Sloka & Translation

[Description of Hanuman's glory]

अनेकशतसाहस्रीं विषण्णां हरिवाहिनीम्।

जाम्बवान्समुदीक्ष्यैवं हनूमन्तमथाब्रवीत्।।4.66.1।।

जाम्बवान् Jambavan, विषण्णाम् worried, अनेकशतसाहस्रीम् several hundred thousands, हरिवाहिनीम् army of monkeys, समुदीक्ष्य observed, अथ then, हनूमन्तम् to Hanuman, एवम् this way, अब्रवीत् said.

Then Jambavan observed the worries of several hundred thousands of the monkey army and said to Hanuman:
वीर वानरलोकस्य सर्वशास्त्रविदां वर।

तूष्णीमेकान्तमाश्रित्य हनूमन्किं न जल्पसि।।4.66.2।।

वानरलोकस्य in the world of monkeys, वीर hero, सर्वशास्त्रविदाम् among the knowledgeable in all sastras, वर choicest one, हनूमान् Hanuman, तूष्णीम् quietly, एकान्तम् solitude, आश्रित्य remaining, किम् why, न जल्पसि you are not speaking.

'O Hanuman you are the choicest one among many scholars wellversed in all sastras. Why do you sit alone? Why do you not speak?
हनूमन्हरिराजस्य सुग्रीवस्य समो ह्यसि।

रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चापि तेजसा च बलेन च।।4.66.3।।

हनूमन् Hanuman, तेजसा च with brilliance, बलेन च and in strength, हरिराजस्य monkey king's, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चापि with Rama and Lakshmana also, समः equal, असि हि you are.

'Hanuman you are equal to the king of monkeys and also Rama and Lakshmana in brilliance and strength.
अरिष्टनेमिनः पुत्रो वैनतेयो महाबलः।

गरुत्मानिति विख्यात उत्तमस्सर्वपक्षिणाम्।।4.66.4।।

अरिष्टनेमिनः Arishtanemi's, पुत्रः son, सर्वपक्षिणाम् among all birds, उत्तमः greatest, वैनतेयः Vainateya's, महाबलः very powerful, गरुत्मान् इति Garuthman as such, विख्यातः very famous.

'You are the son of Arishtanemi (sage Kasyapa) and Vinata, and your gurulike (elder brother) is Garuda, the greatest among birds. He is powerful and and famous.
बहुशो हि मया दृष्टः सागरे स महाबलः।

भुजङ्गानुद्धरन्पक्षी महावेगो महायशाः।।4.66.5।।

महाबलः very powerful, महावेगः very swift, महायशाः very famous, सः that, पक्षी bird, सागरे ocean, भुजङ्गान् serpents, उद्धरन् while snatching, मया by me, बहुशः many times, दृष्टः हि is seen.

'Garuda is very powerful, swift, and famous. I have seen him snatching serpents from the ocean many times.
पक्षयोर्यद्बलं तस्य तावद्भुजबलं तव।

विक्रमश्चापि वेगश्च न ते तेनावहीयते।।4.66.6।।

तस्य his, पक्षयोः of the wings, यत् such, बलम् strength, तव your, भुजबलम् the strength of your shoulders, तावत् so much, ते your, विक्रमश्चापि also courage, वेगश्च speed, तेन with him, न अपहीयते no less.

'The strength of your shoulders is equal to that of his (Garuda's) wings. Your speed and valour are no less.
बलं बुद्धिश्च तेजश्च सत्त्वं च हरिपुङ्गव।

विशिष्टं सर्वभूतेषु किमात्मानं न बुध्यसे।।4.66.7।।

हरिपुङ्गव leader of the monkeys, बलम् strength, बुद्धिश्च wisdom, तेजश्च brilliance, सत्त्वम् valour, सर्वभूतेषु of all beings, विशिष्टम् superior, आत्मानम् your self, किम् why, न बुध्यसे do you not know that.

'O leader of the monkeys you are superior in strength, wisdom, brilliance and valour to all beings. Why do you not realise your own strength?
अप्सराप्सरसां श्रेष्ठा विख्याता पुञ्जिकस्थला।

अञ्जनेति परिख्याता पत्नी केसरिणो हरेः।।4.66.8।।

पुञ्जिकस्थला Punjikasthala, अप्सरसाम् among apsarasas, श्रेष्ठा eminent, विख्याता famous, अञ्जनेति by name Anjana, परिख्याता wellknown as, अप्सरा: apsara, हरेः monkeys, केसरिणः Kesari, पत्नी wife.

विख्याता त्रिषु लोकेषु रूपेणाप्रतिमा भुवि।

अभिशापादभूत्तात वानरी कामरूपिणी।।4.66.9।।

तात dear, रूपेण in appearance, अप्रतिमा peerless, त्रिषु among three, लोकेषु in worlds, विख्याता famous, अभिशापात् by a curse, भुवि on the land, कामरूपिणी lovely one, who can change form at her will, वानरी monkey, अभूत् she was.

'O dear she was famous in the three worlds, peerless in beauty and could change form at her free will. She was born of a monkey on this land by dint of a curse.
दुहिता वानरेन्द्रस्य कुञ्जरस्य महात्मनः।

मानुषं विग्रहं कृत्वा रूपयौवनशालिनी।।4.66.10।।

विचित्रमाल्याभरणा महार्हक्षौमवासिनी।

अचरत्पर्वतस्याग्रे प्रावृडम्बुदसन्निभे।।4.66.11।।

वानरेन्द्रस्य of the king of monkeys, महात्मनः of the great, कुञ्जरस्य Kunjara's, दुहिता daughter, रूपयौवनशालिनी young and beautiful, मानुषम् human, विग्रहम् form, कृत्वा took, विचित्रमाल्याभरणा decked in wonderful garlands and ornaments, महार्हक्षौमवासिनी wearing rich silk clothes, प्रावृडम्बुदसन्निभे looking like the proud raincloud, पर्वतस्य अग्रे on top of the mountain, अचरत् she was wandering.

'She was the daughter of a great king of monkeys called Kunjara. That young and beautiful lady had assumed a lustrous human form decked with wonderful garlands, ornaments and silk clothes and was roving on top of the mountain which appeared like a proud raincloud.
तस्या वस्त्रं विशालाक्ष्याः पीतं रक्तदशं शुभम्।

स्थितायाः पर्वतस्याग्रे मारुतोऽपहरच्छनैः।।4.66.12।।

पर्वतस्य mountain's, अग्रे on top, स्थितायाः stationed, विशालाक्ष्याः of largeeyed lady, तस्याः her, पीतं रक्तदशम् yellow with red border, शुभम् auspicious, वस्त्रम् garment, मारुतः Windgod, शनैः gently, अपाहरत् let it fly away.

'While the largeeyed lady was stationed on the mountain top, the Windgod gently let her auspicious yellow garment with red border fly away.
स ददर्श ततस्तस्या वृत्तावूरू सुसंहतौ।

स्तनौ च पीनौ सहितौ सुजातं चारु चाननम्।।4.66.13।।

ततः then, सः he, तस्याः her, वृत्तौ curved, सुसंहतौ both wellset, ऊरू both thighs, पीनौ plump, सहितौ together, स्तनौ च two breasts, सुजातम् very beautiful, चारु pleasing, आननं च face, ददर्श saw.

'Then he (Windgod) saw her curved, wellset thighs, her beautiful plump breasts and her lovely pleasing face.
तां विशालायतश्रोणीं तनुमध्यां यशस्विनीम्।

दृष्टवैव शुभसर्वाङ्गीं पवनः काममोहितः।।4.66.14।।

विशालायतश्रोणीम् a lady of broad hips, तनुमध्याम् slender waist, यशस्विनीम् famed one, शुभसर्वाङ्गीम् a lady of beautiful limbs, ताम् her, दृष्ट्वैव on seeing, पवनः Windgod, काममोहितः was infatuated.

'On seeing the broad hips, slender waist and beautiful limbs of that famous lady the Windgod was infatuated.
स तां भुजाभ्यां दीर्घाभ्यां पर्यष्वजत मारुतः।

मन्मथाविष्टसर्वाङ्गो गतात्मा तामनिन्दिताम्।।4.66.15।।

अनिन्दिताम् blameless lady, ताम् her, गतात्मा lost his self, सः मारुतः that wind god, मन्मथाविष्टसर्वाङ्गः his whole body overpowered by love, दीर्घाभ्याम् with long ones, भुजाभ्याम् with shoulders, ताम् her, पर्यष्वजत embraced her.

'The Windgod lost his control over himself. His whole being was overpowered by love for her beautiful, flawless body. He embraced her with his long arms.
सा तु तत्रैव सम्भ्रान्ता सुव्रता वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

एकपत्नीव्रतमिदं को नाशयितुमिच्छति।।4.66.16।।

तत्रैव on that spot itself, सम्भ्रान्ता bewildered lady, सुव्रता a chaste woman, सा तु she was, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, इदम् this, एकपत्नीव्रतम् observing strict monoandry, कः who, नाशयितुम् to destroy, इच्छति is wishing?

'She was bewildered by this and being chaste and strict observer of chastiny she said,
'Who is it that has destroyed my monoandry?
अञ्जनाया वच्शुत्वा मारुतः प्रत्यभाषत।

न त्वां हिंसामि सुश्रोणि मा भूत्ते सुभगे भयम्।।4.66.17।।

अञ्जनायाः Anjana's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, मारुतः Windgod, प्रत्यभाषत replied, सुश्रोणि O woman of beautiful hips, त्वाम् you, न हिंसामि I do no harm, ते your, मनसः mind's, भयम् fear, मा भूत् do not entertain, सुभगे O auspicious lady

'On hearing Anjana's words, the Windgod replied, ' O auspicious lady, I do you no harm, O lady of beautiful hips. I reached (enjoyed) you in mind, not body. You need not fear.'
मनसाऽस्मि गतो यत्त्वां परिष्वज्य यशस्विनीम्।

वीर्यवान्बुद्धिसम्पन्न: पुत्रस्तव भविष्यति।।4.66.18।।

यशस्विनि O renowned woman, यत् such as, त्वाम् you, परिष्वज्य after embracing, मनसा mentally, गतः अस्मि I united with you, तव your, वीर्यवान् courageous, बुद्धिसम्पन्नः endowed with wisdom, पुत्रः son, भविष्यति will be born.

'O renowned lady I have embraced you and united with you mentally (enjoyed you without physical contact).You will bring forth a son endowed with great wisdom and courage.
महासत्त्वो महातेजा महाबलपराक्रमः।

लङ्घने प्लवने चैव भविष्यति हि मत्समः।।4.66.19।।

महासत्त्वः very powerful, महातेजाः highly lustrous one, महाबलपराक्रमः of great valour and strength, लङ्घने in jumping, प्लवने चैव even in leaping, हि मत्समः similar to me, भविष्यति he will be.

'He will be very powerful, illustrious and will be of great valour and strength. He will be
my equal in leaping and flying'.
एवमुक्ता ततस्तुष्टा जननी ते महाकपे।

गुहायां त्वां महाबाहो प्रजज्ञे प्लवगर्षभम्।।4.66.20।।

महाबाहो one of strong shoulders, महाकपे O great monkey, एवम् that way, उक्ता having been told, ते जननी your mother, तुष्टा pleased, ततः then, प्लवगर्षभम् bull among monkeys, त्वाम् you, गुहायाम् in the cave, प्रजज्ञे delivered you.

'O great monkey O strongshouldered one having been assured that way, your mother was pleased and delivered you, a bull among monkeys, in a cave.
अभ्युत्थितं ततस्सूर्यं बालो दृष्ट्वा महावने।

फलं चेति जिघृक्षुस्त्वमुत्प्लुत्याभ्युद्गतो दिवम्।।4.66.21।।

ततः then, बालः a boy, त्वम् you, महावने in the deep forest, अभ्युत्थितम् rising, सूर्यम् Sun, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, फलं चेति treating it to be, जिघृक्षुः wished to seize, उत्प्लुत्य having jumped, दिवम् to sky, अभ्युद्गतः went flying.

'On seeing the rising Sun in the deep forest, mistaking him to be a fruit, you wanted to seize it, when you were young.You suddenly flew into the sky and went flying towards the Sun.
शतानि त्रीणि गत्वाऽथ योजनानां महाकपे।

तेजसा तस्य निर्धूतो न विषादं ततोगतः।।4.66.22।।

महाकपे O great monkey, अथ then, योजनानाम् of yojanas, त्रीणि three, शतानि गत्वा after covering a distance of three hundred, तस्य his, तेजसा in brilliance, निर्धूतः you were pushed back, ततः then, विषादम् dull, न not, गतः attained.

'O great monkey you went three hundred yojanas and were pushed back by the Sun's radiance. Yet it did not leave you depressed.
तावदापपत स्तूर्णमन्तरिक्षं महाकपे।

क्षिप्तमिन्द्रेण ते वज्रं कोपाविष्टेन धीमता।।4.66.23।।

महाकपे great monkey, तूर्णम् swiftly, अन्तरिक्षम् into space, कोपाविष्टेन in anger, धीमता by the wise, इन्द्रेण by Indra's, वज्रम् thunderbolt, ते at you, क्षिप्तम् hurled, तावत् so much, आपतत: while falling.

'O great monkey while falling fast in space, wise Indra hurled his thunderbolt quickly at you, in anger.
तदा शैलाग्रशिखरे वामो हनुरभज्यत।

ततो हि नामधेयं ते हनुमानिति कीर्त्यते।।4.66.24।।

तदा then, शैलाग्रशिखरे on the edge of the mountain peak, वामः left, हनुः chin, अभज्यत was broken, ततः then, ते your, नामधेयम् named, हनुमानिति Hanuman, कीर्त्यते wellknown.

'You fell on the edge of the mountain peak and your left chin got broken. Since then you are widely known as Hanuman (one who has a wounded chin).
तस्त्वावि निहतं दृष्ट्वा वायुर्गन्धवहस्स्वयम्।

त्रैलोक्ये भृशसङ्कृद्धो न ववौ वै प्रभञ्जनः।।4.66.25।।

ततः then, गन्धवहः carrier of fragrance (Windgod), प्रभञ्जनः one who breaks (trees), वायुः wind, त्वाम् you, निहतम् hit दृष्ट्वा seeing, स्वयम् himself, भृशसङ्कृद्धुः became very angry, त्रैलोक्यम् in the three worlds, न ववौवै (windgod) did not blow wind.

The Windgod who is a carrier of fragrance and breaker of trees became very angry on seeing (the injury on) you and stopped blowing in the three worlds.
सम्भ्रान्ताश्च सूरास्सर्वे त्रैलोक्ये क्षुभिते सति।

प्रसादयन्ति संक्रुद्धं मारुतं भुवनेश्वराः।।4.66.26।।

त्रैलोक्ये in all the three worlds, क्षुभिते सति disturbed, भुवनेश्वराः all lords of the world, सर्वे all, सुराः Gods, संभ्रान्ताः became uneasy, संक्रुद्धम् angry, मारुतम् Maruta, प्रसादयन्ति propitiated.

प्रसादिते च पवने ब्रह्मा तुभ्यं वरं ददौ।

अशस्त्रवध्यतां तात समरे सत्यविक्रम।।4.66.27।।

समरे in war, सत्यविक्रम O truly valiant, तात o dear, पवने when the Windgod, प्रसादिते propitiated, ब्रह्मा Brahma, तुभ्यम् to you, अशस्त्रवध्यताम् cannot be killed by a weapon, वरम् boon, ददौ he gave.

'O dear when the Windgod was pleased, Brahma gave a boon to you, to appease his anger. The boon made you truly valiant so that you cannot be struck by any weapon and killed.
वज्रस्य च निपातेन विरुजं त्वां समीक्ष्य च।

सहस्रनेत्रः प्रीतात्मा ददौ ते वरमुत्तमम्।।4.66.28।।

स्वच्छन्दतश्च मरणं तेभूयादिति वै प्रभो।

प्रभो O lord, सहस्रनेत्रः the thousandeyed, वज्रस्य thunderbolt's, निपातेन by striking, त्वाम् you, विरुजम् not hurt, समीक्ष्य च on observing that, प्रीतात्मा a pleased self, तव your, स्वच्छन्दतः at your wish, मरणम् death, ते you, भूयात् will be, इति thus, उत्तमम् best, वरम् boon, ददौ gave.

'O lord observing that you are not hurt even when struck by the thunderbolt, Indra offered, one of the best boons to you, to choose to die only when you wish.
स त्वं केसरिणः पुत्रः क्षेत्रजो भीमविक्रमः।।4.66.29।।

मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रस्तेजसा चापि तत्समः।

त्वं हि वायुसुतो वत्स प्लवने चापि तत्समः।।4.66.30।।

भीमविक्रमः of terrific strength, सः त्वम् that you are, केसरिणः Kesari's, क्षेत्रजः the offspring (one of twelve sons according to Hindu scriptures), पुत्रः son, मारुतस्य Marutha's, औरसः पुत्रः lawful son, तेजसा with brilliance, तत्समश्च also equal to him, वत्स dear, वायुसुतः son of the Windgod, त्वम् you, प्लवने in flying, च अपि also, तत्समः हि equal to.

'You are a son of Kesari endowed with terrific strength and a lawful son of Maruta also. You are, therefore, equal to the very Windgod in flying and in brilliance.
वयमद्य गतप्राणा भवान्नस्त्रातु साम्प्रतम्।

दाक्ष्यविक्रमसम्पन्नः कपिराज इवापरः।।4.66.31।।

अद्य now, वयम् we, गतप्राणाः almost lost our life, भवान् you, साम्प्रतम् at present, त्रातु you may save us, दाक्ष्यविक्रमसम्पन्नः fully endowed with valour and courage, अपरः another, कपिराजः monkey king, इव like.

'Now we have almost lost our life.You are our saviour like another monkeyking (like Garuda, king of birds).You are fully endowed with valour and courage.
त्रिविक्रमे मया तात सशैलवनकानना।

त्रिस्सप्तकृत्वः पृथिवी परिक्रान्ता प्रदक्षिणम्।।4.66.32।।

तात dear, त्रिविक्रमे when Visnu took three strides, सशैलवनकानना with its mountains, trees and forests, पृथिवी the whole earth, मया by me, त्रिस्सप्तकृत्वः twenty one times, प्रदक्षिणम् परिक्रान्ता circumambulated.

'O dear when Visnu (Vamana incarnate) took three strides I circumambulated the whole earth including its mountains and trees twentyone times.
तथा चौषधयोऽस्माभिस्सञ्चिता देवशासनात्।

निष्पन्नममृतं याभिस्तदासीन्नो महद्बलम्।।4.66.33।।

तदा then, देवशासनात् by the command of the gods, याभिः by those, अमृतम् nectar, निष्पन्नम् produced, ओषधयः herbs, अस्माभिः by us, सञ्चिताः are collected, तदानीम् then, नः for us, बलम् strength, महत् great.

'Then on receiving orders from the gods, we collected medicinal herbs and nectar which gave us great strength.
स इदानीमहं वृद्धः परिहीनपराक्रमः।

साम्प्रतं कालमस्माकं भवान्सर्वगुणान्वितः।।4.66.34।।

इदानीम् as such, वृद्धः old, सः अहम् I being, परिहीनपराक्रमः my valour is depleted, साम्प्रतं कालम् at this time, भवान् you have, अस्माकम् for us, सर्वगुणान्वितः endowed with all qualities.

'I have become old and my valour is depleted. At this time you are the sole resort for us. You have all the necessary qualities.
तद्विजृम्भस्व विक्रान्त: प्लवतामुत्तमो ह्यसि।

त्वद्वीर्यं द्रष्टुकामा हि सर्वा वानरवाहिनी।।4.66.35।।

विक्रान्तः cheer up, तत् that, विजृम्भस्व expand yourself, प्लवताम् among the leaping ones, उत्तमः the best, असि हि you are, सर्वा entire, वानरवाहिनी monkey army, त्वद्वीर्यम् your valour, द्रष्टुकामा हि desiring to see.

'Cheer up and advance.You are the best among the creatures that can leap.The entire army of monkeys want to see your valour.
उत्तिष्ठ हरिशार्दूल लङ्घयस्व महार्णवम्।

परा हि सर्वभूतानां हनुमन्या गतिस्तव।।4.66.36।।

हरिशार्दूल O tiger among monkeys, हनुमन् O Hanuman, उत्तिष्ठ rise up, महार्णवम् great ocean, लङ्घयस्व cross, तव your, या such, गतिः capacity, सर्वभूतानाम् among all beings, परा हि indeed supreme.

'O Hanuman, tiger among monkeys, rise up and cross this great ocean.You have that supreme capacity among all beings.
विषण्णा हरयस्सर्वे हनुमन्किमुपेक्षसे।

विक्रमस्व महावेगो विष्णुस्त्रीन्विक्रमानिव।।4.66.37।।

हनुमन् O Hanuman, सर्वे all, हरयः monkeys, विषण्णाः are dejected, किम् why, उपेक्षसे do you delay, महावेग O warrior of great speed, विष्णुः Visnu, त्रीन् three, विक्रमानिव like Trivikrama, विक्रमस्व you move fast.

'O Hanuman All the monkeys look dejected. Why do you delay? O warrior, act quick with your rapid speed like Trivikrama who took three strides that covered the entire universe'.
ततस्तु वै जाम्बवता प्रचोदितः

प्रतीतवेगः पवनात्मजः कपिः।

प्रहर्षयंस्तां हरिवीरवाहिनीं

चकार रूपं महदात्मनस्तदा।।4.66.38।।

ततः then, जाम्बवता by Jambavan, प्रचोदितः inspired, प्रतीतवेगः realising his speed, पवनात्मजः son of the Windgod, कपिः monkey, ताम् that, हरिवीरवाहिनीम् army of heroic monkeys, प्रहर्षयन् by pleasing, तदा then, आत्मनः his own, रूपम् form, महत् चकार enlarged.

Then Hanuman, son of the Windgod, inspired by Jambavan, enlarged his body, ready to leap. The army of heroic monkeys were pleased (to see him).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षट्षष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtysixth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.