards.

Khara, the mighty demon, saw his large, irrepressible army killed. He saw Trisira and Dusana slain singlehanded by Rama. Nervous, he advanced towards Rama wage war just as Namuchi approached Indra.
विकृष्य बलवच्चापं नाराचान्रक्तभोजनान्।

खरश्चिक्षेप रामाय क्रुद्धानाशीविषानिव।।3.28.4।।

खरः Khara, बलवत् strong, चापम् bowstring, विकृष्य drawing, क्रुद्धान् angry, आशीविषानिव like venom of a poisonous serpent, रक्तभोजनान् whose food is blood, नाराचान् arrows, रामाय at Rama, चिक्षेप sent forth.

Khara drew his strong bowstring in anger and released the bloodhungry arrows, which appeared like venomous snakes.
ज्यां विधून्वंसुबहुशश्शिक्षयास्त्राणि दर्शयन्।

चचार समरे मार्गाञ्छरै रथगतः खरः।।3.28.5।।

रथगतः sittting on the chariot, खरः Khara, सुबहुशः in many ways, ज्याम् bowstring, विधून्वन् while making a twang, शिक्षया with training, अस्त्राणि weapons, दर्शयन् while exhibiting, समरे in war, शरैः arrows, मार्गाणि in all directions, चचार released.

Khara, sat on the chariot, and with a twang of his bowstring released arrows in all directions, exhibiting his skill in the use of weapons.
स सर्वाश्च दिशो बाणैः प्रदिशश्च महारथः।

पूरयामास तं दृष्ट्वा रामोऽपि सुमहद्धनुः।।3.28.6।।

महारथः great warrior, सः he, सर्वाः all, दिशः sides, प्रदिशश्च intermediate directions, बाणैः arrows, पूरयामास filled, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा saw, रामोऽपि even Rama, सुमहत् powerful, धनुः bow, पूरयामास started filling.

When Rama, the great warrior, saw Khara approaching him, he fixed powerful arrows on his bow and covered all directions and intermediate quarters with his arrows.
स सायकैर्दुर्विसहैस्सस्फुलिङ्गैरिवाग्निभिः।

नभश्चकाराविवरं पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिभिः।।3.28.7।।

सः he, दुर्विसहैः by irresistible, सस्फुलिङ्गैः with sparkling, अग्निभिः इव like fire, सायकैः with arrows, पर्जन्यः cloud, वृष्टिभिः इव with showers like, नभः the sky, अविवरम् not leaving any space, चकार filled.

He rained sparkling arrows which were irresistible. He filled the sky with arrows just as the raingod fills it with rain without leaving any space.
तद्बभूव शितैर्बाणैः खररामविसर्जितैः।

पर्याकाशमनाकाशं सर्वतश्शरसङ्कुलम्।।3.28.8।।

खररामविसर्जितैः released by Khara and Rama, शितैः by sharp, बाणैः with arrows, तत् that, पर्याकाशम् surrounding sky, सर्वतः all over, शरसङ्कुलम् filled with arrows, अनाकाशम् as though there is no sky, बभूव appeared.

The arrows released by Khara and Rama on one another filled the entire sky. Everywhere only arrows and no sky could be seen.
शरजालावृतस्सूर्यो न तदा स्म प्रकाशते।


अन्योन्यवधसंरम्भात् eager to kill each other, उभयोः both, सम्प्रयुध्यतोः of those waging (fighting), तदा then, शरजालावृतः covered with arrows, सूर्यः Sun, न प्रकाशते स्म not seen.

While they were engaged in the battle, eager to kill each other the sky was covered with arrow and the Sun could not be seen.
ततो नालीकनाराचैस्तीक्ष्णाग्रैश्च विकर्णिभिः।

आजघान खरो रामं तोत्रैरिव महाद्विपम्।।3.28.10।।

ततः then, खरः Khara, नालीकनाराचैः by Nalika darts, तीक्ष्णाग्रैः pointed, विकर्णिभिः with darts
called Vikarni, रामम् Rama, तोत्रैः with goads, महाद्विपमिव like a mighty elephant, आजघान shot.

Then Khara shot Rama with Nalika darts and darts called Vikarni like goads hit a mighty elephant.
तं रथस्थं धनुष्पाणिं राक्षसं पर्यवस्थितम्।

ददृशुस्सर्वभूतानि पाशहस्तमिवान्तकम्।।3.28.11।।

रथस्थम् on the chariot, धनुष्पाणिम् holding the bow in hand, पर्यवस्थितम् seated, तं राक्षसम् that demon, पाशहस्तम् holding the noose, अन्तकम् इव like the god of death (Yama), सर्वभूतानि all beings, ददृशुः observed.

Demon Khara positioned on the chariot, bow in hand, appeared to all beings like Yama, god of death holding the noose.
हन्तारं सर्वसैन्यस्य पौरुषे पर्यवस्थितम्।

परिश्रान्तं महासत्वं मेने रामं खरस्तदा।।3.28.12।।

खरः Khara, सर्वसैन्यस्य of the whole army, हन्तारम् destroyer, पौरुषे in valour, पर्यवस्थितम् staying, महासत्त्वम् a very strong one, रामम् Rama, तदा then, परिश्रान्तम् exhausted, मेने thought.

Khara thought valiant Rama who had destroyed his whole army might be exhausted by now.
तं सिंहमिव विक्रान्तं सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्।

दृष्ट्वा नोद्विजते रामः सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगं यथा।।3.28.13।।

सिंहमिव like a lion, विक्रान्तम् aggressive, सिंह विक्रान्तगामिनम् advancing to attack, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा seeing, रामः Rama, सिंहः lion, क्षुद्रमृगं यथा just like a fawn, नोद्विजते not perturbed.

When Rama saw Khara aggressively advancing like a lion to attack him, he was not perturbed, for he knew he was a fawn before a lion (which Rama was).
ततः सूर्यनिकाशेन रथेन महता खरः।

आससाद रणे रामं पतङ्ग इव पावकम्।।3.28.14।।

ततः then, खरः Khara, सूर्यनिकाशेन glowing like the Sun, महता great, रथेन on a chariot, रामम् to Rama, पतङ्ग insect, पावकम् इव like going towards fire, रणे war, आससाद went forward.

Then Khara mounting a great chariot which was glowing like the Sun, advanced towards Rama just as an insect hurtles towards fire.
ततोऽस्य सशरं चापं मुष्टिदेशे महात्मनः।

खरश्चिच्छेद रामस्य दर्शयन्पाणिलाघवम्।।3.28.15।।

ततः then, खरः Khara, पाणिलाघवम् agility of the hand, दर्शयन् exhibiting, महात्मनः of the great self, अस्य रामस्य Rama's, सशरम् along with the arrow, चापम् bow, मुष्टिदेशे at the grip, चिच्छेद shattered.

Exhibiting his agility of the hand, Khara shattered the bow and the arrow in the grip of Rama ,the great soul.
स पुनस्त्वपरान्सप्त शरानादाय वर्मणि।

निजघान खरः क्रुद्धश्शक्राशनिसमप्रभान्।।3.28.16।।

सः that, खरः Khara, क्रुद्धः angry, पुनः again, शक्राशनिसमप्रभान् blazing like Indra's thunderbolt, अपरान् others, सप्त seven, शरान् arrows, आदाय taking up, वर्मणि at the armour, निजघान hit.

The influriated Khara this time took up seven arrows blazing like Indra's thunderbolt and hit his armour.
ततस्तत्प्रहतं बाणैः खरमुक्तैस्सुपर्वभिः।

पपात कवचं भूमौ रामस्यादित्यवर्चसः।।3.28.17।।

ततः thereafter, खरमुक्तैः shot by Khara, सुपर्वभिः by the welljointed, बाणैः with darts, प्रहतम् struck, आदित्यवर्चसः a man radiant like the Sun, रामस्य Rama's, तत् that, कवचम् armour, भूमौ on the ground, पपात fell down.

The armour of Rama who looked radiant like the Sun fell on the ground, struck by the welljointed darts released by Khara.
ततश्शरसहस्रेण राममप्रतिमौजसम्।

अर्दयित्वा महानादं ननाद समरे खरः।।3.28.18।।

ततः then, खरः Khara, अप्रतिमौजसम् of unequal strength, रामम् to Rama, शरसहस्रेण with a thousand darts, अर्दयित्वा attacking, समरे in war, महानादम् great sound, ननाद produced.

Khara then attacked Rama of unequal strength in fight, with a thousand darts and roared loudly.
स शरैरर्दितः क्रुद्धस्सर्वगात्रेषु राघवः।

रराज समरे रामो विधूमोऽग्निरिव ज्वलन्।।3.28.19।।

शरैः with darts, सर्वगात्रेषु in all limbs, अर्दितः afflicted, राघवः a scion of Raghu race, सः रामः that Rama, क्रुद्धः angry, विधूमः without smoke, ज्वलन् while burning, अग्निरिव like fire, समरे in fight, रराज glowed.

Rama, scion of the Raghu race, afflicted by the darts in all parts of the body, glowed in his anger like smokeless fire burning.
ततो गम्भीरनिर्ह्रादं रामश्शत्रुनिबर्हणः।

चकारान्ताय स रिपोस्सज्यमन्यन्महद्धनुः।।3.28.20।।

ततः then, शत्रुनिबर्हणः destroyer of foes, रामः Rama, रिपोः enemy, अन्ताय to put an end to, गम्भीरनिर्ह्रादम् deep sound, अन्यत् another one, महत् great, धनुः bow, सज्यम् string, चकार did.

Then Rama, destroyer of foes, strung another great bow of fearful sound in order to put an end to the enemy.
सुमहद्वैष्णवं यत्तदतिसृष्टं महर्षिणा।

वरं तद्धनुरुद्यम्य खरं समभिधावत।।3.28.21।।

तत् thereafter, यत् that, सुमहत् very powerful, वैष्णवम् Vaishnava, धनुः bow, महर्षिणा by the sage, अतिसृष्टम् given, वरम् best, तत् that, उद्यम्य aiming, खरम् Khara, समभिधावत advanced.

Thereafter Rama advanced, aiming at Khara the superior Vaishnava bow given by sage Agastya.
ततः कनकपुङ्खैस्तु शरैस्सन्नतपर्वभिः।

बिभेद रामस्सङ्क्रुद्धः खरस्य समरे ध्वजम्।।3.28.22।।

ततः then, रामः Rama, सङ्क्रुद्धः enraged, कनकपुङ्खैः with golden feathers, सन्नतपर्वभिः welljointed and smooth, शरैः darts, समरे in war, खरस्य of Khara, ध्वजम् flag on the chariot, बिभेद broken to pieces.

Rama took up in a rage the welljointed, smooth darts with golden feathers and broke the flag post of the chariot of Khara to pieces.
स दर्शनीयो बहुधा विकीर्णः काञ्चनध्वजः।

जगाम धरणीं सूर्यो देवतानामिवाज्ञया।।3.28.23।।

बहुधा many ways, विकीर्णः broken, दर्शनीयः a beautiful one, सः that, काञ्चनध्वजः golden flag
post, देवतानाम् of deities, आज्ञया by order, सूर्यः इव like Sun, धरणीम् on the ground, जगाम fell down.

The beautiful, golden flag post, broken into several pieces, fell down on earth.It appeared as if the Sun had come down to earth at the behest of the gods.
तं चतुर्भिः खरः क्रुद्धो रामं गात्रेषु मार्गणैः।

विव्याध युधि मर्मज्ञो मातङ्गमिव तोमरैः।।3.28.24।।

क्रुद्धः enraged, मर्मज्ञः one who knows the tender parts of the body, खरः Khara, युधि in war, तं रामम् that Rama, चतुर्भिः four, मार्गणैः with arrows, मातङ्गम् elephant, तोमरैरिव like with a javelin, गात्रेषु on his limbs, विव्याध hit.

Quite enraged, Khara who knew how to hit the tender parts (of the body) in an encounter sent out four arrows on Rama. It was like poking an elephant's limbs with a javelin.
स रामो बहुभिर्बाणैः खरकार्मुकनिस्सृतैः।

विद्धो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गो बभूव रुषितो भृशम्।।3.28.25।।

सः रामः that Rama, खरकार्मुकनिस्सृतैः by those arrows released from the bow of Khara, बहुभिः several, बाणैः arrows, विद्धः hit, रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गः one whose limbs were drenched in blood, भृशम् very, रुषितः furious, बभूव became.

Rama, hit by the arrows released from the bow of Khara, all his limbs drenched in blood, became very furious.
स धनुर्धन्विनां श्रेष्ठः प्रगृह्य परमाहवे।

मुमोच परमेष्वासष्षट्छरानभिलक्षितान्।।3.28.26।।

परमाहवे in that great war, धन्विनाम् among archers, श्रेष्ठः best one, परमेष्वासः supreme shooter of arrows, सः he, धनुः bow, प्रगृह्य lifting, अभिलक्षितान् setting his goal, षट् six, शरान्
arrows, मुमोच released.

The best among archers and a supreme shooter, he lifted the bow, fixed his target and released six arrows in the great fight.
शिरस्येकेन बाणेन द्वाभ्यां बह्वोरथार्दयत्।

त्रिभिश्चन्द्रार्धवक्त्रैश्च वक्षस्यभिजघान ह।।3.28.27।।

एकेन with one, बाणेन with an arrow, शिरसि on head, अथ and, द्वाभ्याम् with two, बाह्वोः on shoulders, अर्दयत् hit, त्रिभिः three, चन्द्रार्धवक्त्रैः Moon shaped, वक्षसि on the chest, अभिजघान ह struck.

Rama hit one arrow on the head, two on the shoulders and three of the shape of the crescent moon on the chest (of the enemy).
ततः पश्चान्महातेजा नाराचान्भास्करोपमान्।

जिघांसू राक्षसङ्कृद्धस्त्रयोदश समाददे।।3.28.28।।

ततः thereafter, पश्चात् later, महातेजाः effulgent, कृद्धः enraged, राक्षसम् to the demon, जिघांसुः wishing to kill, भास्करोपमान् radiant like the Sun, त्रयोदश thirteen, नाराचान् arrows, समाददे took up.

Enraged and effulgent Rama took up thirteen darts, radiant like the Sun, with a wish to kill the demon.
ततोऽस्य युगमेकेन चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान्।

षष्ठेन तु शिरस्सङ्ख्ये खरस्य रथसारथेः।।3.28.29।।

त्रिभिस्त्रिवेणुं बलवान्द्वाभ्यामक्षं महाबलः।

द्वादशेन तु बाणेन खरस्य सशरं धनुः।।3.28.30।।

छित्वा वज्रनिकाशेन राघवः प्रहसन्निव।

त्रयोदशेनेन्द्रसमो बिभेद समरे खरम्।।3.28.31।।

इन्द्रसमः like Indra, बलवान् strong, महाबलः powerful, राघवः Rama, सङ्ख्ये in war, एकेन with one, अस्य his, रथस्य chariot's, युगम् yoke, चतुर्भिः with four, चतुरः four, हयान् horses, षष्ठेन with the sixth one, खरस्य Khara's, रथसारथेः charioteer, शिरः head, त्रिभिः with three, त्रिवेणुम् main pole, द्वाभ्याम् with two, अक्षम् axle, द्वादशेन twelfth, बाणेन arrow, खरस्य Khara's, सशरम् along with arrow, धनुः bow, छित्वा made into pieces, प्रहसन्निव as if laughing at, समरे in the fight, वज्रनिकाशेन diamond like arrow, त्रयोदशेन with the thirteenth, खरम् to Khara, बिभेद pierced.

Rama, like Indra, strong and mighty, broke the yoke of Khara's chariot with one arrow, the four horses with four arrows, and with the sixth the charioteer's head, with three others the main pole of the chariot, with two the axle of the chariot, and with the twelfth Khara's bow and arrows were splintered. As if laughing at him, he pierced Khara's body with the thirteenth arrow.
प्रभग्नधन्वा विरथो हताश्वो हतसारथिः।

गदापाणिरवप्लुत्य तस्थौ भूमौ खरस्तदा।।3.28.32।।

तदा then, प्रभग्नधन्वा with bow broken, विरथः without chariot, हताश्वः horses killed, हतसारधिः with charioteer dead, खरः Khara, गदापाणिः holding a mace in hand, अवप्लुत्य jumping down the chariot, भूमौ on the ground, तस्थौ stood.

Then, with bow broken, chariot destroyed, horses and charioteer dead, Khara jumped down the chariot and stood on the ground holding a mace.
तत्कर्म रामस्य महारथस्य समेत्य देवाश्च महर्षयश्च।

अपूजयन्प्राञ्जलयः प्रहृष्टाः तदा विमानाग्रगतास्समेताः।।3.28.33।।

तदा then, देवाश्च gods, महर्षयश्च great sages, समेताः collected together, विमानाग्रगताः standing on the aerial chariots, समेत्य assembled, प्रहृष्टाः delighted, प्राञ्जलयः with folded palms, महारथस्य of the great warrior, रामस्य Rama's, तत् that, कर्म task, अपूजयन् adored.

Then the gods, along with great sages came down in aerial chariots and assembled there. Delighted, they adored Rama, the great warrior, with folded hands for the work done.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकिय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे अष्टाविंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the twentyeigth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.