Sloka & Translation

[Description of the enchanting environs of Pampa -- dejected Rama laments -- Lakshmana urges Rama to pick up courage -- Rama and Lakshmana proceed towards Rishyamuka -- Sugriva sees Rama and Lakshmana and gets alarmed]

स तां पुष्करिणीं गत्वा पद्मोत्पलझषाकुलाम्।

रामस्सौमित्रि सहितो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः।।4.1.1।।

सौमित्रिसहितः together with Saumitri, सः that, रामः Rama, पद्मोत्पलझषाकुलाम् filled with lotuses, lilies and fishes, पुष्करिणीम् to the lake, गत्वा arrived, आकुलेन्द्रियः one (Rama) who is with afflicted senses, विललाप lamented.

Arriving with Laksmana at the lake filled with lotuses, lilies and fishes, Rama, his senses oppressed, burst into tears.
तस्य दृष्ट्वैव तां हर्षादिन्द्रियाणि चकम्पिरे।

स कामवशमापन्नस्सौमित्रिमिदमब्रवीत्।।4.1.2।।

तस्य there, ताम् that, दृष्ट्वैव on sighting, हर्षात् out of joy, इन्द्रियाणि senses, चकम्पिरे shook, सः he, कामवश obsessed with love for Sita, आपन्नः gone, सौमित्रिम् to Saumitri, इदम् this, in the following manner, अब्रवीत् said.

He was glad to see it but sad at the thought of Sita. His passion stirred, his senses shaken, he said this to Saumitri:
सौमित्रे शोभते पम्पा वैदूर्यविमलोदका।

फुल्लपद्मोत्पलवती शोभिता विविधैर्द्रुमैः।।4.1.3।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri,वै2दू2र्यविमलोदका water clear as Vaidurya, फुल्लपद्मोत्पलवती with lilies and lotuses in bloom, विविधैः with varieties of, द्रुमैः trees, शोभिता adorned with, पम्पा Pampa lake, शोभते looks beautiful

'O Saumitri Pampa looks beautiful with its water clear as vaidurya, its lilies and lotuses in full bloom and its trees in all their variety.
सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पायाः काननं शुभदर्शनम्।

यत्र राजन्ति शैला वा द्रुमास्सशिखरा इव।।4.1.4।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, पम्पायाः of Pampa, शुभदर्शनम् pleasant (view) to the eyes, काननम् forest, पश्य look see, यत्र where, द्रुमाः trees, सशिखराः with high branches, शैलाः mountains इव like, राजन्ति glitter (appear splendid)

'O Saumitri look at the pleasant forest around Pampa where trees stand splendid like mountainpeaks.
मां तु शोकाभिसन्तप्तं माधवः पीडयन्ति वै।

भरतस्य च दुःखेन वैदेह्या हरणेन च।।4.1.5।।

भरतस्य दुःखेन Bharata's sorrow, वैदेह्या हरणेन Vaidehi's abduction, शोकाभिसन्तप्तम् tormented with sorrow, मां तु me indeed, माधवः spring, पीडयन्ति is tormenting.

Already saddened due to the abduction of Sita and plight of Bharata, I am tormented by Spring.
शोकार्तस्यापि मे पम्पा शोभते चित्रकानना।

व्यवकीर्णा बहुविधैः पुष्पैश्शीतोदका शिवा।।4.1.6।।

चित्रकानना by the wonderful forest, बहुविधैः many kinds, पुष्पैः flowers, व्यवकीर्णाः scattered with, शीतोदकाः cool water, शिवा auspicious, पम्पा Pampa, शोकार्तस्यापि though stricken with grief, मे to me, शोभते delightful

Though stricken with grief, I feel so delighted to see the auspicious Pampa with its wonderful forest and cool water scattered with flowers.
नलिनैरपि सञ्छन्ना ह्यत्यर्थशुभदर्शना।

सर्पव्यालानुचरिता मृगद्विजसमाकुला।।4.1.7।।

नलिनैः with lotuses, हिः सञ्छन्नाः indeed covered with, अत्यर्थ शुभदर्शना extremely beautiful सर्पव्यालानुचरिता with vicious serpents moving about, मृगद्विजसमाकुला abounding in beasts and birds

Abounding in lotuses, birds and beasts and vicious serpents moving about, it looks splendid indeed.
अधिकं प्रविभात्येतन्नीलपीतं तु शाद्वलम्।

द्रुमाणां विविधैः पुष्पैः परिस्तोमैरिवार्पितम्।।4.1.8।।

द्रुमाणाम् of the trees, विविधैः पुष्पैः with variety of flowers, परिस्तोमैरिव like a carpet, अर्पितम् spread, एतत् this, नीलपीतम् bluishyellow, शाद्वलम् grass, अधिकम् very much, प्रविभाति shines brightly.

The bluishyellow grass, dotted with different kinds of flowers fallen from the trees shines like a carpet spread.
पुष्पभारसमृद्धानि शिखराणि समन्ततः।

लताभिः पुष्पिताग्राभिरुपगूढानि सर्वशः।।4.1.9।।

समन्ततः all over, पुष्पभारसमृद्धानि trees abundantly loaded with flowers, शिखराणि treetops,
पुष्पिताग्राभिः with flowers in bloom, लताभिः by creepers, सर्वशः everywhere, उपगूढानि entwined covered

Entwined with flowering creepers the treetops are covered all over with rich loads of flowers.
सुखानिलोऽयं सौमित्रे कालः प्रचुरमन्मथः।

गन्धवान्सुरभिर्मासो जातपुष्पफलद्रुमः।।4.1.10।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, सुखानिलः gentle breeze, अयं कालः at this time, प्रचुरमन्मथः ecstatic, जातपुष्पफलद्रुमः trees filled with flowers and fruits, सुरभिर्मासः Spring Season (Chaitra, the first Month of Indian calendar), गन्धवान् fragrant

'O Saumitri it is the season of spring. The trees are laden with fruits and fragrant flowers. Ecstatic blows the gentle freeze.
पश्य रूपाणि सौमित्रे वनानां पुष्पशालिनाम्।

सृजतां पुष्पवर्षाणि तोयं तोयमुचामिव।।4.1.11।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, पुष्पवर्षाणि showers of flowers, सृजताम् sending forth, पुष्पशालिनाम् वनानाम् of flowering trees, तोयं water, तोयमुचामिव like waterbearing clouds, रूपाणि scenery (forms), पश्य look

'Look at the flowering trees sending showers of flowers like water dropping from the clouds, O Saumitri
प्रस्तरेषु च रम्येषु विविधाः काननद्रुमाः।

वायुवेगप्रचलिताः पुष्पैरवकिरन्ति गाम्।।4.1.12।।

रम्येषु on beautiful, प्रस्तरेषु on the rockyland, विविधाः different kinds of, काननद्रुमाः forest trees, वायुवेगप्रचलिताः shaken by the force of wind, पुष्पैः with flowers, गाम् the earth, अवकिरन्ति spreading all over

Various forest trees shaken by the force of the wind scatter flowers on the beautiful rocky surface of earth.
पतितैः पतमानैश्च पादपस्थैश्च मारुतः।

कुसुमैः पश्य सौमित्रे क्रीडन्निव समन्ततः।।4.1.13।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, पतितैः fallen down, पादपस्थैश्च found on the trees, पतमानै: about to drop, कुसुमैः with flowers, मारुतः wind, समन्ततः all over, क्रीडन्निव as if playing, पश्य see

O Saumitri! look, the breeze appears to be playing with the flowers; that are fallen and that are still on the trees.
विक्षिपन्विविधाश्शाखा नगानां कुसुमोत्कचाः।


नगानाम् of the trees, कुसुमोत्कचाः filled with flowers, विविधाः several, शाखाः branches, विक्षिपन् shaking, मारुतः wind, चलितस्थानैः by the displaced, षट्पदैः bees, अनुगीयते is accompanied with music

"As the wind shakes the flowers off the branches of various trees the bees bumble in tune with the (whistling) wind.
मत्तकोकिलसन्नादैर्नर्तयन्निव पादपान्।

शैलकन्दरनिष्क्रान्तः प्रगीत इव चानिलः।।4.1.15।।

शैलकन्दरनिष्क्रान्तः coming out of the mountain caves, अनिलः wind, मत्तकोकिलसन्नादैः with the voices of intoxicated cuckoos, पादपान् tress, नर्तयन्निव as if making them dance, प्रगीत इव च and as if singing well.

"As if the trees are dancing to the music of the cuckoos and to the sound of the wind coming out of the mountain-caves.
तेन विक्षिपताऽत्यर्थं पवनेन समन्ततः।

अमी संसक्तशाखाग्रा ग्रथिता इव पादपाः।।4.1.16।।

समन्ततः all over, अत्यर्थम् strong, विक्षिपता shaken, पवनेन by the wind, संसक्तशाखाग्राः the tops of trees joined together, अमी these, पादपाः trees, ग्रथिता इव as if knitted together.

"Shaken by the strong wind all over, the tops of trees look as if they are knitted together.
स एष सुखसंस्पर्शो वाति चन्दनशीतलः।

गन्धमभ्यवहन्पुण्यं श्रमापनयनोऽनिलः।।4.1.17।।

सः एष अनिलः this wind, सुखसंस्पर्शः with gentle touch, चन्दनशीतलः cool like sandal, पुण्यम् pure, गन्धम् fragrance, अभ्यवहन् while carrying, श्रमापनयनः removing fatigue, वाति is blowing.

'The gentle touch of the breeze that blows, cool like sandalwood, full of pure fragrance, takes away the fatigue of the body.
अमी पवनविक्षिप्ता विनदन्तीव पादपाः।

षट्पदैरनुकूजन्तो वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु।।4.1.18।।

मधुगन्धिषु fragrant with honey, वनेषु in the forest, पवनविक्षिप्ताः swayed by the wind, अमी these, पादपाः trees, अनुकूजन्ति him, षट्पदैः of bees, विनदन्तीव as though sounding.

As if the trees are singing, swayed by the wind, while the bees in the forest, fragrant with honey, hum in tune.
गिरिप्रस्थेषु रम्येषु पुष्पवद्भिर्मनोरमैः।

संसक्तशिखराश्शैला विराजन्ते महाद्रुमैः।।4.1.19।।

रम्येषु scenic, गिरिप्रस्थेषु mountain ranges, पुष्पवद्भिः flowers in bloom, मनोरमैः delightful, महाद्रुमैः huge trees, संसक्तशिखराः mountainpeaks touching each other, शैलाः mountains, विराजन्ते are splendid

'The huge trees in the scenic mountainranges look delightful with their blossoms touching the peaks.
पुष्पसञ्छन्नशिखरा मारुतोत्क्षेपचञ्चलाः।

अमी मधुकरोत्तंसाः प्रगीता इव पादपाः।।4.1.20।।

पुष्पसञ्छन्नशिखराः treetops covered with flowers, मारुतोत्क्षेपचञ्चलाः shaken by the restless wind, मधुकरोत्तंसाः turbaned by black bees, अमी these, पादपाः trees, प्रगीताः singing, इव like

With the tops of trees covered with flowers, the black bees hovering (humming) over them, the trees, shaken by the restless wind look like singers. (The trees with the top decked with flowers, the bees like black hair on the head swaying in the wind look like dancing and singing)
सुपुष्पितांस्तु पश्येमान्कर्णिकारांत्समन्ततः।


समन्ततः everywhere, सुपुष्पितान् well blossomed, हाटकप्रतिसञ्छन्नान् adorned with golden ornaments, पीताम्बरान् clad in yellow silk, नरानिव like people, एतान् these, कर्णिकारान् Karnikara, पश्य see.

'See these Karnikaras in full bloom all over, looking like people clad in yellow silk adorned with golden ornaments.
अयं वसन्तस्सौमित्रे नानाविहगनादितः।

सीतया विप्रहीनस्य शोकसन्दीपनो मम।।4.1.22।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, नानाविहगनादितः filled with sounds of several kinds of birds, अयं वसन्तः this spring season, सीतया with Sita, विप्रहीनस्य of a man separated, मम for me, शोकसन्दीपनः kindles anguish

'O Saumitri this spring season resonating with the sounds of several kinds of birds, kindles my anguish as I am separated from Sita.
मां हि शोकसमाक्रान्तं सन्तापयति मन्मथः।

हृष्टः प्रवदमानश्च ममाह्वयति कोकिलः।।4.1.23।।

शोकसमाक्रान्तम् to one (Rama) who is overcome with sorrow, माम् me, मन्मथः cupid (Manmatha, the god of love), सन्तापयति torments, हृष्ट: happy, प्रवदमानः making fun, कोकिलः cuckoo, ममाह्वयति inviting me

'Kandarpa (Cupid) torments me while I am already griefstricken. The Cuckoo with his challenging cheerfulness mocks me.
एष दात्यूहको हृष्टो रम्ये मां वननिर्झरे।

प्रणदन्मन्मथाविष्टं शोचयिष्यति लक्ष्मण।।4.1.24।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, रम्ये in a beautiful, वननिर्झरे in waterfall, हृष्टः joyous, प्रणदन् while clucking, एषः this, दात्यूहकः a swamphen (a marshbird), gallinule (water crow), मन्मथाविष्टम् tormented by love, माम् me, शोचयिष्यति is troubling

'Lakshmana, while I am already lovestricken, the swamphen (gallinule, a marshbird) troubles me with its joyous cackles in the beautiful foreststream.
श्रुत्वैतस्य पुरा शब्दमाश्रमस्था मम प्रिया।

मामाहूय प्रमुदिताः परमं प्रत्यनन्दत।।4.1.25।।

पुरा earlier, आश्रमस्था a lady in the hermitage, मम प्रिया my beloved, एतस्य its, शब्दम् sound,
श्रुत्वा on hearing, प्रमुदिता very gladly, माम् to me, आहूय after calling me, परमम् greatly, प्रत्यनन्दत rejoiced

'While in the hermitage in the past, my beloved was very glad to hear such sounds, invite me to join her and rejoice again.
एवं विचित्राः पतगा नानारावविराविणः।

वृक्षगुल्मलताः पश्य सम्पतन्ति समन्ततः।।4.1.26।।

एवम् in this way, विचित्राः wonderful, नानारावविराविणः with sounds of different kinds, पतगाः birds, ततस्ततः here and there, वृक्षगुल्मलताः towards trees, shrubs and vines, सम्पतन्ति they are flying, पश्य you see.

'See, the different kinds of birds flying towards trees, shrubs and vines making wonderful sounds all over.
विमिश्रा विहगाः पुम्भिरात्मव्यूहाभिनन्दिताः।

भृङ्गराजप्रमुदितास्सौमित्रे मधुरस्वनाः।।4.1.27।।

विहगाः female birds, पुम्भिः male birds, विमिश्राः united with, आत्मव्यूहाभिनन्दिताः praised by their flock, भृङ्गराजप्रमुदिताः enjoying the sounds of large black bees, मधुरस्वनाः singing sweetly.

'O Lakshmana the female birds praised by their flocks, are united with their male partners. Enjoying the sweet sounds of large black bees, they are singing melodiously.
दात्यूहरतिविक्रन्दैः पुंस्कोकिलरुतैरपि।

स्वनन्ति पादपाश्चेमे ममानङ्गप्रदीपनाः।।4.1.28।।

पादपाश्चेमे these trees, दात्यूहरतिविक्रन्दैः by the cackles of swamphens, पुंस्कोकिलरुतैरपि and also by the voices of the male cuckoos, मम to me, अनङ्गप्रदीपना kindling my passion, स्वनन्ति making sounds.

These trees seem to enkindle my passion through all sorts of sounds like the loud cackle of swamphens and the sweet warble of the male cuckoos.

मां हि पल्लवताम्रार्चिर्वसन्ताग्निः प्रधक्ष्यति।।4.1.29।।

अशोकस्तबकाङ्गारः cluster of Asoka flowers are charcoals, षट्पदस्वननिःस्वनः sounds of humming bees, पल्लवताम्रार्चिः coppercoloured tender leaves are flames, वसन्ताग्निः fire of spring, माम् to me, प्रधक्ष्यति हि it is consuming indeed

'The fire of spring with clusters of Asoka flowers as its charcoal, its coppercoloured tender leaves as flames, the buzz of bees as its crackle will, as if, consume me.
न हि तां सूक्ष्मपक्ष्माक्षीं सुकेशीं मृदुभाषिणीम्।

अपश्यतो मे सौमित्रे जीवितेऽस्ति प्रयोजनम्।।4.1.30।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, सूक्ष्मपक्ष्माक्षीम् a lady with delicate eyelashes, सुकेशीम् a lady with beautiful hair, मृदुभाषिणीम् sweettongued, ताम् she, अपश्यतः not seeing her, मे my, जीविते in life, प्रयोजनम् अस्ति is there any meaning?

'O Saumitri my life is meaningless if I cannot see my beloved Sita with her delicate eyelashes, beautiful locks of hair and her sweet voice.
अयं हि दयितस्तस्याः कालो रुचिरकाननः।

कोकिलाकुलसीमान्तो दयिताया ममानघ।।4.1.31।।

अनघ O Sinless one, मम to me, दयितायाः to my beloved wife, तस्याः of her, रुचिरकाननः beautiful forest, कोकिलाकुलसीमान्तः cockoos crowding the skirts, अयम् this, कालः (Spring) time, दयितः dear

'O sinless one, the spring season is dear to my beloved Sita when the outskirts of the forest are filled with voices of the cockoo.
मन्मथाऽयाससम्भूतो वसन्तगुणवर्धितः।

अयं मां धक्ष्यति क्षिप्रं शोकाग्निर्नचिरादिव।।4.1.32।।

मन्मथाऽयाससम्भूतः rising from the tormenting love, अयम् this, शोकाग्निः fire of grief, वसन्तगुणवर्धितः enhanced by effects of spring, माम् me, क्षिप्रम् surely, नचिरादिव very soon, धक्ष्यति it will consume me

'The fire of grief ignited by Kandarpa (the god of love), enhanced by the effects of spring will certainly consume me soon.
अपश्यतस्तां दयितां पश्यतो रुचिरद्रुमान्।

ममायमात्मप्रभवो भूयस्त्वमुपयास्यति।।4.1.33।।

तां दयिताम् beloved wife, अपश्यतः unable to see, रुचिरद्रुमान् delighting trees, पश्यतः seeing, मम to me, अयम् this, आत्मप्रभवः resplendent in me, भूयस्त्वम् growth, उपयास्यति will gain

'Unable to see my beloved wife, the very sight of these lovely trees intensifies my love for her who shines resplendent in me.
अदृश्यमाना वैदेही शोकं वर्धयते मम।

दृश्यमानो वसन्तश्च स्वेदसंसर्गदूषकः।।4.1.34।।

अदृश्यमाना not seen by me, वैदेही Vaidehi, मम my, शोकम् grief, वर्धयति will intensify, स्वेदसंसर्गदूषकः takes away the sweat generated by physical union, दृश्यमानः seeing, वसन्तश्च of spring season.

'When in place of Vaidehi I see spring (with its cool breeze) that used to take away the sweat generated by sensual enjoyment, my sorrow is intensified.
मां ह्यद्य मृगशाबाक्षी चिन्ताशोकबलात्कृतम्।

सन्तापयति सौमित्रे क्रूरश्चैत्रवनानिलः।।4.1.35।।

सौमित्रे Saumitri, मृगशाबाक्षी a fawneyed lady, चिन्ताशोकबलात्कृतम् sinking in sorrow, माम् me, क्रूरः cruel, चैत्रवनानिलः the breeze of spring forest, अद्य now, सन्तापयति torments, हि indeed

'O Saumitri the cruel breeze of the spring forest torments me as I am now immersed in grief in the absence of my fawneyed beloved.
अमी मयूराश्शोभन्ते प्रनृत्यन्तस्ततस्ततः।

स्वैः पक्षैः पवनोद्धूतैर्गवाक्षैः स्फाटिकैरिव।।4.1.36।।

ततस्ततः here and there, प्रनृत्यन्तः dancing, अमी these, मयूराः peacocks, पवनोद्धूतैः shaken by the wind, स्फाटिकैः crystals, गवाक्षैरिव like windows, स्वैः by their own, पक्षैः with feathers, शोभन्ते are delighting

'Delightful are the peacocks dancing here and there, their feathers looking like crystal windows flung open by the wind.
शिखिनीभिः परिवृतास्ते एते मदमूर्छिताः।

मन्मथाभिपरीतस्य मम मन्मथवर्धनाः।।4.1.37।।

शिखिनीभिः by peahens also, परिवृताः surrounded, मदमूर्छिताः intoxicated with passion, ते एते these peacocks, मन्मथाभिपरीतस्य fallen in love, मम to me, मन्मथवर्धनाः intensifying love

'The peacocks intoxicated with passion for the peahens surround them intensifying my longing (for Vaidehi).
पश्य लक्ष्मण नृत्यन्तं मयूरमुपनृत्यति।

शिखिनी मन्मथार्तैषा भर्तारं गिरिसानुनि।।4.1.38।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, गिरिसानुनि on the mountain slope, मन्मथार्ता love lorn, एषा these, शिखिनी peahen, नृत्यन्तम् to dancing, भर्तारम् to the partner, मयूरम् peacock, उपनृत्यति is dancing along with, पश्य look

'Look at the lovelorn peahen, excited by love, dancing on the moutain slope, O Lakshmana Engrossed in love, she dances for wooing the peacock.
तामेव मन्मथाविष्टो मयूरोऽप्युपधावति।

वितत्य रुचिरौ पक्षौ रुतैरुपहसन्निव।।4.1.39।।

मयूरोऽपि peacock also, रुचिरौ enchanting, पक्षौ two wings, वितत्य after spreading, रुतैः with sounds, उपहसन्निव as if laughing at, ताम् एव her only, उपधावति is running after, मन्मथाविष्टोः overwhelmed with love

'Overwhelmed with love, the enchanted peacock, spreading his wings is running after her, making sounds, as though mocking her.
मयूरस्य वने नूनं रक्षसा न हृता प्रिया।

तस्मान्नृत्यति रम्येषु वनेषु सह कान्तया।।4.1.40।।

मयूरस्य peacock's, प्रिया beloved, वने in the forest, रक्षसा by the demon, न हृता not abducted, नूनम् surely, तस्मात् therefore, कान्तया सह along with its beloved, रम्येषु in delight, वनेषु in the forests, नृत्यति is dancing

'The peacock's beloved, for sure, has not been abducted by the demon. Therefore, he is dancing in delight in the forest in the company of his beloved.
मम त्वयं विना वासः पुष्पमासे सुदुस्सहः।

पश्य लक्ष्मण संरागः तिर्यग्योनिगतेष्वपि।

यदेषा शिखिनी कामाद्भर्तारं रमतेऽन्तिके।।4.1.41।।

पुष्पमासे in the season of flowers, वने in the forest, अयम् this, वासः reside, मम तु to me, सुदुस्सहः extremely unbearable, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, पश्य see, तिर्यग्योनिगतेष्वपि even among the beasts birds संरागः out of deep love, यत् एषा such a one, शिखिनी peahen, कामात् out of love, भर्तारम् her male partner, रमते sports, अन्तिके nearby

'It is extremely unbearable for me to stay in the forest during this season of flowers (Spring). Look at the passion even among beasts and birds, O Lakshmana And craving for love, the peahen sports near her mate.
मामप्येवं विशालाक्षी जानकी जातसम्भ्रमा।

मदनेनाभिवर्तेत यदि नाऽपहृता भवेत्।।4.1.42।।

विशालाक्षी largeeyed lady, जानकी Janaki, अपहृता stolen, न भवेत् यदि if it were not so, मदनेन with love, जातसम्भ्रमा an excited woman, एवम् in this way, मामपि me too, अभिवर्तेत would have remained closer to me

'Had the largeeyed Janaki not been stolen, she would have also paid advances to me in this manner with all her love and excitement.
पश्य लक्ष्मण पुष्पाणि निष्फलानि भवन्ति मे।

पुष्पभारसमृद्धानां वनानां शिशिरात्यये।।4.1.43।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, पश्य look, शिशिरात्यये at the end of winter, पुष्पभारसमृद्धानाम् loaded with flowers, वनानाम् of the forest, पुष्पाणि flowers, मे my, निष्फलानि भवन्ति are no use

रुचिराण्यपि पुष्पाणि पादपानामतिश्रिया।

निष्फलानि महीं यान्ति समं मधुकरोत्करैः।।4.1.44।।

पादपानाम् of the trees, पुष्पाणि flowers, अतिश्रिया रुचिराण्यपि though very beautiful, निष्फलानि
are of no use, मधुकरोत्करैः समम् along with the groups of bees, महीम् the ground, यान्ति reach.

'The trees look enchanting with flowers in full bloom, with bees hovering over them. But the flowers fruitlessly drop down on the ground.
नदन्ति कामं शकुना मुदितास्सङ्घशः कलम्।

आह्वयन्त इवान्योन्यं कामोन्मादकरा मम।।4.1.45।।

मुदिताः happy, शकुनाः bird, मम to me, कामोन्मादकराः mad with love, अन्योन्यम् each other, आह्वयन्तः इव as though inviting, सङ्घशः in groups, कलम् in a sweet Voice, कामम् indeed, नदन्ति they call out

वसन्तो यदि तत्रापि यत्र मे वसति प्रिया।

नूनं परवशा सीता सापि शोचत्यहं यथा।।4.1.46।।

मे प्रिया my beloved, सीता Sita, यत्र whereever, वसति stays, तत्रापि also there, वसन्तः यदि if spring, सा अपि she also, परवशा overwhelmed, अहं यथा like me, शोचति is thinks, नूनम् surely

'If spring reigns wherever my beloved Sita is, she must have been overwhelmed with similar sad feelings like me.
नूनं न तु वसन्तोऽतं देशं स्पृशति यत्र सा।

कथं ह्यसितपद्माक्षी वर्तयेत्सा मया विना।।4.1.47।।

सा she, यत्र wherever, तम् देशम् in the country, वसन्तः Spring, न स्पृशति touches not, नूनम् surely, अयं असितपद्माक्षी lady with eyes like blue lotus, सा Sita, मया विना without me, कथम् how, वर्तयेत् will she live ?

'Spring must not have touched the place where she is now staying. Otherwise how could my Sita with eyes like blue lotus live without me?
अथवा वर्तते तत्र वसन्तो यत्र मे प्रिया।

किं करिष्यति सुश्रोणी सा तु निर्भर्त्सिता परैः।।4.1.48।।

अथवा or else, मे my, प्रिया beloved, यत्र wherever, वर्तते is staying, तत्र there, वसन्तः spring, वर्तते is present, परैः by the enemies, निर्भर्त्सिता threatened, सा she, सुश्रोणी a lady with beautiful hips, किं करिष्यति what can she do?

'Or, if there is spring where my beloved lives, what can that lady of beautiful hips do, threatened by enemies.
श्यामा पद्मपलाशाक्षी मृदुपूर्वाभिभाषिणी।

नूनं वसन्तमासाद्य परित्यक्ष्यति जीवितम्।।4.1.49।।

श्यामा a lady in youth, पद्मपलाशाक्षी with eyes like lotus petals, मृदु gentle, पूर्वाभिभाषिणी eager to talk, वसन्तम् spring, आसाद्य experiencing, नूनम् certainly, जीवितम् life, परित्यक्ष्यति will give up

'Eager to speak with her gentle voice, my young beloved, blessed with eyes like lotus petals, will certainly give up her life, unable to enjoy the spring.
दृढं हि हृदये बुद्धिर्मम सम्परिवर्तते।

नालं वर्तयितुं सीता साध्वी मद्विरहं गता।।4.1.50।।

हृदये in the heart, मम to me, बुद्धिः intellect, दृढम् resolved, सम्परिवर्तते exist, मद्विरहम् seperated from me, गता with, साध्वी chaste lady, सीता Sita, वर्तयितुम् to sustain, नालम् no strength

'My mind makes me feel certain that Sita with her chastity might not be able to live
separated from me.
मयि भावस्तु वैदेह्यास्तत्त्वतो विनिवेशितः।

ममापि भावस्सीतायां सर्वथा विनिवेशितः।।4.1.51।।

वैदेह्याः Sita's, भावः love, मयि in me, तत्त्वतः truly, विनिवेशितः is fixed, मम my, भावः अपि love also, सर्वथा by all means, सीतायाम् in Sita, विनिवेशितः is fixed

'Sita has her love truly fixed in me. My love for her is equally steadfast.
एष पुष्पवहो वायुस्सुखस्पर्शो हिमावहः।

तां विचिन्तयतः कान्तां पावकप्रतिमो मम।।4.1.52।।

पुष्पवहः one which carries flowers, सुखस्पर्शः with gentle touch, हिमावहः one which is cool, एषः this one, वायुः wind, तां कान्ताम् that beautiful Sita, विचिन्तयतः while thinking, मम to me, पावकप्रतिमः appears like fire

'This cool breeze that carries the fragrance of flowers, that is gentle in its touch feels like fire when I think about my beautiful beloved.
सदा सुखमहं मन्ये यं पुरा सह सीतया।

मारुतस्स विना सीतां शोकं वर्धयते मम।।4.1.53।।

पुरा earlier, सीतया सह along with Sita, अहम् I, यम् which, सदा always, सुखम् happy feeling, मन्ये I think, सः मारुतः that wind, सीतां विना without Sita, मम my, शोकं वर्धयते increasing my sorrow

'The pleasant touch of the wind, which made me happy in the company of Sita intensifies my grief now in her absence.
तां विना विहङ्गो यः पक्षी प्रणदितस्तदा।

वायसः पादपगतः प्रहृष्टमभिनर्दति।।4.1.54।।

तदा then, विहङ्गः the birds flying in the sky, प्रणदितः cried out, पक्षी bird, यः वायसः that same crow, तां विना without her, पादपगतः sitting on the tree, प्रहृष्टम् happily, अभिनर्दति is singing joyfully

'The crow that cried unhappily flying in the sky as if to foretell my separation from Sita, is now on the tree, singing joyfully (suggesting my possible union with Sita).
एष वै तत्र वैदेह्या विहगः प्रतिहारकः।

पक्षी मां तु विशालाक्ष्यास्समीपमुपनेष्यति।।4.1.55।।

तत्र there, विहगः the crow, वैदेह्या of Vaidehi, प्रतिहारकः attendant, एषः पक्षी that bird, माम् me, विशालाक्ष्याः largeeyed (Sita), समीपम् near, उपनेष्यति will take me

'The same crow attendant on Vaidehi there will take me to my largeeyed beloved.
शृणु लक्ष्मण सन्नादं वने मद्विवर्धनम्।

पुष्पिताग्रेषु वृक्षेषु द्विजानामुपकूजताम्।।4.1.56।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, वने in the forest, पुष्पिताग्रेषु वृक्षेषु on the blossoming tree tops, उपकूजताम् of warbling ones, द्विजानाम् of birds, मद्विवर्धनम् that which increases love, शृणु listen

'Losten, O Lakshmana to the sweet warblings of the birds on the blossoming treetops of the forest. My love for her (Sita) enhances with their sweet voices.
विक्षिप्तां पवनेनैतामसौ तिलकमञ्जरीम्।

षट्पदस्सहसाऽभ्येति मदोद्धूतामिव प्रियाम्।।4.1.57।।

असौ this, षट्पदः honeybee, पवनेन by the wind, विक्षिप्ताम् scattered, तिलकमञ्जरीम् bunch of
flowers of tilaka, मदोद्धूताम् intoxicated, प्रियामिव like the beloved, सहसा at once, अभ्येति approaches

'This honeybee is eager to approach the bunch of tilaka flowers in bloom scattered by the wind like a lover advancing towards his passionate beloved.

स्तबकैः पवनोत्क्षिप्तैस्तर्जयन्निव मां स्थितः।।4.1.58।।

कामिनाम् of the lovers, अत्यन्तम् very much, शोकवर्धनः increases sorrow, अयम् अशोकः this asoka, पवनोत्क्षिप्तैः scattered by wind, स्तबकैः clusters, माम् me, तर्जयन्निव as if intimidating, स्थितः is making its presence felt

'This asoka tree increases (by nature) the sorrow of lovers. Perhaps it make its presence felt in order to intimidate me with the clusters of its flowers scattered by the wind.
अमी लक्ष्मण दृश्यन्ते चूताः कुसुमशालिनः।

विभ्रमोत्सिक्तमनसः साङ्गरागा नरा इव।।4.1.59।।

लक्ष्मण O Lakshmana, कुसुमशालिनः filled with flowers, अमी these, चूताः Mango trees, विभ्रमोत्सिक्तमनसः men with excited mind, साङ्गरागाः men who applied fragrant unguents, नरा इव like human beings, दृश्यन्ते appear

'O Lakshmana these mangotrees full of blossoms appear like sexited men who have applied fragrant unguents to their bodies.
सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पायाश्चित्रासु वनराजिषु।

किन्नरा नरशार्दूल विचरन्ति ततस्ततः।।4.1.60।।

नरशार्दूल O tiger among brave man, सौमित्रे O Saumitri, पम्पायाः of Pampa, चित्रासु in the variegated, वनराजिषु forests, किन्नराः kinnaras, ततस्ततः here and there, विचरन्ति are
wandering, पश्य see

'O Saumitri O' tiger among men look at the kinnaras wandering here and there, in the wonderful forest around the Pampa lake.
इमानि शुभगन्धीनि पश्य लक्ष्मण सर्वशः।

नलिनानि प्रकाशन्ते जले तरुणसूर्यवत्।।4.1.61।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, शुभगन्धीनि of fine fragrance, इमानि these, नलिनानि lotuses, जले सर्वशः all over the water, तरुणसूर्यवत् like the rising Sun, प्रकाशन्ते are glowing, पश्य see

'O Lakshmana look at these lotuses with fine fragrance all over the water glowing like the rising Sun.
एषा प्रसन्नसलिला पद्मनीलोत्पलायुता।

हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णा पम्पा सौगन्धिकान्विता।।4.1.62।।

प्रसन्नसलिला clear water, पद्मनीलोत्पलायुता endowed with red and blue lotuses, हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णा filled with swans and geese, सौगन्धिकान्विता fragrant, एषा this, पम्पा Pampa

'This Pampa with its water clear and fragrant with red and blue lotuses is filled with swans and geese.
जले तरुणसूर्याभैष्षट्पदाहतकेसरैः।

पङ्कजैश्शोभते पम्पा समन्तादभिसंवृता।।4.1.63।।

तरुणसूर्याभैः like the glow of early morning Sun, केसरैः filaments, पङ्कजैः with lotuses, समन्तात् all over, अभिसंवृता fully coverred, जले in water, पम्पा Pampa, शोभते delighting, षट्पदाहतकेसरैः with bees positioned on the filaments.

'Lake Pampa shines with lotuses with bees on their filaments like the rising sun.
चक्रवाकयुता नित्यं चित्रप्रस्तवनान्तरा।

मातङ्गमृगयूथैश्च शोभते सलिलार्थिभिः।।4.1.64।।

नित्यम् always, चक्रवाकयुता full of Chakravaka birds, चित्रप्रस्थवनान्तरा with wonderful forestland, सलिलार्थिभिः those wishing to have water, मातङ्गमृगयूथैश्च by herds of elephants and deer, शोभते looks very beautiful

'Frequented by the Chakravakas and surrounded by the wonderful forest with thirsty elephants and deer this Pampa looks beautiful.

पङ्कजानि विराजन्ते ताड्यमानानि लक्ष्मण।।4.1.65।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, विमले अम्भसि in clear water, पवनाहतवेगाभिः struck by the force of the wind, ऊर्मिभिः by waves, ताड्यमानानि propelled, पङ्कजानि lotuses, विराजन्ते splendid.

'O Lakshmana look at the lotuses in clear water dashing against one another due to waves caused by the force of the wind.
पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षीं सततं पङ्कजप्रियाम्।

अपश्यतो मे वैदेहीं जीवितं नाभिरोचते।।4.1.66।।

पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षीम् lady with eyes large like lotus petals, सततम् always, पङ्कजप्रियाम् a lover of lotuses, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, अपश्यतः not being able to see, मे my, जीवितम् life, नाभिरोचते not desire .

'Unable to see my beloved with eyes large like totus petals and an ardent lover of lotuses, I have no desire to live.
अहो कामस्य वामत्वं यो गतामपि दुर्लभाम्।

स्मारयिष्यति कल्याणीं कल्याणतरवादिनीम्।।4.1.67।।

कामस्य of the god of love, वामत्वम् adverse, अहो oh, यः who, गताम् a lost lady, दुर्लभाम् difficult, अपि even though, कल्याणतरवादिनीम् a lady who speaks very delightfully, कल्याणीम् an auspicious lady, स्मारयिष्यति made to remember.

'Oh how adversly disposed is the god of love He makes me remember that auspicious lady with a pleasing voice when she is lost and difficult to reach.
शक्यो धारयितुं कामो भवेदभ्यागतो मया।

यदि भूयो वसन्तो मां न हन्यात्पुष्पितद्रुमः।।4.1.68।।

पुष्पितद्रुमः trees in bloom, वसन्तः spring, भूयः once again, न हन्यात् it may not strike, यदि if, अभ्यागतः which has arrived, कामः love, मया by me, धारयितुम् to endure , शक्यः possible.

'If the spring that has set in, with the trees in bloom does not kill me, I have once again to endure the agony of love.
यानि स्म रमणीयानि तया सह भवन्ति मे।

तान्येवारमणीयानि जायन्ते मे तया विना।।4.1.69।।

तया सह with her, यानि those, मे to me, रमणीयानि endearing, भवन्ति स्म used to be, तानि those, तया विना without her, अरमणीयानि not delightful, जायन्ते have turned to be so.

'Whatever was endearing to me earlier in the company of Sita, has turned out to be disenchanting without her.
पद्मकोशपलाशानि द्रष्टुं दृष्टिर्हि मन्यते।

सीताया नेत्रकोशाभ्यां सदृशानीति लक्ष्मण।।4.1.70।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, सीतायाः Sita's, नेत्रकोशाभ्याम् both eye lids, दृष्टिः sight, पद्मकोशपलाशानि delicate petals over the buds of lotus, द्रष्टुम् seeing, मन्यते it appears, सदृशानि they have
similar beautiful appearance

'Seeing the delicate petals around the lotus buds that look like beautiful eyelids of Sita, my eyes crave for them O Lakshmana
पद्मकेसरसंसृष्टो वृक्षान्तरविनिस्सृतः।

निश्श्वास इव सीताया वाति वायुर्मनोहरः।।4.1.71।।

पद्मकेसरसंसृष्टः touching the filaments of lotuses, वृक्षान्तरविनिःसृतः blowing through the trees, मनोहरः pleasant, सीतायाः Sita's, निःश्वासः इव like the breath, वायुः wind, वाति blows.

'The bleeze that blows through the trees carrying the fragrance of the filaments of lotuses feels pleasant like Sita's breath.
सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पाया दक्षिणे गिरिसानुनि।

पुष्पितां कर्णिकारस्य यष्टिं परमशोभनाम्।।4.1.72।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, पम्पाया Pampa's, दक्षिणे southward, गिरिसानुनि on the slope of the mountains, कर्णिकारस्य Karnikara's, पुष्पिताम् blossomed, परमशोभनाम् very enchanting, यष्टिम् stem, पश्य see.

'Look at the very spectacular karnikara tree with its blossmed branches on the mountain slope towards the southern side of Pampa, O Saumitri
अधिकं शैलराजोऽयं धातुभिः सुविभूषितः।

विचित्रं सृजते रेणुं वायुवेगविघट्टितम्।।4.1.73।।

धातुभिः with minerals, सुविभूषितः welldecked, अयम् this, शैलराजः king of mountains, वायुवेगविघट्टितम् splattered by the speed of the wind, विचित्रम् colourful, रेणुम् dust particles, अधिकम् plenty, सृजते generates.

'This king of mountains is rich with plenty of minerals and, therefore, generates
multicoloured dust particles splattered by the speed of the wind.
गिरिप्रस्थास्तु सौमित्रे सर्वतस्सम्प्रपुष्पितैः।

निष्पत्रैस्सर्वतो रम्यैः प्रदीप्ता इव किंशुकैः।।4.1.74।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri गिरिप्रस्थाः mountain ranges, सर्वतः all over, सम्प्रपुष्पितैः with wellbloomed, निष्पत्रैः with leafless, रम्यैः by the enchanting ones, किंशुकैः with kimsuka flowers, सर्वतः all over, प्रदीप्ताः are as if illuminated.

'O Saumitri With leafless kimsuka trees in full bloom all over the mountain ranges they appear beautiful like blazing mountains.
पम्पातीररुहाश्चेमे संसक्ता मधुगन्धिनः।

मालतीमल्लिकाषण्डाः करवीराश्च पुष्पिताः।।4.1.75।।

पम्पातीररुहाः grown on the banks of Pampa, संसक्ताः all close to each other, मधुगन्धिनः having sweet fragrance, इमे these, मालतीमल्लिकाषण्डा: करवीराश्च clusters of malati, Mallika and karaviras, पुष्पिताः in full bloom.

'Very closely grown on the banks of Pampa, stand malati, mallika and karavira trees with their clusters of fragrant blossoms.
केतक्यस्सिन्दुवाराश्च वासन्त्यश्च सुपुष्पिताः।

माधव्यो गन्धपूर्णाश्च कुन्दगुल्माश्च सर्वशः।।4.1.76।।

केतक्यः ketakas सिन्दुवाराश्च sinduvara, वासन्त्यश्च veneral flowers, गन्धपूर्णाः filled with fragrance, माधव्यः madhavi, कुन्दगुल्माश्च kunda bushes, सर्वशः everywhere, सुपुष्पिताः are in full bloom.

'Fully blossmed ketaka, sinduvara, madhavi and kunda bushes in spring scatter their fragrance everywhere.
चिरिबिल्वा मधूकाश्च वञ्जुला वकुलास्तथा।

चम्पकास्तिलकाश्चैव नागवृक्षास्सुपुष्पिताः।।4.1.77।।

नीपाश्च वरणाश्चैव खर्जूराश्च सुपुष्पिता।

चिरिबिल्वाः chiribilvas, मधूकाश्च madhukas, वञ्जुलाः vanjulas, तथा so also, वकुलाः bakulas, चम्पकाः champaka, तिलकाश्चैव even tilaka, नागवृक्षाश्च nanga trees also, पुष्पिताः in bloom, नीपाश्च kadamba, वरणाश्चैव even varanas, खर्जूराश्च and kharjuras also, सुपुष्पिताः are in full bloom.

'Chiribilva, madhuka, vanjula, bakula, champaka, tilaka and naga varana and kharjura trees are in full bloom.
पद्मकाश्चैव शोभन्ते नीलाशोकाश्च पुष्पिताः।

लोध्राश्च गिरिपृष्ठेषु सिंहकेसरपिञ्जराः।।4.1.78।।

गिरिपृष्ठेषु on the back of the mountains, पुष्पिताः bloomed, पद्मकाश्चैव even lotuses, नीलाशोकाश्च blue asokas, सिंहकेसरपिञ्जराः of golden colour like the lion's mane, लोध्राश्च and lodhra, शोभन्ते splendid.

'Lotuses and blue asokas are also in bloom. Lodhra trees on the mountainslopes look golden like the lion's mane.
अङ्कोलाश्च कुरण्टाश्च चूर्णकाः पारिभद्रकाः।

चूताः पाटलयश्चैव कोविदाराश्च पुष्पिताः।।4.1.79।।

मुचुकुन्दार्जुनाश्चैव दृश्यन्ते गिरिसानुषु।

केतकोद्दालकाश्चैव शिरीषाः शिंशुपा धवाः।।4.1.80।।

अङ्कोलाः ankolas, कुरण्टाश्च kurantas, चूर्णकाः churnakas, पारिभद्रकाः paribhadrakas, चूताः
mangoes, पाटलयः patalis, कोविदाराश्च kovidaras, मुचुकुन्दाः अर्जुनाः च एव muchukundas, and arjunas, केतकोद्दालकाश्चैव ketakas, uddalakas, शिरीषाः shirishas, शिंशुपाः shimshupas, धवाः dhavas, पुष्पिताः in bloom, गिरिसानुषु on the mountain peaks, दृश्यन्ते they are seen.

'There are trees like ankola, kuranta, churnaka, paribhadraka, mango, patali, kovidara, muchukunda, arjuna, ketaka, uddalaka, shirisha, shimshupa and shava, all in full bloom on the mountain peaks.
शाल्मल्यः किंशुकाश्चैव रक्ताः कुरवकास्तथा।।4.1.81।।

त्रिनिशा नक्तमालाश्च चन्दनास्स्यन्दनास्तथा।

शाल्मल्यः shalmalis, किंशुकाः kimshukas, तथा similarly, रक्ताः red, कुरवकाः kuravakas, तिनिशाः tinisha, नक्तमालाश्च even naktamala, चन्दनाः chandana, तथा similarly, स्यन्दना: syandana.

पुष्पितान्पुष्पिताग्राभिर्लताभिः परिवेष्टितान्।

द्रुमान्पश्येह सौमित्रे पम्पाया रुचिरान्बहून्।।4.1.8283।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, पुष्पितान् to the blossomed, पुष्पिताग्राभिः blossoming tops, लताभिः with creepers, परिवेष्टितान् twined, रुचिरान् beautiful, पम्पायाः banks of Pampa's, बहून् many, द्रुमान् trees, इह here, पश्य see.

'O Saumitri look at the beauty of these numerous flowering trees on the banks of Pampa, entwining creepers with blooming tops.

लतास्समनुवर्तन्ते मत्ता इव वरस्त्रियः।।4.1.84।।

वातविक्षिप्तविटपान् the branches of trees are swayed by the wind, यथासन्नान् drawn close, इमान् द्रुमान् these trees, लताः creepers, मत्ताः drunken state, वरस्त्रियः यथा like lovely
women, समनुवर्तन्ते follow.

'While the branches of trees swayed by the wind draw close, the creepers follow the trees like lovely women in a drunken state.
पादपात्पादपं गच्छन् शैलाच्छैलं वनाद्वनम्।

वाति नैकरसास्वादस्सम्मोदित इवानिलः।।4.1.85।।

अनिलः wind, नैकरसास्वादसम्मोदित इव if contended by relishing all the flavour, पादपात् from one tree, पादपम् to another tree, शैलात् from mountain, शैलम् to another mountain, वनात् from one forest, वनम् to another, गच्छन् while moving, वाति blows.

'The wind blows from tree to tree, mountain to mountain, and forest to forest as though content to enjoy all the fragrance.
केचित्पर्याप्तकुसुमाः पादपा मधुगन्धिनः।

केचिन्मुकुलसंवीताः श्यामवर्णा इवाबभुः।।4.1.86।।

मधुगन्धिनः of sweet fragrance, केचित् some, पादपाः trees, पर्याप्तकुसुमाः with propuse flowers, मुकुलसंवीताः put forth buds, केचित् some, श्यामवर्णा इव as if blue in colour, आबभु: shone.

'Some trees stood fragrant with profuse flowers and some with buds shining blue.
इदं मृष्टमिदं स्वादु प्रफुल्लमिदमित्यपि।

रागयुक्तो मधुकरः कुसुमेष्वेव लीयते।।4.1.87।।

रागयुक्तः fascinated (attracted by sweet fragrance), मधुकरः a bee, इदम् this, मृष्टम् feels soft, इदम् this, स्वादु sweet, इदम् this, प्रफुल्लम् is fullyblossomed, इत्यपि in this way, कुसुमेष्वेव among flowers only, लीयते clasping

'Fascinated by the flowers, the honeybees cling to one or the other, humming, 'this is soft, this is sweet, and this is fullyblossomed.'
निलीय पुनरुत्पत्य सहसाऽन्यत्र गच्छति।

मधुलुब्धो मधुकरः पम्पातीरद्रुमेष्वसौ।।4.1.88।।

पम्पातीरद्रुमेषु among the trees on the bank of Pampa, मधुलुब्धः greedy of honey, असौ this, मधुकरः honeybee, निलीय after resting for a while, पुनः again, उत्पत्य flying, सहसा at once, अन्यत्र other place, गच्छति going.

'The bees greedy for honey move among the trees on the banks of Pampa. Resting for a while, at one place they fly soon to another.
इयं कुसुमसङ्घातैरुपस्तीर्णा सुखाकृता।

स्वयं निपतितैर्भूमिश्शयनप्रस्तरैरिव।।4.1.89।।

स्वयम् on its own, निपतितैः fallen down, कुसुमसङ्घातैः bunches of flowers, शयनप्रस्तरैरिव like a bedstone, उपस्तीर्णा scattered, इयम् this, भूमिः ground, सुखाकृता rendered comfortable.

'With countless flowers fallen on their own from trees and scattered like a bed of flowers on stone the ground is rendered comfortable enough to relax on.
विविधा विविधैः पुष्पैस्तैरेव नगसानुषु।

विकीर्णै पीतरक्ताहि सौमित्रे प्रस्तराः कृताः।।4.1.90।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, नगसानुषु on the slopes of mountains, विविधैः with many, (तैः) पुष्पैरेव flowers alone, विकीर्णाः spread, विविधाः several, प्रस्तराः slabs, पीतरक्ता हि yellow and red, कृताः formed

'O Saumitri varieties of colourful flowers, some red and some yellow, are spread out on the mountain slopes.
हिमान्ते पश्य सौमित्रे वृक्षाणां पुष्पसम्भवम्।

पुष्पमासे हि तरवस्सङ्घर्षादिव पुष्पिताः।।4.1.91।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, हिमान्ते at the end of winter, पुष्पमासे in Spring, वृक्षाणाम् of the trees, पुष्पसम्भवम् abundance of flowers, पश्य see, तरवः trees, सङ्घर्षादिव competing with each other, पुष्पिताः have blossomed .

'Winter has ended and the season of flowers has set in, O Saumitri The trees are full of flowers as if competing with one another.
आह्वयन्त इवान्योन्यं नगाष्षट्पदनादिताः।

कुसुमोत्तंसविटपाश्शोभन्ते बहु लक्ष्मण।।4.1.92।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, कुसुमोत्तंसविटपाः trees crowned with flowers, षट्पदनादिताः filled with humming of honeybees, नगाः trees, अन्योन्यम् one another, आह्वयन्तः इव as if they are calling, बहु many, शोभन्ते shine.

'The trees, crowned with flowers filled with humming bees, look splendid. It appears they are calling one another, O Lakshmana
एष कारण्डवः पक्षी विगाह्य सलिलं शुभम्।

रमते कान्तया सार्धं काममुद्दीपयन्मम।।4.1.93।।

एषः this, कारण्डवः पक्षी karandava bird, शुभम् auspicious, सलिलम् waters, विगाह्य after bathing, कामम् love, उद्दीपयन्मम provoking, कान्तया सार्धम् along with the beloved, रमते sporting.

'This duck, entering into auspicious water, sports with its beloved and incites my love.
मन्दाकिन्यास्तु यदिदं रूपमेवं मनोहरम्।

स्थाने जगति विख्याता गुणास्तस्या मनोरमाः।।4.1.94।।

एवम् this way, मनोहरम् captivating, यत् such, इदम् this, रूपम् form, मन्दाकिन्याः of Mandakini, तस्याः its, मनोरमाः beautiful, गुणाः virtues, जगति in the world, विख्याताः famous, स्थाने position.

'Only Ganga, like Pampa, has such captivating charm. Its beauty and virtues are famous in the world.
यदि दृश्येत सा साध्वी यदि चेह वसेमहि।

स्पृहयेयं न शक्राय नायोध्यायै रघूत्तम।।4.1.95।।

रघूत्तम O the best among the Raghu race, साध्वी chaste lady, दृश्येत यदि if found, इह here, वसेमहि यदि we stay here only, शक्राय for Indra's, न स्पृहयेयम् I do not desire the position, अयोध्यायै for Ayodhya, न not.

'O Lakshmna, the best of the Raghu race, if only that chaste Sita appears, we will stay here. I will not wish for the position of Indra or for Ayodhya.
नह्येवं रमणीयेषु शाद्वलेषु तया सह।

रमतो मे भवेच्चिन्ता न स्पृहाऽन्येषु वा भवेत्।।4.1.96।।

हि indeed, एवम् that way, रमणीयेषु in the enchanting, शाद्वलेषु green grassy land, तया सह along with her, रमतः sporting, मे to myself, चिन्ता worry, न भवेत् not worry, अन्येषु स्पृहा वा or desire for any other pleasure, न भवेत् will not.

'If I can sport with Sita in this beautiful green grassy land, I will not have any worry, I would not desire for any other pleasure.
अमी हि विविधैः पुष्पैस्तरवो रुचिरच्छदाः।

काननेऽऽस्मिन्विना कान्तां चिन्तामुत्पादयन्ति मे।।4.1.97।।

रुचिरच्छदाः with beautiful leaves, अमी these, तरवः trees, विविधैः with many kinds of, पुष्पैः with flowers, अस्मिन् in this, कानने in the forest, कान्तां विना separated from wife, मे to me,
चिन्ताम् worry, उत्पादयन्ति bringing about.

'These trees with their beautiful leaves and varieties of flowers bring me agony as I live in this forest separated from my beloved.
पश्य शीतजलां चेमां सौमित्रे पुष्करायुताम्।

चक्रवाकानुचरितां कारण्डव निषेविताम्।।4.1.98।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, शीतजलाम् with cool water, पुष्करायुताम् filled with lotuses, चक्रवाकानुचरिताम् with chakravakas flying about, कारण्डवनिषेविताम् frequented by ducks, इमाम् this, पश्य see.

'O Saumitri look at this lake of cool water filled with, lotuses, chakravakas flying about and ducks floating.
प्लवैः क्रौञ्चैश्च सम्पूर्णां महामृगनिषेविताम्।

अधिकं शोभते पम्पा विकूजद्भिःर्विहङ्गमैः।।4.1.99।।

दीपयन्तीव मे कामं विविधा मुदिता द्विजाः।

श्यामां चन्द्रमुखीं स्मृत्वा प्रियां पद्मनिभेक्षणाम्।।4.1.100।।

प्लवैः swemming, क्रौञ्चैश्च krauncha, सम्पूर्णां filled, महामृगनिषेविताम् inhabited by big animals, पम्पा Pampa, विकूजद्भिः विहङ्गमैः by warbling birds, अधिकं very much, शोभते looks beautiful, मुदिताः joyous, विविधाः several, द्विजाः birds, श्यामाम् young lady, चन्द्रमुखीम् Moonfaced, पद्मनिभेक्षणाम् with eyes like lotus, प्रियाम् beloved, स्मृत्वा remembering, मे to me, कामम् passion, दीपयन्तीव burning.

Pampa, filled with swimming, kraunchas and frequented by big animals looks splendid. The joyous warbling of a variety of birds is highly exciting. They kindle my passion for my young, Moonfaced, lotus eyed beloved.
पश्य सानुषु चित्रेषु मृगीभिस्सहितान्मृगान्।

मां पुनर्मृगशाबाक्ष्या वैदेह्या विरहीकृतम्।।4.1.101।।

व्यथयन्तीव मे चित्तं सञ्चरन्तस्ततस्ततः।

चित्रेषु colourful, सानुषु slopes of mountains, मृगीभिः with female deer, सहितान् accompanied, मृगान् deer, पश्य see, ततस्ततः here and there, सञ्चरन्तः while moving about, मृगशाबाक्ष्या fawneyed, वैदेह्या of Vaidehi, विरहीकृतम् separated from, माम् me, पुनः again, व्यथयन्तीव agonised, मे my, चित्तम् heart.

Look at the (male) deer happily roaming here and there together with the female deer on the colourful mountain slopes. Separated from the fawneyed Vaidehi, this sight fills my heart with agony.
अस्मिन्सानुनि रम्ये हि मत्तद्विजगणायुते।

पश्येयं यदि तां कान्तां ततस्स्वस्ति भवेन्मम।।4.1.102।।

रम्ये in a beautiful spot, मत्तद्विजगणायुते a place filled with flocks of intoxicated flocks of birds, अस्मिन् in this, सानुनि slope, ताम् her, कान्ताम् beloved wife, पश्येयं यदि if I see, मम to me, स्वस्ति auspicious, भवेत् will be.

'If I find my dear beloved here on these mountain slopes full of passionate birds how happy will I not feel
जीवेयं खलु सौमित्रे मया सह सुमध्यमा।

सेवते यदि वैदेही पम्पायाः पवनं सुखम्।।4.1.103।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, सुमध्यमा a lady of slender waist, वैदेही Vaidehi, सह along with, पम्पायाः at Pampa, सुखम् happy, पवनम् breeze, सेवते यदि if only he enjoys, जीवेयं खलु I can be alive.

'O Saumitri I can be alive and happy if Sita of slender waist enjoys here with me the sweet breeze of Pampa.
पद्मसौगन्धिकवहं शिवं शोकविनाशनम्।

धन्या लक्ष्मण सेवन्ते पम्पोपवनमारुतम्।।4.1.104।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, पद्मसौगन्धिकवहम् carrying the fragrance of lotuses, शिवम् auspicious, शोकविनाशनम् destroyer of sorrow, पम्पोप surrounding Pampa, मारुतम् the breeze in the forest, धन्याः blessed ones, सेवन्ते will enjoy.

'O Lakshmana blessed are those who enjoy the breeze filled with fragrance of lotuses of the surrounding forests of Pampa. The gentle and auspicious breeze indeed takes away the sorrow of the mind.
श्यामा पद्मपलाशाक्षी प्रिया विरहिता मया।

कथं धारयति प्राणान्विवशा जनकात्मजा।।4.1.105।।

श्यामा young, पद्मपलाशाक्षी with eyes like lotus petals, प्रिया loving, जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, मया me, विरहिता separated from, विवशा dejected, प्राणान् life, कथम् how, धारयति will holds on.

'How can Janaka's daughter with eyes like lotus petals, so young and loving, sustain her life? Away from me, she must be feeling quite dejected.
किन्नु वक्ष्यामि राजानं धर्मज्ञं सत्यवादिनम्।

सीताया जनकं पृष्टः कुशलं जनसंसदि।।4.1.106।।

जनसंसदि in front of the assembly of people, पृष्ट: सीतायाः makes enquired of Sita, धर्मज्ञम् a righteous, सत्यवादिनम् follower of truth, राजानम् king, जनकम् Janaka, किं नु what, कुशलम् welfare, वक्ष्यामि am I to speak?

'If righteous and truthful Janaka enquires about Sita's wellbeing in the assembly of people, what am I to speak ?
या मामनुगता मन्दं पित्रा प्रव्राजितं वनम्।

सीता सत्पथमास्थाय क्व नु सा वर्तते प्रिया।।4.1.107।।

पित्रा by father, वनम् to the forest, प्रव्राजितम् banished, मन्दम् unfortunate, माम् me, या she, सत्पथम् a righteous path, आस्थाय after taking, अनुगता she followed me, सा she, प्रिया beloved, सीता Sita, क्व where, वर्तते नु is she now.

तया विहीनः कृपणः कथं लक्ष्मण धारये।

या मामनुगता राज्याद्भ्रष्टं विगतचेतसम्।।4.1.108।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, राज्यात् from the kingdom, भ्रष्टम् deposed, विगतचेतसम् mind of its gear, माम् me, या she, अनुगता followed, तया विहीनः bereft of her, कृपणः helpless one, कथम् how, धारये I bear my life?

'She followed me, O Lakshmana as I was deposed from the kingdom and distraught. Now helpless, how can I live without her?
तच्चार्वञ्चितपद्माक्षं सुगन्धि शुभमव्रणम्।

अपश्यतो मुखं तस्यास्सीदतीव मनो मम।।4.1.109।।

तस्याः her, चारु beautiful, अञ्चितपद्माक्षम् lady with lotus petal like eyes with beautiful lashes, सुगन्धि fragrance, शुभम् auspicious, अव्रणम् blemishless, तत् that, मुखम् face, अपश्यतः not seeing, मम to me, मनः in mind, सीदतीव very painful.

'Unable to see her beautiful, face with auspicious eyes like fragrant lotuses, I feel (so) depressed.
स्मितहास्यान्तरयुतं गुणवन्मधुरं हितम्।

वैदेह्या वाक्यमतुलं कदा श्रोष्यामि लक्ष्मण।।4.1.110।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, वैदेह्याः (सितायाः) Sita's, स्मितहास्यान्तरयुतम् gentle smile, गुणवत् virtuous, मधुरम् sweet, हितम् wholesome, अतुलम् incomparable, वाक्यम् words, कदा when, श्रोष्यामि can I listen ?

'When can I listen to Sita's sweet, wholesome and virtuous, incomparable words interlaced with her gentle smile, O Lakshmana?
प्राप्य दुखं वने श्यामा मां मन्मथविकर्शितम्।

नष्टदुःखेव हृष्टेव साध्वी साध्वभ्यभाषत।।4.1.111।।

श्यामा young, साध्वी chaste lady, वने in the forest, दुःखम् sorrow, प्राप्य after going through, नष्ट दुःखेव as if not having sorrow, हृष्टेव as if rejoicing, मन्मथविकर्शितम् tormented with love, माम् me , साधु properly, अभ्याषत spoke.

My young and faithful beloved used to put up a brave face and speak to me in all propriety to cheer me up in the midst of suffering in the forest whenever I felt tormented by passion.
किं नु वक्ष्यामि कौसल्यामयोध्यायां नृपात्मज।

क्व सा स्नुषेति पृच्छन्तीं कथं चापि तु मनस्विनीम्।।4.1.112।।

नृपात्मज O prince अयोध्यायाम् at Ayodhya, सा that, स्नुषा daughterinlaw, क्व where, कथम् how, इति this way, पृच्छन्तीम् as she inquires, मनस्विनीम् highminded, कौसल्याम् Kausalya, किं नु what can I वक्ष्यामि tell her.

'O Prince, what can I tell the highminded Kausalya at Ayodhya when she asks the whereabouts of her daughterinlaw'?
गच्छ लक्ष्मण पश्य त्वं भरतं भ्रातृवत्सलम्।

न ह्यहं जीवितु शक्तस्तामृते जनकात्मजाम्।।4.1.113।।

लक्ष्मण O Lakshmana, त्वम् you, गच्छ you may go, भ्रातृवत्सलम् loving brother, भरतम् to Bharata, पश्य you may see, अहम् I, तां जनकात्मजाम् ऋते without her, the daughter of Janaka, जीवितुम् to live, न शक्तः हि not possible for me.

'You may go to Ayodhya, O Lakshmana, to see our loving brother, Bharata. It is not possible for me to survive without the daughter of Janaka'.
इति रामं महात्मानं विलपन्तमनाथवत्।

उवाच लक्ष्मणो भ्राता वचनं युक्तमव्ययम्।।4.1.114।।

इति this manner, अनाथवत् orphanlike, विलपन्तम् while wailing, महात्मानम् a great soul, रामम् Rama, भ्राता brother, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, युक्तम् fitting, अव्ययम् unforgettable, वचनम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus spoke Lakshmana these befitting, unforgettable words to his hissouled brother, Rama wailing like an orphan:
संस्तम्भ राम भद्रं ते मा शुचः पुरुषोत्तम।

नेदृशानां मतिर्मन्दा भवत्यकलुषात्मनाम्।।4.1.115।।

पुरुषोत्तम O foremost of men, राम Rama, संस्तम्भ control yourself, ते to you, भद्रम् wish you well, मा शुचः do not grieve, ईदृशानाम् for people like you, अकलुषात्मनाम् men who are pure at heart, मन्दा weak, मतिः intellect, न भवति not be.

'O Rama, the foremost of men, control yourself. Be blessed. People who are pure at heart do not feel depressed at heart.
स्मृत्वा वियोगजं दुःखं त्यज स्नेहं प्रिये जने।

अतिस्नेहपरिष्वङ्गाद्वर्तिरार्द्रापि दह्यते।।4.1.116।।

वियोगजम् born of separation, दुःखम् sorrow, स्मृत्वा by remembering, प्रिये in your loved one, जने people, स्नेहम् love, त्यज give up, अतिस्नेहपरिष्वङ्गात् saturated by oil, आर्द्रा wet,
वर्तिरपि cotton wick, दह्यते will burns.

'Remembrance of loved ones causes sorrow. Even a wet cotton wick gets burnt by embracing excessive oil. Hence abandon grief.
यदि गच्छति पातालं ततोऽभ्यधिकमेव वा।

सर्वथा रावणस्तावन्न भविष्यति राघव।।4.1.117।।

राघव Rama, रावणः Ravana, पातालम् underworld, ततः thereafter, अभ्यधिकमेव वा or even to a lower region, गच्छति यदि if he goes, सर्वथा by all means, न भविष्यति तावत् he will not survive.

'Even if Ravana escapes into the nether world or into a world still lower, he cannot save himself by any means, O Rama
प्रवृत्तिर्लभ्यतां तावत्तस्य पापस्य रक्षसः।

ततो हास्यति वा सीतां निधनं वा गमिष्यति।।4.1.118।।

पापस्य of the sinner, तस्य रक्षसः of that demon, प्रवृत्ति: whereabouts, लभ्यतां तावत् should be available, ततः then, सीतां वा either Sita, हास्यति he will give back, निधनं वा or death, गमिष्यति get into.

'Once the whereabouts of that sinful demon are known he will either deliver Sita or die.
यदि यातिदितेर्गर्भं रावणस्सह सीतया।

तत्राप्येनं हनिष्यामि न चेद्दास्यति मैथिलीम्।।4.1.119।।

रावणः Ravana, सीतया सह with Sita, दिते: Diti's, गर्भम् womb, याति यदि enters even, मैथिलीम् Sita, न दास्यति चेत् does not return, तत्रापि there also, एनम् him, हनिष्यामि I will slay.

'Even if Ravana enters into the womb of Diti (mother of demons) along with Sita, I will
slay him there if he does not return the daughter of Mithila.
स्वास्थ्यं भद्रं भजस्वार्य त्यज्यतां कृपणा मतिः।

अर्थो हि नष्टकार्यार्थैर्नायत्नेनाधिगम्यते।।4.1.120।।

आर्य O Noble Prince, भद्रम् wellbeing, स्वास्थ्यम् composure, भजस्व adopt, कृपणा pitiable, मतिः mind, त्यज्यताम् give up, नष्टकार्यार्थैः for restoration of loss, अर्थः result, अयत्नेन by not making efforts, नाधिगम्यते हि will not be achieved.

'O noble prince be blessed. maintain composure. Without making any effort it is not possible to achieve the objective and recoup loss.
उत्साहो बलवानार्य नास्त्युत्साहात्परं बलम्।

सोत्साहस्यास्ति लोकेऽस्मिन् न किञ्चिदपि दुर्लभम्।।4.1.121।।

आर्य O revered Sire, उत्साहः effort, बलवान् is strength, उत्साहात् enterprise, परम् supreme, बलम् strength, नास्ति is not there, सोत्साहस्य for one who is enthused, लोकेऽस्मिन् in the worlds, किञ्चिदपि nothing, दुर्लभम् to impossible.

'O revered Sire, enterprise is supreme strength. Nothing is difficult in this world for one who is up and doing.
उत्साहवन्तः पुरुषा नावसीदन्ति कर्मसु।

उत्साहमात्रमाश्रित्य सीतां प्रतिलभेमहि।।4.1.122।।

उत्साहवन्तः enterprising, पुरुषाः men, कर्मसु in tasks, नावसीदन्ति will not be disheartened, उत्साहमात्रम् enterprise alone, आश्रित्य having taken recourse, प्रतिलभेमहि we will gain, सीताम् Sita.

'Enterprising men will never be disappointed in their mission. It is possible to get Sita through effort alone.
त्यज्यतां कामवृत्तत्वं शोकं सन्न्यस्य पृष्ठतः।

महात्मानं कृतात्मानमात्मानं नावबुध्यसे।।4.1.123।।

शोकम् grief, पृष्ठतः at your back, सन्न्यस्य after removing, कामवृत्तत्वम् impulsive thought, त्यज्यताम् be given up, महात्मानम् great soul, कृतात्मानम् an accomplished person, आत्मानम् own self, नावबुध्यसे not aware.

'Bardon grief. Give up emotion. You are a great soul. You are not aware of your great accomplishments. (The temporary sorrow has relegated Rama's nobility to the background. Lakshmana is trying to restore the same)'.
एवं सम्बोधितस्तत्र शोकोपहतचेतनः।

त्यज्य शोकञ्च मोहञ्च ततो धैर्यमुपागमत्।।4.1.124।।

शोकोपहतचेतनः overwhelmed with grief, ततः later, एवम् in that way, सम्बोधितः having been addressed, शोकं च grief, मोहं च and delusion, त्यज्य setting aside, धैर्यम् patience, उपागमत् gained back.

Thus persuaded by Lakshmana, Rama who was hitherto besieged by grief and delusion, could set them aside and regain patience.

रामः पम्पां सुरुचिरां रम्यपारिप्लवद्रुमाम्।।4.1.125।।

अचिन्त्यपराक्रमः a hero of unimaginable valour, सः रामः that Rama, अव्यग्रः an undisturbed person, सुरुचिराम् very delightful, रम्याम् पारिप्लवद्रुमाम् having beautiful plants floating on its surface, पम्पाम् Pampa, अभ्यतिक्रामत् went beyond.

No more disturbed by delusion, Rama of unimaginable valour, crossed the very brilliant Pampa with beautiful plants floating on its surface.
निरीक्षमाणस्सहसा महात्मा सर्वं वनं निर्झरकन्दराश्च।

उद्विग्नचेतास्सह लक्ष्मणेन विचार्य दुःखोपहतः प्रतस्थे।।4.1.126।।

महात्मा great soul, सर्वम् all, वनम् forest, निर्झरकन्दराः with streams and caves, निरीक्षमाणः observing, उद्विग्नचेताः dejected at heart, लक्ष्मणेन सह with Lakshmana, विचार्य thinking over, दुःखोपहतः inflicted with sorrow, सहसा quickly, प्रतस्थे started.

The great Rama was overcome with grief while scanning the entire forest with its streams and caves. Engrossed in her thoughts, dejected at heart and inflicted with pain, he set both, accompanied by Lakshmana.
तं मत्तमातङ्गविलासगामी गच्छन्तमव्यग्रमना महात्मा।

स लक्ष्मणो राघवमप्रमत्तो ररक्ष धर्मेण बलेन चैव।।4.1.127।।

मत्तमातङ्गविलासगामी who walks like a mighty intoxicated elephant, महात्मा great soul, सः लक्ष्मणः that Lakshmana, गच्छन्तम् as he went, राघवम् Rama, अप्रमत्तो vigilant, अव्यग्रमनाः with steady mind धर्मेण dutifully, बलेन चैव by his strength, ररक्ष protected.

The great soul, Lakshmana, striding like a mighty elephant, with a steady mind, followed Rama dutifully, protecting him with his strength.
तावृष्यमूकस्य समीपचारी चरन्ददर्शाद्भुतदर्शनीयौ।

शाखामृगाणामधिपस्तरस्वी वितत्रसे नैव चिचेष्ट किञ्चित्।।4.1.128।।

ऋष्यमूकस्य of Rishyamuka, समीपचारी while wandering near, तरस्वी swift, शाखामृगाणाम् of monkeys, अधिपः king, चरन् while going, अद्भुतदर्शनीयौ of wonderful appearance, तौ both, ददर्श he saw, न वितत्रसे not scared, किञ्चित् a little, नैव चिचेष्ट did not gesticulate.

The swiftfooted, mighty king of monkeys saw those two men of wonderful appearance as they were wandering at Rishyamuka. He neither got scared nor showed signs of nervousness.
स तौ महात्मा गजमन्दगामी शाखामृगस्तत्र चरञ्चरन्तौ।

दृष्ट्वा विषादं परमं जगाम चिन्तापरीतो भयभारमग्नः।।4.1.129।।

तत्र there, चरन् while moving, गजमन्दगामी walking gracefully like an elephant, महात्मा great soul, सः that, शाखामृगः monkeys, चरन्तौ those two men walking, तौ both of them दृष्ट्वा after seeing, चिन्तापरीतः got worried, भयभारमग्नः immersed in fear, परमम् very, विषादम् sorrow, जगाम attained.

The great soul, Sugriva, walking slowly like an elephant saw both of them and became despondent, worried and immersed in fear.
तमाश्रमं पुण्यसुखं शरण्यं सदैव शाखामृगसेवितान्तम्।

त्रस्ताश्च दृष्ट्वा हरयोऽभिजग्मुर्महौजसौ राघवलक्ष्मणौ तौ।।4.1.130।।

महौजसौ of great strength, तौ both, राघवलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, त्रस्ताः frightened, हरयः monkeys, पुण्यसुखम् sacred and safe, शरण्यम् a refugees, सदैव always, शाखामृगसेवितान्तम् a restingplace for monkeys, तम् such, आश्रमम् hermitage, अभिजग्मुः went.

Having seen the mighty Rama and Lakshmana, all other monkeys got frightened and ran into a sacred and safe hermitage.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे प्रथमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the first sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.