Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman kills the seven sons of Ravana's chief minister]

ततस्ते राक्षसेन्द्रेण चोदिता मन्त्रिणस्सुताः।


महाबलपरीवारा धनुष्मन्तो महाबलाः।

कृतास्त्रास्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठाः परस्परजयैषिणः।।5.45.2।।

हेमजालपरिक्षिप्तैर्ध्वजवद्भिः पताकिभिः।


तप्तकाञ्चनचित्राणि चापान्यमितविक्रमाः।

विस्फारयन्तस्संहृष्टास्तटित्वन्त इवाम्बुदाः।।5.45.4।।

ततः then, सप्तार्चिवर्चसः energetic like fire, महाबलपरीवाराः endowed with great army, धनुष्मन्तः experts in archery, महाबलाः mighty, कृतास्त्राः अस्त्रविदाम् distinguished wielders of weapons, श्रेष्ठाः foremost, परस्परजयैषिणः wished to conquer each other, अमितविक्रमाः very valiant, सप्त seven, ते they, मन्त्रिणः ministers, सुताः sons, राक्षसेन्द्रेण by the lord of ogres, चोदिताः directed, संहृष्टाः gladly, तप्तकाञ्चनचित्राणि decked with shining gold, चापानि bows, विष्फारयन्तः by sporting, तटित्वन्तः shining with lightning, अम्बुदाः इव like storm clouds, हेमजलपरिक्षिप्तैः decked with golden mesh, ध्वजवद्भिः bearing staffs, पताकिभिः with flags,तोयदस्वननिर्घोषैः making sounds like stormy clouds, वाजियुक्तै: yoked to horses,महारथैः with great chariots, तस्मात् from that, भवनात् from the palace, निर्ययुः departed.

Commanded by Ravana, the seven sons of minister blazing like fire followed by large army of experts in archery, possessing great valour, armed with weapons, being distinguished wielders of weapons, skilled in the use of weapons, who were equally capable of conquering each other sallied forth gladly to fight with Hanuman. They drove chariots yoked with horses which were decked with golden mesh, holding totem staffs (a figure engraved to identify a hero) and flags, neighing like clouds. The valiant
heroes were sporting and making sounds like stormy clouds wielding wonderful bows glittering like molten gold, shining like lightning. As they marched from the palace they looked like stormy clouds accompanied by lightning.
जनन्यस्तु ततस्तेषां विदित्वा किङ्करान्हतान्।


ततः then, तेषाम् their, सबान्धवसुहृज्जनाः with friends and relatives, जनन्यस्तु mothers, किंकरान् kinkaras, हतान् killed, विदित्वा having known, कसम्भ्रान्ताः were agitated with grief, बभूवुः became.

Their mothers and relatives and their friends were struck with grief when they learnt about the kinkaras killed.
ते परस्परसङ्घर्षात्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाः।

अभिपेतुर्हनूमन्तं तोरणस्थमवस्थितम्।।5.45.6।।

तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाः barnished ornaments of gold, ते they, परस्परसङ्घर्षात् by dashing against each other, तोरणस्थम् at the main archway, अवस्थितम् stood, हनूमन्तम् Hanuman, अभिपेतुः attacked.

The barnished golden ornaments worn by them were shining as they brushed shoulders with one another (eager to fight first) to attack Hanuman who stood waiting at the main archway.
सृजन्तो बाणवृष्टिं ते रथगर्जितनिस्स्वनाः।

वृष्टिमन्त इवांभोदा विचेरुर्नैऋताम्बुदाः।।5.45.7।।

रथगर्जितनिस्वनाः the rattling of the chariots mixed with the roaring of the warriors, ते they, नैऋताम्बुदाः the clouds of demons, बाणवृष्टिम् torrent of arrows, सृजन्तः sent forth, वृष्टिमन्तः thundering, अम्भोदाः इव like the storm clouds, विचेरुः went about.

They went roaring with their chariots rattling, sending forth torrents of arrows like the stormy clouds thundering.

अभवत्संवृताकारश्शैलराडिव वृष्टिभिः।।5.45.8।।

ततः then, ताभिः by them, शरवृष्टिभिः by the shower of arrows, अवकीर्णः scattered all over, हनुमान् Hanuman, वृष्टिभिः with shower of rain, संवृताकारः covered, शैलराडिव like the king of mountains, अभवत् appeared.

Later, Hanuman covered with showers of arrows scattered all over appeared like the king of mountains shot with showers of rain.
स शरान्मोघयामास तेषामाशुचरः कपिः।

रथवेगं च वीराणां विचरन्विमलेऽम्बरे।।5.45.9।।

आशुचरः moving fast, सः कपिः that monkey, विमले in the clear, अम्बरे sky, विचरन् moving, तेषां वीराणाम् of the heroes, शरान् by the arrows, रथवेगं च and the speed of their chariot, मोघयामास rendered futile.

Then the monkey moving fast in the clear sky rendered the arrows of the giant heroes and speeding chariots futile.
स तैः क्रीडन्धनुष्मद्भिर्व्योम्नि वीरः प्रकाशते।

धनुष्मद्भिर्यथा मेघैर्मारुतः प्रभुरम्बरे।।5.45.10।।

व्योम्नि in the sky, धनुष्मद्भिः with those bows in their hands, तैः by them, क्रीडन् while sporting, सः वीरः that hero, अम्बरे in the sky, धनुष्मद्भिः armed with rainbow, मेघैः by the clouds, प्रभुः god, मारुतः यथा like the wind, प्रकाशते shining.

Sporting in the sky with the giants who held bows in their hands, Hanuman shone like the powerful Windgod sporting in the sky surrrounded by rambling dark clouds.
स कृत्वा निनदं घोरं त्रासयंस्तां महाचमूम्।

चकार हनुमान्वेगं तेषु रक्षस्सु वीर्यवान्।।5.45.11।।

वीर्यवान् valiant one, सः he, घोरम् terrific, निनदम् sound, कृत्वा making, ताम् that, महाचमूम् great army, त्रासयन् frightening, तेषु रक्षस्सु those ogres, वेगम् speed, चकार created.

Valiant Hanuman making terrific sound and frightening the army of ogres marched swiftly.
तलेनाभ्यहनत्कांश्चित्पादैः कांश्चित्परन्तपः।

मुष्टिनाभ्यहनत्कांश्चिन्नखैः कांश्चिद्व्यदारयत्।।5.45.12।।

परन्तपः scorcher of enemies, कांश्चित् some, तलेन with palm, अभ्यहनत् hit, कांश्चित् some, पादैः with feet, कांश्चित् some, मुष्टिना with fist, अभ्यहनत् struck, कांश्चित् some, नखैः with nails, व्यदारयत् pierced .

The scorcher of enemies, Hanuman hit some ogres with his palm, some with his feet and some with his fist and pierced some with his nails.
प्रममाथोरसा कांश्चिदूरुभ्यामपरान्कपिः।

केचित्तस्य निनादेन तत्रैव पतिता भुवि।।5.45.13।।

कपिः monkey, कांश्चित् some, उरसा with his chest, अपरान् and others, ऊरुभ्याम् with his thighs, प्रममाथ strangled, केचित् a few, तस्य his, निनादेन by the roar, तत्रैव there itself, भुवि on the ground, पतिताः fell down.

The monkey strangled some with his chest and some between his thighs. A few fell down dead on the ground hearing his roaring noise.
ततस्तेष्ववसन्नेषु भूमौ निपतितेषु च।

तत्सैन्यमगमत्सर्वं दिशोदश भयार्दितम्।।5.45.14।।

तेषु when they (sons of minister), अवसन्नेषु were annexed, भूमौ on the ground, निपतितेषु च when fallen dead on the ground, ततः then, सर्वम् all, तत् that, सैन्यम् army, भयार्दितम् struck with fear, दश दिशः in all ten directions, अगमत् fled.

Struck by fear on seeing Hanuman, the seven sons of ministers dropped down dead on the ground, and their army fled in all the ten directions.
विनेदुर्विस्वरं नागा निपेतुर्भुवि वाजिनः।

भग्ननीडध्वजच्छत्रैर्भूश्च कीर्णाऽभवद्रथैः।।5.45.15।।

नागाः elephants, विस्वरम् discordantly, विनेदुः trumpeted in fear, वाजिनः horses, भुवि on ground, निपेतुः fell down, भूश्च the earth also, भग्ननीडध्वजच्छत्रैः with broken seats, parasols, flag staffs, रथैः by chariots, कीर्णा अभवत् strewn all over.

The elephants trumpeted discordantly out of fear, the horses fell down on the ground and even the chariots with seats, parasols and flag staffs broken were strewn all over the ground.
स्रवता रुधिरेणाथ स्रवन्त्यो दर्शिताः पथि।

विविधैश्च स्वरैर्लङ्का ननाद विकृतं तदा।।5.45.16।।

अथ then, स्रवता flowing, रुधिरेण by blood, पथि way, स्रवन्त्यः flowed, दर्शिताः seen, तदा then, लङ्का Lanka, विविधैः with many, स्वरैः with sounds, विकृतम् horrifying cries, ननाद roared.

Streams of blood flowed and Lanka was filled with many kinds of horrifying sounds of cries.
स तान्प्रवृद्धान्विनिहत्य राक्षसान् महाबलश्चण्डपराक्रमः कपिः।

युयुत्सुरन्यैः पुनरेव राक्षसै स्तमेव वीरोऽभिजगाम तोरणम्।।5.45.17।।

वीरः hero, महाबलः mighty one, चण्डपराक्रमः whose valiance was fierce, सः कपिः that Hanuman, प्रवृद्धान् the ogres who were old and grew stronger, तान् राक्षसान् those gaints, विनिहृत्य slayed, अन्यैः others, राक्षसैः by ogres, युयुत्सुः desiring to wage war, पुनरेव once again, तम् that, तोरणमेव archway, अभिजगाम went forth.

Having killed the ogres who were old and strong, the valiant and mighty Hanuman, wishing to slay the other ogres advanced towards the archway.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे पञ्चचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyfifth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.