Sloka & Translation

[Vali accuses Rama -- calls him deceitful -- reproaches Rama in many ways.]

ततश्शरेणाभिहतो रामेण रणकर्कशः।

पपात सहसा वाली निकृत्त इव पादपः4.17.1।।

ततः then, रणकर्कशः tyrant in war, वाली Vali, रामेण by Rama, शरेण by an arrow, अभिहतः struck, निकृत्तः felled, पादप: the tree, इव like, सहसा instantaneously, पपात fell down

A tyrant in war, Vali struck by4.54.24 Rama's arrow, collapsed instantaneously like a tree felled down.
स भूमौ न्यस्तसर्वाङ्गस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणः।

अपतद्देवराजस्य मुक्तरश्मिरिव ध्वजः4.17.2।।

तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणः adorned with shining gold ornaments, सः he, मुक्तरश्मिः with the loosening of ropes, देवराजस्य Indra's, ध्वजः इव like the post, भूमौ on the ground, न्यस्तसर्वाङ्गः all limbs of body touching the ground, पपात fell down

Adorned with shining gold ornaments,Vali fell down with all his limbs touching the ground like Indra's flag when its ropes are loosened.
तस्मिन्निपतिते भूमौ वानराणां गणेश्वरे।

नष्टचन्द्रमिव व्योम न व्यराजत भूतलम्4.17.3।।

वानराणाम् of the monkeys, गणेश्वरे lord of the troops, तस्मिन् him, भूमौ निपतिते when (he) fell on the ground, भूतलम् the earth, नष्टचन्द्रमिव like sky devoid of the Moon, व्योम sky, न व्यराजत not shine

When the lord of the monkey troops fell down, it was as though the earth lost its
brightness like the sky loses its brightness devoid of the Moon.
भूमौ निपतितस्यापि तस्य देहं महात्मनः।

न श्रीर्जहाति न प्राणा न तेजो न पराक्रमः4.17.4।।

भूमौ on the ground, निपतितस्यापि even though fell down, महात्मनः highsouled, तस्य it, देहम् body, श्रीः splendour, न जहाति not left, प्राणाः life, न not, तेजः glow, न not, पराक्रमः valour

Even though the highsouled Vali's body had fallen on the ground, its splendour, glow, life and valour had not left it.
शक्रदत्ता वरा माला काञ्चनी वज्रभूषिता।

दधार हरिमुख्यस्य प्राणांस्तेज्शियं च सा4.17.5।।

शक्रदत्ता given by Indra, काञ्चनी golden, वज्रभूषिता decorated with diamonds, वरा most beautiful, माला necklace, हरिमुख्यस्य lord of the monkeys, प्राणान् life, तेज brightness, श्रियं च and splendour, दधार remained

As the most beautiful golden necklace, studded with diamonds, given by Indra was there on him, the life, brightness and splendour of Vali's body remained.
स तया मालया वीरो हेमया हरियूथपः।

सन्ध्यानुगतपर्यन्तः पयोधर इवाभवत्4.17.6।।

वीरः hero, सः हरियूथपः that chief of monkeys, हेमया with golden, तयामालया with that necklace, सन्ध्यानुगतपर्यन्तः hallowed by the glowing twilight, पयोधरः इव like the raincloud, अभवत् appeared

Vali, the chief hero of the monkeys, with his golden necklace appeared like the raincloud hallowed by the glowing twilight.
तस्य माला च देहश्च मर्मघाती च यश्शरः।

त्रिधेव रचिता लक्ष्मीः पतितस्यापि शोभते4.17.7।।

पतितस्यापि even though he had fallen down, तस्य his, माला च necklace, देहः च body and,मर्मघाती pierced into the vital parts, यः शरः that arrow, त्रिधा in three ways, रचिता the effect, लक्ष्मीः the effulgence, इव similar , शोभते shining

Even though he had fallen down, the effulgence of his necklace on his body, and the arrow pierced into his vital parts remained.
तदस्त्रं तस्य वीरस्य स्वर्गमार्गप्रभावनम्।

रामबाणासनक्षिप्तमावहत्परमां गतिम्4.17.8।।

स्वर्गमार्गप्रभावनम् that which paves the way to heaven (for the dead), रामबाणा Rama's arrow, सनक्षिप्तम् released, तत् that, अस्त्रम् weapon, तस्य वीरस्य that hero's, परमां गतिम् supreme destination, आवहत् created

Rama's arrow released paved the way to heaven which was that hero's supreme destination.
तं तदा पतितं सङ्ख्ये गतार्चिषमिवानलम्।

बहुमान्य च तं वीर वीक्षमाणं शनैरिव।4.17.9।।

ययातिमिव पुण्यान्ते देवलोकादिहच्युतम्।

आदित्यमिव कालेन युगान्ते भुवि पातितम्।4.17.10।।

महेन्द्रमिव दुर्धर्षंमुपेन्द्रमिव दुस्सहम्।

महेन्द्रपुत्रं पतितं वालिनं हेममालिनम्।।4.17.11।।

सिंहोरस्कं महाबाहुं दीप्तास्यं हरिलोचनम्।

लक्ष्मणानुगतो रामो ददर्शोपससर्प च।।4.17.12।।

सङ्ख्ये in the battle , तदा then, पतितम् fallen, भुवि on the ground, आदित्यमिव like the Sun, गतार्चिषम् fire without flame, अनलम् इव fire like, पुण्यान्ते after exhaustion of the merits, कालेन by the time, देवलोकात् the abode of gods, इह here, च्युतम् descended down, युगान्ते at the end of aeon (at the end of the world), ययातिमिव like Yayati, महेन्द्रमिव like Indra, दुर्धर्षम् unassailable, उपेन्द्रमिव like Upendra, दुःसहम् intolerable,महेन्द्रपुत्रम् son of Indra, हेममालिनम् adorned with golden necklace, सिंहोरस्कम् lionchested, महाबाहुम् of mighty arms, दीप्तास्यम् with a bright face, हरिलोचनम् tawnyeyed, तं वालिनम् that Vali, लक्ष्मणानुगतो followed by Lakshmna, रामः Rama, पतितम् fallen, ददर्श saw, उपससर्प च approached, शनैरिव slowly, वीक्षमाणम् observing, तं वीरम् that hero, बहुमान्य admiringly.

Rama followed by Lakshmana slowly approached the longarmed, lionchested, brightfaced, tawnyeyed Vali, and admiringly observed this unchallengeable son of Indra, unassailable like Indra himself. Adorned with a golden necklace, he had fallen on the ground like fire without flame, like king Yayati descended on the earth from the celestial realm on the exhaustion of his merits, or like the Sun cast down on the earth at the end of the aeon.
तं दृष्ट्वा राघवं वाली लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।

अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं परुषं धर्मसंहितम्4.17.13।।

त्वं नराधिपतेः पुत्रः प्रथितः प्रियदर्शनः

कुलीनस्सत्त्वसम्पन्न स्तेजस्वी चरितव्रतः।।4.17.14।।

पराङ्मुखवधं कृत्वा कोऽत्र प्राप्तस्त्वया गुणः।

यदहं युद्धसंरब्धश्शरेणोरसि ताडित:4.17.15।।

तं राघवम् to, Rama, महाबलम् powerful, लक्ष्मणं च and to Lakshmana, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, वाचा by word, परुषम् pride, धर्मसंहितम् righteous, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said, त्वं नराधिपतेः पुत्रैः you are a prince, प्रथितः famous, प्रियदर्शनः handsome, कुलीनस्सत्त्वसम्पन्नः born in a noble family, तेजस्वी brilliant, चरितव्रतः follower of good practices, युद्धसंरब्धः while waging war, अहम् I, यत् ताडित गतः hit, पराङ्मुखवधम् killing one who was engaged otherwise ,कृत्वा
having done that, अत्र there, कः what, गुणः merit, त्वया by you, प्राप्तः gained

On seeing powerful Rama and Lakshmana approaching,Vali spoke with pride and rigteousness to Rama, 'You are a prince, born of a noble family, son of a renowned king. You are famous, brilliant, handsome and follower of good practices.Having hit me when I was engaged otherwise in an encounter what merit have you gained?'
रामः करुणवेदी च प्रजानां च हिते रतः।

सानुक्रोशो जितोत्साहस्समयज्ञो दृढव्रतः।।4.17.16।।

इति ते सर्वभूतानि कथयन्ति यशो भुवि।।4.17.17।।

रामः Rama, करुणवेदी च a kind soul, प्रजानाम् of people,हिते in the wellbeing, रतः engaged, सानुक्रोशः compassionate, जितोत्साहः enthusiastic, समयज्ञः one who has a sense of time, दृढव्रतः steadfast in vows, इति in this way, ते your, यशः fame, सर्वभूतानि all beings, भुवि the world, कथयन्ति praise you

दमश्शमः क्षमा धर्मो धृतिस्सत्यं पराक्रमः।

पार्थिवानां गुणा राजन्दण्डश्चाप्यपराधिषु4.17.18।।

राजन् O king, दमः selfcontrol, शमः control of mind, intellect, memory and ego क्षमा tolerance, धर्मः righteousness, धृतिः forbearance, सत्यम् truthfulness, पराक्रमः valour, अपराधिषु towards the offenders, दण्डश्च punishment, पार्थिवानाम् for king's, गुणाः virtues

'O king selfcontrol (of organs of action and sense organs), righteousness, steadfastness, truthfulness, valiance and capacity to punish the offenders are virtues of a king.
तान्गुणान्सम्प्रधार्याहमग्र्यं चाभिजनं तव।

तारया प्रतिषिद्धोऽपि सुग्रीवेण समागतः4.17.19।।

अहम् I am, तान् them, गुणान् virtues, तव your, अग्र्यम् foremost, अभिजनम् noble, सम्प्रधार्य considered, तारया by Tara, प्रतिषिद्धः अपि even though forewarned, सुग्रीवेण with Sugriva, समागतः came for a combat

'Believing that you are a repository of all these virtues are in you, and respecting your noble lineage I engaged in a duel with Sugriva even though I was forewarned (by Tara).
न मामन्येन सम्रब्धं प्रमत्तं योद्धु मर्हसि।

इति मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना बभूवादर्शने तव4.17.20।।

तव your, आदर्शने not seen, अन्येन with others, सम्रब्धम् engaged in combat, प्रमत्तम् engrossed, माम् me, योद्धुम् attacked, नार्हसि not proper on your part, इति thus, मे my, बुद्धि: mind, उत्पन्ना strike, बभूव become

न त्वां विनिहतात्मानं धर्मध्वजमधार्मिकम्।

जाने पापसमाचारं तृणैः कूपमिवावृतम्4.17.21।।

त्वाम् to you, विनिहतात्मानम् who has killed his soul( one who acts against his conscience), धर्मध्वजम् functioning under the banner of (showing off) virtue, अधार्मिकम् unrighteous, पापसमाचारम् sinful in conduct, तृणैः by grass, आवृतम् covered, कूपम् इव like a well, न जाने I did not know

'I did not know that you have killed your soul (by acting against your conscience), that you are sinful in conduct and unrighteous under the show of virtues like a well, its mouth covered with grass.
सतां वेषधरं पापं प्रच्छन्नमिव पावकम्।

नाहं त्वामभिजानामि धर्मच्छद्माभिसंवृतम्4.17.22।।

सताम् of piety, वेषधरम् covered, पापम् a sinner, प्रच्छनम् a disguised person, पावकम् इव like fire, धर्मच्छद्माभिसंवृतम् with righteousness as a pretext, त्वाम् to you, अहम् I, न अभिजानामि did not recognise

'You are a sinful man covered with the mask of piety thus resembling a hidden fire. I failed to recognise that righteousness is a mere pretext for you.
विषये वा पुरे वा ते यदा पापं करोम्यहम्।

न च त्वामवजाने च कस्मात्त्वं हंस्यकिल्बिषम्4.17.23।।

फलमूलाशनं नित्यं वानरं वनगोचरम्।

मामिहाप्रतियुध्यन्तमन्येन च समागतम्4.17.24।।

अहम् I am, यदा when, ते your, विषये वा or in your affairs, पुरे वा or in your city, पापम् sin, न करोमि I did not, त्वाम् to you, न च and not, अवजाने I did not insult you, अकिल्बिषम् not done any harm to you, नित्यम् always, फलमूलाशनम् living on fruits and roots, वनगोचरम् roaming in the forest, वानरम् monkey, इह here, अप्रतियुध्यन्तम् not come to battle with you, अन्येन others, समागतम् come, माम् me, कस्मात् why, हंसि do you kill

'I did no harm to your affairs or to your city. I did not insult you. Why did you choose to kill me, a monkey roaming in the forest and living on fruits and roots? I was not fighting you. Why did you come and strike a person like me?
त्वं नराधिपतेः पुत्रः प्रतीतः प्रियदर्शनः।

लिङ्गमप्यस्ति ते राजनन्दृश्यते धर्मसंहितम्4.17.25।।

त्वम् you, प्रियदर्शनः pleasing in appearance, नराधिपतेः पुत्रः son of a king, प्रतीतः famous, राजन् O king, ते to you, धर्मसंहितम् righteous one, लिङ्गमपि even signs, अस्ति are, दृश्यते found

'O prince, you are son to a king, handsome and famous. Even signs of righteousness are discernible in you.
कः क्षत्रियकुले जात्शृतवान्नष्टसंशयः।

धर्मलिङ्गप्रतिच्छन्न क्रूरं कर्म समाचरेत्4.17.26।।

क्षत्रियकुले in a kshatriya family, जातः born, श्रुतवान् one who has read the Vedas, नष्टसंशयः free from doubt, धर्मलिङ्गप्रतिच्छन्नः in the guise of a righteous person, कः who, क्रूरम् cruel, कर्म deed, समाचरेत् will do

'Who, born in a kshatriya family, versed in the Vedas and free from doubt will commit such a cruel act under the guise of righteousness?
राम राजकुले जातो धर्मवानिति विश्रुतः।।4.17.27।।

अभव्यो भव्यरूपेण किमर्थं परिधावसि।

राजकुले in royal family, जातः born, धर्मवानिति proficient in dharma, विश्रुतः wellknown, राम Rama, अभव्यः unworthy, भव्यरूपेण attire, किमर्थम् for what reason, परिधावसे running

'You are born in a royal family. You are wellknown. You are proficient in dharma. Yet you are unworthy of your race and robe.
साम दानं क्षमा धर्मस्सत्यं धृतिपराक्रमौ।

पार्थिवानां गुणा राजन् दण्डश्चाप्यपराधिषु4.17.28।।

राजन् O king, साम conciliation, दानम् generosity, क्षमा forbearance, धर्मः righteousness, सत्यम् truth, धृतिपराक्रमौ steadfast in valour, अपराधिषु at the offenders, दण्डः punishment, पार्थिवानाम् of the rulers, गुणाः hallmarks

'Conciliation, generosity, forbearance, righteousness, truthfulness, steadfastness in valour and punishing offenders are the hallmarks of rulers.
वयं वनचरा राम मृगा मूलफलाशना:।

एषा प्रकृतिरस्माकं पुरुषस्त्वं नरेश्वरः4.17.29।।

राम Rama, वयम् we, मूलफलाशना: live on roots and fruits, वनचराः wanderers in forest, मृगाः animals, एषा this, अस्माकम् our, प्रकृतिः nature, त्वम् you, नरेश्वरः lord of men, पुरुषः a man

'O Rama we are mere animals wandering in the forest and living on roots and fruits. This is our nature. (But) you are a lord of men.
भूमिर्हिरण्यं रूप्यं च विग्रहे कारणानि च।

अत्र कस्ते वने लोभो मदीयेषु फलेषु वा4.17.30।।

विग्रहे in battle, भूमिः land, हिरण्यम् gold, रूप्यं च and silver, कारणानि reasons, तत्र there, ते to you, वने in the forest, मदीयेषु in my belongings, फलेषु in fruits वा or, लोभः greediness, कः what for?

'We fight for land or gold or silver. What did you fight me for, for what I have or for the fruits of the forest?
नयश्च विनयश्चोभौ निग्रहानुग्रहावपि4.17.31।।

राजवृत्तिरसङ्कीर्णा न नृपाः कामवृत्तयः।

नयश्च submissiveness, विनयश्च modesty, निग्रहानुग्रहौ restraint and favour, उभावपि both are, असङ्कीर्णा not to be mixed up, राजवृत्तिः king's functions, नृपाः kings, कामवृत्तयः impulsive, न not excercise

'Submissiveness and modesty are the attributes of good rulers and should not be mixed up with benevolence and selfrestraint. Kings ought not to act (as they like) impulsively.
त्वं तु कामप्रधानश्च कोपनश्चानवस्थितः4.17.32।।

राजवृत्तेश्च सङ्कीणश्शरासनपरायणः।

त्वं तु you also, कामप्रधानश्च fulfilling your own desire is important, कोपनश्च wrathful, अनवस्थितः unstable, राजवृत्तेश्च royal course of conduct, सङ्कीर्णः intermingled, शरासनपरायणः you have discharged arrows

'Fulfilling your own desire is important for you. You are wrathful and unstable with royal course of conduct. Your business is with your bow and arrows.
न तेऽस्त्यपचितिर्धर्मे नार्थे बुद्धिरवस्थिता4.17.33।।

इन्द्रियैः कामवृत्तस्सन्कृष्यसे मनुजेश्वर।

मनुजेश्वरः lord of men, ते to you, धर्मे in righteousness, उपचितिः not have faith, न not, बुद्धि: intellect, अर्थे material wealth, न अवस्थिता not steadfast, कामवृत्तः सन् overcome by delusion, इन्द्रियैः by the senses, कृष्यसे you are drawn

'O lord of men you have no faith in righteousness, no steadfastness in the acquisition of wealth. You have no control over the senses. You are overcome by delusion.
हत्वा बाणेन काकुत्स्थ मामिहानपराधिनम्4.17.34।।

किं वक्ष्यसि सतां मध्ये कर्म कृत्वा जुगुप्सितम्।

काकुत्स्थ O scion of the Kakutstha race, अनपराधिनम् one who has not done any harm, मा to me, इह here, बाणेन by arrow, हत्वा having killed, जुगुप्सितम् abominable, कर्म deed, कृत्वा after commiting, सताम् to the holy people, मध्ये midst, किम् what, वक्ष्यसि will you answer?

'O scion of the Kakutsthas Having killed me here with your arrow even though I have done you no harm, you have perpetrated an abominable act. How will you defend yourself in the midst of holy men after commiting such a sinful act?
राजहा ब्रह्महा गोघ्नश्चोरः प्राणिवधे रतः4.17.35।।

नास्तिकः परिवेत्ता च सर्वे निरयगामिनः।

राजहा killer of a king, ब्रह्महा killer of brahmin, गोघ्नः killer of cows, चोर: a thief, प्राणिवधेरत: killer of living beings,नास्तिकः atheist, परिवेत्ता च and one who marries before his elder sibling, सर्वे all, निरयगामिनः will go to hell

'One who kills a king, a brahmin or a cow, a thief or one who delights in destruction of life an atheist or one who marries before his elder they all go to hell.
सूचकश्च कदर्यश्च मित्रघ्नो गुरुतल्पगः4.17.36।।

लोकं पापात्मनामेते गच्छन्ते नात्र संशयः।

सूचकः च a talebearer, कदर्यः च and a mean fellow, मित्रघ्नः murderer of a friend, गुरुतल्पगः one who shares the bed of the Guru's wife, एते these people, पापात्मनाम् of sinners, लोकम् to the world, गच्छन्ते will go, अत्र there, संशयः doubt, न no

अधार्यं चर्म मे सद्भी रोमाण्यस्थि च वर्जितम्।

अभक्ष्याणि च मांसानि त्वद्विधैर्धर्मचारिभिः4.17.37।।

मे mine, चर्म skin, अधार्यम् is not fit to be worn, रोमाणि hair, सदभी: by the virtuous, अस्थि च bone also, वर्जितम् is prohibited, त्वद्विधैः by men like you also, धर्मचारिभिः by righteous people, मांसानि flesh, अभक्ष्याणि च is not fit for eating

'My skin is not fit to be worn by the virtuous, my hair and bones are also prohibited from any use. My flesh is also not at all fit to be eaten by righteous people like you
पञ्च पञ्च नखा भक्ष्या ब्रह्मक्षत्रेण राघव4.17.38।।

शल्यक श्श्वाविधो गोधा शशः कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः।

राघव Rama, ब्रह्मक्षत्रेण by brahmin and kshatriya, शल्यकः porcupine, श्वाविधः the hedgehog, गोधा the alligator, शशः the rabbit, कूर्मश्च the turtle, पञ्चमः the five, पञ्चनखाः fivenailed creatures, भक्ष्याः are permitted to be eaten

'O Rama brahmins and kshatriyas are permitted to eat only the five nailed animals the porcupine, the hedgehog, the alligator, the rabbit and the tortoise.
चर्म चास्थि च मे राजन् नस्पृशन्ति मनीषिणः4.17.39।।

अभक्ष्याणि च मांसानि सोऽहं पञ्चनखो हतः।

राजन O king, मनीषिणः learned people, मे mine, चर्म च even skin, अस्थीनि bone, न स्पृशन्ति do not touch, मांसानि च and the flesh, अभक्ष्याणि should not be eaten, पञ्चमः five nailed animal, सः अहम् such me, हतः killed

'O king the learned do not even touch my skin or bone. They do not eat my flesh. While it is so, you have unnecessarily killed me, a fivenailed animal.
तारया वाक्यमुक्तोऽहं सत्यं सर्वज्ञया हितम्4.17.40।।

तदतिक्रम्य मोहेन कालस्य वशमागतः।

सर्वज्ञया by the omniscient, तारया by Tara, अहम् I, सत्यम् truth, हितम् wellbeing, वाक्यम् words, उक्तः warned, मोहेन out of ignorance or arrogance, तत् that, अतिक्रम्य overriding, कालस्य of yama (the lord of death), वशम् fold, आगतः came under

'Tara knew everything. Her words were correct. They were meant for my wellbeing. However, due to my ignorance (or arrogance), I did not heed her words and fell under the sway of the lord of death
त्वया नाथेन काकुत्स्थ न सनाथा वसुन्धरा।

प्रमदा शीलसम्पन्ना धूर्तेन पतिना यथा4.17.41।।

काकुत्स्थ Kakutstha, वसुन्धरा earth, नाथेन by lord, त्वया by you, शीलसम्पन्ना one endowed
with good character, प्रमदा a lady, धूर्तेन by a wicked one, यथा similarly, पतिना by husband, सनाथा a protector, न no

'O Kakutstha just as a wife endowed with good character cannot be protected by a wicked husband, you cannot be a protector of this earth.
शठो नैकृतिकः क्षुद्रो मिथ्याप्रश्रितमानसः।

कथं दशरथेन त्वं जातः पापो महात्मना4.17.42।।

शठः treacherous, नैकृतिकः dishonest, क्षुद्रः mean, मिथ्याप्रश्रितमानसः guised with false humility, पापः sinner, त्वम् you, महात्मना highsouled, दशरथेन to Dasaratha, कथम् how, जातः were you born?

'You are treacherous, dishonest, mean, guised with false humility and a sinner to the core. How were you born to that highsouled Dasaratha?
छिन्नचारित्रकक्ष्येण सतां धर्मातिवर्तिना।

त्यक्तधर्माङ्कुशेनाहं निहतो रामहस्तिना4.17.43।।

छिन्नचारित्रकक्ष्येण breaking through the chains of good character, सताम् the sages, धर्मातिवर्तिना trespassing moral code of conduct, त्यक्तधर्माङ्कुशेन discharging sharp arrow of righteousness, रामहस्तिना the elephant called Rama, अहम् I, निहतः killed

'Breaking through the chains of good character, trespassing the moral code of conduct of the sages, discharging the sharp arrow of righteousness, the elephantine (arrogant) Rama killed me.
अशुभं चाप्ययुक्तं च सतां चैव विगर्हितम्।

वक्ष्यसे चेदृशं कृत्वा सद्भिस्सह समागतः4.17.44।।

अशुभम् inauspicious, अयुक्तम् not fit, सताम् to the noble, विगर्हितम् despised, ईदृशम् such, कृत्वा after doing, सद्भिः सह by the noble, समागतः meet with, वक्ष्यसे you say.

'You have committed an inauspicious, improper act, despised by the virtuous. What will you speak when you are questioned by noble men for committing such an act?
उदासीनेषु योऽस्मासु विक्रमऽस्ते प्रकाशितः।

अपकारिषु ते राजन्नहि पश्यामि विक्रमम्4.17.45।।

राजन O king, उदासीनेषु to the indifferent people, अस्मासु towards us, यः such, अयम् this, विक्रमः power, प्रकाशितः shown, विक्रमम् such valour, अपकारिषु to the harmful, न पश्यामि do not see

'O king you have exhibited your valour against one who has done you no harm. Why have you not shown such valour on those who have offended you?
दृश्यमानस्तु युद्ध्येथा मया यदि नृपात्मज।

अद्य वैवस्वतं देवं पश्येस्त्वं निहतो मया4.17.46।।

नृपात्मज O prince, यदि if, दृश्यमानः openly, मया by me, युद्ध्येथाः you had fought, मया by me, निहतः killed, अद्य today, त्वम् you, वैवस्वतं देवम् Vaivasvata, the lord of death, पश्येः you would have seen.

'O prince had you fought me face to face you would have seen Vaivasvata, the lord of death today (you would have been killed by me).
त्वयाऽदृश्येन तु रणे निहतोऽहं दुरासदः।

प्रसुप्तः पन्नगेनेव नरः पानवशं गतः4.17.47।।

दुरासदः an unassailable warrior, अहम् I am, रणे in battle, अदृश्येन not seen, त्वया by you, पानवशं गतः in a drunken state, प्रसुप्तः in deep sleep, नरः man, पन्नगेनेव like by the snake, निहतः killed

bitten to death by a snake while fast asleep.
मामेव यदि पूर्वं त्वमेतदर्थमचोदयः4.17.48।।

मैथिलीमहमेकाह्ना तव चानीतवान्भवेत्।

सुग्रीवप्रियकामेन यदहं निहतस्त्वया।

कण्ठे बद्ध्वा प्रदद्यां ते निहतं रावणं रणे4.17.49।।

सुग्रीवप्रियकामेन to please Sugriva, त्वया by you, अहम् me, यत् since, निहतः killed, त्वम् you, एतदर्थम् on this account, पूर्वम् earlier, मामेव to me only, अचोदयः यदि if you had sought, रावणम् Ravana, रणे in battle, निहतम् killed, कण्ठे by the neck, बद्ध्वा tying, ते you, प्रदद्याम् I would have handed over

'Had you sought my help earlier(before you met Sugriva), I would have restored Sita to you within a single day. I have been killed by you to oblige Sugriva. I would have handed over Ravana by the neck after killing him in the battle.
न्यस्तां सागरतोये वा पाताले वापि मैथिलीम्।

आनयेयं तवादेशाच्छ्वेतामश्वतरीमिव4.17.50।।

सागरतोये वा even from the water of the ocean, पातालेऽपि वा or even in the underworld, न्यस्ताम् hidden, मैथिलीम् Sita, तव your, आदेशात् by your order, श्वेताम् like Sweta, अश्वतरीमिव like Aswatari, अनये यम् I could have brought

'Even if she were hidden in the waters of the ocean or in the underworld, I would have brought her by your order like Sweta to Aswatari or Hayagriva. (Hayagriva, an incarnation of Visnu brought Vedas stolen by demons, Madhu and Kaitabha from Patala or the netherworld)
युक्तं यत्प्राप्नुयाद्राज्यं सुग्रीवस्स्वर्गते मयि।

अयुक्तं यदधर्मेण त्वयाऽहं निहतो रणे4.17.51।।

मयि in me, स्वर्गते on going to heaven, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, राज्यम् kingdom, प्राप्नुयात् इति getting as such, युक्तम् is right, अहम् I, रणे in war, त्वया by your, अधर्मेण by unjustifiable means, निहतः इति यत् this way been killed, अयुक्तम् not proper

'Sugriva inheriting the kingdom after my departure to heaven is proper. But your killing me this way in the combat by unjustifiable means is not.
काममेवं विधो लोकः कालेन विनियुज्यते।

क्षमं चेद्भवता प्राप्तमुत्तरं साधु चिन्त्यताम्4.17.52।।

लोकः the world, एवं विधः in this way, कामं indeed, कालेन when time of death comes, विनियुज्यते hiding, क्षमं चेत् is it right, भवता for you, प्राप्तम् achieved, उत्तरम् reply, साधु properly, चिन्त्यताम् think over

'Indeed, in the world people meet with death when the time comes. Hiding yourself (from me) you have achieved it. Is it proper for you? You may think over and give your reply.'
इत्येवमुक्त्वा परिशुष्कवक्त्रः

शराभिघाताद्व्यथितो महात्मा।

समीक्ष्य रामं रविसन्निकाशं

तूष्णीं बभूवामरराजसूनुः4.17.53।।

शराभिघातात् due to the blow of the arrow, व्यथितः pained, महात्मा great, अमरराजसूनुः son of Indra, परिशुष्कवक्त्रः mouth dried up, रविसन्निकाशम् shining like the Sun, रामम् to Rama, समीक्ष्य after gazing intently, इत्येवम् like this, उक्त्वा spoken, तूष्णीं बभूव became silent

Vali, son of Indra, felt severe pain as his body was pierced and his mouth got parched (speaking for long) and gradually became silent, gazing at Rama intently who was glowing like the Sungod.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तदशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the seventeenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana, composed by sage Valmiki.