Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva roars at Vali -- Rama encourages him to challenge Vali, himself hiding behind the tree.]

सर्वे ते त्वरितं गत्वा किष्किन्धां वालि पालिताम्।

वृक्षैरात्मानमावृत्य व्यतिष्ठन् गहने वने4.14.1।।

सर्वे ते all of them, त्वरितं at once, गत्वा went वालि पालिताम् ruled by Vali, किष्किन्धां Kishkinda, वृक्षैरात्मानमावृत्य hiding behind the trees, गहने वने in the dense forest, व्यतिष्ठन् waited

They all at once went to Kishkinda ruled by Vali and there waited hiding behind the trees in the dense forest.
विचार्य सर्वतो दृष्टिं कानने काननप्रियः।

सुग्रीवो विपुलग्रीवः क्रोधमाहारयद्भृशम्4.14.2।।

काननप्रियः a lover of forest, विपुलग्रीवः broadnecked, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, कानने in the forest, सर्वतः all over, दृष्टिम् sight, विचार्य extending, भृशम् very, क्रोधम् anger, आहारयत् became.

Broadnecked Sugriva, a lover of the forest, looked around and flew into a rage.
ततस्स निनदं घोरं कृत्वा युद्धाय चाह्वयत्।

परिवारैः परिवृतो नादैर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.14.3।।

गर्जन्निव महामेघो वायुवेगपुरस्सरः।

परिवारैः with companions, परिवृतः surrounded, ततः then, नादैः with sounds, अम्बरम् sky, भिन्दन्निव as if piercing through, वायुवेगपुरःसरः moving with the speed of wind, गर्जन् while roaring, महामेघ इव like a huge cloud, घोरम् terrific, निनदम् sound, कृत्वा having produced,
युद्धाय for the combat, अह्वयत् challenged.

Sugriva, surrounded by his companions, raised his voice as if piercing the sky, roaring like a huge thundering cloud, challenging Vali to a duel.
अथ बालार्कसदृशो दृप्तसिंहगतिस्तदा4.14.4।।

दृष्ट्वा रामं क्रियादक्षं सुग्रीवो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

अथ then, बालार्कसदृश looking like the rising Sun, दृप्तसिंहगतिः moving like a proud lion, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, क्रियादक्षम् proficient in any task, रामम् Rama, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, तदा then, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

Sugriva, proficient in the performance of any task, one who appeared like the rising Sun and moved like a proud lion, said to Rama:
हरिवागुरया व्याप्तां तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणाम्।

प्राप्ताः स्म ध्वजयन्त्राढ्यां किष्किन्धां वालिनः पुरीम्।।4.14.5।।

हरिवागुरया like a net to catch animals, व्याप्ताम् filled, तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणाम् having a glittering golden archway, ध्वजयन्त्राढ्याम् decorated with the flagstaff operated mechanically, वालिनः Vali's, पुरीम् capital city, किष्किन्धाम् of Kishkinda, प्राप्ताः स्म reached

'We have arrived at Kishkinda, the capital of Vali, decorated with flags and having a glittering golden archway that can be opened mechanically. Teeming with monkeys, it looks like a snare to catch the enemy.
प्रतिज्ञा या त्वया वीर कृता वालिवधे पुरा।

सफलां कुरु तां क्षिप्रं लतां काल इवागतः4.14.6।।

वीर hero, त्वया by you, वालिवधे to kill Vali, पुरा earlier, या such, प्रतिज्ञा vow, कृता has been taken, ताम् that one, आगतः came, कालः time, लताम् इव like creeper, क्षिप्रम् at once, सफलाम् successful, कुरु make it.

'O heroic Rama fulfil quickly the vow taken by you earlier to kill Vali in the same way a creeper bears fruit when the time comes.'
एवमुक्तस्तु धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवेण स राघवः।

तमेवोवाच वचनं सुग्रीवं शत्रुसूदनः4.14.7।।

सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, एवम् that way, उक्तः spoken, धर्मात्मा righteous one, शत्रुसूदनः destroyer of enemies, सः राघवः that Rama, तम् to him, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, वचनम् these words, उवाच spoke.

Requested thus by Sugriva, righteous Rama, the destroyer of enemies, replied:.
कृताभिज्ञानचिह्नस्त्व मनया गजसाह्वया।

लक्ष्मणेन समुत्पाट्य यैषा कण्ठे कृता तव4.14.8।।

या that, एषा this, लक्ष्मणेन by Lakshmana, समुत्पाट्य having uprooted, तव your, कण्ठे in the neck, कृता done, अनया by that, गजसाह्वया with the help of Gaja creeper, त्वम् you, कृताभिज्ञानचिह्नः can be easily recognised.

'Lakshmana has uprooted a creeper of gaja, and fastened it on your neck by which you can be easily identified.
शोभसेऽह्यधिकं वीर लतया कण्ठसक्तया।

विपरीत इवाकाशे सूर्यो नक्षत्रमालया4.14.9।।

वीर hero, कण्ठसक्तया fastened to your neck, लतया by the creeper, आकाशे in the sky, नक्षत्रमालया by the cluster of stars, विपरीतः opposite, सूर्यः इव like the Sun, अधिकम् excessive, शोभसे shining.

'O hero, you are shining with the creeper fastened to your neck , just as the fullmoon adorned with a cluster of stars shines in the sky.
अद्य वालिसमुत्थं ते भयं वैरं च वानर।

एकेनाहं प्रमोक्ष्यामि बाणमोक्षेण संयुगे4.14.10।।

वानर O monkey, अद्य now, अहम् I, संयुगे in combat, एकेन by a single, बाणमोक्षेण by the release of an arrow, ते to you, वालिसमुत्थम् caused by Vali, भयम् fear, वैरं च and enmity, प्रमोक्ष्यामि I will dispel

'O monkey, with the release of a single arrow in the combat, I shall dispel your fear and enmity (hatred) for Vali.
मम दर्शय सुग्रीव वैरिणं भ्रातृरूपिणम्।

वाली विनिहतो यावद्वने पांसुषु वेष्टते4.14.11।।

सुग्रीव O Sugriva, भ्रातृरूपिणम् in the form of brother, वैरिणम् an enemy, मम to me, दर्शय वाली show Vali, विविहतः killed, वने in the forest, पांसुषु in the dust, यावत् चेष्टते before he rolls down.

'O Sugriva show me your enemy,who is in the guise of your brother.He will be killed. He will roll down in the dust of the forest.
यदि दृष्टिपथं प्राप्तो जीवन्स विनिवर्तते।

ततो दोषेण मा गच्छेत्सद्यो गर्हेच्च मा भवान्4.14.12।।

दृष्टिपथम् sight, प्राप्तः comes, सः he, जीवन् with life, विनिवर्तते यदि if he will return, ततः then, भवान् you, सद्यः now, मा my, दोषेण blame, गच्छेत् may go, माम् me, गर्हेच्च will blame.

'If Vali appears before me I will not let him go with life.Then you will not blame me and find fault with me.
प्रत्यक्षं सप्त ते साला मया बाणेन दारिताः।

तेनावेहि बलेनाद्य वालिनं निहतं मया4.14.13।।

ते to you, प्रत्यक्षम् in your presence, मया by me, बाणेन by an arrow, सप्त seven, सालाः sala trees, दारिताः are torn, ततः then, अद्य now, मया by me, वालिनम् Vali, बलेन by strength, निहतम् killed, वेहि you may know.

'You have seen how I have pierced through seven sala trees with a single arrow. You will know how with the same strength I will kill Vali.'
अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे वीर कृच्छ्रेऽपि तिष्टता।

धर्मलोभपरीतेन न च वक्ष्ये कथञ्चन4.14.14।।

वीर hero, कृच्छ्रे in distress, तिष्ठतापि although subjected, धर्मलोभपरीतेन with the fear of deviating from righteousness, मे from me, अनृतम् a lie, उक्तपूर्वम् earlier, कथञ्चन in any way, न वक्ष्ये I will not speak.

'O Sugriva, I have uttered no falsehood before for fear of deviation from righteousness although I was in distress, nor shall I utter any falsehood in any circumstances hereafter.
सफलां च करिष्यामि प्रतिज्ञां जहि सम्भ्रमम्।

प्रसूतं कलमं क्षेत्रे वर्षेणेव शतक्रतुः4.14.15।।

शतक्रतुः Indra who performed a hundred sacrifices, वर्षेण by rain, प्रसूतम् production, कलमं क्षेत्रम् इव like the cornfield, प्रतिज्ञाम् my promise, सफलाम् will make it fruitful, करिष्यामि I will fulfil, सभ्रमम् apprehension, जहि give up.

'I shall fulfil my promise just as Indra (who performed a hundred sacrifices) helps production in the cornfield through timely rain. Give up your apprehension.
तदाह्वाननिमित्तं त्वं वालिनो हेममालिनः।

सुग्रीव कुरु तं शब्दं निष्पतेद्येन वानरः4.14.16।।

सुग्रीवः Sugriva, तत् that, हेममालिनः adorned with a golden garland, वालिनः Vali, आह्वाननिमित्तं च to invite him, तम् such, शब्दम् sound, कुरु make, येन by which, वानरः monkey, निष्पतेत् will come out.

'O Sugriva give a warcry so that Vali adorned with a golden garland will come out.
जितकाशी बलश्लाघी त्वया चाधर्षितः पुरा।

निष्पतिष्यत्यसङ्गेन वाली स प्रियसंयुगः4.14.17।।

जितकाशी proud of valour, बलश्लाघी one who praises strength, त्वया by you, अधर्षितः challenged, प्रियसंयुगः fond of battle, सः वाली that Vali, असङ्गेन without any fear, पुरात् from the city, निष्पतिष्यति will rush forward.

'Vali, who is proud of his valour, is strong, fearless and fond of combat, will rush out of the city in response to your challenge.
रिपूणां धर्षिण शूरा मर्षयन्ति न संयुगे।

जानन्तस्तु स्वकं वीर्यं स्त्रीसमक्षं विशेषतः4.14.18।।

स्वकम् their own, वीर्यम् prowess, जानन्तः proud, संयुगे in battle, रिपूणाम् foe's, धर्षितम् roar of challenge, श्रुत्वा on hearing, न मर्षयन्ति not brook, स्त्री समक्षम् in front of women, विशेषतः specially.

'Proud of their own prowess, heroes will not brook the challenge of foes in battle, specially in the presence of women.'
स तु रामवचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो हेमपिङ्गलः।

ननर्द क्रूरनादेन विनिर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.14.19।।

हेमपिङ्गलः goldenhued, सः सुग्रीवः that Sugriva, रामवचः Rama's words, श्रुत्वा on hearing,
अम्बरम् sky, विनिर्भिन्दन्निव as if splitting, क्रूरनादेन in fierceful voice, ननर्द roared.

On hearing Rama's words, the goldenhued Sugriva roared in a fierce voice as if it would piece the sky.
तस्य शब्देन वित्रस्ता गावो यान्ति हतप्रभाः।

राजदोषपरामृष्टाः कुलस्त्रिय इवाकुलाः4.14.20।।

तत्र thereafter, गावः cows, शब्देन by the yelling, वित्रस्ताः were alarmed, हतप्रभाः lost their brightness, राजदोषपरामृष्टाः by the failure of the king, कुलस्त्रियः यथा like the chaste women, आकुलाः much perplexed, यान्ति become.

Alarmed at the yelling of Sugriva, the cows began to run in all directions, like the women of noble pedigree who, with their brightness lost, run perplexed for failure of the king to protect their chastity.
द्रवन्ति च मृगाश्शीघ्रं भग्ना इव रणे हयाः।

पतन्ति च खगा भूमौ क्षीणपुण्या इव ग्रहाः4.14.21।।

रणे in battle, भग्नाः wounded हयाः इव like the horses, मृगाः deer, शीघ्रम् speedily, द्रवन्ति च unable to run, खगाः birds, क्षीणपुण्याः their merit exhausted, ग्रहाः इव like planets, भूमौ on the ground, पतन्ति च fall.

The deer were unable to run like wounded horses in a battle. Birds fell down on the ground like planets fall when their merit is exhausted.

नादं ह्यमुञ्चत्त्वरया प्रतीतः।



ततः then, जीमूतगणप्रणादः thundering of a cluster of clouds, प्रतीतः quickly, सूर्यात्मजः son of Sungod, शौर्यविवृद्धतेजाः lustre enhanced by valour, अनिलचञ्चलोर्मि: waves lashed by the wind become restless, सरित्पतिर्वा (like the lord of rivers) ocean, त्वरया quick, नादम् sound, अमुञ्चत् let loose.

Then Sugriva, son of the Sungod, with his lustre enhanced by his valour moved swiftly. His roar resembled the rumbling of a cluster of thundering clouds. He gave a warcry the tone of which resembled the sounds of waves lashed by high velocity winds in the sea.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुर्दशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fourteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.