Sloka & Translation


[The ogresses chide Sita who resolutely condemned Ravana.]

ततः सीतामुपागम्य राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।

परुषं परुषा नार्य ऊचुस्तां वाक्यमप्रियम्।।5.24.1।।

ततः then, परुषाः harsh, विकृताननाः hideous, राक्षस्यः नार्यः ogresses, तां सीताम् that Sita, उपागम्य having approached, अप्रियम् unbecoming, वाक्यम् words, परुषम् harshly, ऊचुः uttered.

Then the hideous ogresses approached Sita and spoke these harsh words in an unbecoming manner:
किं त्वमन्तःपुरे सीते सर्वभूतमनोहरे।

महार्हशयनोपेते न वासमनुमन्यसे।।5.24.2।।

सीते O Sita, त्वम् yourself, सर्वभूतमनोहरे delightful for all, महार्हशयनोपेते furnished with fine bedsteads, अन्तःपुरे in the women's chambers, वासम् residence, किम् why, नानुमन्यसे not willing?

'O Sita why don't you agree to dwell in Ravana's inner apartment furnished with fine bedsteads, and which is delightful?
मानुषी मानुषस्यैव भार्यात्वं बहुमन्यसे।

प्रत्याहर मनो रामान्न त्वं जातु भविष्यसि।।5.24.3।।

मानुषी being a woman, मानुषस्यैव of a man only, भार्यात्वम् being wife, बहुमन्यसे you are holding this in high esteem, रामात् from Rama, मनः mind, प्रत्यहर you may turn, त्वम् you, जातु indeed, न भविष्यसि will not live.

'You are a woman, wife of Rama, an ordinary mortal you are holding in high esteem. Withdraw your mind from Rama or else you will not survive.
त्रैलोक्यवसुभोक्तारं रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम्।

भर्तारमुपसङ्गम्य विहरस्व यथासुखम्।।5.24.4।।

त्रैलोक्यवसुभोक्तारम् enjoy the wealth of the three worlds, राक्षसेश्वरम् demon king, रावणम् Ravana, भर्तारम् as husband, उपसङ्गम्य after uniting yourself, यथासुखम् pleasure, विहरस्व sport with him.

"Accept Ravana as your husband and after uniting with him enjoy all the pleasures of the three worlds.
मानुषी मानुषं तं तु राममिच्छसि शोभने।

राज्याद्भ्र्रष्टमसिद्धार्थं विक्लबं त्वमनिन्दिते।।5.24.5।।

शोभने O charming lady, अनिन्दिते blameless one, मानुषी a woman, त्वं तु you too, राज्यात् from the kingdom, भ्रष्टम् dethroned, असिद्धार्थम् one who is not successful, विक्लबम् distressed, मानुषम् human, तं him, रामम् Rama only, इच्छसि wanting.

'O charming lady you have an irreproachable beauty and grace. Why do you think of human Rama only who has been dethroned from the kingdom. He is only a human being who is unsuccessful and distressful.'
राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा सीता पद्मनिभेक्षणा।

नेत्राभ्यामश्रुपूर्णाभ्यामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।5.24.6।।

पद्मनिभेक्षणा a lady with eyes like lotus petals, सीता Sita, राक्षसीनाम् of the ogresses, वचः words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, अश्रुपूर्णाभ्याम् those filled with tears, नेत्राभ्याम् with both eyes, इदम् this way, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Hearing the words of the ogresses, Sita with eyes like lotus petals full of tears replied this way:
यदिदं लोकविद्विष्टमुदाहरथ सङ्गताः।

नैतन्मनसि वाक्यं मे किल्बिषं प्रतिभाति वः।।5.24.7।।

सङ्गताः joined together, लोकविद्विष्टम् not acceptable to the world, यत् such, इदम् this, मे my, वाक्यम् words, उदाहरथ you spoke, एतत् this way, वः addressed by you, मनसि in mind, किल्बिषम् sinful, न प्रतिभाति not thought.

"All of you joined together and spoke such words that are not acceptable to the world. Your sinful words of advice do not appeal to me.
न मानुषी राक्षसस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हति।

कामं खादत मां सर्वा न करिष्यामि वो वचः।।5.24.8।।

मानुषी a human being, राक्षसस्य ogre's, भार्या wife, भवितुम् to become, न अर्हति ought not to be, सर्वाः all of you, कामम् freely, माम् me, खादत eat, वः addressed by you, वचः words, न करिष्यामि I will not do.

' A human being ought not to become wife of a demon. Devour me if you want. I refuse to accept your advice.'
दीनो वा राज्यहीनो वा यो मे भर्ता स मे गुरुः।

तं नित्यमनुरक्तास्मि यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला।।5.24.9।।

दीनो वा a dejected one, राज्यहीनो वा a king who lost his kingdom, यः he who, मे my, भर्ता husband, सः he, मे my, गुरुः lord, सुवर्चला Suvarchala, सूर्यं यथा just as to Sungod, नित्यम् ever, तम् him, अनुरक्ता devoted, अस्मि I am.

'Dejected or dethroned from the kingdom, Rama is my lawful husband. I will ever remain devoted to Rama as Suvarchala, wife of the Sungod is to him.
यथा शची महाभागा शक्रं समुपतिष्ठति।

अरुन्धती वसिष्ठं च रोहिणी शशिनं यथा।।5.24.10।।

लोपामुद्रा यथागस्त्यं सुकन्या च्यवनं यथा।

सावित्री सत्यवन्तं च कपिलं श्रीमती यथा।।5.24.11।।

सौदासं मदयन्तीव केशिनी सगरं यथा।

नैषधं दमयन्तीव भैमी पतिमनुव्रता।।5.24.12।।

तथाऽहमिक्ष्वाकुवरं रामं पतिमनुव्रता।

महाभागा noble, शची Sachi, यथा like, शक्रम् Indra, समुपतिष्ठति is steadfadt, अरुन्धती Arundhati, वसिष्ठं च with Vasistha, रोहिणी Rohini, शशिनम् the moon, यथा likewise, लोपामुद्रा Lopamudra, अगस्त्यम् with Agastya, यथा similarly, सुकन्या Sukanya, च्यवनम् Chayavanam, यथा so also, सावित्री Savitri, सत्यवन्तम् with Satyavan, श्रीमती Srimati, कपिलम् with Kapilamuni, यथा so also, सौदासम् Soudasa, मदयन्तीव Madayanti, केशिनी Kesini, सगरं यथा with Sagara likewise, पतिम् as husband, नैषधम् Nala, king of Naishada, अनुव्रता devoted, भैमी Bhima's daughter, दमयन्तीव like Damayanti, तथा in the same way, अहम् I, इक्ष्वाकुवरम् foremost of Ikshvaku family, पतिम् a husband, रामम् Rama, अनुव्रता I am devoted.

'I am steadfast (in love) to my husband Rama, the foremost of the Ikshvaku family in the same manner as noble Sachi to Indra, Arundhati to Vasistha, Rohini to the Moon, Lopamudra to Agastya, Sukanya to sage Chyavana, Savitri to Satyavan, Srimati to Kapilamuni Madayanti to Soudasu, Kesini to king Sagara and Bhima's daughter Damayanti to her lord Nala, (the king of Nishadas)'.
सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षस्यः क्रोधमूर्छिताः।।5.24.13।।

भर्त्सयन्ति स्म परुषैर्वाक्यै रावणचोदिताः।

रावणचोदिताः ordered by Ravana, राक्षस्यः by the ogresses, सीतायाः Sita's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, क्रोधमूर्छिताः overtaken by anger, परुषैः with harsh, वाक्यैः with statements, भर्त्सयन्ति स्म threatened.

Hearing the reply of Sita, the ogresses ordered by Ravana and overtaken by anger again began to threaten Sita using harsh words.
अवलीनः स निर्वाक्यो हनूमान् शिंशुपाद्रुमे।।5.24.14।।

यसीतां सन्तर्जयन्तीस्ता राक्षसीरशृणोत् कपिः।

कपिः monkey, स: he, हनुमान् Hanuman, निर्वाक्यः speechless, शिंशुपाद्रुमे Simsupa tree, अवलीनः kept concealed, सीताम् Sita, सन्तर्जयन्तीः listened threatening, ताः those, राक्षसीः ogresses, अशृणोत् listened.

Hanuman who kept himself concealed on the simsupa tree speechlessly listened to the ogresses threatening Sita.
तामभिक्रम्य सङ्कृद्धा वेपमानां समन्ततः।।5.24.15।।

भृशं संलिलिहुर्दीप्तान् प्रलम्बान् दशनच्छदान्।

वेपमानाम् trembling in fear, ताम् her, समन्ततः from all around, अभिक्रम्य approaching, सङ्कृद्धाः enraged, दीप्तान् glowing, प्रलम्बान् hanging, दशनच्छदान् lips, भृशम् again and again, संलिलिहुः were licking.

Sita was trembling in fear. The enraged ogresses went on licking their lips hanging, again and again.
ऊचुश्च परमक्रुद्धाः प्रगृह्याशु परश्वधान्।।5.24.16।।

नेयमर्हति भर्तारं रावणं राक्षसाधिपम्।

परमक्रुद्धाः very angry women, आशु immediately, परश्वधान् axes, प्रगृह्य taking up, ऊचुश्च spoke, इयम् this, राक्षसाधिपम् to the demon king, रावणम् Ravana, भर्तारम् as husband, नार्हति not fit to be.

The enraged ogresses immediately picked up the axes and rose up saying, 'she is unfit to have the demon king, Ravana as her husband'.
सा भर्त्स्यमाना भीमाभी राक्षसीभिर्वरानना।।5.24.17।।

सबाष्पमप सर्पन्ती शिंशुपां तामुपागमत्।

भीमाभिः राक्षसीभिः by fierce ogresses, भर्त्स्यमाना threatened, सा she, वरानना charming one, सबाष्पम् with tears, अपसर्पन्ती moved away, ताम् that, शिंशुपाम् Simsupa, उपागमत् reached.

As the charming Sita was threatened by the fierce ogresses, she moved towards the simsupa tree with eyes full of tears.
ततस्तां शिंशुपां सीता राक्षसीभिः समावृता।।5.24.18।।

अभिगम्य विशालाक्षी तस्थौ शोकपरिप्लुता।

ततः then, विशालाक्षी largeeyed one, सीता Sita, तां शिंशुपाम् that Simsupa, अभिगम्य having reached, राक्षसीभिः by the ogresses, समावृता surrounded, शोकपरिप्लुता drowned in sorrow, तस्थौ stayed.

Then the largeeyed Sita, drowned in sorrow surrounded by the ogresses went near the simsupa tree and stood there.
तां कृशां दीनवदनां मलिनाम्बरधारिणीम्।।5.24.19।।

भर्त्सयाञ्चक्रिरे सीतां राक्षस्यस्तां समन्ततः।

ताः the, राक्षस्यः ogresses, कृशाम् shrunken, दीनवदनाम् dejected face, मलिनाम्बरधारिणीम् clad in soiled clothes, तां सीताम् that Sita, समन्ततः surrounded, भर्त्सयाञ्चक्रिरे started abusing.

The ogresses started intimidating Sita who was dressed in soiled clothes and emaciated with a dejected look on her face.
ततस्तां विनता नाम राक्षसी भीमदर्शना।।5.24.20।।

अब्रवीत्कुपिताकारा कराला निर्णतोदरी।

ततः then, भीमदर्शना of terrifying looks, कुपिताकारा of loathsome appearance, कराला a dark one, निर्णतोदरी with a large sunken belly, विनतानाम called Vinata, राक्षसी ogress, ताम् her, अब्रवीत् said.

Then a dark ogress called Vinata with a terryfying look, loathsome appearance and a large sunken belly said to Sita:
सीते पर्याप्तमेतावद्भर्तुः स्नेहो निदर्शितः।।5.24.21।।

सर्वात्रातिकृतं भद्रे व्यसनायोपकल्पते

सीते O Sita, भर्तुः your husband, स्नेहः love, निदर्शितः is shown, एतावत् to this extent, पर्याप्तम् it is enough, भद्रे auspicious lady, सर्वत्र everywhere, अतिकृतम् excess, व्यसनाय to adversity, उपकल्पते leads.

'O Sita you have shown your love for your husband to this extent. It is enough. O auspicious lady anything carried to excess leads to adversity.
परितुष्टास्मि भद्रं ते मानुषस्ते कृतो विधिः।।5.24.22।।

ममापि तु वचः पथ्यं ब्रुवन्त्याः कुरु मैथिलि।

मैथिलि O Mythili, परितुष्टा beseech, अस्मि I am, ते your, मानुषः human, विधिः duty, कृतः is done, ते to you, भद्रम् be happy, ब्रुवन्त्याः मम my, पथ्यम् wishingwell, वच:words, अपि also, कुरु follow.

"O Mythili I beseech you (to oblige Ravana). You have discharged your duty as a human being. Be happy. But you should also heed my advice which is, after all, salutary.
रावणं भज भर्तारं भर्तारं सर्वरक्षसाम्।।5.24.23।।

विक्रान्तं रूपवन्तं च सुरेशमिव वासवम्।

दक्षिणं त्यागशीलं च सर्वस्य प्रियदर्शनम्।।5.24.24।।

सर्वरक्षसाम् of all ogres, भर्तारम् lord विक्रान्तम् courageous, रूपवन्तं च handsome too, सुरेशम् the lord of gods, वासवमिव like Indra, दक्षिणम् a generous one, त्यागशीलं च sacrificing, सर्वस्य of all, प्रियदर्शनम् pleasing in appearance, रावणम् Ravana, भर्तारम् as husband, भज accept.

'Accept as your husband the demon king Ravana, courageous and handsome like Indra, king of the gods generous, sacrificing and pleasing.
मानुषं कृपणं रामं त्यक्त्वा, रावणमाश्रय।

दिव्याङ्गरागा वैदेहि दिव्याभरणभूषिता।।5.24.25।।

अद्यप्रभृति सर्वेषां लोकानामीश्वरी भव।

मानुषम् a human, कृपणम् helpless, रामम् Rama, त्यक्त्वा leave, रावणम् Ravana, आश्रय seek refuge, वैदेहि Vaidehi, दिव्याङ्गरागा have heavenly unguents, दिव्याभरणभूषिता wearing imposing ornaments, अद्यप्रभृति from today, सर्वेषाम् for all, लोकानाम् people, ईश्वरी queen,भव you become

'Leave the helpless human Rama and seek Ravana's refuge. O Vaidehi, using the heavenly unguents and adorned with imposing ornaments from now on, be the queen of all people.
अग्नेः स्वाहा यथा देवी शची वेन्द्रस्य शोभने।।5.24.26।।

किं ते रामेण वैदेहि कृपणेन गतायुषा।

शोभने O beautiful one, अग्नेः for fire, देवी queen, स्वाहा यथा like Swaha, इन्द्रस्य Indra's, शचीव like Sachi, वैदेहि Vaidehi, कृपणेन a pitiable, गतायुषा whose life span is to end soon, रामेण with Rama, किम् what is the use?

O beautiful Sita Just like Swaha, queen to the Firegod and Sachi to Indra, accept Ravana. Why are you still thinking of Rama who is helpless and whose life span is coming to an end soon.
एतदुक्तं च मे वाक्यं यदि त्वं न करिष्यसि।।5.24.27।।

अस्मिन्मुहूर्ते सर्वास्त्वां भक्षयिष्यामहे वयम्।

उक्तम् spoken, मे my, एतत् this, वाक्यम् word, त्वम् you, न करिष्यसि you do not accept, यदि if, वयम् we, सर्वाः all of us, अस्मिन् at this, मुहूर्ते moment, त्वाम् you, भक्षयिष्यामहे we will eat you.

'If you do not heed our words of advice, all of us will eat you at this very moment.'
अन्या तु विकटा नाम लम्बमानपयोधरा।।5.24.28।।

अब्रवीत्कुपिता सीतां मुष्टिमुद्यम्य गर्जती।

लम्बमानपयोधरा lady with hanging breasts, विकटानाम called Vikata, अन्या तु another woman also, मुष्टिम् fist, उद्यम्य raised, कुपिता angry one, गर्जती roaring, सीताम् at Sita, अब्रवीत् she said.

Now Vikata another ogress with hanging breasts raised her fist up in anger and roared at Sita.
बहून्यप्रियरूपाणि वचनानि सुदुर्मते।।5.24.29।।

अनुक्रोशान्मृदुत्वाच्च सोढानि तव मैथिलि।

सुदुर्मते O wicked, मैथिलि Mythili, अप्रियरूपाणि of unpleasant, बहूनि many, तव your वचनानि words, अनुक्रोशात् out of kindness, मृदुत्वाच्च of and due to mildness, सोढानि are put up with.

O wicked Mythili! we have tolerated many unpleasant words uttered by you due to our kindness and mildness..
न च नः कुरुषे वाक्यं हितं कालपुरस्कृतम्।।5.24.30।।

आनीतासि समुद्रस्य पारमन्यैर्दुरासदम्।

रावणान्तःपुरं घोरं प्रविष्टा चासि मैथिलि।।5.24.31।।

मैथिलि Mythili, कालपुरस्कृतम् timely, हितम् wishing you well, नः our, वाक्यम् word, न कुरुषे च you do not accept, अन्यैः by others, दुरासदम् not approachable, समुद्रस्य ocean's, पारम् to the shore, आनीता brought, असि you are, घोरम् dreadful, रावणान्तःपुरम् Ravana's inner chambers, प्रविष्टा entered, असि you are.

'O Mythili you have heeded not our good and timely advice tendered in your interest. You have been brought to the other shore of the ocean and to the inner chambers of Ravana which is very difficult for others to access.
रावणस्य गृहे रुद्धामस्माभिस्तु सुरक्षिताम्।

न त्वां शक्तः परित्रातुमपि साक्षात्पुरन्दरः।।5.24.32।।

रावणस्य Ravana's, गृहे in home, रुद्धाम् arrested, अस्माभिः by us, सुरक्षिताम् very well guarded, त्वाम् you, परित्रातुम् to rescue, साक्षात् even if, पुरन्दरः अपि even the destroyer of citadels, (Indra) also, न शक्तः not able.

'You are in Ravana's house, wellguarded by us. It is not possible even for Indra, destroyer of citadels, to come to your rescue (let alone Rama).
कुरुष्व हितवादिन्या वचनं मम मैथिलि।

अलमश्रुप्रपातेन त्यज शोकमनर्थकम्।।5.24.33।।

मैथिलि Mythili, हितवादिन्याः of a wellwisher, मम my, वचनम् word, कुरुष्व you may heed, अश्रुप्रपातेन by shedding tears, अलम् enough, अनर्थकम् useless, शोकम् sorrow, त्यज give up.

'Mythili, act according to our advice. I am your wellwisher. Give up sorrow and stop shedding useless tears.
भज प्रीतिं च हर्षं च त्यजैतां नित्यदैन्यताम्।

सीते राक्षसराजेन सह क्रीड यथासुखम्।।5.24.34।।

सीते O Sita, प्रीतिं च and love, हर्षं च happiness, भज adopt, एताम् this, नित्यदैन्यताम् being dejected always, त्यज give up, राक्षसराजेन सह along with the demon king, यथासुखम् as you please, क्रीड you enjoy.

'O Sita offer your love to Ravana, adore him and be happy. Give up this continuous dejection. Enjoy all pleasures along with the king of demons.
जानासि हि यथा भीरु स्त्रीणां यौवनमध्रुवम्।

यावन्न ते व्यतिक्रामेत्तावत्सुखमवाप्नुहि।।5.24.35।।

भीरु O timid lady, स्त्रीणाम् for women, यौवनम् youth, यथा since, अध्रुवम् not stable, जानासि हि you know, ते you, यावत् until, न व्यतिक्रामेत् before it is over, तावत् सुखम् till then all pleasures, अवाप्नुहि enjoy.

'O timid Sita know that youth of women is fleeting and transient. Before it is over, enjoy all kinds of pleasures.
उद्यानानि च रम्याणि पर्वतोपवनानि च।

सह राक्षसराजेन चर त्वं मदिरेक्षणे।।5.24.36।।

मदिरेक्षणे O lady of intoxicating eyes, त्वम् you, राक्षसराजेन with the demon king, रम्याणि delightful, उद्यानानि gardens, पर्वतोपवनानि and gardens surrounding mountain ranges, चर range

'O lady of intoxicating eyes range in the company of the demon king, the delightful gardens and mountain ranges filled with gardens.
स्त्री सहस्राणि ते सप्त वशे स्थास्यन्ति सुन्दरि।

रावणं भज भर्तारं भर्तारं सर्वरक्षसाम्।।5.24.37।।

सुन्दरि O beautiful one, सप्त seven, स्त्री सहस्राणि a thousand women, ते your, वशे under your control, स्थास्यन्ति will remain, सर्वरक्षसाम् for all the ogres, भर्तारम् lord, रावणम् Ravana, भर्तारम् as your husband, भज accept.

'O beautiful Sita seven thousand ogresses will be at your beck and call. (Therefore) accept Ravana, the lord of all ogres as your husband.
उत्पाट्य वा ते हृदयं भक्षयिष्यामि मैथिलि।

यदि मे व्याहृतं वाक्यं न यथावत्करिष्यसि।।5.24.38।।

मैथिलि Mythili, व्याहृतम् spoken, मे me, वाक्यम् word, यथावत् faithfully, न करिष्यसि if you do not obey यदि if, ते हृदयम् your heart, उत्पाट्य वा pluck out, भक्षयिष्यामि eat up.

'O Mythili if you heed not my words of advice, I will pluck out your heart and eat it up'.
ततश्चण्डोदरी नाम राक्षसी क्रोधमूर्छिता।

भ्रामयन्ती महच्छूलमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।5.24.39।।

ततः then, चण्डोदरी नाम called Chandodari, राक्षसी ogress, क्रोधमूर्छिता overcome with anger, महत् huge, शूलम् trident, भ्रामयन्ती while rotating, इदम् this, वचनम् word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Next spoke a fiercelooking ogress called Chandodari, overcome with anger taking up a huge trident and rotating.
इमां हरिणलोलाक्षीं त्रासोत्कम्पिपयोधराम्।

रावणेन हृतां दृष्टवा दौहृदो मे महानभूत्।।5.24.40।।

हरिणलोलाक्षीम् eyes flashing like doe's, त्रासोत्कम्पिपयोधराम् her breasts heaving in stress,
रावणेन by Ravana, हृताम् abducted, इमाम् this lady, दृष्ट्वा seeing you, मे my, महान् great, दौहृदः desire in my heart, अभूत् developed.

'I have developed a morbid desire to feast upon this woman with eyes flashing like doe's, whose breasts heave with stress and fear after she was abducted by Ravana.
यकृत्प्लीहमथोत्पीडं हृदयं च सबन्धनम्।

आन्त्राण्यपि तथा शीर्षं खादेयमिति मे मतिः।।5.24.41।।

यकृत् liver, प्लीहम् spleen, उत्पीडम् pressing out, सबन्धनम् including all joints, हृदयं च heart also, अन्त्राण्यपि च intestines, तथा similarly, शीर्षम् head, खादेयम् इति I may eat up, मे my, मतिः thought.

'I thought of feasting on your spleen, liver, heart, all the joints, head and intestines.'
ततस्तु प्रघसा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

कण्ठमस्या नृशंसायाः पीडयाम किमास्यते।।5.24.42।।

ततः then, प्रघसा नाम called Praghasa, राक्षसी ogress,, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, अस्याः her, नृशंसायाः of the heartless lady, कण्ठम् throat, पीडयाम we will twist, किम् why, आस्यते are you sitting idle.

Next spoke an ogress called Praghasa, saying 'Why not we twist and squeeze the neck of this heartless lady. Why are you sitting idle still? Come on.'
निवेद्यतां ततो राज्ञे मानुषी सा मृतेति ह।

नात्र कश्चन संदेहः खादतेति स वक्ष्यति।।5.24.43।।

सा she, मानुषी that human being, मृतेति is dead, ततः then, राज्ञे to the king, निवेद्यताम् let it be announced, खादत you may eat her, इति thus, सः he, वक्ष्यति he will say, अत्र here, कश्चन even a little, सन्देहः doubt, न not.

'Thereafter we will announce that such a human being is dead. Then Ravana will simply say 'eat her up'. There is no doubt .'
ततस्त्वजामुखी नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

विशस्येमां ततः सर्वाः समान् कुरुत पिण्डकान्।।5.24.44।।

ततः then, अजामुखी नाम called Ajamukhi, राक्षसी ogress, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, सर्वाः all, इमाम् this Sita's, विशस्य cut her body, ततः then, समान् equal पिण्डकान् lumps, कुरुत do.

Then an ogress called Ajamukhi said, 'Let her body be cut into lumps of equal pieces.
विभजाम ततः सर्वा विवादो मे न रोचते।

पेयमानीयतां क्षिप्रं लेह्यमुच्चावचं बहु।।5.24.45।।

ततः thereafter, सर्वाः all, विभजाम we will share, मे to me, विवादः dispute, न रोचते it is disliked, क्षिप्रम् swiftly, पेयम् drink, उच्चावचम् of all types, बहु many, लेह्यम् licking food, आनीयताम् may be brought.

'We shall share them. I do not like disputes in this regard. Go swiftly and get drinks and food to lick. Let the accompanying dishes of all variety and quality be brought.'
ततः शूर्पणखा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

अजामुख्या यदुक्तं हि तदेव मम रोचते।।5.24.46।।

ततः then, शूर्पणखा नाम called Soorpanakha, राक्षसी rakshasi, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, अजामुख्या Ajamukhi, यत् what ever, उक्तम् was said, तदेव that alone, मम to me, रोचते is acceptable.

Then an ogress called Surpanakha said, 'I too like the proposal of Ajamukhi.'
सुरा चानीयतां क्षिप्रं सर्वशोकविनाशिनी।

मानुषं मांसमास्वाद्य नृत्यामोऽथ निकुम्भिलाम्।।5.24.47।।

क्षिप्रम् quickly, सर्वशोकविनाशिनी destroyer of all sorrows, सुरा च wine also, आनीयताम् may be brought, मानुषम् humans, मांसम् flesh, आस्वाद्य after relishing, अथ then, निकुम्भिलाम् Nikumbhila, नृत्यामः we will dance.

'Get the wine quickly, destroyer of all sorrows. After relishing the human flesh we will start Nikumbhila dance.'
एवं संभर्त्स्यमाना सा सीता सुरसुतोपमा।

राक्षसीभिः सुघोराभिर्दैर्यमुत्सृज्य रोदिति।।5.24.48।।

सुघोराभिः by the highly dreadful ones, राक्षसीभिः by ogresses, एवम् in that manner, संभर्त्स्यमाना being threatened, सुरसुतोपमा like the daughter of a god, सा सीता that Sita, धैर्यम् courage, उत्सृज्य after giving up, रोदिति she cried aloud.

Threatened by the ogresses in that manner, Sita who was like the daughter of a god, cried aloud.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे चतुर्विंशस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the twentyfourth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.