Sloka & Translation

[Maricha describes his escape to Dandaka forest -- advises Ravana against the idea of encountering Rama.]

एवमस्मि तदा मुक्तः कथञ्चित्तेन संयुगे।

इदानीमपि यद्वृत्तं तच्छृणुष्व निरुत्तरम्।।3.39.1।।

तदा then, तेन by him, संयुगे in the combat, कथञ्चित् somehow , एवम् in that way, मुक्तः अस्मि I was released, इदानीमपि recently also, यत् whatever, वृत्तम् has taken place, तत् that, निरुत्तरम् without any reply, शृणुष्व listen to it.

I was somehow saved by him this way in the combat.Listen without any reply to what has taken place recently.
राक्षसाभ्यामहं द्वाभ्यामनिर्विण्णस्तथा कृतः।

सहितो मृगरूपाभ्यां प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्।।3.39.2।।

तथाकृतः having done so, अनिर्विण्णः unworried, अहम् I, मृगरूपाभ्याम् in the form of deer, द्वाभ्याम् by two, राक्षसाभ्याम् by demons, सहितः accompanied by, दण्डकावनम् forest of Dandaka, प्रविष्टः entered.

Having done so, I picked up courage and entered Dandaka forest, accompanied by the two other demons in the form of deer .
दीप्तजिह्वो महाकायस्तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रो महाबलः।

व्यचरं दण्डकारण्यं मांसभक्षो महामृगः।।3.39.3।।

दीप्तजिह्वः flaming red tongue, महाकायः big body, तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रः sharp teeth, महाबलः very strong , मांसभक्षः feeding on flesh, महामृगः a huge animal, दण्डकारण्यम् Dandaka forest, व्यचरम् wandered.

I wandered in Dandaka forest in the form of a huge animal with a big and strong body, a flaming red tongue and sharp teeth feeding on flesh.
अग्निहोत्रेषु तीर्थेषु चैत्यवृक्षेषु रावण।

अत्यन्तघोरो व्यचरं तापसान्सम्प्रधर्षयन्।।3.39.4।।

रावण Ravana, अत्यन्तघोरः very dreadful , अग्निहोत्रेषु at the sacrificial sites, तीर्थेषु at sacred rivers, चैत्यवृक्षेषु alter at the root of fig trees in sacred places, तापसान् ascetics, सम्प्रधर्षयन् torturing, व्यचरम् I wandered.

O Ravana, assuming a very dreadful form, I wandered about sacrificial spots, sacred places, river banks, under huge trees planted at quadranglestorturing the ascetics.
निहत्य दण्डकारण्ये तापसान्धर्मचारिणः।

रुधिराणि पिबंस्तेषां तथा मांसानि भक्षयन्।।3.39.5।।

दण्डकारण्ये in the Dandaka forest, धर्मचारिणः following righteousness, तापसान् ascetics, निहत्य after slaying, तेषाम् their, रुधिराणि blood, पिबन् drinking, तथा likewise, मांसानि flesh, भक्षयन् eating.

I wandered about the Dandaka forest slaying righteous ascetics, drinking their blood and eating their flesh.
ऋषिमांसाशनः क्रूरस्त्रासयन्वनगोचरान्।

तथा रुधिरमत्तोऽहं विचरन्धर्मदूषकः।।3.39.6।।

अहम् I, ऋषिमांसाशनः eater of the flesh of ascetics, क्रूरः cruel, वनगोचरान् roamers of the forest, त्रासयन् while frightening, तथा likewise, रुधिरमत्तः intoxicated with their blood, धर्मदूषकः harming the righteous, विचरन् wandered.

While thus roaming, I harmed the wanderers of the forest. Intoxicated with their blood
I used to frighten the righteous.
आसादयं तदा रामं तापसं धर्मचारिणम्।

वैदेहीं च महाभागां लक्ष्मणं च महारथम्।।3.39.7।।

तदा then, धर्मचारिणम् the followers of the righteous path, तापसम् ascetic, रामम् Rama, महाभागाम् venerable lady, वैदेहीं च Vaidehi too, महारथम् great warrior, लक्ष्मणं च and Lakshmana, आसादयम् I encountered.

I encountered again the righteous Rama who was in the form of an ascetic, with venerable Sita and the great warrior Lakshmana.
तापसं नियताहारं सर्वभूतहिते रतम्।

सोऽहं वनगतं रामं परिभूय महाबलम्।।3.39.8।।

तापसोऽयमिति ज्ञात्वा पूर्ववैरमनुस्मरन्।

अभ्यधावं हि संक्रुद्धस्तीक्ष्ण शृङ्गो मृगाकृतिः।।3.39.9।।

जिघांसुरकृतप्रज्ञस्तं प्रहारमनुस्मरन्।

मृगाकृतिः in the form of a deer, तीक्ष्णशृङ्ग: pointed horns, सः अहम् that me, पूर्ववैरम् earlier hostility, अनुस्मरन् remembering, तापसम् ascetic, नियताहारम् with restricted food, सर्वभूतहिते wellwisher of all beings, रतम् engaged, महाबलम् very strong, वनगतम् came to the forest, रामम् Rama, अयम् this, तापसः an ascetic, इति thus thinking, परिभूय disregarding, तं प्रहारम् his blow in the past, अनुस्मरन् remembering, जिघांसुः with an intention of killing, सङ्कृद्धः very angry, अभ्यधावम् ran towards him.

Although Rama was very strong, he was living on restricted diet, engaged in the welfare of all beings. Treating him as a mere ascetic living in the forest, remembering my past hostility with him and disregarding his (fatal) blow, I ran towards him angrily, assuming the form of a sharphorned animal with an intention to kill him.
तेन मुक्तास्त्रयो बाणाश्शिताश्शत्रुनिबर्हणाः।।3.39.10।।

विकृष्य बलवच्चापं सुपर्णानिलनिस्स्वनाः।

तेन by him, चापम् bow, बलवत् might, विकृष्य having drawn, शत्रुनिबर्हणाः slayers of enemies, शिताः sharp, सुपर्णानिलनिस्वनाः whizzing like Garuda or the wind, त्रयः three, बाणाः darts, मुक्ताः released.

His mighty bow drawn, Rama released three sharp darts that came whizzing like Garuda or the wind. They could destroy the enemy.
ते बाणा वज्रसङ्काशास्सुमुक्ता रक्तभोजनाः।

आजग्मुस्सहितास्सर्वे त्रयस्सन्नतपर्वणः।।3.39.11।।

वज्रसङ्काशाः like the thunderbolt, रक्तभोजनाः which feed on blood, सन्नतपर्वणः with strong joints, सर्वे all, ते त्रयः बाणाः the three darts, सुमुक्ताः welltargetted, सहिताः together, आजग्मुः came at once.

All the three tightly jointed, welltargetted darts, strong as thunderbolt, and which could feed on blood came together all at once.
पराक्रमज्ञो रामस्य शठो दृष्टभयः पुरा।

समुद्भान्तस्ततोमुक्तस्तावुभौ राक्षसौ हतौ।।3.39.12।।

रामस्य Rama's, शठ: deceitful, पुरा earlier, दृष्टभयः having seen that fearful, पराक्रमज्ञः knower of his prowess, समुद्भ्रान्तः in a bewildered state, ततः then, मुक्तः let away, तौ two others, राक्षसौ two demons, उभौ both, हतौ were killed.

Having known Rama's prowess earlier and experienced tremendous fear, I ran away in a bewildered state as I was deceitful. The other two demons (who had accompanied me) succumbed.
शरेण मुक्तो रामस्य कथञ्चित्प्राप्य जीवितम्।

इह प्रव्राजितो युक्तस्तापसोऽहं समाहितः।।3.39.13।।

अहम् I, रामस्य Rama's, शरेण by the darts, कथञ्चित् somehow, मुक्तः escaped, जीवितम् life, प्राप्य having attained, युक्तः engaged in, समाहितः composed state, तापसः an ascetic, इह here, प्रव्राजितः have started living the life of a recluse.

With my escape from Rama's darts I somehow got a fresh lease of life. Now I am composed. I have started living the life of a recluse here. I have turned an ascetic.
वृक्षे वृक्षे च पश्यामि चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरम्।

गृहीतधनुषं रामं पाशहस्तमिवान्तकम्।।3.39.14।।

चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरम् clad in bark and deerskin, गृहीतधनुषम् holding the bow, पाशहस्तम् having a noose in hand, अन्तकमिव like the god of death, रामम् Rama, वृक्षे वृक्षे in every tree, पश्यामि I see.

I see Rama in every tree, clad in bark and deerskin, wielding the bow, holding a noose in hand like the god of death.
अपि रामसहस्राणि भीतः पश्यामि रावण।

रामभूतमिदं सर्वमरण्यं प्रतिभाति मे।।3.39.15।।

रावण Ravana, भीतः fearful, रामसहस्राण्यपि thousands of Ramas, पश्यामि I see, इदम् this, सर्वम् all over, अरण्यम् forest, रामभूतम् filled with Rama, मे to me, प्रतिभाति appears.

O Ravana I see in my fear thousands of Ramas. The entire forest appears to me as though filled with Rama.
राममेव हि पश्यामि रहिते राक्षसाधिप।

दृष्ट्वा स्वप्नगतं राममुद्भ्रमामि विचेतनः।।3.39.16।।

राक्षसाधिप O king of the demons, रहिते in a solitary state, राममेव only Rama, पश्यामि I see, स्वप्नगतम् even in my dreams, रामम् Rama, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, विचेतनः senseless, उद्भ्रमामि I am bewildered.

O king of the demons I see only Rama even in solitude. When I see him in a dream I lose my senses in a state of bewilderment.
रकारादीनि नामानि रामत्रस्तस्य रावण।

रत्नानि च रथाश्चैव त्रासं संजनयन्ति मे।।3.39.17।।

रावण Ravana, रामत्रस्तस्य for one frightened by Rama, मे to, me, रकारादीनि नामानि names beginning with 'Ra', रत्नानि gems, रथाश्चैव chariots also, त्रासम् fear, सञ्जनयन्ति create in me.

O Ravana, every name beginning with the letter 'Ra', such as Ratna (gems), Ratha (chariot), etc. strike terror in me.
अहं तस्य प्रभावज्ञो न युद्धं तेन ते क्षमम्।

बलिं वा नमुचिं वापि हन्याद्धि रघुनन्दनः।।3.39.18।।

अहम् I, तस्य his, प्रभावज्ञः knower of his power, ते to you, तेन with him, युद्धम् war, क्षमम् proper, न not, रघुनन्दनः delight of the Raghu dynasty (Rama), बलिं वा Bali or, नमुचिं वापि even Namuchi, हन्याद्धि can slay.

I know his power.It is not proper to wage a war with him. Rama, delight of the Raghu dynasty, can slay even Bali or Namuchi.
रणे रामेण युद्ध्यस्व क्षमां वा कुरु राक्षस ।

न ते रामकथा कार्या यदि मां द्रष्टुमिच्छसि ।।3.39.19 ।।


बहवस्साधवो लोके युक्ता धर्ममनुष्ठिताः।

परेषामपराधेन विनष्ठास्सपरिच्छदाः।।3.39.20।।

लोके in the world, युक्ताः absorbed in, धर्मम् righteous ways, अनुष्ठिताः followers, बहवः many, साधव: pious people, परेषाम् of others, अपराधेन by their mistake, सपरिच्छदाः along with all
their followers, विनष्टाः are destroyed.

There were many pious men in this world who practise yoga and dharma .They have been destroyed along with their retinue due to mistakes committed by others.
सोऽऽहं तवापराधेन विनश्येयं निशाचर।

कुरु यत्ते क्षमं तत्त्वमहं त्वा नानुयामि ह।।3.39.21।।

निशाचर O demon, सः अहम् that I, तव अपराधेन by your mistake, विनश्येयम् I will be ruined, ते to you, यत् whatever, क्षमम् appropriate, तत् that, त्वम् you, कुरु you may do, अहम् I, त्वा you, न अनुयामि ह will not follow.

O demon As such, I will perish due to your offence. You may do anything you deem appropriate. I will not follow you.
रामश्च हि महातेजा महासत्त्वो महाबलः।।3.39.22।।

अपि राक्षसलोकस्य न भवेदन्तकोऽपि सः।

रामश्च Rama also, महातेजाः brilliant, महासत्त्व: very powerful, महाबलः very strong, सः he, राक्षसलोकस्य for the community of demons, अन्तकः god of death, न भवेदपि not be.

Rama is brilliant, powerful and strong. I hope he will not be the god of death for the world of demons.
यदि शूर्पणखाहेतोर्जनस्थानगतः खरः।।3.39.23।।

अतिवृत्तो हतः पूर्वं रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।

अत्र ब्रूहि यथातत्त्वं को रामस्य व्यतिक्रमः।।3.39.24।।

जनस्थानगतः staying at Janasthana, खरः Khara, शूर्पणखाहेतोः for the sake of Surpanakha, पूर्वम् earlier, अतिवृत्तः a person who exceeded his limits, अक्लिष्टकर्मणा by one who can accomplish a work easily, रामेण by Rama, हतः slain, यदि if, अत्र here, रामस्य Rama's,
व्यतिक्रमः violation, कः what, यथातत्त्वम् truly, ब्रूहि tell me.

For the sake of Surpanakha, Khara of Janasthana committed excesses and got killed by Rama who can accomplish things with ease.Tell me truly if Rama did violate anything here.
इदं वचो बन्धुहितार्थिनामया यथोच्यमानं यदि नाभिपत्स्यसे।

सबान्धवस्त्यक्ष्यसि जीवितं रणे हतोऽऽद्य रामेण शरैरजिह्मगैः।।3.39.25।।

बन्धुहितार्थिना one seeking the welfare of relations, मया by myself, उच्यमानम् being spoken, वचः word, यथा as, न no, अभिपत्यसे यदि you do not follow, सबान्धवः with all relations, अद्य now, रामेण by Rama, अजिह्मगैः that which moves straight, शरैः with darts, हतः you are slayed, रणे in war, जीवितम् life, त्यक्षयसि you will give up.

If you do not follow my advice given for the welfare of our kith and kin, O Ravana, you are killed today. With your relations you will succumb to his straightmoving arrows.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकोनचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the thirtyninth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.