Sloka & Translation

[Rama chases the magic deer-- unable to catch, kills it -- gets stunned at the deer calling out Sita, Lakshmana imitating his voice--death of the deer--Rama returns to the hermitage.]

तथा तु तं समादिश्य भ्रातरं रघुनन्दनः।

बबन्धासिं महातेजा जाम्बूनदमयत्सरुम्।।3.44.1।।

महातेजाः brilliant, रघुनन्दनः delight of the Raghu dynasty, भ्रातरम् brother, तम् to him, तथा in that way, समादिश्य instructed, जाम्बूनदमयत्सरुम् golden handle , असिम् the sword, बबन्ध tied.

The brilliant Rama, delight of the Raghu dynasty, thus instructed his brother and fastened a sword with a golden handle to his waist.
तत स्त्र्यवनतं चापमादायाऽत्मविभूषणम्।

आबध्य च कलापौ द्वौ जगामोदग्रविक्रमः।।3.44.2।।

ततः then, उदग्रविक्रमः of indomitable prowess, त्र्यवनतम् bent in three places, आत्मविभूषणम् an ornament to him, चापम् bow, आदाय took, द्वौ both, कलापौ two quivers, आबद्ध्य tied at the back, जगाम went.

A man of indomitable prowess, he took the bow with three curves that was like an ornament to him, tied two quivers at the back and left.
तं वञ्चयानो राजेन्द्रमापतन्तं निरीक्ष्यवै।


बद्धासिर्धनुरादाय प्रदुद्राव यतो मृगः।

आपतन्तम् approaching, राजेन्द्रम् to the king, तम् him, निरीक्षय seeing, वञ्चयानः while deceiving, त्रासात् out of fear, अन्तर्हितः disappeared, बभूव became, पुनः again, सन्दर्शने within sight, अभवत् appeared, बद्धासिः held his sword, धनुः bow, आदाय lifting, मृगः deer, यतः wherever, प्रदुद्राव ran.

On seeing Rama approaching him, the deer disappeared due to fear and again came within sight. With his sword and the bow, Rama chased wherever the deer ran.
तं स्म पश्यति रूपेण द्योतमानमिवाग्रतः।।3.44.4।।

अवेक्ष्यावेक्ष्य धावन्तं धनुष्पाणिर्महावने।

अतिवृत्तमिषोः पाताल्लोभयानं कदाचन।।3.44.5।।

शङ्कितन्तु समुद्भ्रान्तमुत्पतन्तमिवाम्बरे।

दृश्यमानमदृश्यं च वनोद्देशेषु केषुचित्।।3.44.6।।

छिन्नाभ्रैरिव संवीतं शारदं चन्द्रमण्डलम्।

धनुष्पाणिः wielder of the bow (Rama), अवेक्ष्य saw, महावने in the huge forest, धावन्तम् running, तम् him, रूपेण form, अग्रतः in front, पश्यति स्म saw, कदाचन sometimes, इषोः scared of the arrow, पातात् ran, अतिवृत्तम् went out of reach, लोभयानम् enticing, शङ्कितम् frightened, समुद्भ्रान्तम् bewildered, अम्बरे in the sky, उत्पतन्तमिव as if flying up, छिन्नाभ्रैः by the scattered clouds, संवीतम् surrounded, शारदम् autumnal,चन्द्रमण्डलम् इव like the orb of the Moon, केषुचित् in certain places, वनोद्देशेषु in the forest tract, दृश्यमानम् came within sight, अदृश्यं च again disappeared.

Rama, wielder of the bow, saw that splendid animal ahead of him. Holding the bow he saw the deer running away, bewldered into the great forest looking at him again and again. The deer was getting out of the range of his arrow, while it enticed him now and then. Suspecting that he might be caught, the deer was, as though jumping into the sky. Now it came within sight and now out of sight in the huge forest. It looked like the autumnal moon surrounded by clouds. (The clouds muffle the Moon and reveal him now and then).
मुहुर्तादेव ददृशे मुहुर्दूरात्प्रकाशते।।3.44.7।।

दर्शनादर्शनादेवं सोऽपाकर्षत राघवम्।

सुदूरमाश्रमस्यास्य मारीचो मृगतां गतः।।3.44.8।।

मृगताम् in the form of a deer, गतः transformed, सः मारीचः that Maricha, मुहूर्तादेव for a moment, ददृशे was seen, मुहुः again, (मुहूर्तात् another moment), दूरात् at a distance, प्रकाशते appeared, एवं as, दर्शनादर्शनात् appearing and disappearing, राघवम् Rama, उपाकर्षत pulled away.

Maricha, transformed into a deer, was seen now near, now faroff. He pulled Rama away from the hermitage through his exits and entrances.
आसीत् क्रुद्धस्तु काकुत्स्थो विवशस्तेन मोहितः।

अथावतस्थे संभ्रान्तश्चायामाश्रित्य शाद्वले।।3.44.9।।

तेन by that, मोहितः deluded, काकुत्स्थ:Rama, विवशः tired, क्रुद्धः in rage, आसीत् was, अथ then, संभ्रान्तः perplexed, छायाम् shade, आश्रित्य seeking, शाद्वले on green grass, अवतस्थे waited.

Deluded by that deer, Rama got tired, perplexed and angry. Then bewidered, he waited on a grassland under a shade.
स तमुन्मादयामास मृगरूपो निशाचरः।

मृगैः परिवृतो वन्यैरदूरात्प्रत्यदृश्यत।।3.44.10।।

मृगरूपः assuming the form of a deer, सः निशाचरः that demon, तम् him, उन्मादयामास excited, वन्यैः with forest, मृगैः animals, परिवृतः surrounded by, अदूरात् not very far from him, अदृश्यत was seen.

That demon transformed himself into a deer and, surrounded by the animals of the forest at close range, attracted his attention.
गृहीतुकामं दृष्ट्वैवं पुनरेवाभ्यधावत।

तत्क्षणादेव संत्रासात्पुनरन्तर्हितोऽभवत्।।3.44.11।।

गृहीतुकामम् intending to catch him, एवम् in that way, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, पुनरेव once again, अभ्यधावत ran, तत्क्षणादेव in a moment, पुनरेव again, त्रासात् out of fear, अन्तर्हितः disappeared, अभवत् became.

Seeing Rama's intention to catch him, the deer ran away once again out of fear and disappeared in a moment.
पुनरेव ततो दूराद्वृक्षषण्डाद्विनिस्सृतम्।

दृष्ट्वा रामो महातेजास्तं हन्तुं कृतनिश्चयः।।3.44.12।।

ततः then, महातेजाः resplendent, रामः Rama , पुनरेव again, दूरात् from a distance, वृक्षषण्डात् from a group of trees, विनिस्सृतम् coming out, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा saw, हन्तुम् to kill, कृतनिश्चयः determined .

Resplendent Rama saw the deer coming out of a cluster of trees at a distance and determined to kill him.
भूयस्तु शरमुद्धृत्य कुपितस्तत्र राघवः।

सूर्यरश्मिप्रतीकाशं ज्वलन्तमरिमर्दनः।।3.44.13।।

सन्धाय सुदृढे चापे विकृष्य बलवद्बली।

तमेव मृगमुद्दिश्य श्वसन्तमिव पन्नगम्।।3.44.14।।

मुमोच ज्वलितं दीप्तमस्त्रं ब्रह्मविनिर्मितम्।

तत्र there, भूयः again, कुपितः enraged, अरिमर्दनः destroyer of foes, बली powerful,राघवः Rama, सूर्यरश्मिप्रतीकाशम् glowing like the rays of the Sun, ज्वलन्तम् blazing, शरम् dart, उद्धृत्य
lifting, सुदृढे in a sturdy, चापे in bow, सन्धाय aiming, बलवत् with force, विकृष्य drew, श्वसन्तम् sighing, पन्नगम् इव like the serpent, ज्वलितम् burning, दीप्तम् shining, ब्रह्मनिर्मितम् created by Brahma, अस्त्रम् weapon, तम् him, मृगमेव on the deer, उद्दिश्य aiming, मुमोच released.

Powerful Rama, destroyer of foes, lifted in a rage his arrow blazing like the light of the Sun, strung it to his sturdy bow and drew it with all his force. He then aimed at the deer and released the shining arrow created by Brahma which went hissing like a serpent.
शरीरं मृगरूपस्य विनिर्भिद्य शरोत्तमः।।3.44.15।।

मारीचस्यैव हृदयं बिभेदाशनिसन्निभः।

आशनिसन्निभः like thunderbolt, शरोत्तमः the great arrow, मृगरूपस्य assuming deer form, शरीरम् body, विनिर्भिद्य pierced, मारीचस्य Maricha's, हृदयमेव heart, बिभेद tore.

The great arrow which was like a thunderbolt first pierced into the body of Maricha who had assumed the form of a deer and then tore his heart.
तालमात्रमथोत्प्लुत्य न्यपतत्सशरातुरः।।3.44.16।।

विनदन्भैरवं नादं धरण्यामल्पजीवितः।

अथ and then, सः Maricha, शरातुरः hurt by the dart, अल्पजीवितः very little life left, भैरवं नादम् frightening sound, विनदन् released, तालमात्रम् to the height of a palm tree, उत्प्लुत्य leaped up, धरण्याम् on earth, न्यपतत् dropped.

And, hurt by the dart, Maricha roared frighteningly, leaped as high as a palm tree and dropped down on earth almost dead.
म्रियमाणस्तु मारीचो जहौ तां कृत्रिमां तनुम्।।3.44.17।।

स्मृत्वा तद्वचनं रक्षो दध्यौ केन तु लक्ष्मणम्।

इह प्रस्थापयेत्सीता शून्ये तां रावणो हरेत्।।3.44.18।।

मारीचः Maricha, म्रियमाणः breathing his last, कृत्रिमाम् artificial, ताम् that, तनुम् body, जहौ gave up, रक्षः the demon, तद्वचनम् those words, स्मृत्वा remembering, दध्यौ thought, सीता Sita, केन by what means, लक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana, इह here, प्रस्थापयेत् she may send, शून्ये in seclusion, ताम् her, रावणः Ravana, हरेत् will abduct.

Maricha gave up his false form of the deer and before breathing his last, remembered the words of Ravana. He thought over the means through which Sita could send Lakshmana to this spot so that Ravana would abduct her when she is alone.
स प्राप्तकालमाज्ञाय चकार च तत स्वनम्।

सदृशं राघवस्येह हा सीते लक्ष्मणेति च।।3.44.19।।

ततः then, सः Maricha, प्राप्तकालम् the right time, आज्ञाय having realised, राघवस्य Rama's, सदृशम् similar, हा सीते Alas, Sita, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, इति च like that, स्वनम् a sound, चकार released.

Then Maricha realised that the appropriate time had come. In a voice similar to Rama's, he shouted loudly 'Alas Sita, Alas Lakshmana '
तेन मर्मणि निर्विद्धं शरेणानुपमेन हि।

मृगरूपं तु तत्त्यक्त्वा राक्षसं रूपमास्थितः।।3.44.20।।

चक्रे स सुमहाकायं मारीचो जीवितं त्यजन्।

सः मारीचः that, Maricha, तेन by that, अनुपमेन matchless, शरेण by the dart, मर्मणि in vital part, निर्विद्धम् struck, तत् then, मृगरूपम् form of a deer, त्वक्त्वा giving up, राक्षसं रूपम् form of a demon, आस्थितः assumed, जीवितम् life, त्यजन् while giving up, सुमहाकायम् that huge body, चक्रे attained.

Struck in the vital part by Rama's matchless dart, Maricha gave up the form of the deer and assumed his huge body of the demon.
तं दृष्ट्वा पतितं भूमौ राक्षसं घोरदर्शनम्।।3.44.21।।

रामो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गं चेष्टमानं महीतले।

जगाम मनसा सीतां लक्ष्मणस्य वचस्स्मरन्।।3.44.22।।

रामः Rama, भूमौ on the ground, पतितम् fallen down, घोरदर्शनम् terrific figure, रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गम् drenched in blood, महीतले on the ground, चेष्टमानम् moving his limbs, तं राक्षसम् that demon, दृष्ट्वा seen, लक्ष्मणस्य Lakshmana's, वचः words, स्मरन् remembered, मनसा by his mind, सीताम् Sita, जगाम went.

Seeing that terrific demon fallen on the ground, drenched in blood, and strring his limbs, Rama thought of Lakshmana's words and reached Sita mentally (thought of her).
मारीचस्य तु मायैषा पूर्वोक्तं लक्ष्मणेन तु।

तत्तथा ह्यभवच्चाद्य मारीचोऽयं मया हतः।।3.44.23।।

एषा this way, मारीचस्य Maricha's, माया magic, लक्ष्मणेन by Lakshmana, पूर्वोक्तम् told earlier, तत् that, तथा in the same way, अभवत् हि it happened, मया by me, हतः killed, अयम् that, मारीचः Maricha.

This is an illusion created by Maricha. It happened exactly the way Lakshmana had said earlier. Maricha is now killed.
हा सीते लक्ष्मणेत्येवमाक्रुश्य च महास्वरम्।

ममार राक्षसस्सोऽयं श्रुत्वा सीता कथं भवेत्।।3.44.24।।

लक्ष्मणश्च महाबाहुः कामवस्थां गमिष्यति।

इति सञ्चिन्त्य धर्मात्मा रामो हृष्टतनूरुहः।।3.44.25।।

सः he, Maricha, अयं राक्षसः this demon, हा सीते Alas, Sita, लक्ष्मण (Alas,) Lakshmana,
इत्येवम् in this manner, महास्वरम् loudly, आक्रुश्य screamed, ममार died, श्रुत्वा heard, सीता Sita, कथम् how, भवेत् will she be, महाबाहुः long armed, लक्ष्मणश्च Lakshmana too, काम् what, अवस्थाम् situation, गमिष्यति will reach, धर्मात्मा righteous , रामः Rama, इति like this, सञ्चिन्त्य on thinking, हृष्टतनूरूहः his hair stood on end.

This demon Maricha screamed aloud saying, 'Alas, Sita, Alas, Lakshmana'. He is now dead. How would Sita react to this voice? What would be the condition of Lakshmana? While righteous Rama reflected on this, his hair stood on end.
तत्र रामं भयं तीव्रमाविवेश विषादजम्।

राक्षसं मृगरूपं तं हत्वा श्रुत्वा च तत्स्वरम्।।3.44.26।।

मृगरूपम् in the form of a deer, राक्षसम् demon, हत्वा having killed, तत्स्वरम् that sound, श्रुत्वा च having heard, तत्र there, रामम् Rama, विषादजम् born of sadness, तीव्रम् intense, भयम् fear, आविवेश came over.

After killing the demon in the figure of a deer and hearing his voice, Rama was overtaken by intense fear born of despair.
निहत्य पृषतं चान्यं मांसमादाय राघवः।

त्वरमाणो जनस्थानं ससाराभिमुखस्तदा।।3.44.27।।

तदा then, राघवः Rama, अन्यम् another, पृषतम् deer, निहत्य having killed, मांसम् venison, आदाय collected, त्वरमाणः quickly, जनस्थानम् Janasthanam, अभिमुखः towards, ससार departed.

Then Rama killed another deer, collected the venison and hastened to Janasthana.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे चतुश्चत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the fortyfourth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.