Sloka & Translation

[Episode of Vali's fight with Mayavi -- installation of Sugriva as king of Kishkinda -- return of Vali to Kishkinda.]

वाली नाम मम भ्राता ज्येष्ठश्शत्रुनिषूदनः।

पितुर्बहुमतो नित्यं ममापि च तथा पुरा4.9.1।।

शत्रुनिषूदनः an exterminater of enemies, वाली नाम called Vali , मम my, ज्येष्ठः भ्राता elder brother, नित्यम् always, पितुः father, बहुमतः very highly regarded, पुरा earlier, मम चापि even me also, तथा that way.

'My elder brother called Vali, capable of exterminating enemies was always highly regarded by my father and me.
पितर्युपरतेऽस्माकं ज्येष्ठोऽयमिति मन्त्रिभिः।

कपीनामीश्वरो राज्ये कृतः परमसम्मतः4.9.2।।

तस्मिन् he, पितरि my father, उपरते demise, अयम् this, ज्येष्ठः इति being elder, राज्ये in the kingdom, परमसम्मतः with the acceptance of all, कपीनाम् ईश्वरः king of monkeys, मन्त्रिभिः including ministers, कृतः made.

राज्यं प्रशासतस्तस्य पितृपैतामहं महत्।

अहं सर्वेषु कालेषु प्रणतः प्रेष्यवत् स्थितः4.9.3।।

अहम् I, महत् great, पितृपैतामहम् inherited from ancestors, राज्यम् kingdom, प्रशासतः while he was ruling, तस्य his, सर्वेषु कालेषु at all times, प्रेष्यवत् like a servant, प्रणतः an obedient one, स्थितः remained.

'I served him obediently like a servant while he ruled over the great ancestral kingdom inherited by him.
मायावी नाम तेजस्वी पूर्वजो दुन्दुभेः सुतः।

तेन तस्य महद्वैरं स्त्रीकृतं विश्श्रुतं पुरा4.9.4।।

दुन्दभेः Dundubhi's, पूर्वजः elder, सुतः son, मायावी Mayavi, तेजस्वी a mighty one, पुरा in the past, तस्य विश्श्रुतं wellknown about him, तेन by him, स्त्रीकृतम् for the sake of a woman, महत् bitter, वैरम् enmity.

'Dundubhi's eldest son Mayabi was a mighty demon. He developed bitter enmity with Vali for the sake of a woman.
स तु सुप्तजने रात्रौ किष्किन्धाद्वारमागतः।

नर्दति स्म सुसंरब्धो वालिनं चाह्वयद्रणे4.9.5।।

रात्रौ at night, जने people, सुप्ते were asleep, सः he, किष्किन्धाद्वारम् entrance of Kishkindha, आगतः came, सुसंरब्धः an agitated one, नर्दति स्म bellowing, वालिनम् Vali, रणे for war, आह्वयत् challenging.

'One midnight when all were asleep, he (Mayabi) came to the entrance of Kishkinda screaming angrily and bellowing at Vali, challenging him to a duel.
प्रसुप्तस्तु मम भ्राता नर्दितं भैरवस्वनम्।

श्रुत्वा न ममृषे वाली निष्पपात जवात्तदा4.9.6।।

तदा then, प्रसुप्त was sleeping, मम भ्राता my brother, वाली Vali, नर्दतः shouting, भैरवस्वनम् frightful sound, श्रुत्वा after hearing, न ममृषे did not tolerate, जवात् hastily, निष्पपात jumped out.

' My brother Vali, who was asleep could not tolerate the frightful sound and jumped
out of bed hastily.
स तु वै निस्सृतः क्रोधात्तं हन्तुमसुरोत्तमम्।

वार्यमाणस्तत स्त्रीभिर्मया च प्रणतात्मना4.9.7।।

ततः then, सः he, स्त्रीभिः by women, प्रणतात्मना by an obedient one, मया च and by me too, निवार्यमाणः was prevented, तम् him, असुरोत्तमम् powerful demon, हन्तुम् to kill, क्रोधात् angrily, निःसृतः came out.

'Enraged, he came out to kill the powerful demon even though I with the womenfolk (of the harem) tried to prevent him.
स तु निर्धूय ताः सर्वा निर्जगाम महाबलः।

ततोऽहमपि सौहार्दान्निस्सृतो वालिना सह4.9.8।।

महाबलः powerful, स तु he too, ताः सर्वाः all the women, निर्धूय pushing aside, निर्जगाम went, ततः then, अहमपि I too, सौहार्दात् out of love, वालिना सह accompanied Vali, निःसृतः came out (to support him).

'That mighty warrior(Vali) came out, pushing aside all the womenfolk. I too followed him due to my affection towards him.
स तु मे भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा मां च दूरादवस्थितम्।

असुरो जातसन्त्रासः प्रदुद्राव ततो भृशम्4.9.9।।

सः he, असुरः तु demon also, मे भ्रातरम् my brother, दूरात् from a distance, अवस्थितम् took my stand, मां च and us, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, तदा then, भृशम् very much, जातसन्त्रासः felt scared, प्रदुद्राव ran

'On seeing my brother and me from a distance, the demon took to his heels scared.
तस्मिन् द्रवति सन्त्रस्ते ह्यावां द्रुततरं गतौ।

प्रकाशश्च कृतो मार्गश्चन्द्रेणोद्गच्छता तदा4.9.10।।

सन्त्रस्ते when frightened, तस्मिन् him, द्रवति while running, आवाम् we also, द्रुततरम् faster, गतौ both went, तदा then, उद्गच्छता while rising, चन्द्रेण by the Moon, मार्गः the path, प्रकाशश्च was welllit, कृतः made.

'Frightened, he ran. We too chased him running faster. As the Moon was rising the path was welllit.
स तृणैरावृतं दुर्गं धरण्या विवरं महत्।

प्रविवेशासुरो वेगादावामासाद्य विष्ठितौ4.9.11।।

सः असुरः that demon, धरण्याः on earth, दुर्गम् difficult passage, तृणैः by heaps of grass, आवृतम् covered, महत् great, विवरम् a hole, प्रविवेश entered, आवाम् both of us, आसाद्य reaching, विष्ठितौ we took position

'The demon entered into a hole (cave) covered with a heap of grass, difficult, therefore, of access. Both of us reached there and took position.
तं प्रविष्टं रिपुं दृष्ट्वा बिलं रोषवशं गतः।

मामुवाच तदा वाली वचनं क्षुभितेन्द्रियः4.9.12।।

तदा then, बिलम् hole, प्रविष्टम् entered, तं रिपुम् that enemy, दृष्ट्वा seeing, वाली Vali, रोषवशम् angry, गतः went, क्षुभितेन्द्रियः senses stirred, माम् to me, उवाच said.

'Seeing the enemy entering the cave, Vali became wrathful and his senses were terribly disturbed.He said to me:
इह त्वं तिष्ठ सुग्रीव बिलद्वारि समाहितः।

यावत्तत्र प्रविश्याहं निहन्मि सहसा रिपुम्4.9.13।।

सुग्रीव O Sugriva, अहम् I, तत्र there, प्रविश्य after entering, सहसा at once, रिपुम् the enemy, यावत् निहन्मि till I kill, समाहितः being alert, अद्य now, इह here, बिलद्वारि at the hole, तिष्ठ you wait, त्वम् yourself.

'O Sugriva wait here at the entrance of the cave and be on your alert until I enter this hole and kill the enemy'.
मया त्वेतद्वचश्श्रुत्वा याचितस्स परन्तपः।

शापयित्वा तु मां पद्भ्यां प्रविवेश बिलं महत्4.9.14।।

एतत् this, वचः words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, मया me, याचितः begged, परन्तपः scorcher of enemies, सः he, माम् me, पद्भ्याम् on his feet, शापयित्वा made me swear, महत् great, बिलम् cave, प्रविवेश entered.

'On hearing him, I begged the scorcher of enemies (Vali) that I would follow him, but he made me swear on his feet and entered the cave.
तस्य प्रविष्टस्य बिलं साग्रस्संवत्सरो गतः।

स्थितस्य मम बिलद्वारि स कालो व्यत्यवर्तत4.9.15।।

बिलम् cave, प्रविष्टस्य him who entered, तस्य for him, साग्रः well over, संवत्सरज्ञ a year, गतः had passed, बिलद्वारि at the entrance of the cave, स्थितस्य was waiting, सः कालः all that year, व्यत्यवर्तत passed by.

अहं तु नष्टं ज्ञात्वा तं स्नेहादागतसम्भ्रमः।

भ्रातरं न च पश्यामि पापाशङ्कि च मे मनः4.9.16।।

अहं तु I also, तम् him, नष्टम् dead, ज्ञात्वा after knowing, स्नेहात् due to love, आगत संभ्रमः
became agitated, भ्रातरम् brother, न पश्यामि I have not seen, मे my, मनः mind, पापाशङ्कि च suspected.

'Thinking him dead, I became agitated because of my love for him. My mind began to apprehend his death since I had not seen my brother for long.
अथ दीर्घस्य कालस्य बिलात्तस्माद्विनिस्सृतम्।

सफेनं रुधिरं रक्तमहं दृष्ट्वा सुदुःखितः।।4.9.17।।

अथ then, दीर्घस्य कालस्य after a long time, तस्मात् from that, बिलात् from the cave, विनिःसृतम् flowing down, सफेनम् along with foam, रुधिरम् blood, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, ततः then, अहम् I, भृशदुःखितः became very sad.

नर्दतामसुराणां च ध्वनिर्मे श्रोत्रमागतः।

निरस्तस्य च सङ्ग्रामे क्रोशतोनिस्स्वनो गुरोः4.9.18।।

नर्दताम् roaring voices, असुराणाम् of the demon, ध्वनिः sound, मे to me, श्रोत्रम् to the ear, आगतः came to, सङ्ग्रामे in war, रतस्त engaged, क्रोशतो वापि or not of a shouting, गुरोः of my brother, निस्स्वनः voice.

'I heard the roaring voices of the demons and not the yelling of my brother engaged in the duel.
अहं त्ववगतो बुद्ध्या चिह्नैस्तैर्भ्रातरं हतम्।

पिधाय च बिलद्वारं शिलया गिरिमात्रया4.9.19।।

शोकार्तश्चोदकं कृत्वा किष्किन्धामागतस्सखे।

गूहमानस्य मे तत्त्वं यत्नतो मन्त्रिभिश्श्रुतम्4.9.20।।

सखे O friend, अहं तु I also, तैः by those, चिह्नैः by the signs, भ्रातरम् my brother, हतम् killed, बुद्ध्या with my understanding, अवगतः came to know, गिरिमात्रया of the size of a mountain, शिलया with a rock, बिलद्वारम् the entrance of the mountain, पिधाय blocking, च and, शोकार्तः immersed in sorrow, उदकं कृत्वा offering oblations, किष्किन्धाम् to Kishkindha, आगतः came, मे me, गूहमानस्य intending to hide the fact, मन्त्रिभिः by the ministers, तत्त्वम् truth, यत्नतः efforts, श्रुतम् heard.

'O friend by those signs I understood that my brother was killed and concluding that way I blocked the entrance of the cave with a rock of the size of a mountain and offered oblations to my brother and came to Kishkinda. I intended to hide the fact of Vali's death. But the ministers came to know the truth with their efforts.
ततोऽहं तैस्समागम्य सम्मतैरभिषेचितः।

राज्यं प्रशासतस्तस्य न्यायतो मम राघव4.9.21।।

आजगाम रिपुं हत्वा वाली तमसुरोत्तमम्।।

ततः then, समेतैः by those coming together, तैः by them, समागम्य having assembled, अहम् I, अभिषेचितः I was consecrated, राघव O Rama, तस्य मम to me (in such a condition), राज्यम् kingdom, न्यायतः lawfully, प्रशासतः while I was ruling, सः वानरः that monkey, रिपुम् enemy, दानवम् demon, हत्वा after killing, आजगाम came back.

'Then all the ministers assembled together and consecrated me. While I was ruling the kingdom lawfully, Vali, the monkey came back after killing the enemy demon.
अभिषिक्तं तु मां दृष्ट्वा वाली संरक्तलोचनः।

मदीयान्मन्त्रिणो बद्ध्वा परुषं वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.9.22।।

अभिषिक्तम् consecrated, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, कोपात् angrily, संरक्तलोचनः with his eyes turned red, मदीयान् those belonging to me, मन्त्रिणः at the ministers, बद्ध्वा after imprisoning, परुषम् harsh, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

'Seeing me on the throne, Vali became angry and his eyes turned red. He imprisoned
my ministers and spoke to me harshly.
निग्रहेऽपि समर्थस्य तं पापं प्रति राघव।

न प्रावर्तत मे बुद्धिर्भ्रातुर्गौरवयन्त्रिता4.9.23।।

राघव Rama, निग्रहे in resistance, अपि also, समर्थस्य of a capable one, मे my, बुद्धि: intellect, भ्रातृगौरवयन्त्रिता controlled by my respect for my brother, तं पापं प्रति towards that sinner, न प्रावर्तत did not advance.

'O Rama even though I was capable of restraining the sinner, my intellect did not let me do so out of respect for my brother.
हत्वा शत्रुं स मे भ्राता प्रविवेश पुरं तदा4.9.24।।

मानयंस्तं महात्मानं यथावच्चाभ्यवादयम्।

उक्ताश्च नाशिषस्तेन सन्तुष्टेनान्तरात्मना4.9.25।।

मे भ्राता my brother, सः he, शत्रुम् enemy, हत्वा after killing, तदा then, पुरम् town, प्रविवेश he entered, महात्मानम् great man, तम् him, मानयन् while I respected, यथावत् as usual, अभ्यवादयम् I offered salutations, तेन by him, सन्तुष्टेन gladly, अन्तरात्मना wholeheartedly, आशिषः blessings, नोक्ताः were not pronounced.

'When my brother came back to the town after killing the enemy, I offered as usual my salutations to him. But he did not bless me wholeheartedly.
नत्वा पादावहं तस्य मकुटेनास्पृशं प्रभो

अपि वाली मम क्रोधान्न प्रसादं चकार सः4.9.26।।

प्रभो O Lord, अहम् I, नत्वा bowing, तस्य पादौ at his feet, मकुटेन with my crown, अस्पृशम् I touched, अपि even then, सः वाली that Vali, क्रोधात् angrily, मम my, प्रसादम् pleasure, न चकार not accepted.

'O lord I bowed at his feet with my crown in total submission. Even then Vali was not pleased a bit.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे नवमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the ninth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.