Sloka & Translation

[Maricha goes to Rama's cottage transformed into a wonderful deer and wanders-- Sita wonders at the deer.]

एवमुक्त्वा तु वचनं मारीचो रावणं ततः।

गच्छावेत्यब्रवीद्दीनो भयाद्रात्रिंचरप्रभोः।।3.42.1।।

ततः then, मारीचः Maricha, एवम् in that way, वचनम् words, उक्त्वा spoken, रात्रिंचरप्रभोः of the king of the nightrangers, भयात् out of fear, दीनः distressed , गच्छाव let us both go, इति thus, रावणम् to Ravana, अब्रवीत् said.

Having thus spoken to the demonking, the distressed Maricha said out of fear, Let both of us go.
दृष्टश्चाहं पुनस्तेन शरचापासिधारिणा।

मद्वधोद्यतशस्त्रेऽण विनष्टं जीवितं च मे।।3.42.2।।

अहम् I, शरचापासिधारिणा holding bow, arrows and sword, मद्वधोद्यतशस्त्रेऽण who raises weapon to slay me, तेन by him, पुनः again, दृष्टः seen, मे my, जीवितं च विनष्टम् life will cease.

If that warrior Rama carrying bow, arrows and sword sees me once again he will raise his weapon to kill me, and I will cease to be.
न हि रामं पराक्रम्य जीवन्प्रतिनिवर्तते।

वर्तते प्रतिरूपोऽसौ यमदण्डहतस्य ते।।3.42.3।।

रामम् Rama, पराक्रम्य after exhibiting bravery, जीवन् with life, न प्रतिनिवर्तते हि will not return, यमदण्डहतस्य hit by Yama's staff, असौ he, प्रतिरूपः another form, ते to you, वर्तते is being.

No one who exhibits his heroism before Rama will come back alive. To you, already hit by Yama's staff, he is another form of the same Yama.
किं नु शक्यं मया कर्तुमेवं त्वयि दुरात्मनि।

एष गच्छाम्यहं तात स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु निशाचर।।3.42.4।।

त्वयि when you, एवम् in that way, दुरात्मनि evilminded, मया I, कि नु what, कर्तुम् to do, शक्यम् is possible, तात dear one, निशाचर O demons, एष here, अहम् I am, गच्छामि am going, ते to you, स्वस्ति be auspicious, अस्तु let it be.

What can I do if you remain evilminded? O dear demon, I am going. May your path be auspicious
प्रहृष्टस्त्वभवत्तेन वचनेन स रावणः।

परिष्वज्य सुसंश्लिष्टमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.42.5।।

सः रावणः that, Ravana, तेन वचनेन with those words, प्रहृष्टः felt happy, तु अभवत् he was, सुसंश्लिष्टम् tightly, परिष्वज्य embracing, इदम् these, वचनम् words , अब्रवीत् said.

Ravana was so overwhelmed with joy to hear those words that he embraced him tightly and said:.
एतच्छौण्डीर्ययुक्तं ते मच्छन्दवशवर्तिनः।

इदानीमसि मारीचः पूर्वमन्यो निशाचरः।।3.42.6।।

मच्छन्दवशवर्तिनः act according to my wish, ते to you, एतत् this, शौण्डीर्ययुक्तम् it befits your valour, इदानीम् now, मारीचः Maricha, असि you are, पूर्वम् earlier, अन्यः other, राक्षसः हि demons.

Act according to my wish. It befits your valour. You were a different demon earlier. Now you are Maricha.
आरुह्यतामयं शीघ्रं रथो रत्नविभूषितः।

मया सह तथा युक्तः पिशाचवदनैः खरैः।।3.42.7।।

तथा similarly, पिशाचवदनैः with devilish faces, खरैः with donkeys, युक्तः yoked, रत्नविभूषितः encrusted with gems, रथः chariot, शीघ्रम् quickly, मया सह along with me, आरुह्यताम् ascend.

Ascend quickly with me this chariot encrusted with gems and yoked with donkeys with devils' faces৷৷
प्रलोभयित्वा वैदेहीं यथेष्टं गन्तुमर्हसि।

तां शून्ये प्रसभं सीतामानयिष्यामि मैथिलीम्।।3.42.8।।

वैदेहीम् to Vaidehi, प्रलोभयित्वा after tempting, यथेष्टम् wherever you like, गन्तुम् to go, अर्हसि should, शून्ये when no one is there, मैथिलीम् princess of Mithila, तां सीताम् that Sita, प्रसभम् forcibly, आनयिष्यामि will bring.

You may go whereever you like after tempting Vaidehi. When the princess of Mithila is alone, I will bring her by force.
ततो रावणमारीचौ विमानमिव तं रथम्।

आरुह्य ययतुश्शीघ्रं तस्मादाश्रममण्डलात्।।3.42.9।।

ततः thereafter, रावणमारीचौ Ravana and Maricha, तं रथम् that chariot, विमानमिव like an aerial chariot, आरुह्य ascending, तस्मात् from that, आश्रममण्डलात् cluster of hermitages, शीघ्रम् quickly, ययतुः departed.

Thereafter Ravana and Maricha ascended the chariot, which was like an aerial car, and quickly departed from that cluster of hermitages.
तथैव तत्र पश्यन्तौ पत्तनानि वनानि च।

गीरींश्च सरितस्सर्वा राष्ट्राणि नगराणि च।।3.42.10।।

तथैव and likewise, तत्र there, पत्तनानि towns, वनानि च and forests, गिरींश्च mountains, सर्वाः all, सरितः streams, राष्ट्राणि states, नगराणि च cities, पश्यन्तौ seeing

And likewise, they went past towns, forests, mountains, streams, states and cities.
समेत्य दण्डकारण्यं राघवस्याश्रमं ततः।

ददर्श सह मारीचो रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।।3.42.11।।

सहमारीचः accompanied by Maricha, राक्षसाधिपः king of demons, रावणः Ravana, दण्डकारण्यम् Dandaka forest, समेत्य reached, ततः then, राघवस्य Rama's, आश्रमम् hermitage, ददर्श noticed.

Ravana, king of the demons, accompanied by Maricha, then reached Dandaka forest and saw Rama's hermitage.
अवतीर्य रथात्तस्मात्ततः काञ्चनभूषणात्।

हस्ते गृहीत्वा मारीचं रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।3.42.12।।

रावणः Ravana, काञ्चनभूषणात् decorated with golden ornaments, तस्मात् from that, रथात् chariot, अवतीर्य getting down, ततः then, मारीचम् Maricha, हस्ते by hand, गृहीत्वा, held, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

Then Ravana got off the chariot decorated with golden embellishments and, holding Maricha's hand, said:.
एतदाश्रमपदं दृश्यते कदलीवृतम्।

क्रियतां तत्सखे शीघ्रं यदर्थं वयमागताः।।3.42.13।।

सखे O friend, कदलीवृतम् surrounded by banana plants, एतत् this, तत् that, आश्रमपदम् site
of hermitage, दृश्यते is seen, वयम् we, यदर्थम् the purpose for which, आगताः we came, तत् that, शीघ्रम् quickly, क्रियताम् should be done.

O friend here is the site of the hermitage surrounded by banana plants. Quickly get to work on the purpose for which we have come.
स रावणवचश्श्रुत्वा मारीचो राक्षसस्तदा।

मृगो भूत्वाऽश्रमद्वारि रामस्य विचचार ह।।3.42.14।।

तदा then, सः that, राक्षसः demon, मारीचः Maricha, रावणवचः Ravana's words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, मृगः deer, भूत्वा transformed, रामस्य Rama's, आश्रमद्वारि at the entrance of the hermitage, विचचार ह started moving.

Hearing Ravana's words, Maricha transformed himself into a deer and started moving at the entrance of Rama's hermitage.
स तु तद्रूपमास्थाय महदद्भुतदर्शनम्।


सः Maricha, अद्भुतदर्शनम् wonderful to look at, महत् magnificent, तत् that, रूपम् form, आस्थाय assumed, मणिप्रवरशृङ्गाग्रः antlers studded with the best of gems, सितासितमुखाकृतिः face dappled with luminous spots of white and black.

Maricha assumed the form of a wonderful and magnificent deer with his antlers studded with the most precious gems, his face dappled with luminous spots of white and black.
रक्तपद्मोत्पलमुख इन्द्रनीलोत्पलश्रवाः।

किंचिदभ्युन्नतग्रीव इंद्रनीलदलाधरः।।3.42.16।।

रक्तपद्मोत्पलमुखः mouth like pink lotus, इन्द्रनीलोत्पलश्रवाः ears like blue lotus, किञ्चित् a bit, अभ्युन्नतग्रीवः raised neck, इन्द्रनीलदलाधरः lips like petals of blue lotus.

The deer's face was like a pink lotus, his ears were like blue lotus. His neck slightly raised, his lips were like petals of blue lotus.
कुन्देन्दुवज्रसङ्काशमुदरं चास्य भास्वरम्।

मधूकनिभपार्श्वश्च पद्मकिञ्जल्कसन्निभः।।3.42.17।।


अस्य its, भास्वरम् shining, उदरम् stomach, कुन्देन्दुवज्रसङ्काशम् like white kunda flower, Moon and diamond, मधूकनिभपार्श्वश्च sides like madhuka flowers, पद्मकिञ्जल्कसन्निभः comparable to the filaments of lotus, वैडूर्यसङ्काशखुरः hooves like Vaidurya, तनुजङ्घः slim shank, सुसंहतः willshaped.

His bright belly was shining like kunda flowers or the Moon or diamond. His flanks were like the golden madhuka flowers. comparable to the filaments of lotus. His hooves were like vaidurya, and his legs were slim and willshaped.
इन्द्रायुधसवर्णेन पुच्छेनोर्ध्वं विराजता।।3.42.18।।

मनोहरस्स्निग्धवर्णो रत्नैर्नानाविधैर्वृतः।

ऊर्ध्वम् upward, विराजता stood, इन्द्रायुध like a rainbow, सवर्णेन colourful, पुच्छेन with the tail, मनोहरः delightful, स्निग्धवर्णः shining, नानाविधैः various, रत्नैः gems, वृतः decked.

His tail stood up looking magnificent like a colourful rainbow. Bedecked with various gems, he shone beautiful.
क्षणेन राक्षसो जातो मृगः परमशोभनः।।3.42.19।।

वनं प्रज्वलयन्रम्यं रामाश्रमपदं च तत्।

राक्षसः the demon, वनम् forest, रम्यम् beautiful, तत् रामाश्रमपदम् that Rama's hermitage, प्रज्वलयन् while brightening, क्षणेन in a moment, परमशोभनः very beautiful, मृगः deer, जातः
was transformed.

Transformed into a most beautiful deer in a moment, Maricha brightened the beautiful forest and Rama's hermitage.
मनोहरं दर्शनीयं रूपं कृत्वा स राक्षसः।।3.42.20।।

प्रलोभनार्थं वैदेह्या नानाधातुविचित्रितम्।

विचरन्गच्छते तस्माच्छाद्वलानि समन्ततः।।3.42.21।।

सः that, राक्षसः demon, नानाधातुविचित्रितम् painted with colours of different minerals, मनोहरम् delightful, दर्शनीयम् beautiful, रूपम् form, कृत्वा after transforming, वैदेह्याः to Sita, प्रलोभनार्थम् to tempt, विचरन् while grazing, तस्मात् from that place, समन्ततः all around, शाद्वलानि grassland, गच्छते moved about.

Transfigured into a beautiful, magnificent form painted with the colours of different minerals in order to tempt Sita, Maricha roamed all around the grassland.
रूप्यैर्बिन्दुशतैश्चित्रो भूत्वा स प्रियदर्शनः।

विटपीनां किसलयान्भङ्त्क्वाऽदन्विचचार ह।।3.42.22।।

सः that, रूप्यैः by silver, बिन्दुशतैः with hudreds of spots, चित्रः was wonderful, भूत्वा on transforming, प्रियदर्शनः pleasing to the eyes, विटपीनाम् trees, किसलयान् tender leaves, भङ्त्क्वा nibbling, अदन् eating, विचचार ह wandered about.

That deer with hundreds of silver spots on the body appeared enchanting and pleasing to the eyes while he wandered about nibbling the tender leaves of trees.
कदलीगृहकं गत्वा कर्णिकारानितस्ततः।

समाश्रयन्मन्दगतिस्सीतासन्दर्शनं तथा।।3.42.23।।

कदलीगृहकम् groves of banana, गत्वा on going, कर्णिकारान् the karnikara flowers, इतस्ततः
hither and thither, मन्दगतिः at a slow pace, तथा likewise, सीतासन्दर्शनम् the sight of Sita, समाश्रयत् resorted.

The deer went wandering about the banana groves surrounding Rama's hermitage and moved slowly towards the karnikara trees in order to catch the attention of Sita.
राजीवचित्रपृष्ठस्स विरराज महामृगः।

रामाश्रमपदाभ्याशे विचचार यथासुखम्।।3.42.24।।

सः that, महामृगः magnificent deer, राजीवचित्रपृष्ठः his back with the colour of blue lotus, विरराज glittered, रामाश्रमपदाभ्याशे in the vicinity of Rama's hermitage, यथासुखम् comfortably, विचचार wandered.

That magnificent deer glittered with the colour of blue lotus on its back, wandered merrily in the vicinity of Rama's hermitage.
पुनर्गत्वा निवृत्तश्च विचचार मृगोत्तमः।

गत्वा मुहूर्तं त्वरया पुनः प्रतिनिवर्तते।।3.42.25।।

मृगोत्तमः best of deer, गत्वा on going, पुनः again, निवृत्तश्च came back, विचचार wandered, मुहूर्तम् for a moment, गत्वा after going, पुनः again, त्वरया swiftly, प्रतिनिवर्तते returned.

The wonderful deer moved to and fro, now disappearing and now swiftly returning.
विक्रीडंश्च क्वचिद्भूमौ पुनरेव निषीदति।

आश्रमद्वारमागम्य मृगयूथानि गच्छति।।3.42.26।।

विक्रीडंश्च while sporting so, पुनरेव again, क्वचित् sometimes, भूमौ on the ground, पुनरेव again, निषीदति squat, आश्रमद्वारम् at the entrance of the hermitage, आगम्य after reaching, मृगयूथानि flock of deer, गच्छति goes.

The deer is now sporting, now sitting on the ground, now standing at the entrance of
the hermitage and now running with the herds of deer.
मृगयूथैरनुगतः पुनरेव निवर्तते।

सीतादर्शनमाकांक्षन्राक्षसो मृगतां गतः।।3.42.27।।

परिभ्रमति चित्राणि मण्डलानि विनिष्पतन्।

मृगताम् form of a deer, गतः transformed, राक्षसः demon, सीतादर्शनम् seeing Sita, आकांक्षन् intending, मृगयूथैः herds of deer, अनुगतः been followed, पुनरेव again, निवर्तते he retuned, विनिष्पतन् cavorted and pranced, चित्राणि wonderful, मण्डलानि circles, परिभ्रमति turned round.

Followed by herds of deer and coming back to see Sita again and again, the deer cavorted and pranced and frisked in circles in a wonderful way.
समुद्वीक्ष्य च ते सर्वे मृगा ह्यन्ये वनेचराः।।3.42.28।।

उपागम्य समाघ्राय विद्रवन्ति दिशो दश।

वनेचराः wandering in the forest, अन्ये other, ते those, सर्वे all, मृगाः deer, समुद्विक्ष्य seeing, उपागम्य on coming near, समाघ्राय sniffing, दश दिशः in all ten directions, विद्रवन्ति run away,

Seeing the deer, other animals wandering in the forest come near and sniffing him run away in all ten directions.
राक्षसस्सोऽपि तान्वन्यान्मृगान्मृगवधे रतः।।3.42.29।।

प्रच्छादनार्थं भावस्य न भक्षयति संस्पृशन्।

मृगवधे in killing deer, रतः interested, सः he, राक्षसोऽपि demon also, वन्यान् those wild, तान् those, मृगान् deer, संस्पृशन् touching and feeling, भावस्य his intention, प्रच्छादनार्थम् to hide, न भक्षयति does not feed on.

The demon who was interested in killing wild deer touched and felt them but did not
kill or feed on them in order to hide his intention.
तस्मिन्नेव ततः काले वैदेही शुभलोचना।।3.42.30।।

कुसुमावचयव्यग्रा पादपानभ्यवर्तत।

ततः then, तस्मिन्नेव काले at that time, शुभलोचना lady of auspicious looks, वैदेही Vaidehi, कुसुमावचयव्यग्रा busy plucking flowers, पादपान् the trees, अभ्यवर्तत came near,

In the mean time Sita who, with her auspicious looks, was busy plucking flowers drew near the trees.
कर्णिकारानशोकांश्च चूतांश्च मदिरेक्षणा।।3.42.31।।

कुसुमान्यवचिन्वन्ती चचार रुचिरानना।

मदिरेक्षणा woman with bewitching eyes, रुचिरानना of dazzling face, कर्णिकारान् karnikara trees, अशोकांश्छ ashoka, चूतांश्च mango, कुसुमानि flowers, अवचिन्वन्ती while plucking, चचार went about.

With her bewitching eyes and beautiful face, Sita, went about plucking flowers from karnikara, ashoka and mango trees.
अनर्हाऽरण्यवासस्य सा तं रत्नमयं मृगम्।।3.42.32।।

मुक्तामणि विचित्राङ्गं ददर्श परमाङ्गना।

अरण्यवासस्य of living in the forest, अनर्हा unworthy, सा that, परमाङ्गना great woman, रत्नमयम् encrusted with gold, मुक्तामणिविचित्राङ्गम् with a wonderful body dotted with pearls and gems, तं मृगम् that deer, ददर्श saw.

The great lady Sita, unworthy of dwelling in the forest, saw the wonderful deer decked with gems, with spots of pearls all over the body.
सा तं रुचिरदन्तोष्ठी रूप्यधातुतनूरुहम्।।3.42.33।।

विस्मयोत्फुल्लनयना सस्नेहं समुदैक्षत।

रुचिरदन्तोष्ठी a lady of beautiful teeth and lips, सा that Sita, रूप्यधातुतनूरुहम् animal with silver and mineral coloured hair on the body, तम् deer, विस्मयोत्फुल्लनयना with eyes of wonder and joy, सस्नेहम् with affection, समुदैक्षत gazed at.

A lady with beautiful teeth and lips, Sita saw the deer having silver and mineral coloured hair on the body. She gazed at the animal with wonder and joy and love.
स च तां रामदयितां पश्यन्मायामयो मृगः।।3.42.34।।

विचचार पुनश्चित्रं दीपयन्निव तद्वनम्।

मायामयः illusory one, सः that, मृगश्च the deer, तां her, रामदयिताम् Rama's wife, पश्यन् on seeing, तत् वनम् that forest, दीपयन्निव as if illuminating, पुनः again, चित्रम् wonderfully, विचचार moved around.

That illusory deer saw Rama's wife and moved around wonderfully as if illuminating the forest with his radiance.
अदृष्टपूर्वं तं दृष्ट्वा नानारत्नमयं मृगम्।।3.42.35।।

विस्मयं परमं सीता जगाम जनकात्मजा।

अदृष्टपूर्वम् never seen before, नानारत्नमयम् decorated with different gems, तं मृगम् that deer, दृष्ट्वा seeing, जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, सीता Sita, परमम् very much, विस्मयम् surprised, जगाम experienced.

Seeing such an unprecedented deer decorated with different gems, Sita, daughter of Janaka, stood amazed.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्विचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.