Sloka & Translation

[Ravana departs stealthily secretly to meet Maricha--description of the beautiful nature on the way to Maricha's hermitage.]

ततश्शूर्पणखावाक्यं तच्छ्रुत्वा रोमहर्षणम्।

सचिवानभ्यनुज्ञाय कार्यं बुद्ध्वा जगाम ह।।3.35.1।।

ततः then, रोमहर्षणम् horripilating, तत् that way, शूर्पणखावाक्यम् words of Surpanakha, श्रुत्वा on hearing, सचिवान् ministers, अभ्यनुज्ञाय took leave, कार्यम् task, बुद्ध्वा thinking over, जगाम ह went.

Then hearing the horripilating words of Surpanakha, Ravana took leave of the ministers and went thinking about the task ahead of him.
तत्कार्यमनुगम्याथ यथावदुपलभ्य च।

दोषाणां च गुणानां च सम्प्रधार्य बलाबलम्।3.35.2।।

इति कर्तव्यमित्येव कृत्वा निश्चयमात्मनः।

स्थिरबुद्धिस्ततो रम्यां यानशालां जगाम ह।।3.35.3।।

अथ and, तत् that, कार्यम् task, अनुगम्य thinking deeply, यथावत् duly, उपलभ्य च understanding, दोषाणाम् of demerits, गुणानां च merits, बलाबलम् strength and weakness, सम्प्रधार्य reflected on it, इति this, कर्तव्यम् duty, इत्येव that way, आत्मनः in himself, निश्चयम् decided, कृत्वा did, स्थिरबुद्धि: firmly, ततः then, रम्यां delightful, यानशालाम् coachshed, जगाम ह went.

Deliberating on the task ahead, duly considering the pros and cons, demerits and merits, strength and weakness, of the issue and having firmly decided within himself, he left for the beautiful coachshed.
यानशालां ततो गत्वा प्रच्छन्नो राक्षसाधिपः।

सूतं सञ्चोदयामास रथस्संयोज्यतामिति।।3.35.4।।

ततः then, राक्षसाधिपः the demonking, प्रच्छन्न: covertly, यानशालाम् to the coachshed, गत्वा having gone, रथः chariot, संयोज्यताम् harness, इति thus, सूतम् charioteer, सञ्चोदयामास ordered.

Ravana went covertly to the coachshed and to the charioteer to get a chariot harnessed.
एवमुक्तः क्षेणेनैव सारथिर्लघुविक्रमः।

रथं संयोजयामास तस्याभिमतमुत्तमम्।।3.35.5।।

एवम् that way, उक्तः said, लघुविक्रमः a man of quick action, सारथिः charioteer, तस्य his, अभिमतम् choice, उत्तमम् great, रथम् chariot, क्षणेनैव in an instant, संयोजयामास harnessed.

Thus ordered, the smart charioteer got the chariot of his choice harnessed in an instant.
काञ्चनं रथमास्थाय कामगं रत्नभूषितम्।

पिशाचवदनैर्युक्तं खरैः काञ्चनभूषणैः।।3.35.6।।

मेघप्रतिमनादेन स तेन धनदानुजः।

राक्षसाधिपतिश्श्रीमान्ययौ नदनदीपतिम्।।3.35.7।।

धनदानुजः younger brother of Kubera, श्रीमान् prosperous, सः राक्षसाधिपतिः the lord of the demons, काञ्चनभूषणैः embellished with gold ornaments, पिशाचवदनैः with demonfaced, खरैः donkeys, युक्तम् yoked, काञ्चनम् golden, कामगम् go where one desires, रत्नभूषितम् decked with gems, रथम् chariot, आस्थाय riding, मेघप्रतिमनादेन rumbling like a cloud, तेन that Ravana, नदनदीपतिम् towards the ocean, ययौ went.

The younger brother of Kubera (Ravana), the prosperous lord of the demons ascended
the chariot which could go where he desired. Embellished with gold, studded with gems, harnessed with demonfaced donkeys, the chariot rolled towards the ocean, rumbling like a cloud.
स श्वेतवालव्यजनः श्वेतच्छत्रो दशाननः।

स्निग्धवैदूर्यसंकाश स्तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः।।3.35.8।।

विंशद्भुजो दशग्रीवो दर्शनीयपरिच्छदः।

त्रिदशारिर्मुनीन्द्रघ्नो दशशीर्ष इवाद्रिराट्।।3.35.9।।

कामगं रथमास्थाय शुशुभे राक्षसेश्वरः।

विद्युन्मण्डलवान्मेघस्सबलाक इवाम्बरे।।3.35.10।।

श्वेतवालव्यजनः with white yak tail fans, श्वेतच्छत्रः with white parasols, दशाननः ten headed, स्निग्धवैदूर्यसङ्काशः shining like smooth Vaidurya (Lapis Lazuli), तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः wearing pure gold earrings, विंशद्भुजः twenty hands, दशग्रीवः tennecked, दर्शनीयपरिच्छदः attired in attractive robes, त्रिदशारिः enemy of gods, मुनीन्द्रघ्नः slayer of towering sages, दशशीर्षः tenpeaks, अद्रिराडिव like king of mountains, सः राक्षसेश्वरः that lord of demons, कामगम् takes where one desires to go, रथम् chariot, आस्थाय having ascended, अम्बरे sky, विद्युन्मण्डलवान् encircled by lightnings, सबलाकः accompanied by cranes, मेघः इव cloudlike, शुशुभे shone.

Ravana, enemy of the gods, slayer of towering sages, with white yaktail fans, and white parasols, shining like smooth vaidurya, wearing pure gold earrings, clad in attractive attire, ten necks with twenty strong hands, ten heads looking like ten mountain peaks, a cloud in the sky encircled by lightnings and accompanied by cranes, ascended the chariot that could go wherever he desired.
स शैलं सागरानूपं वीर्यवानवलोकयन्।

नानापुष्पफलैर्वृक्षैरनुकीर्णं सहस्रशः।।3.35.11।।

वीर्यवान् valiant, सः he, शैलम् the mountain, सहस्रशः thousandfold, नानापुष्पफलैः varieties of
flowers and fruits, वृक्षैः with trees, अनुकीर्णम् full of, सागरानूपम् shore of the sea, अवलोकयन् seeing.

Valiant Ravana wentwatching the mountains full of thousands of trees bearing flowers and fruits on the shore of the sea.
शीतमङ्गलतोयाभिः पद्मिनीभिस्समन्ततः।


शीतमङ्गलतोयाभिः by those filled with cool, sacred water, पद्मिनीभिः with lotusladen ponds, वेदिमद्भि: having elevated altars, विशालैः sprawlling one, आश्रमपदैः with hermitages, समन्ततः on all sides, समावृतम् surrounded.

(The area) surrounded on all sides with lotusladen ponds filled with cool, sacred water, sprawling hermitages with elevated altars.
कदल्याढकिसम्बाधं नारिकेलोपशोभितम्।

सालैस्तालैस्तमालैश्च पुष्पितैस्तरुभिर्वृतम्।।3.35.13।।

कदल्याढकिसम्बाधम् full of banana plants, नारिकेलोपशोभितम् looking beautiful with coconut trees, पुष्पितैः with flowers, सालैः with sal trees, तालैः with palms, तमालैः with tamala, तरुभिः trees, वृतम् surrounded.

The place covered with banana plants and coconut trees as well as blossoming sal and tamala trees was looking extremely beautiful.
नागैस्सुपर्णैर्गन्धैर्वैः किन्नरैश्च सहस्रशः।


अत्यन्तनियताहारैश्शोभितं परमर्षिभिः।

जितकामैश्च सिद्धैश्च चारणैरुपशोभितम्।।3.35.15।।

नागैः with nagas, सुपर्णैः with garudas, गन्धर्वैः gandharvas, सहस्रशः in thousands, किन्नरैश्च with kinneras, आजैः by ajas, वैखानसैः by vaikhanasas, माषैः by mashas, मरीचिपैः by mareechipas, वालखिल्यैः by valakhilyas, अत्यन्तनियताहारैः by those who are highly disciplined in food, परमर्षिभिः by great sages, शोभितम् looked charming, जितकामैः by those with perfect control over desires, सिद्धैश्च by the spiritually accomplished, चारणैः by charanas, उपशोभितम् delightful.

The place looked charming with nagas, garudas, gandharvas, kinneras in their thousands and with the descendants of ajas, vaikhanasas, valakhilyas and with those who drink the rays of Sun and Moon for survival, with sages who were highly disciplined in the intake of food, spiritually accomplished and selfcontrolled hermits and charanas.


दिव्याभरणमाल्याभिः bedecked with fine ornaments and garlands, दिव्यरूपाभिः paragons of beauty, क्रीडारतिविधिज्ञाभिः ladies acquainted with various lovesports, सहस्रशः thousands, अप्सरोभि: apsaras, आवृतम् full of.

(The place was) full of apsaras in their thousands and paragons of beauty adorned with divine ornaments and garlands, and experts in lovesports.
सेवितं देवपन्तीभिश्श्रीमतीभिश्श्रियाऽऽवृतम्।

देवदानवसङ्घैश्च चरितं त्वमृताशिभिः।।3.35.17।।

श्रीमतीभिः prosperous (deities), देवपत्नीभिः goddesses, सेवितम् inhabited, श्रिया resort , वृतम् endowed, अमृतार्थिभिः gods who sought nectar, देवदानवसङ्घैश्च by hosts of gods and demons, चरितम् wandered about.

It was chosen by prosperous wives of gods as a reosrt. Hosts of gods and demons were wandering, there in the hope of tasting nectar.
हंसक्रौञ्चप्लवाकीर्णं सारसैस्सम्प्रणादितम्।

वैढूर्यप्रस्तरं रम्यं स्निग्धं सागरतेजसा।।3.35.18।।

हंसक्रौञ्चप्लवाकीर्णम् full of flocks of swans and kraunchas and small floats, सारसैः by sarasa birds, सम्प्रणादितम् filled with sound, वैढूर्यप्रस्तरम् having a stretch of vaidurya stones, रम्यम् delightful, सागरतेजसा by the radiance of the sea, स्निग्धम् shining.

(It was ) full of small floats, flocks of swans, kraunchas, sarasas cackling in the ponds, with great joy. It had stretches of vaidurya stones on the shore and shone with the radiance of the sea
पाण्डुराणि विशालानि दिव्यमाल्ययुतानि च।

तूर्यगीताभिजुष्टानि विमानानि समन्ततः।।3.35.19।।

तपसा जितलोकानां कामगान्यभिसम्पतन्।

गन्धर्वाप्सरसश्चैव ददर्श धनदानुजः।।3.35.20।।

अभिसम्पतन् spleding along, धनदानुजः younger brother of Kubera, तपसा with penance, जितलोकानाम् who has conquered all the worlds, पाण्डुराणि by pale ones, विशालानि large ones, दिव्यमाल्ययुतानि च with divine flower garlands, तूर्यगीताभिजुष्टानि ringing with divine strains of music, कामगानि fly where one desires, विमानानि aerial chariots, समन्ततः on all sides, गन्धर्वाप्सरसश्चैव by gandharvas and apsaras also, ददर्श saw.

Speeding along, the brother of Kubera (Ravana) saw palewhite, spacious aerial chariots on all sides controlled by those who had conquered the higher worlds by their penances. These chariots, decked with heavenly garlands, and ringing with divine music could fly where one desired. He saw gandharvas and apsaras as well.
निर्यासरसमूलानां चन्दनानां सहस्रशः।

वनानि पश्यन्सौम्यानि घ्राणतृप्तिकराणि च।।3.35.21।।

निर्यासरसमूलानाम् tree trunks with resins (emitting juices), चन्दनानाम् of sandalwood trees,
सौम्यानि delighting, घ्राणतृप्तिकराणि satisfying to smell, च and, सहस्रशः by thousands, वनानि trees, पश्यन् seeing,

He saw thousands of tree trunks with finesmelling resins and sandalwood trees.
अगरूणां च मुख्यानां वनान्युपवनानि च।

तक्कोलानां च जात्यानां फलानां च सुगन्धिनाम्।।3.35.22।।

मुख्यानाम् of the prominent ones, अगुरूणाम् aguru trees, वनानि forests, उपवनानि च pleasuregroves, तक्कोलानाम् of takkola fruits, फलानाम् of fruits, सुगन्धिनाम् of the fragrant ones, जात्यानाम् nutmegs,

(He saw) very fine aguru trees in the forest as well as pleasuregroves of takkola fruits, fragrant trees of a fine variety and fragrant nutmegs.
पुष्पाणि च तमालस्य गुल्मानि मरिचस्य च।

मुक्तानां च समूहानि शुष्यमाणानि तीरतः।।3.35.23।।

तमालस्य tamala trees, पुष्पाणि flowers in bloom, मरिचस्य of pepper, गुल्मानि shrubs, तीरतः on the shore, शुष्यमाणानि drying, मुक्तानाम् pearls, समूहानि च hoards,

(He saw) tamala flowers in bloom, pepper shrubs in clusters and hoards of pearls kept for drying on the shores.
शङ्खानां प्रसरं चैव प्रवालनिचयं तथा।

काञ्चनानि च शैलानि राजतानि च सर्वशः।।3.35.24।।

शङ्खानाम् conches, प्रसरं चैव stretch also, तथा likewise, प्रवालनिचयम् heaps of corals, सर्वशः all over, काञ्चनानि gold, राजतानि च and silver, शैलानि mounds,

He saw stretches of conches, heaps of corals and mounds of gold and silver too.
प्रस्रवाणि मनोज्ञानि प्रसन्नानि ह्रदानि च।

धनधान्योपपन्नानि स्त्रीरत्नैश्शोभितानि च।।3.35.25।।

हस्त्यश्वरथगाढानि नगराण्यवलोकयन्।

मनोज्ञानि fascinating , प्रस्रवाणि waterfalls, प्रसन्नानि pleasing, ह्रदानि च ponds, धनधान्योपपन्नानि endowed with wealth and grains in abundance, स्त्रीरत्नैः best of women, शोभितानि splendid looking, हस्त्यश्वरथगाढानि elephants with, horses and chariots, नगराणि cities, अवलोकयन् went on seeing.

He went watching fascinating waterfalls, pleasing ponds, cities filled with wealth and grain, looking splendid with beautiful women and full of elephants, horses and chariots.
तं समं सर्वतस्निग्धं मृदुसंस्पर्शमारुतम्।

अनूपं सिन्धुराजस्य ददर्श त्रिदिवोपमम्।।3.35.26।।

सर्वतः all over, समम् levelled, स्निग्धम् beautiful, मृदुसंस्पर्शमारुतम् the breeze gentle to touch, त्रिदिवोपमम् comparable to heaven, सिन्धुराजस्य of the sea, तम् अनूपम् backwaters, ददर्श saw.

It was a veritable heaven with the plain land flooded with the backwaters of the sea and gentle breeze blowing.
तत्रापश्यत्स मेघाभं न्यग्रोधमृषिभिर्वृतम्।।3.35.27।।

समन्ताद्यस्य ताश्शाखाश्शतयोजनमायताः।

तत्र there, सः he, यस्य whose, शाखा branches, शतयोजनम् one hundred yojanas, आयताः spread, मेघाभम् looking like a cloud, ऋषिभिः वृतम् occupied by sages, न्यग्रोधम् banyan tree, अपश्यत् saw.

He saw a banyan tree with its branches spread on all sides measuring a hundred
yojanas, looking like a cloud and providing shelter to the sages.
यस्य हस्तिनमादाय महाकायं च कच्छपम्।।3.35.28।।

भक्षार्थं गरुडश्शाखामाजगाम महाबलः।

महाबलः very strong, गरुडः Garuda, भक्षार्थम् for food, हस्तिनम् elephant, महाकायम् of huge body, कच्छपं च and tortoise, आदाय after getting, यस्य whose, शाखाम् branch, आजगाम came to,

In the past, the mighty Garuda brought an elephant and a huge tortoise and sat on a branch of this tree to feed on them.
तस्य तां सहसा शाखां भारेण पतगोत्तमः।।3.35.29।।

सुपर्णः पर्णबहुलां बभञ्ज च महाबलः।

पतगोत्तमः the best of birds, महाबलः very strong, सुपर्णः Suparna (Garuda), तस्य his, तां शाखाम् that branch, भारेण with weight, सहसा at once, बभञ्ज broke, पर्णबहुलां full of leaves.

Due to the weight of this best of birds, the mighty Garuda, the leafy branch at once broke down.
तत्र वैखानसा माषा वालखिल्या मरीचिपाः।।3.35.30।।

अजा बभूवुर्धूम्राश्च सङ्गताः परमर्षयः।

वैखानसा: vaikhanasas, माषाः mashas, मरीचिपाः marichipas, वालखिल्याः valakhilyas, अजाः ajas,धूम्राश्च dhumras, परमर्षयश्च great seers,तत्र there, सङ्गताः gathered,बभूवुः were.

Gathered together under the great tree were great sages like vaikhanasas, mashas, marichipas, valakhilyas, ajas and dhumras.
तेषां दयार्थं गरुडस्तां शाखां शतयोजनाम्।।3.35.31।।

जगामादाय वेगेन तौ चोभौ गजकच्छपौ।

गरुडः Garuda, तेषाम् their, दयार्थम् out of compassion, शतयोजनाम् extending to a hundred yojanas, तां शाखाम् that branch, तौ उभौ both, गजकच्छपौ elephant and the tortoise, आदाय taking, वेगेन with speed, जगाम went.

Out of compassion for the (endangered) seers Garuda carried away that hundredyojanalong branch along with the elephant and the tortoise with great speed.
एकपादेन धर्मात्मा भक्षयित्वा तदामिषम्।।3.35.32।।

निषादविषयं हत्वा शाखया पतगोत्तमः।

प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे मोक्षयित्वा महामुनीन्।।3.35.33।।

धर्मात्मा righteous self, पतगोत्तमः the best among birds (Garuda), तत् that, आमिषम् meat, एकपादेन (standing) on one foot, भक्षयित्वा eating, शाखया with the branch, निषादविषयम् settlement of nightwalkers, हत्वा destroying, महामुनीन् great seers, मोक्षयित्वा delivering, अतुलम् great, प्रहर्षम् happiness, लेभे felt.

Righteous Garuda, the best among the birds, stood on one foot and ate the flesh (of elephant and tortoise) and with the branch of the tree, destroyed the settlement of the demons. Over the destruction of the demons and deliverance of the great seers he felt immeasurable happiness.
स तेनैव प्रहर्षेण द्विगुणीकृतविक्रमः।

अमृतानयनार्थं वै चकार मतिमान्मतिम्।।3.35.34।।

मतिमान् wise, सः he (Garuda), तेनैव प्रहर्षेण out of that joy, द्विगुणीकृतविक्रमः with redoubled vigour, अमृतानयनार्थम् to obtain nectar, मतिम् चकार made up his mind.

Quite happy, his energy redoubled, wise Garuda made up his mind to obtain nectar.
अयोजालानि निर्मथ्य भित्वा रत्नमयं गृहम्।

महेन्द्रभवनाद्गुप्तमाजहारामृतं ततः।।3.35.35।।

अयोजालानि grills of windows, निर्मथ्य twisting and twirling, रत्नमयम् गृहम् house made of gems, भित्वा breaking, ततः from there, महेन्द्रभवनात् from the palace of Indra, गुप्तम् secretly, अमृतम् nectar, आजहार carried away.

Twisting and twirling the grills of the window, he broke open the room made of gems and quietly carried away the nectar from Indra's mansion.
तं महर्षिगणैर्जुष्टं सुपर्णकृतलक्षणम्।

नाम्ना सुभद्रं न्यग्रोधं ददर्श धनदानुजः।।3.35.36।।

धनदानुजः younger brother of Kubera, महर्षिगणैः by groups of seers, जुष्टम् favoured resort, सुपर्णकृतलक्षणम् marked with breaking of the branch by Garuda, नाम्ना by name, सुभद्रम् Subhadra, तं न्यग्रोधम् that banyan tree, ददर्श beheld.

Ravana, the younger brother of Kubera, beheld that banyan tree called Subhadram ,which was a favoured resort of the sages bearing the ensignia of Garuda.
तं तु गत्वा परं पारं समुद्रस्य नदीपतेः।

ददर्शाश्रममेकान्ते रम्ये पुण्ये वनान्तरे।।3.35.37।।

नदीपतेः of lord of rivers(ocean), समुद्रस्य of the sea, तम् that, परं पारम् गत्वा going over to the other side, रम्ये in a beautiful, पुण्ये in a sacred, वनान्तरे in the middle of the forest, एकान्ते in a secluded place, आश्रमम् hermitage, ददर्श beheld.

Ravana crossed over to the other side of the sea, the lord of rivers, and beheld a hermitage in a beautiful, secluded, sacred place in the middle of the forest.
तत्र कृष्णाजिनधरं जटावल्कलधारिणम्।

ददर्श नियताहारं मारीचं नाम राक्षसाम्।।3.35.38।।

तत्र there,कृष्णाजिनधरम् clad in deerskin, जटावल्कलधारिणम् with matted hair and bark cloth, नियताहारम् living on regulated food, मारीचं नाम named Maricha, राक्षसम् a demon, ददर्श saw.

There he saw a demon Maricha, by name, clad in dark deerskin and bark ,with matted hair and living on restricted food.
स रावणस्समागम्य विधिवत्तेन रक्षसा।

मारीचेनार्चितो राजा सर्वकामैरमानुषैः।।3.35.39।।

राजा king, सः रावणः Ravana, समागम्य reaching there, रक्षसा by the demon, तेन मारीचेन to Maricha, अमानुषैः superhuman, सर्वकामैः by fulfilling all desires, विधिवत् as per tradition, अर्चितः made worshipful offering.

When king Ravana reached there, Maricha received him in accordance with tradition and made worshipful offering to the king, fulfilling all his superhuman desires.
तं स्वयं पूजयित्वा तु भोजनेनोदकेन च।

अर्थोपहितया वाचा मारीचो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।3.35.40।।

मारीचः Maricha, तम् to him, भोजनेन food, उदकेन च water, स्वयम् himself, पूजयित्वा after offering, अर्थोपहितया meaningful, वाचा words, वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् said.

Maricha extended his hospitality with appropriate food and water and said with meaningful words:
कच्चित्सुकुशलं राजन्लङ्कायां राक्षसेश्वर।

केनार्थेन पुनस्त्वं वै तूर्णमेवमिहागतः।।3.35.41।।

राक्षसेश्वर O lord of demons, राजन् O king, लङ्कायाम् at Lanka, सुकुशलं कच्चित् I hope every thing is well, त्वम् you, केन अर्थेन to what purpose, तूर्णम् so soon, एवम् like this, पुनः again, इह here, आगतः came?

O king O lord of the demons hope all is well in Lanka. What brings you here again so soon ?
एवमुक्तो महातेजा मारीचेन स रावणः।

ततः पश्चादिदं वाक्यमब्रवीद्वाक्यकोविदः।।3.35.42।।

मारीचेन by Maricha, एवम् thus, उक्तः spoken, महातेजाः effulgent, वाक्यकोविदः a skilled speaker, सः रावणः that Ravana, ततः पश्चात् later, इदम् this, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus addressed by Maricha, the effulgent, eloquent Ravana replied with these words:
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the thirtyfifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.