Sloka & Translation

[Lakshmana pacifies Rama -- explains that destruction of the world is not proper -- initiates the search.]

तप्यमानं तथा रामं सीताहरणकर्शितम्।

लोकानामभवे युक्तं सांवर्तकमिवानलम्।।3.65.1।।

वीक्षमाणं धनुस्सज्यं निश्श्वसन्तं पुनः पुनः।

दग्धुकामं जगत्सर्वं युगान्ते च यथा हरम्।।3.65.2।।

अदृष्टपूर्वं सङ्क्रुद्धं दृष्ट्वा रामं तु लक्ष्मणः।

अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं मुखेन परिशुष्यता।।3.65.3।।

तथा that way, तप्यमानम् tormented by pain, रामम् Rama, सीताहरणकर्शितम् emaciated by Sita's abduction, सांवर्तकम् pertaining to dissolution of the world, अनलमिव the fire like, लोकानाम् of the worlds, अभवे to annihilate, युक्तम् ready, सज्यम् strung, धनुः bow, वीक्षमाणम् while seeing, पुनः पुनः again and again, निश्श्वसन्तम् sighing hot breath, युगान्ते at the end of the world, हरं यथा like Lord Siva, सर्वम् all, जगत् world, दग्धुकामम् desiring to burn, अदृष्टपूर्वम् never seen before, संक्रुद्धम् enraged, रामम् Rama, दृष्ट्वा seeing, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, प्राञ्जलिः with folded palms, परिशुष्यता mouth dried up, मुखेन face, अब्रवीत् said.

Tormented and emaciated due to Sita's abduction, resembling the fire at the time of dissolution of the creation, ready to destroy the world, Rama looked at his bow strung again and again, breathing hot sighs like Lord Siva at the end of the creation, wishing to burn down the world in a rage. Lakshmana who had never seen Rama in such anger before said to him with folded hands and parched throat.
पुरा भूत्वा मृदुर्दान्तस्सर्वभूतहिते रतः।

न क्रोधवशमापन्नः प्रकृतिं हातुमर्हसि।।3.65.4।।

पुरा in the past, मृदुः gentle, दान्तः selfrestrained, सर्वभूतहिते in the welfare of all beings, रतः as engaged, भूत्वा after being, क्रोधवशम् under the spell of anger, आपन्नः attaining, प्रकृतिम् natural form, हातुम् to give up, नार्हसि do not behove.

Earlier you were gentle, self restrained and engaged in the welfare of all beings. (Now) it is not proper for you to give up your natural composure in anger.
चन्द्रे लक्ष्मीः प्रभा सूर्ये गतिर्वायौ भुवि क्षमा।

एतत्तु नियतं सर्वं त्वयि चानुत्तमं यशः।।3.65.5।।

चन्द्रे of the Moon, लक्ष्मीः grace, सूर्ये of the Sun, प्रभा radiance, वायौ of the wind, गतिः motion, भुवि on earth, क्षमा forbearance, एतत् सर्वम् all this, नियतम् always, त्वयि in you, अनुत्तमम् the best, यशः च and fame.

In you are always present the grace of the Moon, the radiance of the Sun, the motion of the wind, the forbearance of the earth and reputation.
एकस्य नापराधेन लोकान् हन्तुं त्वमर्हसि।

न तु जानामि कस्यायं भग्नस्साङ्ग्रामिको रथः।।3.65.6।।

केन वा कस्य वा हेतोस्सायुधस्सपरिच्छदः।

एकस्य one's, अपराधेन by mistake, इह here, लोकान् worlds, हन्तुम् to destroy, नार्हसि it is not proper, सायुधः with weapons, सपरिच्छदः with all accesories, अयम् this, साङ्ग्रामिकः used in war, रथः chariot, कस्य whose, केन by whom, कस्य वा हेतोः for what reason, भग्नः broken, न जानामि I do not know.

To destroy the world for the mistake of a single person is not proper. Why and by whom is this warchariot broken with weapons and all its accesories I do not know.
खुरनेमिक्षतश्चायं सिक्तो रुधिरबिन्धुभिः।।3.65.7।।

देशो निर्वृत्तसङ्ग्रामस्सुघोरः पार्थिवात्मज।

पार्थिवात्मज O prince , खुरनेमिक्षतः damaged by hooves of horses and the rims of the chariot', रुधिरबिन्दुभिः by drops of blood, सिक्तः drenched, सुघोरः very dreadful, अयं देशः this place, निर्वृत्तसंग्रामः a great combat was fought here.

O prince, this place is damaged by the hooves of the horses and the rims of the chariot. It is soaked with drops of blood.Very dreadful must have been the fight here.
एकस्य तु विमर्धोऽयं न द्वयोर्वदतांवर।।3.65.8।।

न हि वृत्तं हि पश्यामि बलस्य महतः पदम्।

वदताम् of those intelligent in speech, वर the best one, अयम् this, एकस्य by one person, विमर्धः combat, द्वयोः of two people, न not, महतः great, बलस्य army, वृत्तम् this fight, पदम् footprints, न हि पश्यामि I do not see.

O, best of the eloquent this fight involves only one and not two. I do not see the footprints of a big army.
नैकस्य तु कृते लोकान्विनाशयितुमर्हसि।।3.65.9।।

युक्तदण्डा हि मृदवः प्रशान्ता वसुधाधिपाः।

एकस्य कृते for one's sake, लोकान् the worlds, विनाशयितुम् to destroy, नार्हसि not right, हि indeed, वसुधाधिपाः lords of the earth, युक्तदण्डाः punish the deserving, मृदवः gentle, प्रशान्ताः peaceful.

To destroy the entire world for one individual is not right. The lords of the earth should remain gentle, peaceful and punish only the deserving.
सदा त्वं सर्वभूतानां शरण्यः परमा गतिः।।3.65.10।।

को नु दारप्रणाशं ते साधु मन्येत राघव।

त्वम् you, सर्वभूतानाम् of all beings, सदा always, शरण्यः a refuge, परमा गतिः ultimate resort, राघव Raghava, ते to you, दारप्रणाशम् lost track of her whereabouts, को नु who will, साधु proper, मन्येत think.

You are the ultimate resort and refuge of all beings. Who would like that your wife should be abducted ?
सरितस्सागराश्शैला देवगन्धर्वदानवाः।।3.65.11।।

नालं ते विप्रियं कर्तुं दीक्षितस्येव साधवः।

सरितः rivers, सागराः seas, शैलाः mountains, देवगन्धर्वदानवाः gods, gandharvas and demons, ते to you, साधवः pious people, दीक्षितस्येव those who observe religious vows, विप्रियम् disagreeable, कर्तुम् to do, नालम् they are not.

Just as pious men do not do anything disagreeable towards persons who observe religious vows, so also rivers, seas and mountains, gods, gandharvas and demons are not capable of causing unhappiness to you.
येन राजन्हृता सीता तमन्वेषितुमर्हसि।।3.65.12।।

मद्वितीयो धनुष्पाणिस्सहायैः परमर्षिभिः।

राजन् king, धनुष्पाणिः wielding a bow, मद्वितीयः followed by one, सहायैः with the help of, परमर्षिभिः by great sages, सीता Sita, येन whomsoever, हृता carried off, तम् him, अन्वेषितुम् to search, अर्हसि is proper for you.

O king bow in hands, followed by me and with the help of great sages you should search for the one who has abducted Sita.
समुद्रं च विचेष्यामः पर्वतांश्च वनानि च।।3.65.13।।

गुहाश्च विविधा घोरा नदी पद्मवनानि च।

समुद्रं च in the oceans, पर्वतांश्च in the mountains, वनानि च and the forests, विविधाः several,
घोराः dreadful, गुहाश्च caves, नदीः rivers, पद्मवनानि lotus ponds, विचेष्यामः we will search.

We will search oceans, mountains, forests and several dreadful caves, rivers and lotusponds.
देवगन्धर्वलोकांश्च विचेष्यामस्समाहिताः।।3.65.14।।

यावन्नाधिगमिष्यामस्तव भार्यापहारिणम्।

समाहिताः relentlessly, तव your, भार्यापहारिणम् the abductor of your wife, यावत् so long as, नाधिगमिष्यामःwe will not find, देवगन्धर्वलोकांश्च the world of the gods and gandharvas, विचेष्यामः we will search.

We will search relentlessly for the abductor of your wife everywhere including the world of gods and gandharvas till we find her.
न चेत्साम्ना प्रदास्यन्ति पत्नीं ते त्रिदशेश्वराः।।3.65.15।।

कोसलेन्द्र ततः पश्चात्प्राप्तकालं करिष्यसि।

कोसलेन्द्र lord of Kosala, Rama, त्रिदशेश्वराः gods, ते to you, पत्नीम् your wife, साम्ना with gentle request, न प्रदास्यन्ति not restore her, चेत् if so, ततः then, पश्चात् later, प्राप्तकालम् at the right time, करिष्यसि will take action.

O lord of Kosala when gods do not restore Sita on request, then you can think of taking action at the appropriate time.
शीलेन साम्ना विनयेन सीतां नयेन न प्राप्स्यसि चेन्नरेन्द्र।

ततस्समुत्सादय हेमपुङ्खै र्महेन्द्रवज्रप्रतिमैश्शरौघैः।।3.65.16।।

नरेन्द्र O king, शीलेन with right conduct, साम्ना by appeasing, विनयेन through humility, नयेन by diplomacy, सीताम् Sita, न प्राप्स्यसि यदि if you do not get her, ततः then, हेमपुङ्खैः with gold feathered, महेन्द्रवज्रप्रतिमैः equalling Indra's thunderbolt, शरौघैः by stream of arrows, समुत्सादय destroy.

O king if you fail to get Sita through appeasement, through humility or diplomacy then you destroy (the three worlds) by your goldtipped stream of arrows comparable to Indra's thunderbolt.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyfifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.