Sloka & Translation

[Rama returns after killing Maricha-- sees bad omens on the way-- sees sad face of Lakshmana midway--blames Lakshmana for leaving Sita alone-- doubts Sita's safety-- experiences bad omens again.]

राक्षसं मृगरूपेण चरन्तं कामरूपिणम्।

निहत्य रामो मारीचं तूर्णं पथि न्यवर्तत।।3.57.1।।

रामः Rama, मृगरूपेण in the form of a deer, चरन्तम् moving, कामरूपिणम् assuming a form at will, राक्षसम् to the demon, मारीचम् Maricha, निहत्य slaying, तूर्णम् swiftly, पथि on the path, न्यवर्तत returned.

Rama killed Maricha, the demon assuming the form of the deer as per his will and swiftly took the return path.
तस्य सन्त्वरमाणस्य द्रष्टुकामस्य मैथिलीम्।

क्रूरस्वनोऽथ गोमायुर्विननादास्य पृष्ठतः।।3.57.2।।

मैथिलीम् Maithili (Sita), द्रष्टुकामस्य desiring to see, तस्य his, सन्त्वरमाणस्य hastening, अथ at that time, क्रूरस्वनः ghastly sound, गोमायुः jackal, अस्य his, पृष्ठतः from behind, विननाद screamed.

While Rama was hasting to see Sita, he heard from behind the ghastly howl of a jackal.
स तस्य स्वरमाज्ञाय दारुणं रोमहर्षणम्।

चिन्तयामास गोमायोस्स्वरेण परिशङ्कितः।।3.57.3।।

सः he, तस्य गोमायोः the jackal's, दारुणम् dreadful, रोमहर्षणम् horripilating, स्वरम् tone, आज्ञाय recognising, स्वरेण voice, परिशङ्कितः doubting it, चिन्तयामास started worrying.

Rama knew it was the horrible, horripilating cry of a jackal which made him apprehensive . It made him think.
अशुभं बत मन्येऽहं गोमायुर्वाश्यते यथा।

स्वस्ति स्यादपि वैदेह्या राक्षसैर्भक्षणं विना।।3.57.4।।

बत alas, गोमायुः jackal, यथा as, वाश्यते howling, अहम् I, अशुभम् inauspicious, मन्ये thinking, राक्षसैः by demons, भक्षणं विना without being eaten up, वैदेह्याः Vaidehi's, स्वस्ति wellbeing, स्यादपि may be.

'The way the jackal is howling appears ominous. May Sita be safe without being eaten up by demons
मारीचेन तु विज्ञाय स्वरमालम्ब्य मामकम्।

विक्रुष्टं मृगरूपेण लक्ष्मणश्शृणुयाद्यदि।।3.57.5।।

स सौमित्रिस्स्वरं श्रुत्वा तां च हित्वाच मैथिलीम्।

तयेह प्रहितः क्षिप्रं मत्सकाशमिहैष्यति।।3.57.6।।

मृगरूपेण in the form of a deer, मारीचेन by Maricha, विज्ञाय having known, मामकम् my , स्वरम् voice, आलम्ब्य imitating, विक्रुष्टम् cried out, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, शृणुयाद्यदि if he listens, सः सौमित्रिः that Saumitri, स्वरम् voice, श्रुत्वा after hearing, तां मैथिलीम् to Sita, हित्वा च leaving her, तया by her, इह here, प्रहितः sent, क्षिप्रम् at once, इह here, मत्सकाशम् for me, एष्यति he will come,

'If Lakshmana listens to Maricha imitating my voice in the form of a deer, he, sent by Sita will come for me at once, leaving her behind.
राक्षसैस्सहितैर्नूनं सीताया ईप्सितो वधः।

काञ्चनश्च मृगो भूत्वा व्यपनीयाश्रमात्तु माम्।।3.57.7।।

दूरं नीत्वा तु मारीचो राक्षसोऽभूच्छरा हतः।

हा लक्ष्मण हतोऽस्मीति यद्वाक्यं व्याजहार ह।।3.57.8।।

यत् that, मारीचः Maricha, काञ्चनः मृगः golden deer, भूत्वा having become, माम् me, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, व्यपनीय dragging away, दूरम् far off, नीत्वा after taking, शराहतः hit by my arrows, राक्षसः demon, अभूत् he became, हा लक्ष्मण Alas, Lakshmana, हतः अस्मि I am killed, इति these, वाक्यम् words, व्याजहार he said, सहितैः accompanying, राक्षसैः by demons, सीतायाः Sita's, वधः slaughter, ईप्सितः desired, नूनम् surely.

'Hence the murder of Sita must have been jointly planned by the demons. Maricha who had assumed the form of a golden deer, took me away from the hermitage to a faroff place where, killed by my arrows, he turned a demon uttering the words, Alas, Lakshmana, I am killed.
अपि स्वस्ति भवेत्ताभ्यां रहिताभ्यां महावने।

जनस्थाननिमित्तं हि कृतवैरोऽस्मि राक्षसैः।।3.57.9।।

निमित्तानि च घोराणि दृश्यन्तेऽद्य बहूनि च।

महावने in the dense forest, रहिताभ्याम् staying, ताभ्याम् those two, स्वस्ति safe, अपि भवेत् will be, जनस्थान निमित्तम् on account of Janasthana, राक्षसैः with demons, कृतवैरः have earned enmity, अस्मि हि because of me, अद्य now, घोराणि dreadful, बहूनि many, निमित्तानि च portents, दृश्यन्ते are seen.

'On account of living in this dense forest in Janasthana I have earned enmity with the demons. Will Lakshmana and Sita be safe without my protection? I see many terrible portents.'
इत्येवं चिन्तयन्रामश्श्रुत्वा गोमायुनिस्स्वनम्।।3.57.10।।

आत्मनश्चापनयनान्मृगरूपेण रक्षसा।

आजगाम जनस्थानं राघवः परिशङ्कितः।।3.57.11।।

राघवः Rama, गोमायुनिस्स्वनम् the jackal's howl, श्रुत्वा on hearing, इत्येवम् like this, चिन्तयन् worried, मृगरूपेण in the form of a deer, रक्षसा by the demon, आत्मनः his, अपनयनात् due to being drawn away, परिशङ्कितः terrified, जनस्थानम् Janasthana, आजगाम came.

On hearing the jackal's howl, Rama began thinking how the demon in the form of a deer drew him away. Thus in the midst of apprehensions he reached Janasthana.
तं दीनमनसो दीनमासेदुर्मृगपक्षिणः।

सव्यं कृत्वा महात्मानं घोरांश्च ससृजुस्स्वरान्।।3.57.12।।

दीनमनसः dejected at heart, मृगपक्षिणः animals and birds, दीनम् piteous, महात्मानम् great soul, तम् him, सव्यम् कृत्वा keeping him to the left, आसेदुः remained, घोरान् horrifying, स्वरान् sounds, ससृजुश्च released.

Dejected at heart, the birds and animals piteously kept the great soul (Rama) to the left and produced a dreadful cacophony.
तानि दृष्ट्वा निमित्तानि महाघोराणि राघवः।

न्यवर्तताथ त्वरितो जवेनाश्रममात्मनः।।3.57.13।।

राघवः Rama, महाघोराणि very dreadful, तानि निमित्तानि such omens, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, अथ then, त्वरितः hastened, जवेन with speed, आत्मनः his, आश्रमम् hermitage, न्यवर्तत returned.

On seeing such dreadfu omens at that time, Rama hurried back to his hermitage.
सीतां स तु वरारोहां लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।

आजगाम जनस्थानं चिन्तयन्नेव राघवः।।3.57.14।।

सः राघवः that Rama, वरारोहाम् charming, सीताम् Sita, महाबलम् mighty, लक्ष्मणं च Lakshmana, चिन्तयन्नेव thinking of them, जनस्थानम् Janasthana, आजगाम arrived.

Rama arrived at Janasthana thinking (of the safety) of charming Sita and mighty Lakshmana.
ततो लक्ष्मणमायान्तं ददर्श विगतप्रभम्।

ततोऽविदूरे रामेण समीयाय स लक्ष्मणः।।3.57.15।।

विषण्णस्सुविषण्णेन दुःखितो दुःखभागिना।

ततः thereafter, आयान्तम् while coming, विगतप्रभम् dull, लक्ष्मणम् to Lakshmana, ददर्श saw, ततः then, विषण्णः a despondent one, दुःखितः one in grief, सः लक्ष्मणः that Lakshmana, सुविषण्णेन with a despondent one, दुःखभागिना immersed in sorrow, रामेण Rama, अविदूरे not very far, समीयाय went near.

He then saw Lakshmana coming towards him with a cheerless face. When the sad, depressed Lakshmana came near, he saw Rama (equally) despondent and griefstricken.
सञ्जगर्हेऽथ तं भ्राता ज्येष्ठो लक्ष्मणमागतम्।।3.57.16।।

विहाय सीतां विजने वने राक्षससेविते।

अथ at that time, ज्येष्ठः भ्राता elder brother Rama, राक्षससेविते in a place infested with demons, विजने in a desolate, वने forest, सीताम् Sita, विहाय leaving, आगतम् one who came, तं लक्ष्मणम् to that Lakshmana, सञ्जगर्हे rebuked.

In this situation Rama the elder brother rebuked Lakshmana for having left Sita behind in a desolate forest infested with demons.
गृहीत्वा च करं सव्यं लक्ष्मणं रघुनन्दनः।।3.57.17।।

उवाच मधुरोदर्कमिदं परुषमार्तिमत्।

रघुनन्दनः a delight of the Raghu dynasty, आर्तिमत् piteously, सव्यं करम् left hand, गृहीत्वा on
taking hold, मधुरोदर्कम् sweet as ever, परुषम् harsh, इदम् this, लक्ष्मणम् to Lakshmana, उवाच said.

Rama, the delight of the Raghus, took hold of Lakshmana's left hand, and in sadness said these sweet harsh words :
अहो लक्ष्मण गर्ह्यं ते कृतं यस्त्वं विहाय ताम्।।3.57.18।।

सीतामिहाऽगतस्सौम्य कच्चित्स्वस्ति भवेदिह।

सौम्य O gentle one, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, यः who, त्वम् you, ताम् her, सीताम् Sita, विहाय leaving, इह here, आगतः came, ते to you, गर्ह्यम् blameworthy, कृतम् done, इह here, स्वस्ति safe, भवेत् कच्चित् will she be safe, अहो Alas.

O gentle Lakshmana you are to blame for coming here, leaving Sita behind. Alas will she be safe now?
न मेऽस्ति संशयो वीर सर्वथा जनकात्मजा।।3.57.19।।

विनष्टा भक्षिता वापि राक्षसैर्वनचारिभिः।

अशुभान्येव भूयिष्ठं यथा प्रादुर्भवन्ति मे।।3.57.20।।

वीर O great hero, मे to me, भूयिष्ठम् many, अशुभान्येव inauspicious omens only, यथा similarly, प्रादुर्भवन्ति got manifested, जनकात्मजा Sita, सर्वथा by all means, विनष्टा she is lost, वनचारिभिः by forsetrangers, राक्षसैः demons, भक्षिता वापि must have been eaten up, मे for me, संशयः doubt, नास्ति is not.

O heroic Lakshmana I see many inauspicious omens. I think Sita might have been lost or eaten away by the demons of the forest. There is no doubt about it.
अपि लक्ष्मण सीतायास्सामग्र्यं प्राप्नुयावहे।

जीवन्त्याः पुरुषव्याघ्र सुताया जनकस्य वै।।3.57.21।।

पुरुषव्याघ्र O tiger among men, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, जीवन्त्या: of the living, जनकस्य सुतायाः of the daughter of Janaka, सीतायाः Sita's, सामग्र्यम् total well being, अपि प्राप्नुयावहे will we be able to get her back.

O Lakshmana, a tiger among men, will we be able to see the daughter of Janaka, living in a state of total wellbeing? Will we be able to get her back ?
यथा वै मृगसङ्घाश्च गोमायुश्चैव भैरवम्।

वाश्यन्ते शकुनाश्चापि प्रदीप्तामभितो दिशम्।।3.57.22।।

अपि स्वस्ति भवेत्तस्या राजपुत्र्या महाबल।

महाबल mighty, मृगसङ्घाश्च herds of beasts, गोमायुश्च jackal also, शकुनाश्चापि birds too, प्रदीप्ताम् shining bright, दिशम् direction, अभितः towards, यथा as, भैरवम् in frightful manner, वाश्यन्ते howling, राजपुत्र्याः of the princess, तस्याः of that Sita, स्वस्ति अपि भवेत् may her be well.

O mighty Lakshmana from the way the beasts, jackals and birds too have turned in the bright direction of the Sun, crying in a frightful manner, can we hope princess Sita is safe ?
इदं हि रक्षो मृगसन्निकाशं प्रलोभ्य मां दूरमनुप्रयान्तम्।

हतं कथञ्चिन्महता श्रमेण स राक्षसोऽभून्म्रियमाण एव।।3.57.23।।

मृगसन्निकाशम् appearing like a deer, इदं रक्षः this demon, अनुप्रयान्तम् who followed, माम् me, दूरम् far, प्रलोभ्य alluring, महता with great, श्रमेण with effort, कथञ्चित् somehow, हतम् killed, सः he, म्रियमाणः while on the verge of death, एव too, राक्षसः demon, अभूत् turned.

Appearing in the guise of a deer, this demon allured me to a great distance. With much effort he was somehow killed. but he assumed his demoniac form while dying.
मनश्च मे दीनमिहाप्रहृष्टं चक्षुश्च सव्यं कुरुते विकारम्।

असंशयं लक्ष्मण नास्ति सीता हृता मृता वा पथि वर्तते वा।।3.57.24।।

इह here, दीनम् depressed, मे मनश्च my heart, अप्रहृष्टम् sorrowful, सव्यं चक्षुश्च left eye, विकारम् throbbing, कुरुते doing, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, असंशयम् no doubt, सीता Sita, नास्ति is not alive, हृता either abducted, मृता वा or died, पथि on the way, वर्तते वा lies.

With my heart dejected and depressed, my left eye throbbing, O Lakshmana, I have no doubt that Sita is either abducted or dead or abandoned on the way.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे सप्तपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyseventh sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.