Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman experiences the presence of ogresses hiding on the Simsupa tree.]

ततः कमुदषण्डाभो निर्मलं निर्मलोदयः।

प्रजगाम नभश्चन्द्रो हंसो नीलमिवोदकम्।।5.17.1।।

ततः thereafter, कुमुदषण्डाभः shining like a bed of lilies, निर्मलोदयः risen stainless, चन्द्रः Moon, हंसः swan, नीलम् blue, उदकम् इव like water, निर्मलम् clear, नभः sky, प्रजगाम reached.

Then the Moon shining like a bed of lilies rose stainless, ascended the clear sky and looked like a swan swimming through blue water.
साचिव्यमिव कुर्वन् स प्रभया निर्मलप्रभः।

चन्द्रमा रश्मिभिश्शीतैस्सिषेवे पवनात्मजम्।।5.17.2।।

निर्मलप्रभः clear light, सः चन्द्रमाः the Moon, प्रभया by his brightness, साचिव्यम् ministered, कुर्वन्निव like one who wished to render, शीतैः with cool, रश्मिभि: rays, पवनात्मजम् son of the Windgod, सिषेवे refreshed.

The Moon shed clear lightas if with his brightness and his cool rays he wished to refresh the son of the Windgod.
स ददर्श ततः सीतां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम्।

शोकभारैरिव न्यस्तां भारैर्नावमिवाम्भसि।।5.17.3।।

ततः then, सः he, पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम् whose face was like the fullmoon, भारैः with heavy, अम्भसि in water, न्यस्ताम् placed, नावमिव like the boat, शोकभारैः under the burden of sorrow, इव as if, सीताम् at Sita, ददर्श saw.

Then he saw Sita whose face shone like the fullmoon. But she was as though sinking
under the burden of sorrow, like a boat with heavy load sinking in water.
दिदृक्षमाणो वैदेहीं हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

स ददर्शाविदूरस्था राक्षसीर्घोरदर्शनाः।।5.17.4।।

एकाक्षीमेककर्णां च कर्णप्रावरणां तथा।

अकर्णां शङ्कुकर्णां च मस्तकोच्छ्वासनासिकाम्।।5.17.5।।

अतिकायोत्तमाङ्गीं च तनुदीर्घशिरोधराम्।

ध्वस्तकेशीं तथाऽकेशीं केशकम्बलधारिणीम्।।5.17.6।।

लम्बकर्णललाटां च लम्बोदरपयोधराम्।

लम्बोष्ठीं चुबुकोष्ठीं च लम्बास्यां लम्बजानुकाम्।।5.17.7।।

ह्रस्वां दीर्घां तथा कुब्जां विकटां वामनां तथा।

करालां भुग्नवक्त्रां च पिङ्गाक्षीं विकृताननाम्।।5.17.8।।

वैदेहीम् at Vaidehi, दिदृक्षमाणः eager to see, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, सः हनुमान् that Hanuman, अविदूरस्थाः close by, घोरदर्शनाः of dreadful appearance, राक्षसीः shedemons, ददर्श saw, एकाक्षीम् oneeyed ogress, एककर्णां च one ogress having one ear, तथा so also, कर्णप्रावरणाम् ears covering the body, अकर्णाम् without ears, शङ्कुकर्णां च with pointed ears, मस्तकोच्छवासनासिकाम् one was breathing through the nose on head, तनुदीर्घशिरोधराम् one having thin and long neck, ध्वस्तकेशीम् one whose hair had eroded, तथा likewise, अकेशीम् one hairless, केशकम्बलधारिणीम् another who had hair covering like a blanket, लम्बकर्णललाटां च with ears hanging on the forehead, लम्बोष्ठीम् with hanging big lips, चुबुकोष्ठीं च one with lips extending up to chin, लम्बास्याम् one with a long face, लम्बजानुकाम् one with long knees sticking out, ह्रस्वाम् a pigmy, दीर्घाम् a tall one, तथा likewise, कुब्जाम् a humpbacked, विकटाम् of ugly looks, वामनाम् one dwarf, तथा similarly, करालाम् one having a gaping mouth, भुग्नवक्त्रां च one with distorted face, पिङ्गाक्षीम् one with brown eyes, विकृताननाम् one of deformed face.

While Hanuman was eager to observe Sita he saw many shedemons in ugly appearance close by her. One of them was oneeyed, another with a single ear, a third had ears covering the body, yet another had pointed (spikelike) ears, one was breathing through the nose on the head, one had long thin neck, one was hairless another had hair covering like a blanket. One of them had hanging ears on the forehead, another had big hanging lips, still another had long lips hanging up to the chin. So also one had protruding knees, one stunted, one tall, another had lips extending up to her chin, yet another was longfaced and another had long knees. There was one pigmy, one tall, one was humpbacked and another a dwarf.Similarly an ugly looking one, another with gaping mouth, still another with a distorted face, one with yellow eyes and one of deformed face were seen.
विकृताः पिङ्गलाः कालीः क्रोधनाः कलहप्रियाः।



गजोष्ट्रहयपादीश्च निखातशिरसोऽपराः।।5.17.10।।

एकहस्तैकपादाश्च खरकर्ण्यश्वकर्णिकाः।

गोकर्णीर्हस्तिकर्णीश्च हरिकर्णीस्तथापराः।।5.17.11।।

अनासा अतिनासाश्च तिर्यङ्नासा विनासिकाः।

गजसन्निभनासाश्च ललाटोच्छवासनासिकाः।।5.17.12।।

हस्तिपादा महापादा गोपादाः पादचूलिकाः।

अतिमात्रशिरोग्रीवा अतिमात्रकुचोदरीः।।5.17.13।।

अतिमात्रास्यनेत्राश्च दीर्घजिह्वानखास्तथा।


हयोष्ट्रखरवक्त्राश्च राक्षसीर्घोरदर्शनाः।

शूलमुद्गरहस्ताश्च क्रोधनाः कलहप्रियाः।।5.17.15।।

कराला धूम्रकेशीश्च राक्षसीर्विकृताननाः।

पिबन्ती: सततं पानं सदा मांससुराप्रियाः।।5.17.16।।


ता ददर्श कपिश्रेष्ठो रोमहर्षणदर्शनाः।।5.17.17।।

स्कन्धवन्तमुपासीनाः परिवार्य वनस्पतिम्।

विकृताः of disfigured body, पिङ्गलाः brownhued, कालीः dark, क्रोधनाः angry, कलहप्रियाः quarrelsome, कालायसमहाशूलकूटमुद्गरधारिणीः holding spears, mallets and warhammers of black iron, वराहमृगशार्दूलमहिषाजशिवामुखीः having faces like boar, deer, tiger buffalo, goat, jackal, गजोष्ट्रहयपादीः च with feet like those of elephants, camels and horses, निखातशिरसः head sunk into the trunk , अपराः others, एकहस्तैकपादाश्च some having one hand and one leg, खरकर्ण्यश्वकर्णिकाः some having ears of a donkey or horse, गोकर्णीः women with ears like cow's, हस्तिकर्णीश्च those with elephant ears, तथा likewise, हरिकर्णी: having ears like that of monkeys, अपराः and others, अनासाः without nose, अतिनासाश्च with a big nose, तिर्यङ्नासाः with crooked, flat, horizontal nose, विनासिकाः nose without nostrils, गजसन्निभनासाश्च with the nose of an elephant, ललाटोच्छ्वासनासिकाः with nostrils on the forehead, हस्तिपादाः with elephant feet, महापादाः with huge feet, गोपादाः with feet like cows' hoofs, पादचूलिकाः with hair grown on feet, अतिमात्रशिरोग्रीवाः having huge head and neck, अतिमात्रकुचोदरीः having heavy breasts, bellies, अतिमात्रास्यनेत्राश्च having large and uneven mouths and eyes, दीर्घजिह्वानखाः having long nails and tongues, तथा similarly, अजामुखीः having goat's face, हस्तिमुखीः having elephant face, गोमुखीः cow's face, सूकरीमुखीः women with faces of a pig, हयोष्ट्रखरवक्त्राश्च like the face of a horse, a camel or a donkey, घोरदर्शनाः women of terrific form, राक्षसीः shedemons, शूलमुद्गरहस्ताश्च armed with iron crowbars and tridents, क्रोधनाः angry ones, कलहप्रियाः quarrelsome, करालाः with uneven gaping mouths, धूम्रकेशीश्च with smokecoloured hair, विकृताननाः having distorted faces, सततम् ever, पानम् drink, पिबन्ती: drinking, सदा always, मांससुराप्रियाः women fond of meat and drinks, मांसशोणितदिग्धाङ्गीः whose bodies were smeared with blood and flesh, मांसशोणितभोजनाः who feed on flesh and blood, रोमहर्षणदर्शनाः who look horripilating, स्कन्धवन्तम् with a massive trunk, वनस्पतिम् of tree, परिवार्य having surrounded, उपासीनाः seated, ताः those, राक्षसीः female demons, कपिश्रेष्ठः best of the monkeys, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys saw there shedemons of several distorted forms. Some were brown in colour and some black and some quarrelsome some holding spears, mallets and hammers of black iron, some with faces like boars, deer, tigers, goats and jackals feet like those of elephants, camels and horses, some had their head sunk into the trunk, others having one hand or one leg likewise some having ears like that of a donkey or a horse or a cow some with elephant ears and some with monkey ears some with big nose, without nose,with crooked nose and some without nostrils breathing through their forehead and some with the trunk of an elephant. Some with elephantfeet, with huge feet, and feet like that of cows and some with hair on their feet. There were some with huge heads and necks, some having large breasts, bellies, some with hanging breasts, and some with long nails and tongues. Similarly there were some having faces of goats, mouths of horses, camels or donkeys. They were terrifying, armed with iron crowbars and tridents. Some were wrathful, some with uneven gaping mouth, and some with smoky hair and distorted faces. They were always found drinking, smeared with flesh and blood and feeding on flesh and blood. Their appearance was horripilating. All of them were seated around the trunk of massive tree.
तस्याधस्ताच्च तां देवीं राजपुत्रीमनिन्दिताम्।।5.17.18।।

लक्षयामास लक्ष्मीवान् हनुमान् जनकात्मजाम्।

लक्ष्मीवान् illustrious, हनुमान् Hanuman, तस्य of that, अधस्तात् under that (tree), राजपुत्रीम् princess, जनकात्मजाम् Janaka's daughter, अनिन्दिताम् blameless, तां देवीम् that queen, लक्षयामास watched her.

The illustrious Hanuman watched the blameless princess Janaki who was seated under that tree.
निष्प्रभां शोकसन्तप्तां मलसङ्कुलमूर्धजाम्।।5.17.19।।

क्षीणपुण्यां च्युतां भूमौ तारां निपतितामिव।

निष्प्रभाम् lady shorn of lustre, शोकसन्तप्तान् tromented with grief, मलसङ्कुलमूर्धजाम् with dishevelled filled with dust, क्षीणपुण्याम् merits exhausted, च्युताम् slipped, भूमौ on the land, निपतिताम् fallen, तारामिव like meteor.

Shorn of lustre, unkempt hair filled with dust, she appeared like a meteor slipped and fallen on land, merits exhausted.
चारित्रव्यपदेशाढ्यां भर्तृदर्शनदुर्गताम्।।5.17.20।।

भूषणैरुत्तमैर्हीनां भर्तृवात्सल्यभूषणाम्।

चारित्रव्यपदेशाढ्याम् having high reputation for her chastity, भर्तृदर्शनदुर्गताम् distressed, yearning to see her husband, उत्तमैः excellent, भूषणैः with ornaments, हीनाम् deprived, भर्तृवात्सल्य husband's love, भूषणाम् adorned.

She was rich by her reputation for chastity but poor as she yearned to see her husband. Though devoid of all excellent ornaments, she looked adorned with love for her husband.
राक्षसाधिपसंरुद्धां बन्धुभिश्च विना कृताम्।।5.17.21।।

वियूथां सिंहसंरुद्धां बद्धां गजवधूमिव।

राक्षसाधिपसंरुद्धाम् besieged by the demon king, बन्धुभिः विना च without near and dear, कृताम् done, वियूथाम् separated from its herd, सिंहसंरुद्धाम् besieged by lions, बद्धाम् fettered, गजवधूमिव like a female elephant.

Besieged by the demon king, deprived of her near and dear ones, Sita was looking like a fettered female elephant separated from its herd and besieged by lions.
चन्द्ररेखां पयोदान्ते शारदाभ्रैरिवावृताम्।।5.17.22।।

क्लिष्टरूपामसंस्पर्शादयुक्तामिव वल्लकीम्।

पयोदान्ते at the close of the rainy season, शारदाभ्रैः by the autumnal clouds, आवृताम् covered, चन्द्ररेखामिव like the crescent Moon, असंस्पर्शात् being untouched, क्लिष्टरूपाम् a lady in faint form, अयुक्ताम् not used, वल्लकीमिव like the lute.

She appeared like a streak (crescent) of Moon covered by autumnal clouds at the close of the rainy season. She looked haggard since she was out of contact with her husband an unused lute with its strings let loose.
सीतां भर्तृवशे युक्तामयुक्तां राक्षसीवशे।।5.17.23।।

अशोकवनिकामथ्ये शोकसागरमाप्लुताम्।

ताभिः परिवृतां तत्र सग्रहामिव रोहिणीम्।।5.17.24।।

ददर्श हनुमान् देवीं लतामकुसुमामिव।

हनुमान् Hanuman, भर्तृवशे under the hold of the husband, युक्ताम् proper, राक्षसीवशे fallen under the sway of shedemons, अयुक्ताम् not proper, अशोकवनिकामध्ये in the midst of Ashoka grove, शोकसागरम् ocean of sorrow, आप्लुताम् drowned, तत्र there, ताभिः by the women, परिवृताम् surrounded, सग्रहाम् by unpropitious planets, रोहिणीमिव like the Rohini, आकुसुमाम् without blossoming, लतामिव like the creeper, देवीम् noble lady, सीताम् Sita, ददर्श saw.

She deserves to be with Rama, but had fallen under the sway of shedemons. Sitting in the midst of Ashoka grove she was like a creeper without blossoms. Immersed in the ocean of sorrow the noble lady was like the star Rohini surrounded by unpropitious planets.
सा मलेन च दिग्धाङ्गी वपुषा चाप्यलङ्कृता।।5.17.25।।

मृणाली पङ्कदिग्धेव विभाति न विभाति च।

मलेन with dirt, दिग्धाङ्गी a lady with daubed limbs, वपुषा चापि her self, अलङ्कृता decorated with ornaments, सा she, पङ्कदिग्धा lotus smeared with mud, मृणालीव a lotus fibre, विभाति shines, न विभाति च had no brightness also.

Even though she was daubed with dirt, and had no ornaments on her, she looked bright like a lotus fibre smeared with mud.
मलिनेन तु वस्त्रेण परिक्लिष्टेन भामिनीम्।।5.17.26।।

संवृतां मृगशाबाक्षीं ददर्श हनुमान् कपिः।

तां देवीं दीनवदनामदीनां भर्तृतेजसा।।5.17.27।।

रक्षितां स्वेन शीलेन सीतामसितलोचनाम्।

कपिः vanara, हनुमान् Hanuman, परिक्लिष्टेन with a crushed, मलिनेन with a soiled, वस्त्रेण with a cloth, संवृताम् covered, मृगशाबाक्षीम् fawneyed lady, दीनवदनाम् a lady with a pathetic face, भर्तृतेजसा with her husband's prowess, अदीनाम् not dejected, स्वेन with her own, शीलेन character, conduct, रक्षिताम् protected, असितलोचनाम् blackeyed one, भामिनीम् beautiful lady, ताम् her, देवीं सीताम् devi Sita, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw the fawneyed lady clad in crushed and soiled clothes with a pathetic face. She felt no dejection when she thought of her husband's prowess. The blackeyed beauty was protected by her own chastity.
तां दृष्ट्वा हनुमान् सीतां मृगशाबनिभेक्षणाम्।

मृगकन्यामिव त्रस्तां वीक्षमाणां समन्ततः।।5.17.28।।

दहन्तीमिव निःश्वासैर्वृक्षान् पल्लवधारिणः।

संघातमिव शोकानां दुःखस्योर्मिमिवोत्थिताम्।।5.17.29।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, मृगशाबनिभेक्षणाम् fawneyed one (doeeyed), त्रस्ताम् frightened lady, मृगकन्यामिव like a female deer, समन्ततः in all directions, वीक्षमाणाम् was looking, पल्लवधारिणः with sprouts, वृक्षान् trees, निःश्वासैः sighing,दहन्तीमिव as if burning, शोकानाम् of sorrows, सङ्घातमिव like a mass, उत्थिताम् arisen, दुःखस्य sorrow's, ऊर्मिमिव like a wave, उत्थितां rise, तां सीताम् that Sita, दृष्ट्वा seeing.

Seeing the fawneyed Sita, a frightened female deer looking all around (as if for some help) sighing hot breath, was as though burning the trees having tender leaves with her hot sighs. She looked like a collective mass of all sorrows, a high tide of suffering.
तां क्षमां सुविभक्ताङ्गी विनाभरणशोभिनीम्।।5.17.30।।

प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे मारुतिः प्रेक्ष्य मैथिलीम्।

क्षमाम् tolerant lady, सुविभक्ताङ्गीम् a lady with beautiful limbs, विनाभरणशोभिनीम् shining even though she did not wear (many) ornaments, तां मैथिलीम् that Mythili, प्रेक्ष्य on observing, मारुतिः Maruti, अतुलम् immeasuarable, प्रहर्षम् joy, लेभे obtained.

She was a tolerant lady. She had beautiful limbs which looked splendid even though she was not wearing ornaments. Hanuman experienced immeasurable joy on seeing Mythili.
हर्षजानि च सोऽश्रूणि तां दृष्ट्वा मदिरेक्षणाम्।

मुमुचे हनुमांस्तत्र नमश्चक्रे च राघवम्।।5.17.31।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, मदिरेक्षणाम् with eyes intoxicating, ताम् her, तत्र there, दृष्ट्वा seeing, हर्षजानि arising due to joy, अश्रूणि tears, मुमुचे shed, राघवम् to Rama, नमश्चक्रे च paid obeisance.

Seeing that lady with eyes intoxicating, Hanuman shed tears of joy. At once he paid obeisance to Rama. (thinking he could trace Sita at last).
नमस्कृत्वा च रामाय लक्ष्मणाय च वीर्यवान्।

सीतादर्शनसंहृष्टो हनुमान् संवृतोऽभवत्।।5.17.32।।

सीतादर्शनसंहृष्टः joyful for having seen Sita, वीर्यवान् heroic one, हनुमान् Hanuman, रामाय to Rama, लक्ष्मणाय च and Lakshmana, नमस्कृत्वा having offered salutations, संवृतः covered himself, अभवत् remained.

Heroic Hanuman felt happy when he saw Sita. He offered salutations to Rama and Lakshmana at heart and covered himself (with the leaves of the Simsupa tree) and waited.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे सप्तदशस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the seventeenth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.